Chapter 53 Butterfly wears flowers
  Outside Hu Tiehua's three-man tent, a man wearing the uniform of a Kucha guard and patrolling suddenly stopped because he heard Hu Tiehua's call, but he didn't understand where the flaw was.

A guard, simply patrolling the tent of Hu Tiehua and the others, should not be a flaw.

However, the other party already knew that he was coming. In this case, Zhongyuan Dianhong naturally had no habit of avoiding him.

Looking around, Zhongyuan nodded a little red, walked into the tent of Hu Tiehua and the others, and directly saw the three people sitting on the low platform waiting for him.

Hu Tiehua was stunned for a moment when she saw a Qiuci guard walking into the tent, but upon closer inspection, she realized that the guard had a Han face, and she also smiled.

"Are you just Zhongyuan Yidianhong?"

Zhongyuan Yidianhong nodded. As the most paid killer in the world, he has always been very trustworthy, and as Chu Liuxiang's friend, he would never give up on his mission.

"You three are the flower, the chicken, and the snake?"

Hu Tiehua was stunned and said "tsk" in his mouth. He did not expect that Sun Kong actually kept his promise and really did not convey their information to Zhongyuan Dianhong.

When he let Sun Kong go, he had no intention of killing Sun Kong. He also had another idea, which was to prevent Zhongyuan Yidianhong from causing trouble to the three of them.

The old bug was captured by Shi Guanyin, but his request was to obey King Qiuci's order, so now Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan have no idea of ​​protecting King Qiuci, and they don't want to be red to Shang Zhongyuan.

But if Sun Kong doesn't say anything, he can say it himself.

"Indeed, I am a flower, Hu Tiehua's flower."

Ji Bingyan rolled her eyes: "I am Ji Bingyan."

Zhongyuan Dianhong blinked, because he was Chu Liuxiang's friend, and he came to Qiuci because of Chu Liuxiang's request.

The two people in front of him seemed to be Chu Liuxiang's two best friends.

With a cold snort, Zhongyuan Dianhong looked around, looked at the young man behind Hu Tiehua who had been sizing him up, and asked in a cold tone.

"'Butterflies have wings, and the fragrance of flowers fills the world.' It seems that this friend is Chu Liuxiang himself?"

Li Chaofeng scratched his neck wordlessly, sighed in his heart, and finally gave the correct answer.

"My surname is Li, I don't want to say my name, and it doesn't mean snake at all, but Hu Tiehua calls me snake kid."

"As for Chu Liuxiang, he should be dead now."

Zhongyuan was a little red: "!!!"

Li Chaofeng cursed Chu Liuxiang on the spot, while Zhongyuan Dianhong just widened his eyes in disbelief.

A gust of palm wind suddenly appeared. Hu Tiehua had already started to slap Li Chaofeng on the head, but Li Chaofeng raised his head to avoid it.

"Bah, bah, bah."

Failing to hit Li Chaofeng, Hu Tiehua kept spitting in her mouth, and finally clasped her hands and worshiped in all directions.

"Don't be surprised if there are strange things. Don't be surprised if there are strange things. Children's words are unbridled. Children's words are unbridled."

As soon as Tong Yan Wuji came out, Li Chaofeng's face twitched and he roared every word.

"Hu! Iron! Flower!"

Even if he is regarded as a dog, his nose is unique, but there is no accurate adjective other than dog nose.

But Hu Tiehua treated her words as if she were a child, which really angered Li Chaofeng.

He just hopes to live as heartlessly as a child without having to take responsibility, but not like a child who will be rounded and squashed.

Hu Tiehua glared: "I understand that you don't want to pretend to be an old bug, but why are you cursing him if you have nothing to do!"

"The old bug was just taken away. You brat, you talk so freely, you shouldn't be beaten!"


A fist as big as a sandbag hit Hu Tiehua's left eye directly, creating a panda eye.

Li Chaofeng, who was angry at the bottom of his heart, found that he really couldn't explain the reason for cursing Chu Liuxiang, but he still punched Hu Tiehua.

Shaking his fingers, Li Chaofeng ignored Hu Tiehua's call, looked up at Zhongyuan Dianhong, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"If you want to assassinate King Kucha, we suggest you change the direction. After all, we are not Kucha people. We don't care that much whether King Kucha dies or not."

