The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 23 Underground Palace Treasures

Chapter 23 Underground Palace Treasures
  Li Chaofeng indeed owed Hu Tiehua a big favor.

The information about the Qinglong Society was spread by Jiang Biehe before his death. Without Youlongbu, Li Chaofeng would have been lucky to have escaped with his life in Mulan Mountain.

Not to mention being listed in the "Weapon Book" and earning the title Demon Dragon.

Three years ago, Li Chaofeng experienced the Battle of Mulan Mountain and then arrived at Mount Emei.

It only took him a while to find the so-called holy land of the Emei Sword Sect, but it was just a small temple.

Miao Zhu didn't know any advanced martial arts, and there was only a clay statue of Bodhisattva enshrined in the small temple, which was completely undefended.

Relying on his strong perception, Li Chaofeng quickly found the entrance to the underground palace, then walked through the secret passage, opened the wooden wall, and entered the underground palace that even Xiao Mimi didn't know about.

At this time, Xiao Mimi had occupied the underground palace for several years, but she had no idea that there was an Earth Spirit Palace under the underground palace, so there was no obstacle in front of Li Chaofeng.

There are eight directions in the Earth Spirit Palace, gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, wood, stone, and earth.

The top of the tomb opened by the stone winch is where Xiao Mimi is. Unless Xiao Mimi goes into the tombs filled with countless dead people to hunt for treasures, then she will not be able to find Li Chaofeng.

The wooden wall leads to the holy land of the Emei Sword Sect, and behind the earthen wall is the self-destruction device of the Diling Palace.

Behind the five winches of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, the gold winch is countless gold and silver jewelry, the silver winch is Ouyang Ting's residence, the copper winch is a magic weapon, and the tin winch is a variety of magical poisons.

After the iron winch turned, it was the "Five Ultimate Divine Skills" that Li Chaofeng had been thinking about.

Then there are the corpses of the Five Ultimates of Heaven and Earth that have turned into white bones, and Ouyang Ting and his wife who are still alive.

After finding the treasure, Li Chaofeng did not stay where he was to practice.

Xiao Mimi lived next door to the Diling Palace, even though Xiao Mimi had never entered the Diling Palace before Jiang Yulang dug the tunnel.

But he is not afraid of [-], just in case. When he faced an already famous master like Xiao Mimi three years ago, there was still a big gap.

Don't think Xiao Mimi is weak. In the novel, she was drowned because she couldn't swim. It was completely a plot kill, but she was not killed by Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Yulang in the TV series.

As for Xiao Mimi's appearance, Xiao Yu'er threw treasures all over the mountain in order to save herself.

In the end, countless people competed for it, and Xiao Mimi was the winner who survived to the end and grabbed the treasure.

Such a person, even if she is not a supreme master, is still a woman with extremely deceitful mind.

And Li Chaofeng had met Hu Tiehua and Jiang Biehe, but he didn't recognize the actor's face.

Therefore, he cannot be misled by the TV series. When facing the original characters, he should guess in the stronger direction.

Li Chaofeng chose Ant Moving and caught them all at the same time.

He wanted the "Five Ultimate Magic Skills", he took away the gold and silver treasures, he also took away the magical weapons, and he even packed away the poison.

Resting in the inn during the day and going underground at night, he was more worried about the Emei Sword Sect coming to inspect their "holy land" in the middle of the night than Xiao Mimi was aware of it.

A month after Ant moved, Li Chaofeng also had a three-entry house at the foot of Mount Emei. Then the treasures were stored, the magical soldiers entered the house, the poisons were sorted into categories, and he began to practice the "Five Ultimate Magic Skills".

Anyway, regardless of whether Xiao Yu'er will be tricked into the underground palace by Xiao Mimi in the future, Jiang Yulang probably won't go to the underground palace.

Jiang Biehe has not yet become a hero, so naturally he will not create any treasure map. Without the treasure map, Jiang Yulang will not run to Mount Emei.

Without Jiang Yulang digging the tunnel for a year, Xiao Yuer would not have discovered that there was anything under the underground palace if he really met Xiao Mimi.

And Li Chaofeng, who vacated the Ouyangting underground palace, began to become rich.

At the same time, he was in trouble, that is, he was written into the "Weapons Manual" by Bai Xiaosheng.

The demon sword and dragon tooth is eight inches long, cuts gold and jade, looks like a demon, and belongs to the demon dragon Li Chaofeng.

In the battle at Mulan Mountain, Long Ya encountered all kinds of weapons. Although the demon dragon itself was not strong, it was ranked tenth in the "Weapon Book" due to the power of the weapons and the cunningness of the movement.

