The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 493 Different paths lead to the same destination

Chapter 493 Different paths lead to the same destination

The sword has double edges and can be used to advance or retreat.

The knife has a single edge and can only be used to move forward, not backward.

Anyone who practices swordsmanship will be safe within three feet of him.

However, Li Chaofeng did not have such momentum, which made Qiu Xiaolou very disappointed for a while.

The name of Li Chaofeng's Demonic Sword was never Qiu Xiaolou's goal; that was the purpose of the Demon Cult.

What he wanted to see was a blow that even the famous hero Shen Lang could not match.

Cut off through the ages.

It’s a good name, it has the heroism of a swordsman.

The moves are also good, with the determination of a swordsman.

But it's too inappropriate to apply it to Li Chaofeng.

How can a person who would consider whether to give way in advance when colliding head-on with an ordinary person become the one who is cut off from the world for eternity?

The Demon Cult wants Qiu Xiaolou to become famous, but Qiu Xiaolou only wants to improve his swordsmanship.

So, after Li Chaofeng determined the location of the duel, he sent countless knife sharpeners to the opponent.

After sharpening the knife for so long, the Demon Cult can't wait any longer, so Qiu Xiaolou has no choice but to come.

But when I saw Li Chaofeng again, his aura was still that of someone who would take a step back before meeting someone, unlike a top swordsman who would only advance and never retreat.

But the countless broken swords and knives under the stone proved that Li Chaofeng's knife was really sharp.

Li Chaofeng is naturally a swordsman because his sword is always in his hand.

Since Qiu Xiaolou had arrived, Li Chaofeng didn't say much and just looked at the scimitar in Qiu Xiaolou's hand.

Is this what “Listening to the Spring Rain in a Small Building All Night” means?
The knife was in the sheath, and Li Chaofeng had not seen the words yet.

After just a brief thought, Li Chaofeng said with a stern look in his eyes.

"I thought it would be Bai Xiaolou who came, but it turned out to be just an unknown person. It delayed us for a long time. It's really ridiculous."

Qiu Xiaolou didn't care. He just looked up at Li Chaofeng and replied coldly.

"You were once a nobody."

Li Chaofeng stood upright on top of the stone, his tone calm and cold.

"An unknown person intends to step on my shoulders and become famous."

"You will die, and die silently."

Looking down at the countless broken knives and swords under the stone, Li Chaofeng said again.

"Just like these swords."

Li Chaofeng's words did not affect Qiu Xiaolou's mind. He just smiled and drew his scimitar.

The seven small words "Listening to the spring rain in the small building all night" came into Li Chaofeng's eyes, but Li Chaofeng was not surprised at all.

Qiu Xiaolou gazed at the scimitar in his hand with loving eyes and spoke again.

"I came here for this sword. Even if its owner changes, its reputation cannot be taken away by others."

Words are useless. Another person obsessed with martial arts?

Li Chaofeng narrowed his eyes and stopped disturbing the other person's mind. He just gave orders in a cold tone.

"Draw your sword, and put an end to this trivial matter."

Qiu Xiaolou felt the pressure in Li Chaofeng's tone, but he just held his sword in front of him and shook his head slightly.

"You're standing too tall. I want you to be shorter."

The sword energy came in all directions and instantly cut through the huge rock under Li Chaofeng.

Only a crackling sound was heard under Li Chaofeng, but the boulder did not move at all.

Bai Yujing, who was not far away, was a little surprised when he saw Qiu Xiaolou cutting the boulder while Li Chaofeng was still standing on it.

But just a thought will make you understand that Li Chaofeng can be as light as a feather or as heavy as Mount Tai.

The boulder was cut in half, but as long as Li Chaofeng could hold it down, it would not collapse.

He touched the fine stubble at the corner of his mouth. After not taking care of it for so many days, Bai Yujing looked a little sloppy.

But now he understands that what Li Chaofeng says and what he does are never the same thing.

He mocked Qiu Xiaolou as a nobody, but his actions were always to compete for power.

Even though Li Chaofeng was cautious enough, a lion fighting a rabbit does not need to bluff.