Zhongyuan Yidianhong was a little silent. It was not that Hu Tiehua and Li Chaofeng were messing around in front of him, but that Hu Tiehua's behavior just now was because she really cared about whether Chu Liuxiang was cursed. But after a second thought, he quickly asked: "Why didn't the six people before me kill King Kucha?"

Li Chaofeng smiled: "Princess Qiuci has captured Chu Liuxiang. For his safety, we can only take action, but if our opponent is killed by the world's number one killer, then no matter how hard we try, we can't stop him, right? "

Zhongyuan Dianhong narrowed his eyes and confirmed: "So if King Qiuci is dead, can Chu Liuxiang live?"

Hu Tiehua rubbed her eyes and looked at Ji Bingyan with confusion in her eyes, because the focus of Zhongyuan's red talk seemed not to be whether King Qiuci died, but whether Chu Liuxiang could survive.

Hu Tiehua put down the hand covering her eyes and asked with a straight face: "Do you know the old bedbug?"

Zhongyuan Dianhong did not answer this question. He just looked at Li Chaofeng, who was sitting in the middle, because although this man was the youngest, he was the calmest among the three.

Hu Tiehua was always on guard against her sudden attack, and Ji Bingyan kept her hands on her waist.

Li Chaofeng blinked: "I don't know, because no one has ever told us under what circumstances Chu Liuxiang will live, and no one has told us under what circumstances Chu Liuxiang will die."

"The person who captured Chu Liuxiang just told us to obey King Kucha's orders but she didn't let us protect King Kucha."


Li Chaofeng stretched out his hand, indicating that Zhongyuan Xiaohong could help himself.

Zhongyuan Yi Hong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Chaofeng, smiled, and started to ask questions.

"Then do you know why I came to you?"

Li Chaofeng blinked. He really didn't know why Zhongyuan Yidianhong was causing trouble for them. Although they had rescued King Qiuci before, Li Chaofeng and the other three had never been Zhongyuan Yidianhong's targets.

Zhongyuan Dianhong did not answer any riddles: "Because I need an identity to get close to the King of Kucha. In the entire camp, you are the only three Han Chinese, and you are the only three who do not need to speak Kucha language."

The auras in Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan's bodies began to move, but Li Chaofeng could only scratch his cheeks helplessly.

Because he understood.

Yidianhong from Zhongyuan wants to disguise himself as them and assassinate King Kucha.

Although the current Zhongyuan Yidianhong wears Kucha people's clothes and disguises his Kucha people's beard, as long as you take a closer look, you can know that he is Han.

The most important thing is that even if he can make a human skin mask to disguise his identity, he still doesn't know Kucha language.

And now King Qiuci already knows the identity of Zhongyuan Yidianhong. Naturally, he has countless personal guards around him. If he wants to assassinate, he must have a way to get close.

Zhongyuan Yianhong is the best killer in the world, not the best master in the world. If he wants to assassinate someone, he must have an identity that can get close enough to the target.

Li Chaofeng and the others are the only three Han people who can get close to King Qiuci.

But Li Chaofeng and the other three were not friends of King Qiuci. They took action to protect King Qiuci because Chu Liuxiang was in the other party's hands.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong is Chu Liuxiang’s friend.

If he disguises himself as Li Chaofeng to assassinate King Qiuci, based on the current information, Chu Liuxiang will die.

But there is a prerequisite for Zhongyuan Yidianhong to give up the assassination. Hu Tiehua is the real Hu Tiehua.

Zhongyuan Dianhong didn't just come to Hu Tiehua without knowing anything, and looked at Hu Tiehua.

"Hu Tiehua's famous stunt is the seventy-two movements of the butterfly piercing the flower, but your Qinggong has no trace of the butterfly piercing the flower."

Hu Tiehua looked at the fighting spirit in Zhongyuan Yidianhong's eyes, but she also smiled, because Zhongyuan Yidianhong only had fighting spirit and no hostility.

"It's been so many years. I think it's okay to change my martial arts to fight."

After saying that, he opened his hands and said to Zhongyuan with a little red.

"But if you just want to see butterflies walking through flowers, it's easy."

Zhongyuan Yidianhong clenched his sword tightly. His sword was already unsheathed, but it was just hanging by his side without any attack movement.


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  (End of this chapter)

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