The original tenth place Donghai Yuxiao was postponed to the eleventh place.

When Li Chaofeng heard that he was ranked in the "Weapons Book" by Bai Xiaosheng, and even suppressed Donghai Jade Xiao, who was similar to Dongxiehuang Yaoshi, his teeth were almost broken with hatred.

But there was no way, he couldn't find Bai Xiaosheng, and naturally there was no way to get him to remove himself from the "Weapons Manual".

Rich and famous, Li Chaofeng seemed to have become a successful person instantly. But Li Chaofeng, who had just obtained the "Five Ultimate Magic Skills", knew that he was just a little Gala.

Although the Qinglong Club has a large organization, there are not many top experts. Li Chaofeng will win by relying on the advantage of the terrain.

The main reason why Hua Ruyu retreated was that the losses were too great and the gains were too small, so they had to retreat.

As long as masters like Hua Ruyu and Xing Xuan are careful and only defend but not attack, Li Chaofeng will not be able to kill each other.

He knew this after a brief confrontation with Xing Xuan. He didn't let Xing Xuan go. He just calculated that if he couldn't kill him, he would be entangled, so he didn't get entangled with the other party.

The prerequisite for Li Chaofeng to kill a first-class master is that the first-class master takes the initiative to engage in close combat with him, and then Li Chaofeng can suddenly appear with a short sword and kill him with one blow.

And those who can be listed in the "Weapon Book", even if they are Jianghu Sanren, are those who can fight head-on.

And Li Chaofeng was ranked tenth in the "Weapons Spectrum". With his fame, there was no possibility of a sneak attack.

In order to avoid being found and challenged by the people behind "Weapons Spectrum", he could not stay in Emei Mountain any longer. Qinglong would meet him and they would never keep it a secret for him.

So he quickly entrusted the Emeishan house to a nearby dental clinic for management.

It's not that he likes this house, it's just that he locked the gold, silver, jewelry and magic weapons in boxes that he didn't have time to deal with. Then he dug a dry well, opened a secret room in the well, and sprinkled thick layers of of lime.

Then he filled the well again.

He didn't know whether these treasures would rot in the ground. He only knew that even if they rotted in the soil, he would not move them back to the Earth Spirit Palace or give them away. As for whether they would be discovered by others.

Li Chaofeng laughed, but he didn't believe it. Someone could decipher his treasure map.

Because this treasure map is a land deed, and the house on the land deed was rented out by him.

Li Chaofeng made the first treasure map, so he felt that those people in the world who made real treasure maps were probably lazy or kind-hearted.

Lazy people don't hide their treasures too deeply.

And the good intention is that the treasure hunter is naturally worried that after his death, the treasure will disappear with him.

Li Chaofeng had no such worries.

It took a month for the ants to move and a month to dig and fill the wells. Li Chaofeng, the famous demon dragon in the world, had no sense of being in the world at all.

After dealing with the treasure problem, Li Chaofeng quickly left the northwest with the banknotes and some portable treasures.

The northwest desert is no better than Jiangnan or Kyoto, and the power of the Jianghu is relatively weak. Although Li Chaofeng is famous, almost no one knows him.

Find a place and stay anonymous.

Li Chaofeng's final choice was to buy a restaurant and become his own boss.

For three years, Li Chaofeng practiced "Five Absolute Magical Arts" every day. After seeing the full version of "Five Absolute Divine Arts", Li Chaofeng also knew the true nature of "Five Absolute Divine Arts".

"Five Ultimate Magic Skills" is the brainchild of Ouyang Ting, a "contemporary hero", who created the Five Ultimate Skills of Heaven and Earth.

Because it is from the hands of the five masters, it records the most secret and essential skills of each sect. These not only allow the user to perform it to the extreme, but more importantly, every move is changed and mixed with the essence of other sects.

The most important thing is that in the transition of these different forms of moves, its techniques are extremely ingenious and natural, not rigid at all, and it seems that all these martial arts are originally a complete set of exercises.

Therefore, it is a martial arts book for exercising internal strength.

Make a chart of fist and kick moves. When practicing, perform the punch according to the chart. When the body generates internal force, it is called kung fu.

Taking the eight extraordinary meridians as paths, looking inside at the heaven and earth, meditating and doing the exercises, transporting the true energy, this is the static exercise.

Internal force and true energy are one and the same. They only have two sides: whether you know its coming and going. If you don't know, it is the force in the body, but if you know it, it is the energy of cultivation.

Well, it's similar to the Youlong Step taught by Hu Tiehua to Li Chaofeng. The more you practice the Youlong Step, you will naturally have internal strength and become better at Qinggong.

Li Chaofeng's teeth felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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