He was the Sky Dragon King. Facing the challenge, he could go all out, which was already giving face to the weak. Qiu Xiaolou had already drawn his sword, and Li Chaofeng could have used all his strength, but he still didn't move first.

He was on guard, wary that Qiu Xiaolou's martial arts skills might surpass his own.

I only tell one lie every day, but Li Chaofeng lies all the time and everywhere.

The boulder did not move, and Li Chaofeng sneered.

"One knife is not enough."

Qiu Xiaolou also shouted coldly when he saw that Li Chaofeng still hadn't taken out his weapon.

"Then. Give it another blow!"

The young man in black jumped into the air, scimitar in his hand, and pounced towards Li Chaofeng.


Li Chaofeng disappeared in an instant, Qiu Xiaolou's eyes went blank and his heart stopped.

how come?
If he doesn't even want to be on equal footing with me, how could he dodge my first blow?

Qiu Xiaolou raised his head instantly, and a sword light emitting a bright moonlight came towards him.

Is this what it means to end the world?
Just by seeing it, you know you can’t win!
Qiu Xiaolou pushed hard with his feet, and a "crashing" sound was heard.

The boulder began to slide slowly.

Qinggong can indeed allow one to fly, but it requires a point of leverage and cannot be done out of thin air.

The huge rock collapsed, but Qiu Xiaolou was able to keep his body steady, which was an outstanding performance of his martial arts skills.

He clearly had the sword skills to fight him head-on, but he used conspiracy and trickery to defeat him?

Li Chaofeng is not only not a swordsman.
He is not even as good as an ordinary warrior!!!

Warriors always desire a battle of equal strength.

A feeling of rage arose from Qiu Xiaolou's heart, and a thick black aura instantly burst out from his body.

Li Chaofeng's eyes froze slightly.
Is this the method to disintegrate the devil?

The black gas spread to the scimitar. Qiu Xiaolou crouched down, stuck his feet tightly to the slowly falling boulder, and then slashed the sky with his sword.

When black and white meet, dimensions clash.

A powerful spatial tear appeared in front of Li Chaofeng's eyes. The strong suction in the crack made it almost impossible for Li Chaofeng to fly away, and the same was true for Qiu Xiaolou.

The two looked at each other, Li Chaofeng's eyes were cold and Qiu Xiaolou's eyes were crazy.


A three-inch long red flying knife appeared behind Li Chaofeng, followed by a burst of fiery red light.

Qiu Xiaolou's eyes focused, and the black energy on his body increased again. The black space cracks instantly suppressed the white cracks and slowly spread towards Li Chaofeng.

However, when Li Chaofeng saw the black cracks, he did not retreat at all.

The red flying knife behind him began to accelerate and flew straight towards Qiu Xiaolou's face.

In a two-to-one situation, the side with the majority always has the advantage.

Qiu Xiaolou used self-mutilation to increase the internal energy in his body, but was unable to defend against two attacks.

But at this time the boulder had already fallen to the ground, but he moved his feet and instantly left Li Chaofeng's Yuehua long sword.

The red flying knife slashed across the corner of Qiu Xiaolou's clothes, but turned around in an instant and returned to Li Chaofeng, moving constantly.

The long sword is as cold as the moon, and the short sword is as hot as fire.

The moon is longer and the day is shorter, the sun revolves around the moon.

This is the Chaos Sun and Moon Sword Technique.

Qiu Xiaolou stopped and looked at the red flying knife in front of Li Chaofeng, and said with admiration on his face.

"You can actually attach the positive energy of the Heaven-destroying and Earth-destroying Great Purple Yang Hand to the weapon."

Li Chaofeng listened to Qiu Xiaolou's words with an unhappy expression and his eyes narrowed.

Xiao Li's flying dagger was invincible, but was blocked by Qiu Xiaolou, who asked coldly.

"What's the name of this move of yours?"

Qiu Xiaolou looked at Li Chaofeng's serious expression and replied in a cold voice.

"It's called the Heaven-Shock-Earth-Smashing Technique."

"It is one of the seven martial arts of the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth."

(End of this chapter)

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