Chapter 95 Ambush

Yan Bugui stayed in Meizhuang for more than a month.

The four friends from the south of the Yangtze River placed their future freedom on him and entertained him very attentively, providing him with plenty of food and drink.

During the day, when I have nothing to do, I ask Huang Zhonggong for music lessons, learn to play chess with Black and White, practice calligraphy with Bald Pen Man, and paint and drink with Dan Qingsheng. Such a carefree and happy life made Yan Bugui feel a little happy and nostalgic.

That night, drifting clouds covered the moon.

A figure wearing a white robe, with white beard and white hair, sneaked into Plum Village quietly with extremely superb movement skills, and used the cover of night to explore around the garden.

"Come to the right, what are you looking for? I'll help you."

The sudden sound made Xiang Wentian's whole body tremble, and he jumped out from behind the rockery where he was hiding without looking back.

"Who?" Xiang Wentian moved a few feet away and turned around to watch.

Just at this moment, the clouds were clearing and the moon was bright, and a handsome and majestic figure broke into his sight.

"Yan Bugui!" Xiang Wentian exclaimed, his pupils shrinking sharply: "Why are you here?"

"Waiting for you." Yan Bugui said leisurely: "A night traveler does not wear night travel clothes and is still dressed in white. A skilled person is bold. I am worthy of being the king of heaven, Xiang Wentian!"

Xiang Wentian said in shock: "Did you know that I was coming? This is impossible!"

Yan Bugui shrugged: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I made a bet, and now I won the bet."

The news of the decisive battle was given to Xiang Wentian.

Over the years, he has been thinking about saving Ren Woxing, and Yan Bugui bets that he will not miss this great opportunity.

If Dongfang wins or loses in this battle, then he can rescue Ren Woxing without any scruples.

With the help of their own strategies, even without Linghu Chong's help, the four village owners who were bored with things couldn't beat this king.

If the loser is Yan Bugui, Xiang Wentian can wait for a while and wait for the opportunity to make another move.

Saving Ren Woxing must be something he has been planning for a long time. After all, those piano and chess scores, calligraphy and paintings by famous people cannot be collected in a short time.

To Xiang Wentian, Linghu Chong was like the rabbit he picked up on New Year's Eve. He could celebrate the New Year with or without him, and it was definitely not part of Xiang Wentian's plan.

This man was able to spend twelve years planning something, and finally he was able to accomplish it, which shows his perseverance and perseverance.

Yan Bugui was worried that if he let this person get away, the Huashan Sect would be in danger if the other party found out that he had killed him and left him alone.

The gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is hard to prevent.

God knows what plots and tricks he will use to retaliate. No one can bear to be stared at by a poisonous snake who doesn't know where it is hiding all day long.

"In that case, I'll forgive Xiang for not accompanying me." Xiang Wentian suddenly took out a handful of copper coins from his arms and fired them at Yan Bugui in a way that filled the sky with flowers. Others jumped up and rushed outside the village.


There was a sharp sound of breaking wind, Yan Bugui did not dodge or dodge, he swung his right palm out from the air, and the copper coin flew three feet in front of him and the incoming force suddenly decreased.

His hand seemed to have a strange attraction, and the coins fell into his palm like a swallow returning to its nest.

This is exactly the "nine-turn star-absorbing" move created by Yan Bugui based on his own martial arts experience. It relies on the quick and clever technique of the heaven and earth network, coupled with the huge suction power derived from the star-absorbing technique and the spiral true energy, it can defeat all kinds of problems. hidden weapon.

Xiang Wentian only focused on running away without looking back, and did not see this scene.

The shadow of the famous tree of man! He asked himself if he was not Yan Bugui's opponent, so it was better to go the other way.

But as soon as he left Meizhuang, he heard Yan Bugui's voice again: "What's the rush? Don't you want to avenge Ren Woxing?"

"What?" Xiang Wentian suddenly stopped in front of the plum forest outside the village as if struck by lightning. Looking back, I saw Yan Bugui following him at some point.

There was no sound of breathing, no footsteps, and no sound of breaking wind. It was like a ghost, leaving him unaware.

"To be honest, I have been here for more than a month, and the first thing I did when I got here was to kill Ren Woxing. If you don't believe it, just look at it." Yan Bugui pointed to the depths of the plum forest.

Xiang Wentian turned his head and looked over, and through the moonlight he could vaguely see two tombs. Without saying a word, he rushed over and saw the tombstone on the left saying "The Tomb of Let Me Go".

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, and was written by Bald Pen Weng, the owner of Sanzhuang himself.

The one on the right is an unsealed empty tomb, with an uncovered and empty coffin lying inside. The tombstone reads 'Tomb of Xiang Wentian'.

"Leader~" Xiang Wentian was filled with grief and anger, his body was trembling and his voice was trembling.

Yan Bugui looked at the West Lake in the distance and seemed to sigh: "He was imprisoned under the West Lake during his lifetime, but he was buried on top of the West Lake after his death. How about this place I chose for him?"

Further ahead is the Gushan cliff, and below is the West Lake.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant. When Hu Bayi comes, he has to give a thumbs up and praise it as a geomantic treasure.

"Evil thief!" Xiang Wentian was extremely sad and angry. He pulled out the three-foot scimitar from his waist with a swish, and with a flash of sharp sword light, he turned around and slashed Yan Bugui's chest and abdomen.


