The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 30 The distinction between pure and turbid

Chapter 30 The distinction between pure and turbid
  The desert sand is like snow, and Yanshan is like a moon.

Above the desert, the sun is as hot as fire.

A blind old man with a stone face led a team of camels walking on the desert. Behind him were four young men wrapped in turbans on the camels.

Among them, the young man with the youngest face and the tallest body looked at the countless desert scenery with nostalgic eyes, but his mind returned to his distant hometown.

Yes, only the desert and the ocean can trigger Li Chaofeng's homesickness.

Because their scenery has been the same from ancient times to the present.

Seeing the nostalgia in Li Chaofeng's eyes, Hu Tiehua was a little curious.

"Snake kid, didn't you say you've never been to the desert? Why does it look like you've seen the desert before?"

In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient. Many people living in the south of the Yangtze River had never seen a desert in their lives, and the only things they had heard were maybe a few poems.

Li Chaofeng looked at the desert with only nostalgia, but no amazement, while Hu Tiehua naturally saw it clearly.

As for calling Li Chaofeng Snake Kid, Hu Tiehua just hoped that Li Chaofeng could integrate into the group, so he quickly gave Li Chaofeng a nickname that he thought was good.

Old bug, dead cock, snake imp.

Snake versus dragon, the person is a little devil, the snake is a little devil.

Li Chaofeng did not object to Hu Tiehua's nickname, because it was just a nickname that only Hu Tiehua could call.

Li Chaofeng had indeed never been to the desert, but he had seen various videos on the Internet. Of course, he couldn't tell Hu Tiehua that he had seen the desert from the videos, so he just answered with a smile.

"The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own beauty like jade. I have read desert poems, and naturally I can see this desert scenery in my dreams."


Hearing that Li Chaofeng was fooling her, Hu Tiehua didn't know how to answer. Although he was literate, he didn't like to read, let alone listen to endorsements.

Chu Liuxiang also smiled while listening to the exchange between Hu Tiehua and Li Chaofeng, while Ji Bingyan was also looking at the sand dunes in the distance with a deep tone.

"Young Master Li, I said that the art of fixing sand with wheat straw is recorded in ancient books. I wonder if you can recite it to us."

"Master Ji, as I said just now, this thing is not very effective. It can at most prevent the poor town from being submerged by the sand, but it cannot make the desert disappear."

Li Chaofeng felt uncomfortable in his heart. He really didn't expect that Ji Bingyan not only knew the desert, but was also afraid of the desert because he almost died in the desert.

The desert is his nightmare.

If it weren't for the safety of Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua, he would never give up his comfortable life in Lanzhou and enter the desert again.

After hearing that Li Chaofeng had a way to deal with the desert, Ji Bingyan wanted to confirm countless times that this method was effective.

He sighed in his heart, knowing that Ji Bingyan would not let him go if he didn't make up something. Li Chaofeng also thought about it in his mind, and then began to write and recite it.

"The winds of heaven and earth are nothing but pure and turbid. The clear wind is like jade, and the turbid wind is like mud. But the wind in the desert is like chaos, and there is no distinction between pure and turbid."

"Because there are fine dust in the sand in the desert wind, it looks like jade on the surface, but it is actually mud. Because it cannot distinguish between pure and turbid, it is a property of chaos."

"If you want to break through the chaos, you need to set up grass as rules and draw the ground as rules. It is like Pangu opening up the sky, and the clear and turbid are separated by themselves."

After finishing speaking, Li Chaofeng looked at Ji Bingyan who was thinking with his head down, sighed, and explained again.

"Master Ji, the records in the ancient books are just records. In my opinion, the greatest function of what is recorded in the ancient books is to tell us ordinary people the nature of the desert wind."

After hearing Li Chaofeng's explanation of the Bible, Ji Bingyan also raised her head and looked up, and heard Li Chaofeng's method in her ears.

"There are fine grains of sand in the desert wind, so it is neither a turbid wind mixed with sand nor a fresh wind with nothing in it. If you want to control sand, you have to separate the sand grains in the desert wind from the wind."

Ji Bingyan nodded, and then continued to ask.

"If you place wheat straw on the ground according to the rules, can you separate the pure and the turbid?"

When Li Chaofeng heard this, he also nodded. He felt the sand wind coming towards him, a smile appeared on his face, he looked at the sky in the distance and began to explain.

