Chapter 93 West Lake Prison

The sun is shining in the sky.


Yan Bugui knocked on the door of Meizhuang.

After a moment, the door slowly opened, and two tall old men wearing servants' clothes walked out side by side.

The eyes of these two people were shining brightly, their temples were bulging high, their breathing was even and long, and their steps were steady. It was obvious at a glance that they were accomplished masters of internal skills.

The old man on the left bowed and asked, "Young master, come to our village, what do you want to do?"

Yan Bugui cupped his hands and said, "Are you two the one-word electric sword Ding Jian and the five-way god Shi Lingwei? I, Huashan Yan Bugui, have taken the liberty to come to the door. It's polite."

When the two of them saw Yan Bugui calling them by their given names, their faces suddenly looked unhappy. However, when they heard that he announced his name, their expressions immediately changed, and they were both surprised and impressed.

"But Hero Taiyue Rong Xiuyan? I have admired your name for a long time." The two of them bowed repeatedly.

Ding Jian, who was on the left, asked, "I wonder why Master Yan came to Meizhuang?"

"It's a small matter." Yan Bugui smiled and said bluntly: "I can find the former director of the Demon Sect."

Shi Lingwei said expressionlessly: "Sorry, Master Yan, there is nothing I can do in Meizhuang."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go talk to the four village owners." Yan Bugui couldn't tell whether they really didn't know or whether they were pretending not to know. After all, it was such a big secret and they were just two servants.

Ding Jian said apologetically: "Unfortunately, the four village owners went out to visit friends and are not in the village at the moment."

"Really? I don't believe it." Yan Bugui suddenly took action and touched their Jianjing point.

The two of them were unable to move. Only their pupils shrank sharply in shock. The man struck so fast that they didn't even see his shadow!

After closing the door, Yan Bugui walked straight into the village.

Plum Village occupies a very large area, with a quiet and elegant environment. The bluestone pavement is at your feet, and you can see plum trees everywhere.

"It's a good place to live in seclusion." Yan Bugui thought that it would be a good choice to retire here.

But that was still too far away. The most urgent task now was to find the right direction. He was lost while walking around the village.

Yan Bugui took a deep breath and shouted: "Huashan Yan Bugui pays homage to the village, please show your four friends from the south of the Yangtze River to see me."

After saying that, he stopped moving, and a moment later he saw four people rushing towards him.

The leader was sixty or seventy years old. He looked as skinny as a stick, with the flesh on his face sunken in. He looked like a skeleton wrapped in human skin. He was holding a Yao Qin in his hand. He was Huang Zhonggong, the boss of the Four Friends of Jiangnan.

There are three people behind, one of them has a handsome face and a pale face that looks like a zombie, holding a chessboard. A short and fat man, holding a one-foot-six-inch fine steel judge pen. He has a rosy nose, a long beard that reaches his abdomen, and a long sword hanging from his waist.

They are Baizi Zi, the owner of the second village, Bald Biweng, the owner of the third village, and Dan Qingsheng, the owner of the fourth village.

Huang Zhonggong asked in an old voice: "I have heard about the great hero Yan for a long time, but I wonder why I came here to my humble residence today?"

"I'll kill you as I please." Yan Bugui still said bluntly.

"What!" The four people suddenly changed their expressions.

They were assigned to guard Ren Woxing here, which was a top-secret mission. For more than ten years, few members of the Sun Moon God Sect had even known about it. How could they expect that today, an upright man would expose it.

"Don't say you don't know." Yan Bugui said, "Ren Woxing is in the dungeon under the bed in the master bedroom of the Dazhuang. Yan knows it very well."

The four of them were shocked again.

Huang Zhonggong said with a solemn expression: "Master Yan is indeed very powerful, but the responsibilities of the four of my brothers cannot be ignored. If the hero insists on doing this, then he will step over our corpses."

"Brother, why should you exaggerate other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige? The martial arts of Master Yan are unparalleled, but the four of us are not vegetarians..." Before Hei Bai finished his words, he suddenly felt a vague afterimage spinning around him. lock up.

Surprised, he tried to speak again, but found that he could not speak and his body could not move.

The same goes for the other three.

"No more company, four of you." Yan Bugui clapped his hands, and under the unbelievable eyes of the four people, he followed the direction in which they appeared.

The four of them immediately concentrated and held their breath, and used their kung fu to stimulate the acupuncture points. Unfortunately, their kung fu was greatly different, and even Huang Zhonggong, who had the most profound kung fu, was helpless.

People with higher martial arts can realize how strong Yan Bugui's cultivation is!

While wandering around, Yan Bugui came to the door of Yueyue Cave.

The word "Qin Xin" was written in blue glass on the plaque on the cave door. He knew he had found the right place and walked in immediately.

Behind is a quiet flower path with swaying bamboo trees, and three stone houses can be seen at the end.

There are several solitary pine trees planted around the stone house, with lush branches and leaves, covering the entire stone house in the shade of the trees, making it even more gloomy and quiet.


Yan Bugui pushed the door open and entered without intending to admire the furnishings in the room. He went straight to Huang Zhonggong's bed, lifted up the bedding and bed board, and opened the iron plate underneath to reveal the authentic entrance.

The tunnel is more than a hundred feet long and goes deep into the ground.

There were a total of three gates passed by on the road, a stone gate, an iron gate, and a sandwich gate with four layers of iron, cotton, wood, and iron. All of them were broken by Yan Bugui with his ruthless sword.

