Chapter 31 Mixed Suspicions
  Since you can't avoid it, then naturally you won't.

As the five people continued to move forward, Li Chaofeng soon nodded slightly and raised two fingers, which meant that there were two people not far ahead.

As the camel team walked for a while, Hu Tiehua's ears moved and she heard a faint moan.

It was like the last moan of a dying person.

If Li Chaofeng hadn't reminded Hu Tiehua that the two of them had been waiting for them for a long time, Hu Tiehua would definitely be a good person and go to save people, but now Chu Ji and Hu decided to go and have a look.

After all, this was an ambush aimed at them. They had already hid once, so naturally they would not hide a second time.

"Snake kid, you wait here, I'll go see who cares so much about where we go."

Hu Tiehua likes the sun, but no one likes the sun in the desert, so he is very irritated. There is a fight at this time, and he wants to go forward alone.

However, Ji Bingyan is a careful person. The three of them have advanced martial arts skills, but Shi Tuozai is not a person with high martial arts skills. Once the three of them leave, the most dangerous thing is not them, but Shi Tuo who stays in the camel team. Tuo.

Ji Bingyan stared in the direction of the sound: "Let's go together."

As the camel team climbed over the sand dunes, both Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan looked grim, because there were indeed two naked people on the ground, and there was no place to hide anything on them.

"Snake brat, are you sure they are poisonous?"

Hu Tiehua and the others turned to look at Li Chaofeng, only to see Li Chaofeng pointing at his hair.

The poison is in the hair.

Hua Kuangmang's favor is not in vain.

Li Chaofeng said there was someone in front of him a mile away, and then said there were two people half a mile away. Now he even told them that there was poison in their hair.

With this sense of smell, it's no wonder that he hates Hu Tiehua who doesn't take a shower.

Hu Tiehua couldn't bear to look at the two naked people on the ground, who were almost human-like.

But Hu Tiehua was just kind-hearted and not stupid, so he knew very well that Li Chaofeng would not be innocent. There must be poison in the hair of these two people that can seal their throats when they see blood.

Maybe someone just put poison in their hair.

"I gonna go see."

Hu Tiehua walked up and came directly to the two of them. Regardless of whether they would resist, she directly touched the hair that the two of them were holding.


The two people on the ground seemed to be completely naked, with their faces bruised by the sun, but in fact they were just wearing a layer of human skin on their heads, which looked like their skin was bruised by the sun.

At this time, seeing that Hu Tiehua didn't want to save anyone, and wanted to snatch her hair, she was shocked and quickly stretched out her hand to grab Hu Tiehua's hand like a dying person trying to grab something.

However, Hu Tiehua's eyes shone brightly, and with a slight deflection of his palm, he avoided the opponent's grasp and was about to grab someone's hair.

Seeing that Hu Tiehua was about to grab her hair, the two knew that their plan had failed. They jumped up like rabbits. One of them shot several black lights at Hu Tiehua, causing Hu Tiehua to dodge quickly.

The other person went straight past Hu Tiehua, and the black light on his head was like lightning shooting towards the water bag on the camel.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

If Chu Liuxiang and the others were not vigilant, their method would indeed be effective, but even Hu Tiehua felt that what Li Chaofeng said was true, and Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan had already been prepared.

No matter how fast the dozen or so black lights were, they could not be faster than Ji and Chu who were guarding the camel team, let alone Li Chaofeng, who had long known that the other party would use hidden weapons.

Ji Bingyan and Chu Liuxiang used their weapons to deflect most of the flying needles. Li Chaofeng behind them also drew out his shakuli dagger and deflected the last two flying needles between lightning and flint.

The camel team was unscathed, but Hu Tiehua had already held the two people's necks with one hand, trying to control them from moving.

The two of them failed to complete the set task, and knowing that they would be worse off than dead if they survived, they gritted their teeth and uttered the final threat.

"You will all die! Don't think that if you hide this time, you can survive! Hahahaha!"

