Chapter 492: Xiaolou Sect Leader
The top of Mount Huashan.

Li Chaofeng had been on the stone exposed to wind and rain for more than ten days, but his aura had not changed at all.

Baiyujing came at sunrise and returned at sunset.

Then he brought Li Chaofeng a shocking news.

All the people from the nine major sects who were used to ambush Bai Xiaolou disappeared.

However, Li Chaofeng just listened with a cold face without any reaction.

Bai Yujing sighed: "It seems that you already know?"

Li Chaofeng looked at Bai Yujing under the stone, his eyes looking into the distance. He did not give a direct answer, but just asked in a cold voice.

"Where is Bai Xiaolou?"

Bai Yujing was speechless and treated Li Chaofeng with sincerity.

But Li Chaofeng only used him as a tool.

But being treated as a tool is better than saying nothing.

Bai Yujing smiled and then replied: "How can I know about such things, but after so many days, he should be here soon."

Looking down at the countless broken knives under the stone, Bai Yujing sighed.

"He sent you so many knife sharpeners, but your aura hasn't changed at all."

"No one can survive so many battles without changing. If he hasn't changed, then he must be wrong."

“You may not be a good knife, but you are a good whetstone.”

Li Chaofeng has been adjusting his condition during this period.
He has always used his superb kung fu to bully others. Although it is dangerous, he always has a way out.

However, Bai Xiaolou's direct challenge this time also caused him to feel tremendous pressure.

Bai Xiaolou is not as good as Chu Liuxiang. Chu Liuxiang even used a sword when fighting with him, but Bai Xiaolou's magic sword has always been invincible.

But pressure can also bring motivation. Li Chaofeng did not avoid it, but chose to fight.

Back then, he was able to develop the Nine Styles of the Divine Dragon based on the "Five Wonderful Skills" and "The Flying Dagger of Xiao Li".

But as he took over the Shenlong Gang, he also obtained more martial arts secrets.

Not to mention the "Great Purple Yang Hand of Heaven and Earth Destruction", Li Chaofeng also remembered the "Fossil Magic Art". The Shenlong Gang even had the "Wedding Dress Magic Art" in its hundreds of years of inheritance.

There are also various martial arts collected by Li Chaofeng along the way, as well as martial arts secrets delivered to the door by Wang Lianhua.

Li Chaofeng studied for a long time and developed many martial arts for gang members to practice.

But to Li Chaofeng, most of them were just fragments and did not form a system at all.

As the Dragon King, Li Chaofeng has no time to sort out these things. Everything is based on practicality.

This time when fighting against Bai Xiaolou, Li Chaofeng simply threw away his responsibilities as the Dragon King, and everything he did was for the sake of winning the duel.

In the past few months, the Five Insects Divine Sword has been developing his own martial arts.

More systematic and more powerful martial arts.

As for what happened in the martial arts world, it had nothing to do with him.

The path he arranged for the Shenlong Gang was never to become a group of vassals who obeyed his orders.

Sooner or later, the Shenlong Gang will have to break away from Li Chaofeng's influence and handle all matters in the underworld independently.

In this case, why not take advantage of Bai Xiaolou's challenge and let them handle some things personally to see how many problems will arise.

Li Chaofeng was somewhat surprised by the news that Bai Yujing told him, but it had nothing to do with the Shenlong Gang, so he just said it coldly.

"Tell him that if he doesn't come within three days, I will leave."

Li Chaofeng had waited for Bai Xiaolou in Huashan for half a month. If he didn't come, he would go to find him in person.

Bai Yujing scratched his ears after hearing this and looked into the distance. A young man in black was walking slowly towards him.

"Dragon King doesn't have to wait for three days. Master Xiaolou is already here."

After hearing Bai Yujing's words, Li Chaofeng's eyes fell on the young man in black who was walking towards him from afar.

There were many people waiting in the forest, but Li Chaofeng never cared about them. The young man in black who came over now looked just ordinary.

The young man was not very old, at least not older than Li Chaofeng, but his eyes were very sharp.

The whole person walked up Mount Huashan like a sharp blade, holding a very curved scimitar in his hand.

