Chapter 96 Crazy Bee

"No need!" shouted the man with a long sword: "The dead don't need to know too much, stop talking nonsense, kill!"

"His moves are useless, everyone uses An Qingzi to greet him." The empty-handed man was afraid of Yan Bugui's reputation and did not dare to approach easily. He turned over his hand and showed his money dart and shot at him.

The rest of the people also took action, using iron lotus seeds, locust stones, flying knives, meteor darts, and iron caltrops to cover Yan Bugui from all directions.

Yan Bugui pushed his inner strength to the peak, listened carefully, and responded to the situation with the breaking arrow style. He has reached the pinnacle of attainment with this single sword among Dugu's Nine Swords. Even if you don't use your eyes, the effect is quite different.

The six of them saw his famous golden sword shake, and golden light flew out of his eyes, shooting down all the incoming hidden weapons like an iron wall.

The six people's eyes widened in shock, thinking: 'How could there be such a wonderful swordsmanship in the world! ’

The one with the knife warned: "He can tell his position by listening to the wind, so be careful."

"It's you who should be careful." Before Yan Bugui could finish his words, the man was approaching him almost like a ghost, and the Houde Sword pierced his heart with a 'plop' sound.

The remaining five people couldn't help but be shocked. They never expected that his ability to identify the location by listening to the voice was so terrifying.

Taking advantage of the gap when he drew his sword, the five men hurriedly retreated and changed their positions. The four men held their breath, fearing that they would be the next to suffer.

Only the woman moved her lips under the mask and let out a sharp whistle.

Yan Bugui stood next to the corpse with the knife. His heart was as cold as a mirror as he concentrated on his martial arts. When his ears moved, his body skills also unfolded and he rushed towards the woman.

But as soon as the opponent sent out the whistle, he had already fled from his position.

Yan Bugui was about to pursue the pursuit when he suddenly heard a "buzzing" sound coming from around him. He was shocked and thought: 'This noise seems to be a bee? ’

The sound of the woman moving was drowned out by the buzzing sound, causing Yan Bugui to lose his goal and his footsteps stopped abruptly. Hundreds of Hu Feng whirled towards him like rolling yellow sand.

Under the cover of the buzzer, the five people breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Bugui's ears were full of noise, and he could only judge the distance of the bee swarm based on the loudness of the sound.


Suddenly the golden sword light burst out, and the Houde Sword was swung out with great vigor. Each sword shot could sweep down a Hu Feng.

However, Hu Feng is a living creature, his attacks are far more agile than hidden weapons, and his numbers are extremely large. Although his sword skills are fast, he feels like he can't kill them all no matter what.

Yan Bugui laughed at himself: "I am considered a descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect, but today I was surrounded by bees. How can I reason with you?" ’

Although he was not afraid of bee stings, he didn't know how many bees there were. If you continue killing like this endlessly, even your iron-clad body will be exhausted.

We must find a way quickly!

While he was thinking, the wine gourd swinging at his waist suddenly gave Yan Bugui a flash of inspiration.

He immediately stuck the Houde Sword on the ground, pumped up his true energy in his hands and sleeves, and danced one after another, whipping up a gust of wind to force the swarm back. Then he pulled down the wine gourd with his left hand, pulled the lid off with his mouth, and took a swig of wine. At the same time, he took out the huozhezi from his arms with his right hand.

The tone of the whistle in the woman's mouth suddenly became urgent, and the swarm was driven by her and flew in again, like a surging force of sand, covering Yan Bugui's ten feet radius.


Yan Bugui aimed at the flames on the fire folding plate and spit out the wine in his mouth, instantly igniting a raging flame.

This sip of wine was forced into a line of water by his pure inner strength, and shot straight out several feet away. After being touched by fire, it turned into a fire snake, which swept around as he turned around, quickly devouring the swarm of bees.

The fire is merciless!

After a gourd of wine was almost consumed, the buzzing in Yan Bugui's ears finally subsided.

