Chapter 22 Old Friends Meet

Three years later.

Hu Tiehua took Lao Bedbug, and the two of them headed towards Lanzhou, only because the three little girls of Lao Bedbug's family were kidnapped by Black Pearl.

And I went to Lanzhou just because there was a dead rooster living there.

Halfway through the journey, they saw a bustling town. The town was neither big nor small, but the number of people on the street was much more than that of an ordinary small town.

At this time, the two of them had been walking for a long time, and Hu Tiehua also shouted happily.

"I'm hungry after a long day's journey. Let's go into the city and get something to eat!"

Chu Liuxiang's three confidants were kidnapped and he was not in the mood to eat at this time. He should have gone directly into the desert, but Hu Tiehua forcibly reversed his direction and headed for Lanzhou.

But no matter how many things happened, people had to eat, so Chu Liuxiang also got off the horse, led the two horses and Hu Tiehua into the town one after another.

Not far into the town, Chu Liuxiang saw Hu Tiehua's eyes widen, her nose suddenly twitched, and she laughed loudly.

"Looks like we can have a good drink today!"

Chu Liuxiang was not in the mood to drink, but he inhaled through his nose. The mellow aroma of wine in the air made him understand that what Hu Tiehua said was true.

No matter how fragrant the wine is, as long as you can smell it, it's not far away.

Hu Tiehua led the way, and after just a few turns, they saw a rather luxurious restaurant.

It's called, Shuiyunjian.

People come in and out of the restaurant. Those who go in are full of hunger and thirst, and those who come out are satisfied.

With just one glance, Chu and Hu knew that this restaurant was doing very well.

Approaching the restaurant, Hu Tiehua's nose twitched twice more. At this time, not only was there a mellow aroma of wine, but also a slight aroma of vegetables. Her eyes immediately widened, and she turned around and smiled proudly at Chu Liuxiang.

"Old bedbug, it seems I can treat you to a big meal today!"

Chu Liuxiang laughed. He could afford such a luxurious restaurant, but a poor guy like Hu Tiehua couldn't afford a few meals.

In the end, he has to foot the bill.

Of course Hu Tiehua was not talking about who would pay the bill. She took a few more breaths, smiled brightly, led the horse to the gatehouse and planned to tie it up, but was immediately stopped by the welcoming boy who stretched out his hand anxiously.

Just because Hu Tiehua was dressed in dirty clothes, even though she looked like a martial artist, she was not the restaurant’s target customer.

"Hey, who told you to break in? Get out, get out!"

Seeing Hu Tiehua blocked outside the door, Chu Liuxiang felt a little confused.

The people who greet guests all year round in front of the restaurant can definitely tell that Hu Tiehua is a martial arts person.

And a person with martial arts skills, even if he looks shabby, can still afford a meal.

At this time, Hu Tiehua's face was a little ugly, and he glared at the other party: "Oh, are you looking down on others?"

The receptionist didn't look down on Hu Tiehua, but the boss had a lot of rules. When he approached Hu Tiehua, he actually covered his nose and said in a low voice.

"Our boss doesn't care about wealth or status when doing business, but he will never accept customers with too strong smells."

After finishing speaking, the receptionist fanned himself with his hand, also looking helpless.

"With your smell, even if you spend a lot of money, you will never enter our restaurant."

"In the words of our boss, we are not just a guest here."

"Other guests definitely don't want to smell strange smells when facing delicious food. You'd better go elsewhere."

Hearing this, Hu Tiehua's eyes brightened even more. He suddenly lowered his head and smelled it twice, and then cursed in a low voice.

"Little brats have too many things to do."

At this time, Chu Liuxiang also led the horse up. Seeing Hu Tiehua being blocked at the door by the guests because of her body odor, she shook her head repeatedly and said with regret on her face.

"It seems we won't be able to eat this big meal."

His tone was pity, but his expression was a bit proud. After all, he couldn't stand Hu Tiehua's dislike of bathing.

In Chu Liuxiang's eyes, even if Hu Tiehua wanted to lose her temper, there was nowhere to do it.

Just because this place does not dislike the poor and loves the rich, it is not a disdain for others, and the waiter just does not want Hu Tiehua to affect the appetite of other diners.

And the result was just as Chu Liuxiang guessed, Hu Tiehua just rubbed her nose, turned around and left.

Hu Tiehua gave up so simply that Chu Liuxiang was also surprised. She bowed her hands apologetically to the welcoming boy, took two horses, and followed closely.

After catching up quickly, Chu Liuxiang saw Hu Tiehua making a half circle around the restaurant. Soon the two of them came to the alley behind the restaurant. Hu Tiehua was about to find a tree to tie the horse up. It seemed that she wanted to break into the back kitchen directly. .

