Chapter 490 Meeting at Huangchi
Tick, tick.

Countless drops of water kept dripping from the wet cave. Hu Tiehua looked at the dark cave ahead.

He was lucky. After leaving Lu Xiaofeng, he soon saw a martial artist holding a long sword.

This man behaved carefully and tried to avoid being followed all the way. Thinking that there were traces of the evil cult in Wangwu Mountain, Hu Tiehua naturally followed him.

As they walked deep into the mountains, the man quickly disappeared. Hu Tiehua looked around but only found a natural cave.

The moss at the entrance of the cave proved that someone had just passed by this place. Hu Tiehua thought about it for a moment and stepped in.

The cave has a complex terrain, with tall stalactites everywhere, which are suitable for ambushes.

But there were not many forks in the road, so Hu Tiehua followed the stone wall and walked stealthily, and everything went smoothly.

But the further he walked, the more confused Hu Tiehua became.

Because along the way, he didn't encounter any lurking spies, but instead saw several young men from the underworld dressed in the clothes of famous and upright families.

They were not guards. They either gathered in groups of three or four to chat, or sat in secluded places to meditate.

With his knowledge, he quickly identified the clothes of several sects.

Shaolin, Wudang, Beggars' Sect, Kongtong, Kunlun. Almost all the nine major sects have appeared, and they are all elite disciples.

Hmm. It seems that he didn’t come to the headquarters of the evil cult, but a gathering place of famous and upright sects.

This is a gathering of noble families. When did they need to be so low-key?

Out of curiosity, Hu Tiehua continued to move forward. Soon the narrow stone road disappeared and a huge square appeared in front of him.

With his hands on the stalactites at the top of the cave, Hu Tiehua hid in the shadows and looked down.

Wudang Mu Dao Ren, Shaolin Dabei Zen Master, Emei Xuanzhen Temple Master Dugu Yihe, Huashan Sect Leader Hua Zhenzhen
There were also a few people wearing clothes from several major sects. Hu Tiehua knew them, but he couldn't recognize them all.

But he knew that the nine major sects would not gather here for a trivial matter.

Hu Tiehua arrived at the right time and saw Zen Master Dabei asking Hua Zhenzhen with his hands clasped together.

"Master Hua, this meeting in Huangchi is only about the fight between the two demons. Please make it clear which side Huashan is on."

After the incident on Bat Island, Hua Zhenzhen returned to Huashan, shaved her hair to become a nun, and took over the position of headmaster.

Although everyone in Huashan had a grudge against Li Chaofeng because of Ku Mei's death, Hua Zhenzhen did not break off her relationship with Liu Xinying.

After being the head of the sect for several years, with the help of Liu Xinying, Hua Zhenzhen also had a close relationship with the Shenlong Gang.

Therefore, she never thought of becoming an enemy of Li Chaofeng.
However, her thoughts are just her thoughts and cannot represent the entire world.

Hua Zhenzhen opened her eyes slightly and spoke.

"Although Li Chaofeng is known as the Demonic Dragon, he only attacks those sects that offend him."

"No one in Huashan has any intention of becoming an enemy of the Shenlong Gang."

When Zen Master Dabei heard this, he looked at Wudang Mu Dao Ren. Mu Dao Ren's eyes moved slightly and he also smiled.

"Master Hua has misunderstood. What we want to ask is about the invasion of the Demon Cult."

"If the Demon Dragon wins the battle of the Demon Swords, we will be powerless even if we want to keep them."

"But if Bai Xiaolou wins, he is not Li Chaofeng and cannot fly. This is a good time to capture him in one fell swoop."

"The Demon Cult has been causing trouble for the martial arts world for decades. Their appearance this time is just the right time to eradicate them completely."

Hua Zhenzhen looked at Mu Dao Ren and sneered.

"Since we are targeting the Demon Sect, why do we have to gather here? Shaolin and Wudang are so close, why can't we talk?"