Taken together, these doors are far inferior to the Dragon-Breaking Stone in the Tomb of the Living Dead. All the traps caused by forcibly breaking down the door were blocked by his Hunyuan Diamond Body. The fourth door is the end.

Yan Bugui took out the fire folder and lit the oil lamp. He saw that the iron door in front of him was closed tightly. There was a one-foot-square hole in it, which was also tightly sealed with iron plates and copper locks.

"Hei Baizi, you bitch really doesn't want to give up." A heavy scolding voice came from inside: "This time you came before the first day of the new year. What's the matter? Is Huang Zhonggong's old dog dead? , no one cares?"

For more than ten years, Hei Baizi would come down every two months to learn the "Star Absorbing Technique" from Ren Woxing.

Yan Bugui chuckled: "Teacher Ren, after more than ten years of separation, your temper has gotten worse!"

Ren Woxing exclaimed in surprise: "You are not a black and white man! I heard that you are young, so I have no idea. Who are you?"


A cold light suddenly appeared in the stone chamber, and Yan Bugui swung his ruthless sword towards the iron door.

With a bang, the iron door fell to the ground.

Yan Bugui sheathed his sword and walked slowly in with an oil lamp. He saw a man with black hair hanging down his chest and a beard sitting cross-legged on a bed next to the wall in a cell with an oil lamp. superior.

By the light, Ren Woxing was also looking at Yan Bugui.

Just over ten years have passed, and Yan Bugui has grown from a boy to an adult, and his body shape and appearance have changed drastically.

Moreover, when Ren Woxing was only focused on dealing with Zuo Lengchan, he never looked at Yan Bugui from the beginning to the end. At this moment, when they met suddenly, he couldn't remember who this sudden intruder was.

"Don't think about it, I'm Yan Bugui, from the Huashan sect."

"It's you!" A flash of lightning flashed through Ren Woxing's mind.

After the war that year, he heard that Dongfang Sheng had been seriously injured in the meridians of his right arm. After further questioning, he found out that it was a sixteen-year-old boy who had done it, so he was very impressed by this name.

But after thinking about it, Ren Woxing became even more confused: "Boy, how did you know that I am trapped here?"

"The secret must not be leaked." Yan Bugui put away the ruthless sword. Ren Woxing is very cunning, and if he borrows his sword to cut off the chains and escape during a fight, it will be in trouble.

Ren Woxing asked: "You can break in here, you must have killed those four old dogs. So your martial arts are not bad, are you here to kill me?"

"They are still alive, but you are going to die." Yan Bugui turned his palms to accept his strength, stepped forward, and struck out with Shi Potian's Hunyuan Palm.

"Boy, you are so crazy!" Ren Woxing laughed loudly and greeted him with his palm without hesitation.

The chains clattered with his movements, and with a "clang" sound, the two palms met, and the majestic energy collided with each other, making a harsh sound like steel.

Yan Bugui swayed slightly and let me take two steps back, almost sitting on the couch.

"Such a deep inner strength, no wonder you have the confidence to kill me!" Ren Woxing secretly became extremely vigilant.

He had never underestimated Yan Bugui since they met him. After all, this was a man who could seriously injure Dongfang Sheng at the age of sixteen, and now he had broken into the West Lake prison alone. One could imagine how high his martial arts skills must be.

But he found that he still underestimated Yan Bugui. He had gathered the lifelong skills of more than a dozen masters of both good and evil, and he actually came up short in the fight just now.

How did this kid practice?

He didn't have time to think too much, Yan Bugui had already attacked again, using his hands to cast a net of heaven and earth, turning into countless afterimages of his palms, and quickly attacking the key points in front of him.

"Well done!" Not to be outdone, Ren Woxing used the extremely advanced move of the Sun Moon God Sect's martial arts, the 'Rapid Rain Palm', and slashed continuously with both hands like knives and swords. In conjunction with his majestic internal strength, The moves are extremely powerful and extremely fast.

The two of them intertwined their palms, and the crackling sound of collision mixed with the sound of shaking chains continued to echo in the cell.

The wind from the palm spread and filled the cell, causing the flames of the oil lamps to flicker and sway wildly.

It was difficult to use physical skills in the fighting room, and it was rare to meet an opponent. The more Yan Bugui fought, the more excited he became, so he used palm to palm to fight Ren Woxing for nearly a hundred moves.

"Happy! So happy!"

This kind of punching and tit-for-tat fighting style is far more enjoyable than the back-and-forth fighting style with Dongfang Sheng back then.

After dozens of moves, Ren Woxing's palm movements suddenly became a little more stagnant.

The shortcomings of the star-absorbing method finally emerged. His internal strength was not obtained through his own cultivation, and it would inevitably become inoperable after a long period of fighting.

In addition, the chains on his body and his hands and feet were bound, making it even more difficult for Ren Woxing to perform his full attack.

clap clap clap...

With seven consecutive blasts, Yan Bugui hit seven important acupuncture points in front of Ren Woxing's body in an instant.

However, as soon as he touched it, he felt the inner energy pouring out of his fingertips, and none of the acupuncture points seemed to be sealed.

Ren Woxing took the opportunity to hold the pulse gates of Yan Bugui's hands and laughed loudly: "Star Absorbing Technique!"

(End of this chapter)

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