Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 92 Yue Buqun’s confession

Chapter 92 Yue Buqun’s confession

Feng Buping knew that he was in the wrong and had no way to argue. He just stared at Yue Buqun with hatred, wishing he could rip off his skin and eat his flesh raw.

Yue Buqun asked: "You said you should compete with swords, and now you have competed with each other. Does Brother Feng still have any objection to the result?"

Feng Buping gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Yue Buqun said: "In this case, if you are willing to admit defeat, please ask Brother Feng to keep his promise and leave Huashan. The grudges between the Sword Sect and the Qi Sect will be wiped out from now on. How about that?"

"Succeed as a king or lose as a bandit. Feng and the Jian Sect disciples will never set foot in Huashan Mountain again in their lifetime. Junior Brother, I will still call you Junior Brother, please take care of yourself." Feng Buping looked at Yan Bugui as he spoke and saw him His expression was as usual, showing no intention of speaking. He finally gritted his teeth, supported Cong Buqi, and led the Sword Sect disciples to turn around and leave.

"I'm sorry to see you off so far." Yan Bugui nodded.

Everyone has a close relationship, and he really wasn't familiar with Feng Buping. If it weren't for Feng Qingyang's sake, Cong Buqi wouldn't have simply abandoned his right arm just now.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Yue, congratulations to Junior Brother Yan." Tang Ying'e said with a smile on her face: "Nephew Linghu and niece Lingshan are extremely talented. Their swordsmanship is so superb that they are two true successors. There are successors to Huashan's martial arts."

"Brother Tang, thank you very much." Yue Buqun said a few polite words to him, and then the people from the Songshan Sect and the Taishan Sect took their leave and went down the mountain.

At the mountain gate.

Watching them leave, Yan Bugui sighed with regret: "The people from the Songshan Sect were too polite this time, and I'm not used to it."

Yue Buqun smiled slightly: "Zuo Lengchan is very cunning. Three of the Thirteen Taibao have already died. After learning about your strength from the Liu Mansion, how can he dare to act rashly again?"

The dust has settled.

Yan Bugui asked Linghu Chong to lead the disciples to clean up the corpses at the door.

Back outside Zhengqi Hall, Yan Bugui suddenly remembered that the Six Immortals of Peach Valley were still there.

Arriving in front of the six people, Yan Bugui shook his fingers and asked, "Are you convinced? If so, just blink."

The Six Immortals of Peach Valley blinked wildly.

"Go away, don't come to Huashan again if you have nothing to do." Yan Bugui waved his hand to relieve their acupuncture points, and the six of them suddenly collapsed on the ground like mud.

They had been working on acupuncture points before, wasting a lot of energy, and it took them a long time to recover, and then they left Huashan in a hurry.

Yan Bugui shook his head and laughed.

You'd think these six guys were okay, but they were fooled around by Ji Wu Shi's simple provoking method.

But if there is a problem, they have developed powerful martial arts and deep internal skills, so they can do whatever they want.

The days became calm again.

The Ping An Escort, Luo Hua Liu Shui, and Ling Jian Shuangxia and their entourage also went down the mountain one after another after lingering in Huashan for several days.

Wang Zhenwei was left behind in Huashan by his parents and became Yan Bugui's third apprentice.

Yue Lingshan was very happy about this. In her words, "There is finally a disciple younger than her on Mount Hua."

Three months after he started, Yan Bugui began to teach Wang Zhenwei the Yijinsu and Bone Forging Seal.

During this period, he thought that the Songshan Sect would make some more moves, but he waited and saw not even a shadow.

However, what happened on Mount Huashan that day was spread widely in the world by the Six Immortals of Peach Valley.

Yan Bugui's reputation has not been affected. He is still the heroic Yan who serves the country and the people.

On the contrary, it was the Songshan Sect. The three people from Zhong Zhen died due to internal strife over the robbery of the evil-repelling sword manual. This reminded people of the Songshan Sect's ruthless and domineering behavior in the Liu Mansion, and they criticized their actions.

I heard that during this time of the Songshan Sect, I don’t know why the tea bowls were consumed so quickly.

The origins of the Huashan Sect and the competition between the Sword and Qi Sects have become topics of conversation among martial arts people after dinner.

this day.

Yan Bugui left his young apprentice to Linghu Chong and the others and came to Youbuweixuan.

"Senior brother, I plan to find a fight with Dongfang Sheng."

Yue Buqun was practicing calligraphy. When he heard this, his pen trembled, causing the last stroke of "qi" to fail to be written properly. He raised his head and looked at Yan Bugui with a surprised face: "So sudden?"

"It's almost done." Yan Bugui sat down opposite him with a golden sword: "We now need money, strength, and reputation. We are only one away from Guangda Huashan with the title of leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. .