At this time, the sky was blue and the clouds were clear. Even if Hu Tiehua had good Qinggong, he would not be invisible.

Seeing that Hu Tiehua was about to give up her bottom line for a little food, Chu Liuxiang quickly stopped her.

"Hua Luohua, others are just doing business normally, it's unethical for you to go in and cause trouble like this." Hu Tiehua had already tied up the horse at this time, and heard that Chu Liuxiang misunderstood her, but she was just talking eloquently.

"Am I this kind of person? If I treat you to a big dinner today, I will definitely treat you to a big dinner!"

He just jumped. Chu Liuxiang had already entered the backyard before he had time to say another word of persuasion. In just a few breaths, Hu Tiehua's call came from the backyard.

"Old bed bug, the dinner is almost ready, why don't you come in yet!"

Chu Liuxiang was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then shook his head and sighed. It seemed that the restaurant owner and Hu Tiehua were old acquaintances.

Leaping up without moving, Chu Liuxiang floated directly into the backyard, but only saw Hu Tiehua sitting alone in front of the Eight Immortals table.

There were only three or two plates of cold dishes on the table, and one or two steaming vegetarian dishes. It was a big meal, but it didn't taste like meat at all.

Not far away, a servant with a solemn face was holding out several jars of fine wine.

Seeing the wine appear, Hu Tiehua couldn't wait any longer. She turned around, took the jar of wine from the servant's hand, slapped it away with her palm, and a strong aroma of wine began to float out of the yard.


Not to mention Hu Tiehua, Chu Liuxiang was also shocked by the aroma of wine, and Hu Tiehua, the hungry ghost in the wine, had even blurry eyes.

Hu Tiehua started drinking in front of the wine jar, and Chu Liuxiang began to look at the backyard of the restaurant as he purred.

Soon, several more servants appeared and kept serving dishes, but the master never showed up.

Squirrel mandarin fish, lamb meat, five-threaded hump, chicken with ginger and green onion, Dongpo meat.

When Hu Tiehua finished drinking a whole jar of strong-flavored liquor, she saw a lot of meat dishes on the table, and started to shout at Chu Liuxiang with satisfaction.

"Sit down, this feast is better than the one I had last time!"

Chu Liuxiang was polite and just shook his head.

"The master hasn't arrived yet, so I'd better wait a little."

Hu Tiehua didn't explain, she just smiled.

"Then you have time to wait. If the dishes are not all served, this kid won't come out."

After saying that, Hu Tiehua also sat down with Da Ma Jin Dao, picked up the chopsticks and tasted it carefully, with endless admiration.

Opening a jar of wine again, just by smelling it, I knew it was a delicious sauce-flavored wine.

One jar is fragrant, and the other jar is fragrant. At this time, six jars of wine have been placed on the Eight Immortals table. It seems that they are all the same, but the jars are different.

The servant had already replenished the jar of strong aromatic liquor that Hu Tiehua had finished drinking.

When Chu Liuxiang saw Hu Tiehua, she started to eat and drink by herself without waiting for the owner to come to the table. She knew that Hu Tiehua had a good relationship with the owner of the restaurant.

I found a seat and sat down, glanced around, and opened a jar of wine. At a glance, it was off-white rice wine.

I poured a bowl and tasted it briefly. My eyes suddenly brightened and I admired in my heart that this restaurant owner was indeed a wine god.

It's fragrant and sweet, soft and mellow, but nothing more than that.

As all kinds of dishes piled up on the table, Hu Tiehua drank and ate, and the servants would fill up the dishes after eating, which was quite enjoyable.

I have also tried Liu Tan Jiu Chu Liu Xiang one by one, including light aroma, strong aroma, sauce aroma, rice wine, rice wine, and fruit wine, all of which are refreshing and bright wines.

After eating and drinking, Hu Tiehua gradually stopped and burped.

"Old Bedbug, how do you like today's feast?"

Chu Liuxiang was convinced by Hu Tiehua. He was still waiting for the master. He just drank a few bowls of wine, so how could he know whether the food was good or bad.

Of course, although he didn't taste it, he only smelled it and knew that the meal was indeed good.

But he also wondered why the host didn't show up even though the guests were full.

Do you have any special hobbies?
  A smell of meat came to his nostrils. Hu Tiehua looked at the pony-tailed young man coming from the kitchen with a happy face and said proudly.

"I knew that the one with this kind of fragrance in the food must be you."

When Li Chaofeng saw Hu Tiehua, his expression was not at all happy, but rather disgusted.

In his hand was a huge and steaming white porcelain jar, which he held with one hand but was not afraid of burning his hand.

The young man glared at Hu Tiehua and began to curse.

"It's really a disaster that will last for thousands of years. I'm also unlucky, young master. I actually owe a shameless guy like you a big favor."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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