"Master Wu Ji, you should know that I am a cook, so my understanding of distinguishing between pure and turbid is that the core lies in the distinction, not the turbidity."

Ji Bingyan lowered her head and asked for advice: "I would like to hear the details."

Li Chaofeng did not continue to answer and turned to ask Hu Tiehua.

"Hu Tiehua, why do you think the wine I gave you tastes better than the wine in other restaurants?"

Li Chaofeng's wine is indeed different from other people's wine. Regardless of the alcohol content, it just looks like each of Li Chaofeng's wines is very clear and translucent.

At this moment, Hu Tiehua was suddenly clicked. Just thinking about it, he knew what the difference Li Chaofeng really wanted to ask about. Hu Tiehua bared his teeth and said, "Of course your wine is clear, while other people's wine is turbid."

Li Chaofeng nodded, and then continued to explain to Ji Bingyan.

"It's true. I can make the wine clearer because I have removed all the turbid things in the wine."

"And this grass grid method is filtering the fine sand in the wind, but what it removes is not the sand, but the wind."

When Hu Tiehua heard this, she interjected strangely.

"Can the wind be removed too?"

Li Chaofeng laughed.

"Since we want to distinguish the turbidity, if you remove the turbidity, you will be able to distinguish the turbidity. If you remove the pure qi, you will naturally be able to distinguish the turbidity."

Ji Bingyan lowered his head to think, then suddenly raised his head.

"Remove the wind and leave the sand. What you mean is that the main function of those grass squares is to deflect the wind direction."

Li Chaofeng smiled: "What Ji Daxia said is true, the wind moves the grass, but the sand cannot be moved by the grass. From then on, the pure and the dirty are separated by themselves."

Li Chaofeng didn't know much about Cao Fangge, but everything made sense. He had figured out Cao Fangge, and Ji Bingyan could naturally see the truth on her own.

Just when Li Chaofeng was about to say something more, suddenly, the tip of his nose moved, his brows furrowed, and he warned Chu Liuxiang and the others.

"There are people a mile away, and the most important thing is that they smell of poison that has blood in their throats."

The smell of poison from a mile away.

Hearing this distance, Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan looked at each other, but Hu Tiehua had already known that Li Chaofeng could smell the smell from several miles away, so she was not surprised, but just asked.

"It's poison that seals the throat at the sight of blood. Snake kid, aren't you calling us something like that?"

Li Chaofeng rolled his eyes at the other party and started to explain to the three of them.

"How can a cook be considered a good cook if he can't tell whether something is bad for his stomach or not?"

Three years ago, he obtained the poison from Ouyang Ting's Diling Palace. He had smelled a lot of poison in the rivers and lakes, so he naturally knew what poison smelled like.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang did not ask further questions, but turned to look at Ji Bingyan and asked for his opinion.

"What should we do now? Avoid it or continue on this path."

Ji Bingyan narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Li Chaofeng's back, thought for a moment, raised her hand and threw a small stone at Shi Tuo's right shoulder in front of her, and explained to Chu Liuxiang smoothly.

"Let's go in another direction first."

After finishing speaking, Ji Bingyan also narrowed her eyes, smiled and held her hand over Li Chaofeng.

"Please take a look at Mr. Li to see if those people are targeting us."

Li Chaofeng nodded slightly and felt it carefully. Soon after, he also opened his eyes and sighed to the three of them.

"It seems we can't escape. Those people ran two miles in front of us and are still waiting for us one mile ahead of us."

Looking up at the sky, several eagles flew gently in the sky. Li Chaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that this camel caravan could not hide from the eyes of the sky.

There is no shelter in the desert.

Hu Tiehua's face was serious: "How many people did you smell?"

Li Chaofeng rolled his eyes: "How do I know how many people there are? Not everyone is like you, with a strong smell on their bodies. They usually smell of sweat. But there shouldn't be many of them, because when they are most dispersed, the smell It just became a line.”

"The smell forms a line, which means people move along a line. Walking in lines is not the habit of desert people."

Hearing this, Chu Liuxiang felt relieved, because the enemies were only three or two at most.

Chu Liuxiang was more concerned about Li Chaofeng's ability at this time.

He thought to himself: No wonder Hua Luoman would rather owe a favor to invite him here. It seems that this demon dragon really has the ability to be as evil as a demon.

Hu Tiehua also laughed and cursed at this time.

"It's just three or two people who dare to block the road. They really look down on us!"

(End of this chapter)

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