If you want to sit in this position, you have to have some achievements to convince the public. Didn't Zuo Lengchan have the chance to rise to the top just because he defeated Ren Woxing back then. "       "That makes sense. Yue Buqun put down his brush and said with emotion: "When you defeat Dongfang Sheng and become the leader of the Five Mountains Alliance, you will be the well-deserved number one in the world." "

"I'm not interested in the alliance leader. Those monkey kids are enough for me to worry about. If I were to be in charge of the entire Five Mountains Sword Sect, it would be a headache just to think about it." Yan Bugui suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned forward and asked, "Wait a minute , you’re not testing me, are you?”

Yue Buqun was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly: "You are too worried."

"I thought you really believed Feng Buping's words to sow discord." Yan Bugui said with a serious face: "We are a family, if you have anything to say, just say it and don't hold it in your heart.

You have to know that many problems are caused by lack of timely communication. "

"That's not the case... you are right." Yue Buqun looked at his sincere eyes, suddenly sighed, and said quietly: "There is one thing that I really care about, no matter how hard I try, My martial arts skills can never keep up with yours."

"..." Yan Bugui was speechless. I can't tell you that I cheated.

Yue Buqun smiled bitterly and said: "Whenever you do something big, I am really happy for you, but I am also a little jealous. Why wasn't I the one who shocked the Japanese pirates along the coast? Why wasn't I the one who killed the Tatar Khan? ?

The so-called Gentleman's Sword is not worth mentioning in front of Taiyue Rongxiu. If you listen to these four words, everyone will know that you are the best person in the Huashan Sect. "

"You know I never care about fame and fortune."

"But I care. Obviously I am the leader of the Huashan Sect, but now almost all the honors in Huashan are earned by you. My leader is just a decoration."

"My talents are destined to be useful, and I just try my best to do what I should do. There are things that happen to happen that I can't help."

"I also understand this truth, and I thank you for everything you have done for Huashan.

I often wonder what the Huashan Sect would be like without you, my junior brother.

Without this overwhelming wealth, without the secret sword skills, without the various magical skills you have recovered...

The results were the same every time, and it was difficult.

In terms of qualifications, I am far inferior to you. Even at that time, I was not outstanding among many of my classmates. If it hadn't been for the great war between the two sects that year, in which all the airbender brothers were killed and injured, it might not have been my turn to be the head of Huashan.

So in the past few years, I have gradually gotten used to it. If I can't catch up with you in martial arts, then I won't catch up. It's a blessing to have what I have now, why should I bother myself anymore. "

Seeing his calm expression, Yan Bugui breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, otherwise I'll have another headache."

"Haha~" Yue Buqun said with a smile: "Don't say it, it's really more comfortable to say what's on your mind, but don't tell your senior sister this, otherwise I'm afraid my brother's ears will not be clean. .”

"Ha!" Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "Then it depends on the performance of your head, Yue Da."

"Let's get down to business, how confident are you that you can defeat Dongfang Sheng?"

"It's hard to say. Who knows how much he has improved? But even if I can't defeat him, I will definitely not die. If you want to break my magical body protection skills, you must either have a magical weapon or your skills must be at least twice as strong as mine. .”

Yue Buqun nodded: "Then I'll be relieved."

Yan Bugui muttered: "There is no need to hide this matter. We have to spread it as soon as possible. Just say that I will go to Heimuya and fight Dongfang Sheng to the death in a while."

"Why is this? To create momentum? It would be ugly if we lose." Yue Buqun couldn't help but be surprised.

Yan Bugui waved his hand nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm still young. If I lose, I lose."

After discussing with Yue Buqun, he went down to Mount Huashan the next day. The news that he was going to fight Dongfang Sheng quickly spread throughout the martial arts world as if he had wings.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Blackwood Cliff.

No one expected that during this gap, Yan Bugui would quietly come to Hangzhou West Lake.

After arriving in Hangzhou City, Yan Bugui found someone to find out the location of Meizhuang.

It is an extremely secret place, separated from the West Lake by a long embankment, and very quiet.

Yan Bugui climbed up the steps along the path on the mountainside, turned a few corners, and came to a plum forest with old and slanting branches and dense leaves.

Passing through the plum forest, the front suddenly opened up, and a large manor with red doors and white walls appeared in Yan Bugui's sight. Outside the door were written two elegant and heroic characters, "Meizhuang".

He came to see Ren Woxing.

This person is ambitious and talented, unlike Dongfang Sheng who has lost all his ambition after practicing the Sunflower Book.

If he doesn't kill Ren Woxing first, then after Yan Bugui kills Dongfang Sheng, a huge Sun and Moon God Sect will be free, and it will be in vain to make him a wedding dress.

(End of this chapter)

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