The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 29 The Gambling Game in the World

Chapter 29 The Gambling Game in the World
  At dusk, Ji Bingyan and Chu Liuxiang walked out of the shade. After resting for a long time, they were about to enter the desert.

Dusk is the best time to enter the desert.

Neither cold nor hot.

When they scanned the town, they found no sign of Hu Tiehua. After asking Xiao Pan, who had been talking to the townspeople, they immediately knew that Hu Tiehua seemed to be making a bet with Li Chaofeng.

As for what he was betting on, Xiao Pan didn't know much about it. He just knew that Li Chaofeng had nothing to do and actually spent money to buy more than a dozen bundles of wheat straw that no one cared about.

Rice is grown in the south and wheat is grown in the north. This town is located on the edge of the desert, but there is also wheat straw.

When they found the two of them, they saw Hu Tiehua using Qinggong to quickly spread wheat straw on the sand, and Li Chaofeng's figure was also shaking on the sand, using a wooden shovel to spread the wheat straw bit by bit at the same speed. "Plant" wheat straw into the sand.

The middle of the wheat straw was buried in the sand by Li Chaofeng, and the two ends were exposed from the ground, like grass. The square shape gave it a bit of a field feel.

Around the sand, several little carrot heads were looking curiously at the wheat straw sand field divided into grids by Li Chaofeng.

"Crazy Hu, you have too much strength and you can't use it all, right?"

Ji Bingyan is a meticulous and well-planned person, otherwise he would not be so smart as to let Black Pearl go.

At any other time, he would have turned a blind eye no matter how much Hu Tiehua messed up, but they were about to enter the desert, and every ounce of energy should be used in a reasonable manner.

But now, Hu Tiehua and Li Chaofeng are actually using Qinggong to farm the land, and their skin is now oily due to the scorching sun. Although this physical exertion is nothing for Jianghu people, wasting physical strength is a taboo in the desert.

So Ji Bingyan started to get angry, and she only got angry at Hu Tiehua.

Because he had been with Li Chaofeng for more than ten days, he had already known that although Li Chaofeng was young, he was not an impulsive personality.

It must be Hu Tiehua who is messing around!
  As Ji Bingyan's voice reached the ears of the two of them, Hu Tiehua also found that she actually believed Li Chaofeng's nonsense.

But seeing that Li Chaofeng was still planting grass, he also spread the last bit of wheat straw according to Li Chaofeng's request.

One meter by one meter, grass square.

Quickly running away, Hu Tiehua also returned to Chu Liuxiang, looking at Li Chaofeng who was still "planting grass" seriously in the distance, and explained.

"This kid bets me that as long as these wheat straws are planted, they will still be there when we come back and will not be blown away by the sand."

Chu Liuxiang kept staring at Li Chaofeng in the distance, seeing how effortlessly he performed Qing Kung Fu, and was a little surprised by the strength of his Qi.

People in the martial arts rarely reveal their true strength unless they are fighting to the death. Even if they don't have forty or fifty moves, they can't tell clearly whether their true energy is strong or weak.

After all, true energy has no special effects. Even if true energy is separated from the body, it is transparent.

Most of the reputation of the demon dragon lies in the demon sword dragon tooth. Now it seems that what Bai Xiaosheng said about Li Chaofeng's amazing physical skills is probably true.

Hearing Hu Tiehua talk about the gambling game that was like a child playing house, Chu Liuxiang was a little dumbfounded and asked about it.

"Since it's a bet, what's the bet?"

Hu Tiehua also explained proudly.

"If I lose, as long as conditions permit, I must take a bath once every half a month at most. If he loses, he will no longer need to cook with horse meat."

Chu Liuxiang laughed dumbly, thought for a moment, and nodded.

"The bet is fair."

It was extremely difficult to get Hu Tiehua to take a bath, but Li Chaofeng was very insistent that horse meat was also a type of meat.

Even though Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua showed that they liked horses very much, he was still unwilling to change his mind and would even take the initiative to say it.

He is a cook, and in the eyes of a cook, beasts are never considered human beings.

So no matter who loses in this bet, he must change one of his habits.

Chu Liuxiang didn't understand the desert, so she thought Hu Tiehua was just messing around with Li Chaofeng.

But after hearing the contents of the bet, Ji Bingyan's eyes were filled with fear and a trace of expectation.

After hearing Chu Liuxiang say that the bet was fair, Ji Bingyan spoke directly.

"Fair? Not fair at all!"

Ji Bingyan's voice was trembling, but he didn't know how to explain it, but he still explained it.

"If the wheat straw is still in the ground when we come back, even if only half of it is left, I can break Hu Tiehua's legs and force him to take a bath every day!"

Ji Bingyan's words were strong and serious. It seemed that as long as Li Chaofeng agreed, he would definitely do it, even if Hu Tiehua was his best friend.