Is this what it means to listen to the spring rain in a small building all night?
Li Chaofeng narrowed his eyes and spoke in a somewhat cold tone.

"Bai Xiaolou has achieved a breakthrough in martial arts, so he has regained his youth?"

Bai Yujing didn't mind the implicit distrust in Li Chaofeng's tone, he just reminded him.

"There is no way to rejuvenate in this world, at least not in the Demon Cult."

There are ways to rejuvenate in this world, and Mingyu Gong can do it. Yao Yue broke through the ninth level of Mingyu Gong, and now she looks like a 20-year-old girl.

But the Demon Cult didn’t.

Not only do they not have that, many of their martial arts will even directly consume the body's essence and blood.

As soon as he used this move, his hair turned white immediately.

Bai Yujing knew about this matter, and Li Chaofeng knew it even better.

Since this person is not Bai Xiaolou.
Has Bai Yujing been lying from the beginning to the end?

Without getting angry, Li Chaofeng just looked at the young man who was walking slowly towards him and asked coldly.

"Who is he?"

When Bai Yujing heard the question, he answered with a smile and a very joking tone.

"He is the new leader of the Demon Cult, Qiu Xiaolou. Qiu Chunyu's enemy, Bai Xiaolou's younger brother."

The small building listened to the spring rain all night.

The small building is Bai Xiaolou, and the spring rain is Qiu Chunyu.

Li Chaofeng also remembered the name Qiu Xiaolou.

He still remembered that the Palace Master of Tianmei was called Sun Xingyu.

What he didn't expect was that Xie Xiaofeng and Qiu Xiaolou were of similar age in this world.

Old man and young wife, right?

Bai Xiaolou and Qiu Xiaolou became two different people.

Li Chaofeng was angry, but he suppressed it and spoke with sarcasm.

"So after you meet him, you should stop saying Bai Xiaolou and call him Xiaolou Sect Leader instead."

"Sure enough, a person who doesn't lie will always lie to others."

Bai Yujing smiled and retorted: "I am not a person who does not lie, but I will only lie once a day at most."

"I originally thought that the Dragon King would be concerned about Bai Xiaolou's current situation and planned to cover it up with a lie."

"But the Dragon King has been practicing for so many days, so Yu Jing has no choice but to never lie."

"Besides, whether it's Bai Xiaolou or Qiu Xiaolou, what difference does it make to the Dragon King?"

There is indeed no difference, because what Bai Yujing concealed was just a joke.

The anger gradually disappeared, and Li Chaofeng's eyes became cold.

Whether it is Bai Xiaolou or Qiu Xiaolou.

To Li Chaofeng, they are all users of the Crescent Moon Scimitar.

But Bai Xiaolou is very old.

For martial artists, the longer they practice, the richer their true Qi will be.

However, the deterioration of body functions still has an impact on the use of true Qi.

Even though someone is as strong as Yan Nantian, whose true energy is endless during battle, he still has old hidden injuries in his body.

You can fight, but if you want to continue the fight for several days, it will only cause more injuries.

The Demon Cult's martial arts are harmful to the body, and Bai Xiaolou simply cannot fight for long.

This is how Dugu Can was tortured to death by Tie Zhongtang.

Even if Li Chaofeng cannot win against Bai Xiaolou.

But as long as he sees Bai Xiaolou, he will stick to him in the sky and use his physical strength to kill him.

However, Qiu Xiaolou is young and strong, so he cannot use such means.

Once Li Chaofeng goes too far, Qiu Xiaolou will be able to defend himself and then rush thousands of miles to the Yangtze River.

By then, the devil's sword will be everywhere, and Anqing City will be filled with casualties.

This was something Li Chaofeng was unwilling to accept. If he could accept it, he would never confront Bai Xiaolou head-on.

Qiu Xiaolou walked very slowly, but no matter how hard he tried, he would eventually reach the end.

When he walked in front of Li Chaofeng, he also looked up at Li Chaofeng.

Seeing that Li Chaofeng's eyes were still so indifferent, and he did not have the aura of a swordsman that could cut through everything in front of him, Qiu Xiaolou had a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Bai Yujing didn't lie to me. You haven't changed in all these days."

Nodding slightly: "I was wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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