Chapter 491 Doll Villa
The Kongtong Sect supports restarting the Huangchi Meeting.

Mu Dao Ren and Dabei Zen Master just looked at each other, and had their own thoughts in mind.

When the evil dragon suddenly appeared, the famous hero Shen Lang reappeared in the world, and the evil cult made a comeback.

Choosing a new leader of the martial arts world in the name of the Huangchi Association is indeed an option.

He just glanced at Hua Zhenzhen, then looked at the Beggars' Sect and Emei, and then looked at the Kunlun Sect which had nothing to do with him, and they both shook their heads.

It is so difficult to integrate the power of the nine major sects to fight against the evil dragon.

There are numerous Taoist temples on the top of Mount Emei, and not only are they fighting each other, but many forces are also in contact with the Shenlong Gang.

The same is true for Huashan. The Phoenix Mother Liu Xinying was born as an inner sect disciple of Huashan.

It is true that Li Chaofeng killed the former head of Huashan, Master Kumei, but he is the savior of the current head of Huashan.

The truth about Bat Island was confirmed by Chu Liuxiang himself. Some people in Huashan hated Li Chaofeng, but naturally there were also people who thought that Li Chaofeng did nothing wrong.

The Beggars' Sect is closer to the Dragon Sect than the Huashan Sect.

The Beggars' Sect is the largest gang in the underworld, and is also considered a loose sect, with a dispute over clean and dirty clothes.

Although the Clean Clothes Faction calls themselves beggars, they are willing to work. There are many ways to get rich on both sides of the Yangtze River, so they are very close to the Shenlong Gang.

But the Wuyi Faction completely looked down upon the Shenlong Gang.

Because Li Chaofeng gathered refugees, the Wuyi Sect could no longer recruit disciples and almost disappeared on both sides of the Yangtze River.

The Dirty Clothes Faction withdrew from the Yangtze River, and the Clean Clothes Faction occupied the Junshan headquarters, and had long been indistinguishable from the Shenlong Gang.

Kunlun is far away from Tianshan
Li Chaofeng had no intention of destroying the righteousness of the martial arts world, so no matter how evil he acted, it had nothing to do with them.

The only ones who truly want to suppress the Shenlong Gang, and are even willing to become enemies, are the two righteous leaders of Shaolin and Wudang, as well as Kongtong, Dian Cang, and Qingcheng.

However, Dian Cang and Qingcheng were driven into the mountain gate by Li Chaofeng, and their power had been greatly reduced by then, leaving only an empty shell.

The Kongtong Sect's power is intact and they don't want to experience the same fate as Dian Cang and Qingcheng, so they naturally support Zhao Wuji's proposal.

But the remaining four major sects will definitely disagree.

Just as Taoist Mu thought, Jiang Kuang from the Beggar Gang also asked with a sneer on his face after hearing the Kongtong Sect's proposal.

"What's so good about the Wulin Alliance Leader? We chose one, so can't they choose one too?"

"We are a sect gathering. The Shenlong Gang will definitely be publicly condemned by the whole martial arts world. Who will the martial arts world follow orders from then on? Do we need anyone to tell us?"

The Kongtong Sect listened to what the Beggars' Sect said and glared at them and accused them.

"So you just watched Li Chaofeng act lawless and not even take the imperial court seriously?"

Hearing the Kongtong Sect using the imperial court to pressure others, Jiang Kuang stopped talking.

The Beggars' Sect is not the enemy of the Dragon Sect, but it is not an unbreakable ally either.

Although the nine major sects never obey the laws of the imperial court and only act according to the rules of the martial arts world, they still need to obey the emperor on the surface.

This is the current dilemma of the Shenlong Gang.

In the underworld, Li Chaofeng is just a little overbearing, but he is very good at business.

As long as he is not complacent, Li Chaofeng will not give up his own interests.

He doesn't want to be a capitalist and make every penny in the world.

But to the imperial court and the emperor, the Shenlong Gang was preparing for a rebellion but had not yet raised the flag.

Without raising the flag, if the Beggars' Sect wants to form an alliance, it has to consider whether the imperial court will suppress the Beggars' Sect and use it as a warning to others.

But Jiang Kuang did not feel disappointed at all. He just looked at Shaolin and Wudang with a smile on his face.

Kongtong is using justice to pressure others, so naturally there is no way to continue the discussion.

Taoist Mu looked at Jiang Kuang's smiling face and turned to look at Kongtong.

They are the nine major sects, not the court's lackeys.