Hu Tiehua was shocked by Ji Bingyan's words, and Chu Liuxiang also glanced at Ji Bingyan's expression first, then looked at the grass squares in the sand, and asked.

"What does it mean if these wheat straws are still here after a month?"

Ji Bingyan: "It means that this piece of sand no longer has to worry about being blown up by the wind and turning into a sand dune that can submerge everything."

Ji Bingyan knows the desert very well, and he also knows that the desert has been expanding, and the way it expands is that the sand is blown by the wind into dunes, and then floods the dry wasteland, eventually forming a new desert.

But Hu Tiehua didn't understand, so she crossed her arms and asked.

"so what?"

Ji Bingyan stared closely at Li Chaofeng, who was still "planting grass" seriously, and spoke firmly. “So, as long as there is enough wheat straw, he can make the desert in front of us disappear completely bit by bit!”

Let the desert disappear completely
  Chu Liuxiang was silent, while Hu Tiehua widened his eyes and muttered.

"No wonder that boy dared to say that he could defeat the God of the Desert!"

Chu Liuxiang exclaimed: "People who can't tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes, can't they not only tolerate sand, but also the desert?"

The three of them were silent. As Li Chaofeng's last shovel fell, he also looked at the sand dunes in the distance, nodded, and walked towards Chu Liuxiang and the others.

When the four of them gathered together, Ji Bingyan asked nervously what he wanted to confirm most.

"Is this method really effective?"

Although Li Chaofeng had seen Caofangge's video, he had not studied it seriously, he had just watched it.

Moreover, in Li Chaofeng's view, this thing was only of some use to this town, but not of much benefit to Ji Bingyan.

It's just that Ji Bingyan's caring attitude was too obvious, but Li Chaofeng didn't want to pour cold water on him and just gave a vague answer.

"Huh? I don't know very well. This is just a trick I accidentally read in an ancient book, so... it's just a bet."

When Ji Bingyan heard this, her eyes showed disappointment, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Right, how can some wheat straw defeat the desert.


Li Chaofeng's words only made Ji Bingyan prick up his ears, and then he also heard something.

"The outcome of this bet is worth looking forward to, but people living here may pull out these grasses and use them to burn fires, so..."

After Li Chaofeng finished speaking, he smiled at Hu Tiehua, because he really didn't like Hu Tiehua who didn't take a shower.

When Ji Bingyan heard this, she quickly understood, glanced around, and waved to Xiao Pan who was not far away.

"Go to the town and tell everyone that I bought this piece of sand and they should not touch it. As long as they don't move the grass, I will benefit them a lot when I come back."

After speaking, Ji Bingyan shook her head and rejected the idea.

Because he knew that if he asked the people here not to move the grass, they would not only move it, but also take the initiative to "plant grass" again, making the wheat straw look untouched.

Li Chaofeng only planted a few acres of grass grids. As long as the benefits are large enough, it will not be difficult for them to repair them.

Thinking of this, Ji Bingyan also sighed and ordered to Xiao Pan.

"If you stay in this town, just say that these grasses were a bet between Uncle Hu and Young Master Li. It doesn't matter who loses or wins, but this bet must have a beginning and an end, do you understand?"

Then Ji Bingyan also laughed proudly at the people around her.

"Because we not only long for Hu Daxia to take a bath every half month, but also hope that Li Shaoxia will no longer kill horses for cooking."

Well, the gambling game of Jianghu people is so willful and random.

Xiao Pan's eyes lit up. This task was easy because it was just a gambling battle between people in the world.

The gambling battles between Jianghu people are often so casual and simple.

And this bet does not involve lives, as long as one abides by one's word.

Ji Bingyan took two people into the desert. Shi Tuo because he could survive in the desert despite being deaf, mute and blind, and Xiao Pan because he could speak a few words to anyone.

One understands the vegetation in the desert, and the other understands the people in the desert.

There are two ways to find someone, and he is fully prepared.

But now, Ji Bingyan chooses to keep Xiao Pan, a person who understands the desert, because he can replace Xiao Pan and become a person who communicates with the desert people.

As for Shi Tuo, his role does conflict with Li Chaofeng, but Li Chaofeng doesn't understand the desert, and Ji Bingyan doesn't understand Li Chaofeng either.

Ji Bingyan hopes that Li Chaofeng wins because he hopes that the grass will be really useful, rather than hoping that the grass will stay with the help of external forces.

He must know the true outcome.

To this end, he personally wrote a letter and left it to Xiao Pan. If the five of them could not come back after entering the desert, he was asked to bring the gambling results and the letter back to Lanzhou in a month.

His two concubines will take care of the rest for him.

As for directly telling the people around him or even directly telling Xiao Pan the purpose of these grass squares, Ji Bingyan didn't want to do it.

Because this is a hope that can make everyone ecstatic.

And once hope is shattered, there will be endless disappointment and even despair.

He could accept the despair after failure, but the people here couldn't accept it.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for collections.


(End of this chapter)

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