Most of the bee swarm had been lost, and the rest were driven by their instinct to fear fire and no longer obeyed the woman's control, and fled in all directions. "My soul-chasing bee!" The woman was shocked and angry. As soon as she said the words, she remembered that she couldn't speak out and couldn't help but cover her mouth, but it was still too late after all.

Yan Bugui drew his sword in his hand and came towards him like lightning.

"Here!" Another man with empty hands rushed to help and shot two black beads the size of quail eggs at Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui didn't turn his head. He continued to grab the woman with his left hand, and at the same time waved his sword to intercept her, trying to push back the hidden weapon. Unexpectedly, the black bead exploded after being hit.

Caught off guard, the long sword in Yan Bugui's hand shook violently, almost losing his grip, and his body flew out under the strong impact of the air wave.


The Houde sword poked the ground, and Yan Bugui spun in the air, taking off the force of the explosion and landing smoothly.

Thunderball again!

The woman took the opportunity to save her life. She suddenly flung out two water sleeves with her hands and snaked them out, tightly wrapped around Yan Bugui and spread her arms flat, exposing all the vital points on the chest and back.

"I don't believe I can't kill you." The person who fired the thunderbolt took action again, and the five black beads were wrapped in strong wind and directed towards the door.

He felt that Yan Bugui had no way to dodge at this moment, nor could he use his sword to resist. As long as the thunderbolt bullet touched him, he would die.

Yan Bugui's left hand ignored the restraints of the woman's sleeves and used the 'Nine-turn Star Absorbing' to face the thunderbolt, using spiral energy to neutralize the incoming force and avoid the shock and explosion. Then he waved his backhand and shot back along the original path.

With the blessing of the spiral true energy, the speed of the thunderbolt bullet surged. The man was shocked and had no time to react. In an instant, he was shot through the five acupuncture points on his chest, namely, "Tiantu", "Purple Palace", "Huagai", "Shenfeng" and "Lingxu".

Bang bang bang bang!

Thunderbolt bombs exploded one after another, and the man's chest burst immediately, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and he died on the spot.

The woman was so frightened that she was about to loosen her sleeves when she suddenly felt a huge force coming from above. She exclaimed "Ah" and flew towards Yan Bugui involuntarily.

The Houde Sword was sent forward, and the woman hit her head on. With a "plop" sound, it was pierced through the chest, almost without a handle.

Yan Bugui was about to draw his sword, but unexpectedly the woman grabbed his wrist with her last breath, locked the Houde sword with her body, and shouted in a hissing voice with her mouth full of blood: "Hurry, take advantage of the moment !".

When the other three people saw this, their eyes showed stern expressions and they took action boldly.

The empty-handed man who was the first to propose the use of a hidden weapon took out an Emei thorn from his waist and quickly stabbed Yan Bugui's right temple.

"I'll chop you up!" The ax wielder rushed from behind and struck Yan Bugui's shoulders with a pair of sharp axes.

The sword wielder came towards her, and the seven-foot long sword pierced the woman's abdomen from the back, and pierced Yan Bugui's Danxin Qihai.

In a flash of lightning, Yan Bugui's luck shook the woman's hands away, kicked off her left foot, flew diagonally to the right, passed Emei Ci, and crashed into the man's arms.

This is clearly his strategy to lure the enemy.


The man was hit by Yan Bugui with all his strength, his sternum and internal organs were shattered, his body flew backwards like a cannonball, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

at the same time. Yan Bugui dodged so suddenly that the other two people didn't react at all, and their offensive continued.


The two axes fell on the woman's shoulders, causing blood to fly instantly. The man with the ax was stabbed through the lower abdomen by the seven-foot long sword, and was pierced with the woman.

"Ah——" The man who caused Emei stab let out a shrill scream after falling to the ground.

The sword wielder and the ax wielder felt their hearts tremble when they heard this, and they no longer had the courage to continue taking action.

He waved his ax and threw the sharp ax in his right hand at Yan Bugui. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain and backed away from the long sword, then turned around and ran away resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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