Originally, we should discuss how to unite as one, so as to at least make the Shenlong Gang cautious.

You brought the imperial court into the picture to pressure others, and this meeting ended immediately.

Sure enough, after practicing the Seven Injury Fist so much, he even lost his brain.

Taoist Mu wanted to become the head of Wudang, but he had no intention of harming Wudang to benefit the world. He spoke with a smile on his face.

"Although Xiantian Wuji Sect is leading the event, the Huangchi meeting happened too long ago and has long been forgotten by the world. I'm afraid it won't work this time."

When Zhao Wuji heard this, his face was full of disappointment, but he also looked up and laughed.

"It's okay. You guys are already giving Zhao face by coming here."

After hearing this, the man from Kunlun just chuckled and then fell silent.

They came to the Qinling Mountains just to watch the battle of the magic swords.

Zhao Wuji invited us from Xiantian Wuji Sect, so he is a descendant of a famous sect, so he came to visit us. Otherwise, who would come from all over the country for an invitation from a small sect?

After hearing this, Zen Master Dabei also clasped his hands slightly.

"In that case, I will leave first."

As Shaolin left, the other sects also began to return along the same route, and Zhao Wuji said goodbye to them one by one.

When Hua Zhenzhen saw everyone leaving, she stood up and left without saying hello.

Hu Tiehua watched everyone leave in unhappiness, and gently fell down from the stalactite.

After a few ups and downs, he arrived beside Hua Zhenzhen.

Hua Zhenzhen originally brought a few disciples with him, and suddenly there was one more person. Huashan was the last wave, but he was not noticed by anyone.

Seeing Hu Tiehua suddenly appear, Hua Zhenzhen was not panicked, but just asked.

"Why is Mr. Hu here when you're not guarding Li Chaofeng?"

Hu Tiehua made no secret of his purpose: "I heard there were traces of the Demon Cult here, so I came to take a look."

Hearing this, Hua Zhenzhen stopped where she was, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Where did you get this secret information?"

Hu Tiehua blinked: "Of course it's a restaurant."

Hua Zhenzhen asked in doubt: "Didn't Li Chaofeng tell you?"

Hu Tiehua shook his head: "Of course not, that guy doesn't want to pay attention to me at all."

Hua Zhenzhen lowered her head to think, then shook her head and said seriously.

"The Demon Cult has always been secretive in its actions. Even the Shenlong Gang only recently learned of its location."

"You are just a wandering person, how can you possibly know something so specific?"

Hu Tiehua was shocked, because the news about the Demon Cult he inquired about was just gossip, and he was just trying to see if it was true or not.

But after being reminded by Hua Zhenzhen, he finally reacted.

Someone is deliberately spreading this news.

It’s gonna be bad!!!

Hua Zhenzhen gripped the sword tightly, turned her head and looked around, feeling slightly relieved.

The conflict between the righteous and the evil sects has lasted for hundreds of years and is more serious than the conflict between the Shenlong Gang and the imperial court.

During this battle between the two demons, the nine major sects did not just sit there and watch and do nothing.

Two dogs fight, play off.

Shaolin sent out the Great Compassion Master, Wudang sent out the Taoist Master Mu, and the other sects also selected their strongest fighters to watch the battle.

Even if Bai Xiaolou defeated Li Chaofeng in this battle, he could not return to the Western Regions.

With so many masters gathered together, even if the Demon Cult came out in full force, they would not be able to capture them all.

Hu Tiehua had the same idea, but he continued walking.
Hu Tiehua and others fell silent.

The length of the cave, something was wrong.

Hu Tiehua asked in a low voice: "Was this road this long when you came in?"

Hua Zhenzhen looked at the team in front of her which was becoming increasingly panicked. Her eyes became extremely serious and she shook her head slightly.

"of course not."

Several elite disciples of Huashan are by her side. If they encounter an ambush at this time, it will be a disaster for Huashan.

Silence spread among the crowd, and soon someone in the front shouted.

"There is light. There is light."


Hua Zhenzhen and Hu Tiehua looked at each other. The cave was narrow and not a good place to fight, so they followed everyone and rushed towards the light source.

After stepping out, Hu Tiehua stopped where he was instantly.

The sun shone on the earth, and birds were singing and flowers were blooming everywhere, as if they had really left the dark and closed cave.

The only problem is
Not far from the cave entrance, there is a Jinxiu Villa with extremely luxurious decorations.

From a distance, there are four big characters written on the plaque of the villa.

Doll Manor!!!

(End of this chapter)

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