Then one person moved suddenly and directly used Hu Tiehua's strength to twist his own neck. The other person laughed, and a line of black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he died completely.

Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan naturally exclaimed.

"No, this person also has poison hidden in his mouth."


Hu Tiehua looked down and found that the two people in his hands were all dead, and there were only two corpses in his hands.

Turning to look at Li Chaofeng, Hu Tiehua became confused. “Snake kid, didn’t you say they have poison in their hair? Why is there poison in their mouths too?”

Hearing this, Li Chaofeng rolled his eyes and replied angrily.

"If I could smell the poison in their mouths, they would have died long ago. There is no need to wait until now."

"Hey, yes."

Hearing this explanation, Hu Tiehua laughed sheepishly and turned to Chu Liuxiang to ask.

"Old Bedbug, do you think these two people will be Jamuka's subordinates?"

Chu Liuxiang frowned: "Let's see what they have on them first."

Jamukha has many subordinates, but Jamukha doesn’t need to keep such dead soldiers who commit suicide immediately after being caught.

Because he is the king of the desert.

The Desert King can kill people openly or blatantly. Even if he fails, he can arrange for others to kill him, or even ask others to come to his door to kill him.

This is called the king of the desert. He can be cruel, but not vicious.

No matter how convenient it is for the dead soldiers to hide the truth, it will make the huge force that occupies one side become a coward, which is unacceptable to the king who occupies one side.

Hu Tiehua began to search for the things on the two of them.

The human skin used in the disguise was taken off, and the exquisite concealed weapon syringe was also found, but Chu Liuxiang's face became more and more gloomy.

The sophistication of the concealed weapon syringe is still higher than the "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Demonic Needle", and in Chu Liuxiang's impression, there are only three people in the world who can possess this kind of technology.

The head of the Tang Sect in Sichuan, Mr. Zhu of Jiangnan Jiuqu Hall, and Chu Liuxiang himself.

As the information gathered, Ji Bingyan looked at Shi Tuo not far away. After he climbed up the sand dune, he, who was blind, deaf and mute, began to panic, and even hid among the camels.

Shi Tuo has always been quiet because he was once the senior brother of the Seven Swordsmen of Huashan.

He is also the only person who survived from Shi Guanyin, and he knows that even if his sect is still there, he is no match for Shi Guanyin.
  Therefore, after he escaped, he never thought of returning to Huashan to find others to help him. Instead, he tried his best to avoid being discovered by his relatives.

He did things for Ji Bingyan just because he owed Ji Bingyan a life.

If one day he feels there is no need to pay it back, he will leave.

Such a person will generally not panic, especially in the desert he is most familiar with.

The difference between under the dunes and above the dunes is just that there are two more people.

The hot air made Ji Bingyan's mind a little unclear.

In addition, the injuries on the human skin eyes worn by the two people were very similar to Shi Tuo's eyes, and Ji Bingyan gradually became suspicious.

He was a cautious person.

He glanced at Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua, and finally looked at Li Chaofeng, with a vigilant look on his face.

"Have you ever heard of the name Shi Guanyin, Mr. Li?"

Ji Bingyan did not hide the vigilance in her voice, but Li Chaofeng just nodded lightly and answered in a calm tone.

"I have heard of this name, but I never knew who she was. I just heard that she was very beautiful, so I called her Shi Guanyin."

When they heard the name Shi Guanyin, Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua looked at each other because they had heard of the name Shi Guanyin.

However, in their memory, Shi Guanyin was not only famous for her beauty.

She is recognized as the most beautiful, vicious, ruthless, and the most skilled woman in the world.

Chu Liuxiang felt that Ji Bingyan began to distrust Li Chaofeng.

Indeed, Li Chaofeng's powerful sense of smell is really incredible, but if these two dead men have been cooperating with Li Chaofeng, it would not be so amazing.

Hu Tiehua also understood what Ji Bingyan meant and cursed angrily.

"You damn cock, do you think I am also a member of Shi Guanyin?"

 Ask for collections, ask for tickets.

  (End of this chapter)

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