Chapter 54 People are suspicious
  As soon as the word "please" came out, Hu Tiehua's figure stood up from the ground. He first appeared on the left side of Zhongyuan Yidianhong. In just a moment, he jumped to the right side, but he was able to return to the left side immediately.

Turning left and right, Hu Tiehua walked like a drunkard, circling crazily around Zhongyuan Yidianhong.

But Zhongyuan Yidianhong knew that this guy was not a drunkard. Every step he took was exactly where he wanted to step.

If he wanted to use his sword now, he would not be able to hit this butterfly that was darting from left to right.

With a sigh, Zhongyuan Dianhong also spoke.

"I believe you are Hu Tiehua!"

When Hu Tiehua heard this, the smile on his face became even wider, his speed suddenly increased, and he returned to his previous position in an instant, with a half-smile on his face, as if he had never left his position just now.

Wandering Dragon Jingmeng is far superior to Butterfly Weaving Through Flowers in terms of speed and movement. Hu Tiehua now mostly uses Wandering Dragon Jingmeng, and only inserts some Butterfly Wearing Through Flowers skills during fights.

Ji Bingyan also narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhongyuan Yidianhong. As the most cautious person, he finally spoke at this time.

"Are you very concerned about whether Chu Liuxiang will die?"

Zhongyuan Dianhong was silent, then nodded and told him the information he thought he could reveal to Chu Liuxiang's friends.

"Chu Liuxiang asked me to kill King Qiuci."


Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan's faces turned blue and their eyes widened. After each looked at each other, they both shook their heads and spoke decisively.

"It's impossible!" ×2
  Zhongyuan Yidianhong hesitated: "Why is it impossible? Chu Liuxiang was captured by King Qiuci, which means they are enemies!"

That's what the so-called information gap is.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong combined the information he knew and realized that he needed to continue to find a way to kill King Qiuci, but he could not kill him as Chu Liuxiang's friend.

Ji Bingyan calmed down for a moment and then explained.

"But Chu Liuxiang was not the enemy of King Kucha before today."

"And since you chose to assassinate King Qiuci today, it is impossible for you to be invited by Chu Liuxiang today!"

The three 'todays' are a coincidence in time, but they also mean that before today, Chu Liuxiang would not have asked Zhongyuan Yidianhong to assassinate King Qiuci.

Zhongyuan Dianhong was silent because not many people knew about his relationship with Chu Liuxiang. Now it seems that Chu Liuxiang didn't even disclose it to Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan.

So who would be the person who invited him?
  Perhaps Chu Liuxiang came with Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan also to assassinate King Qiuci.

But will Chu Liuxiang deceive his two best friends?
  As a killer, Zhongyuan Yidianhong knew that many people in the world would betray their friends.

But as Chu Liuxiang's friend, he didn't want to believe that Chu Liuxiang would do such a thing.

Taking a deep breath, Zhongyuan Yidianhong faced Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan and retorted seriously.

"Then why does Chu Liuxiang appear here?"

Ji Bingyan was silent, Hu Tiehua blinked, not sure whether he should answer this question, but Li Chaofeng suddenly asked.

"As the world's number one killer, do you know Black Pearl, the young master of the desert?"

Li Chaofeng's question was vague, but also precise.

The vague thing is that he did not say whether Chu Liuxiang and the young master of the desert were enemies or friends.

To be precise, Zhongyuan Yidianhong was able to remember things that he should have remembered long ago.

There is indeed a third person who knows about the relationship between Zhongyuan Yidianhong and Chu Liuxiang, and that is Black Pearl.

Nangong Ling and Wu Hua are dead, and Su Rongrong and Chu Liuxiang can be considered the same person.

Zhongyuan is a little red: "Did Chu Liuxiang come to the desert because of the black pearl?"

Li Chaofeng was noncommittal and did not give an answer. He just smiled.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong put away his sword, but he didn't say anything else. He just nodded to Hu Tiehua and the others.

"I will not kill King Qiuci until I see Chu Liuxiang."

Li Chaofeng touched his chin and finally chose to remind.

"Then you are really powerful, at least more powerful than us. We can't kill you, but you can't."

"Because I'm a killer and you just don't want to kill"

Zhongyuan Yidianhong wanted to say that he was a killer so he could kill King Qiuci, but he immediately realized something and turned to look at Li Chaofeng with an uncertain expression.

"Are you reminding me that there are experts around King Qiuci?"

Hu Tiehua's martial arts just now far exceeded that of Zhongyuan Yidianhong, and Zhongyuan Yidianhong already knew that Hu Tiehua and the others could get close to King Qiuci, so Li Chaofeng said that they could not kill King Qiuci.

"Have it?"

Li Chaofeng blinked and smiled, but Hu Tiehua couldn't stand it anymore and gave the answer directly.