Yan Bugui didn't move where he was, and he withstood his sword. With the sound of metal clashing, the jaw of Xiang Wentian's right hand was shattered by the shock. Blood flowed down the handle of the knife. His whole arm felt sore and numb, and he couldn't help but feel it. It horrified him.

"Indestructible body!?" Xiang Wentian pulled away as he spoke.

"Absolutely." Yan Bugui grabbed him from a distance with his right hand and sucked him back from three feet away.

This is another wonderful use of the nine-turn star-absorbing technique, 'Control the Crane and Capture the Dragon'. With Yan Bugui's current skill, the coverage range is only about four feet in a straight line.

However, this range can gradually expand as his skill deepens.

"I'll fight with you!" Xiang Wentian's eyes widened with blood, and he roared angrily, using the suction force of the Yang knife to slash down on the top of his head.

Yan Bugui flicked his fingers, and with a "swing" sound, he released the machete with great strength. He immediately let go of the scimitar and whirled it into a nearby plum tree. This moment made Xiang Wentian's right arm completely numb.

But the hatred in his heart was soaring, and his murderous intent increased instead. He used his left arm to exert all his strength, and struck Yan Bugui's chest with a palm.

Yan Bugui remained where he was, suppressing the body-protecting Qi of the Hunyuan Vajra Body, and secretly used the "unloading" technique.


Xiang Wentian succeeded with one strike, but immediately felt that the power of his palm disappeared like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

"Star Absorbing Technique!" Xiang Wentian gritted his teeth, the anger in his eyes almost bursting out.

I just felt that the man in front of me was becoming more and more hateful. Not only did he kill his leader, he also secretly learned his leader's unique magical skills. It was really hateful.

"Thank you very much. Move to the right." Yan Bugui used his right hand to point to the sword and thrust out the "White Cloud Chu Xiu" style, hitting Xiang Wentian between the eyebrows.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't keep up with Yan Bugui's attack speed. He suddenly felt his forehead shake, as if a red-hot knife had been inserted into his head. The pain was excruciating, and he lost consciousness before he could scream.

"The effect is not bad." Yan Bugui looked at his right hand, nodded with satisfaction, and then threw Xiang Wentian's body into the coffin that had been prepared for him.

The next day.

A new grave has been opened outside Gushan Meizhuang.

The goal has been achieved, and Yan Bugui finally decided to say goodbye and leave.

"You can leave this bottle of wine on the road to quench your thirst." Dan Qingsheng took out a purple gold gourd and handed it to him.

Yan Bugui opened the lid and smelled it. It was his favorite four-distilled and four-brewed wine these days: "Good wine! I appreciate it, Master Four."

"Master Yan, please take care of yourself." Huang Zhonggong and others stood at the door and watched him go away.

"Just wait for my good news." Yan Bugui waved his hands with his back to them. He was about to leave suddenly, but he really couldn't bear to leave them.

Artists generally have relatively pure personalities. As long as they can chat together, they can easily become friends.

Even Hei Baizi stopped acting like a monster because he saw Ren Woxing dead with his own eyes.

At noon.

Yan Bugui left Hangzhou City on Black Wind.

When passing through a bamboo forest, a tripping rope suddenly burst out of the ground, intending to block Heifeng's path.


With a neighing sound, Heifeng kicked off his hind legs, suddenly jumped into the air, and easily jumped over the tripping rope.


The sound of rushing wind suddenly reached my ears, and dozens of sharpened bamboo arrows, five or six feet long, as thick as a tea cup, were shot from the left, right and right sides.


The Houde sword, which had already been taken out of the box when the tripping rope appeared, shot out a burst of golden sword light like a violent storm with a burst of broken arrows.

Crack, crackle...

Suddenly, the bamboo arrows were torn into pieces and scattered around Heifeng.


A green bamboo that was more than eight feet long and as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out from the forest on the right front, whistling with a fierce wind.


Yan Bugui Yang used his sword to lift the green bamboo away, and then saw a second green bamboo flying from the left front, but this time the target was Black Wind.

Shoot the man first and shoot the horse first!

But this horse is Yan Bugui's old friend for more than ten years, so he is not willing to let it get hurt.

Yan Bugui immediately stepped on the stirrup, flew out and slashed down with Houde's sword, splitting the green bamboo in half. However, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was actually a hidden gun hidden in the bamboo tube, pointed directly at his throat.

At the last moment, Yan Bugui grabbed the hidden spear with his left hand by three inches and landed on the ground.


The sound of the fuse burning suddenly sounded, and Yan Bugui was startled when he saw that there was something round and black that was tied to the arrow.


He threw the gun almost subconsciously.


The gun exploded as soon as it was released.

Yan Bugui's reaction was not unpleasant, but the enemy calculated the time of detonation extremely accurately.

His vision suddenly went dark, his sight was completely gone, and there was burning pain in his eyes.

The enemy also hid poisonous smoke in the thunderbolts!

Although Yan Bugui has the Hunyuan Diamond Body that is invulnerable, it is difficult to practice even the most mysterious body-protecting magical skills on his eyes.

at the same time.

Several covered men in black jumped out from the bamboo forest and surrounded him.

Five men and one woman.

The three men wielded a saw-back single sword, a mountain-breaking double axe, and a seven-foot long sword respectively. The remaining three people were empty-handed.

He raised his hand with a single sword and said: "Master Yan, I have admired you for a long time."

Yan Bugui asked calmly: "Which road did the six of you come from? Yan has trouble with his eyesight today. Can you please repay me with ten thousand yuan? It will also let me know who are the people who were killed today." .”

(End of this chapter)

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