"Here they are doing dirty things, but they are not afraid of losing face for their noble and upright family."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the host who called the meeting. The initiator of this Huangchi meeting was the head of the Xiantian Wuji Sect, Zhao Wuji.

The Xiantian Wuji Sect was once a powerful enough sect to compete with Shaolin and Wudang.

However, after the death of the sect leader Yu Fanghe, Yu Peiyu, after being the leader of the martial arts world for several years, followed his father's example and retired from the martial arts world, and the sect gradually declined.

When Zhao Wuji heard Hua Zhenzhen's question, he laughed out loud and explained.

"Master Hua, the Huangchi meeting has not been held for many years. It is held this time only because of fate."

"If we are only attacking the Demon Cult, we should do it openly and aboveboard. However, since this involves the Demon Dragon, we can only act in secret."

"After all, the magic dragons have amazing eyes and ears, and they have their own secret dragon skills in their hands. They are really not comparable to the magic sect."

Standing up and apologizing, Zhao Wuji also admitted his guilt.

"After all the calculations, I made the head of Huashan feel ashamed. It's Zhao's fault. I hope you can be magnanimous."

Zhao Wuji spoke sincerely. Hua Zhenzhen looked at him in surprise and then kept silent.

Zhao Wuji saw that Hua Zhenzhen was silent, looked around, and saw that Master Dabei and Mu Dao Ren were waiting for him to speak, so he smiled proudly.

"Since the abdication of Alliance Leader Yu, the martial arts world has enjoyed decades of peace. Even when Dugu Can invaded the Central Plains, heroes like Tie Zhongtang emerged."

"It's just that in recent years, the devil dragon has appeared in the world, making life miserable for people everywhere. Although I am a lowly person with little influence, I am often anxious."

"While in his dream, Zhao suddenly remembered the Huangchi Festival. Although there were intrigues, it was no better than the gangsters running rampant in the world."

"This time, Bai Xiaolou has reappeared in the martial arts world, and it is the perfect opportunity for us to restart the Huangchi Grand Meeting. I have the audacity to send out invitations to you all, just to recreate the grand martial arts world."

Dugu Yihe listened to the words, but put the sword in his hand on his legs. He looked at Zhao Wuji with sharp eyes and asked in a cold tone.

"What kind of prosperous world do you plan to rebuild?"

When Zhao Wuji heard this, he smiled slightly and then explained.

"The Huangchi meeting was originally held to select a leader for the martial arts world."

Hearing the title of Wulin Alliance Leader, Mu Dao Ren opened his eyes slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said.

"Leader of the Wulin?"

"Yan Nantian also held a demon-disputing conference to elect a martial arts leader, but the Shenlong Gang disrupted the event and he lost all face."

"Now that we have another martial arts leader, aren't you afraid that they will come and mess things up again?"

When Zhao Wuji heard this, he laughed.

"Master, have you forgotten that the leader of the martial arts world in the Huangchi meeting is different from the leader of the martial arts world elected by the martial arts world?"

"It was formed by an alliance between the old man Leshan and thirteen heroes. Only the descendants of these fourteen heroes can become the leader of the martial arts world."

Zhao Wuji's words were bright, but everyone present heard them clearly.

The nine major sects present are all descendants of the thirteen heroes, and the Xiantian Wuji Sect is also the descendant of the Leshan Old Man.

The ten major sects formed an alliance at the Huangchi meeting, and the leader of the martial arts world will only be born from one of the ten major sects.
But he can command the entire world.

The elder from Kongtong Sect who came at this time also spoke with a smile after hearing what Zhao Wuji said.

"I think it's good."

Of course it's good
At this time in the martial arts world, there is not only Bai Xiaolou, the leader of the evil cult, but also Shen Lang who is causing trouble everywhere.

As the son of Jiuzhou King Shen Tianjun, Shen Lang has the power to command the world because he also has an alliance leader order.

The world's number one hero does things in an upright manner. When he arrives at a place, he says that the righteous should learn from the Dragon Gang to sell grain at a fair price, so as to help the people.
It sounds good, but the food is not his!!!

(End of this chapter)

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