"If you really know Chu Liuxiang, you should know one thing. He is not that easy to catch, let alone that person can make us believe that Chu Liuxiang is indeed in danger." Zhongyuan Yidianhong's mind is spinning. He stood up, then nodded to Li Chaofeng and expressed his gratitude.

"Thanks for reminding me, I'll pay attention."

Li Chaofeng accepted the thanks without revealing the fact that the two parties did not actually have complete trust.

Although Li Chaofeng knew the whole story, it was better not to be a prophet.

After Li Chaofeng confirmed that Zhongyuan Yidianhong had left alone, Ji Bingyan also looked at Li Chaofeng and Hu Tiehua, her tone a little confused.

"Do you believe what Zhongyuan is saying?"

Li Chaofeng blinked, with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you believe it? He's not a threat to us, is he?"

Hu Tiehua also nodded and reminded Ji Bingyan.

"I believe him because he had no intention of attacking just now."

Hu Tiehua used the butterfly-piercing-flower technique to wander around Zhongyuan Yidianhong, but the sword in Zhongyuan Yidianhong's hand never deviated even half an inch.

Although the battle between masters lasted only a moment, Hu Tiehua could see it more clearly than Ji Bingyan. Zhongyuan was a little red, not to mention his hands, and he didn't even move a muscle.

As long as he has the desire to attack, his body will always react in some way, and Hu Tiehua can also feel hostility.

At this time, Li Chaofeng reminded again.

"That barbarian maid is back."

The Hu maid's name was Mayisa. She was the maid whom Li Chaofeng rescued and Hu Tiehua asked to leave. King Qiuci was not short of a maid, so starting from yesterday, she was taking care of everything in the tent.

Hu Tiehua had already had an affair with this maid, and reminded her uncomfortably: "Her name is Mayisha."

Li Chaofeng rolled his eyes: "Then will you take her back to the Central Plains?"

Hu Tiehua's eyes widened: "How is that possible!"

Li Chaofeng lay on the couch, closed his eyes and yawned: "Then you'd better not remember her name, because it's cruel to her."

Hu Tiehua was stunned and turned to look at Ji Bingyan, but she could only see Ji Bingyan's back.

If it were Ji Bingyan, he would take Mayisha away, but unfortunately...he is Hu Tiehua, the prodigal Hu Tiehua, Hu Tiehua who never wants to stop in a certain place.

At this time, Mayisha finally walked to the entrance of the tent and asked softly outside.

"Have the gentlemen rested?"

"Ma come in."

Hu Tiehua originally wanted to call the other party's name affectionately, but after thinking of Li Chaofeng's words, he let the other party in directly. When Mayisha entered the door, he asked with a straight face.

"But the king summons us?"

Mayisha shook her head and raised her eyes slightly to look at Hu Tiehua, but she no longer saw the amorous feelings from last night. She quickly lowered her head and sounded panicked.

"I just want to ask the young masters if they would like to get some water to wash up and rest early."

Hu Tiehua blinked, sighed in her heart, turned around and said with a straight face: "I'm a little tired today, but that's not necessary."

Tears overflowed from Mayisha's eyes. She didn't know what she had done wrong, but as a maid who could serve the king, she was still stable, so she just nodded and smiled.

"Those gentlemen, please rest first. If there is anything that Mayisa needs to do, just ask."

Saying that, Mayisha began to exit the tent. Hu Tiehua looked at the frail body and wanted to say some words of comfort, but she couldn't say it at all.

Hu Tiehua had slept with many women, but after sleeping with them, he could turn around and forget about them. Most of the time, it was just an erotic dream.

If Li Chaofeng hadn't used "cruel" to describe what Hu Tiehua did, he would have continued to flirt with Mayisha until he left the Kingdom of Qiuci.

After Mayisha left completely, Hu Tiehua also fell on the bed, but he quickly forgot this melancholy. After all, he had slept with many women.

Especially for maids like Mayisha who are often given to guests by their masters. Hu Tiehua can still remember her name now, but it doesn't mean that he can remember it in the future.

Putting these things behind, Hu Tiehua yawned and recalled everything today, but her eyes suddenly widened, and she turned to Li Chaofeng and asked with gritted teeth.

"Snake brat, you haven't explained why you have the Nine Manifestations of the Dragon and the Ghost in you!"

Upon hearing this question, Li Chaofeng answered Hu Tiehua's question without even opening his eyes.

"Encounter strong enemies, jump off cliffs, enter caves, discover treasures, learn magical skills, and get magical weapons!"

After the explanation was over, Li Chaofeng yawned and fell asleep.

Today was the day when Li Chaofeng was thinking the most. King Qiuci's imagination was really harmful.

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  (End of this chapter)

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