Chapter 55 The upright young man
  On the third day, Li Chaofeng and Ji Bingyan continued to stay in the King's Camp in Qiuci.

They were technically hostages, but they were still guests and were still treated with courtesy.

There was no death of the eldest princess this time, only Chu Liuxiang, who had nothing to do with them on the surface, was secretly kidnapped.

The external reason for their stay was that the king was worried that Hu Tiehua would run away with the treasure.

This little treasure would be justified if Hu Tiehua was still a secretive person.

But Hu Tiehua has proven that she is Hu Tiehua, so naturally she will not run away just because of this little treasure.

Even if Ji Bingyan and the two were not there as hostages, he would not do it. This kind of speculation is as incredible as Peng Yihu's embezzlement of escorts on the road.

Hu Tiehua has already taken the ransom and the Kuci guards to their destination, but Li Chaofeng is still frowning because Shi Guanyin is still here playing the role of Princess Kuci, which means that the person Hu Tiehua will face is not her.

Qu Wurong and even Liu Wumei combined were no match for Hu Tiehua, which Shi Guanyin could definitely tell.

For Li Chaofeng, this result meant that his eyes were darkened and he didn't know the way forward.

Princess Pipa disappeared, and Li Chaofeng sensed clearly that she should have followed Hu Tiehua to the trading location. After all, no matter how trustworthy Hu Tiehua was, she could not be trusted as much as himself.

"The princess invites Young Snake Hero."

Mayisha appeared at the entrance of the tent again and opened her invitation. Li Chaofeng glanced at Ji Bingyan and nodded slightly.

It looks like things are finally coming.

Because Li Chaofeng did not hide his perception, Ji Bingyan got a lot of information and had a lot of guesses in his mind.

But guesses are all guesses. The most important thing is, what does the other party want them to do after doing so many troublesome things?
  Although they were driven here by others, they also walked into the trap themselves.

Now they already know who Shi Guanyin is, but the other party definitely doesn't know that they already know that Princess Qiuci is Shi Guanyin.

No one would believe that there was a person like Li Chaofeng in the world. His perception was so terrifying that when Ji Bingyan met him for the first time, he was not surprised at first, but suspected that this guy was a "traitor" planted by the enemy.

But the more times he verified, the more Ji Bingyan no longer doubted Li Chaofeng, because with his kind of perception, it would be too much to use him as a traitor.

It was too much like a situation that could have been crushed directly, but it had to be so boring that I wanted to play them to death.

Ji Bingyan: "Can I go together to meet the princess?"

Although Li Chaofeng was already a master after defeating Sun Kong, Ji Bingyan still did not dare to let him face Shi Guanyin alone.

Mayisha's expression paused, she blinked, but she shook her head and explained.

"This slave cannot decide, but His Majesty said that Hero Ji can move freely."

Ji Bingyan nodded. They were not prisoners. They could visit the king and princess directly.

The two followed Mayisha to Princess Kucha's tent, where they heard Princess Kucha's weak cough, but this weakness made Ji Bingyan's face tighten.

Li Chaofeng nodded, indicating that the invincible Shi Guanyin was still there.

Pushing open the tent, Ji Bingyan also saluted Princess Qiuci, while Li Chaofeng just stared at Shi Guanyin because she still looked at him with a sense of teasing.

"Master Ji, I have something I want to tell Young Master Snake. I don't know."

Shi Guanyin did not intend to engage in conspiracy with Ji Bingyan. She asked Li Chaofeng to come, but she wanted to control the overall situation.

Ji Bingyan was in a daze when she heard this, but quickly nodded and gave Li Chaofeng a reminder.

"I'll wait for you outside!"

As Ji Bingyan left the king's tent, Shi Guanyin also dismissed the attendants, began to lie on the bed enchantingly, and waved to Li Chaofeng.

"Young Master Snake, can you come over and talk."

Li Chaofeng entered the desert just to watch the battle between masters, and had no intention of facing off against Shi Guanyin.

What's more, in addition to Princess Qiuci in the king's tent, King Qiuci is also acting as a turtle in the king's tent. This fake couple is having a lot of fun.

Shaking his head, Li Chaofeng refused righteously.

"Whether it's a gentleman who doesn't bully the dark room, or a man who accepts men and women without being intimate, the princess needs to respect herself."

Shi Guanyin covered her mouth and snickered. Although she looked down upon Li Chaofeng's strength, in the past two days she had also seen that Li Chaofeng was indeed a proud and serious boy.

He can remain calm in the face of Princess Pipa's charming eyes, of course he is a boy. He has the skills of a first-class master, but he is worried that the greed in other people's hearts will force him to kill people, so he remains anonymous, which is a bit too serious.

If King Qiuci cannot trust such a person, then she can only use various torture methods to force King Qiuci to reveal the secret.

More importantly, the identity of Li Chaofeng that King Qiuci imagined would also make King Qiuci feel that the other party would not covet his treasure.


With a smile on his face, Shi Guanyin also called behind him.

"Your Majesty, can you trust him now?"

"Believe it, of course I believe it. Xiao Wang has already completely believed in Young Master Snake."

King Qiuci laughed and walked out of the secret place behind Princess Qiuci, and then asked in a low voice.

"However, the word "snake" does not sound good after all. Please forgive Xiao Wang for being presumptuous. How about calling you Young Master Long?"

Li Chaofeng watched the interaction between the two and felt the weakness in King Qiuci's tone, but his heart became increasingly wary.

Not to mention Shi Guanyin, the female devil who can kill people at will, King Qiuci is also a LYB.

And turning a snake into a dragon? Does it make any difference to King Qiuci?

Even if he knew his true identity, Demon Dragon Li Chaofeng was only the tenth in the weapons spectrum, so what could he do for him?
  Squinting his eyes, Li Chaofeng did not admit or deny his identity, but looked confused.

"I don't understand what the king means. Is there a big difference between a dragon and a snake?"

King Qiuci was stunned and quickly apologized.

"There's no difference. Since Snake Young Hero likes snakes, that's Snake Young Hero."

At this moment, Shi Guanyin suddenly started mumbling in Qiuci language, and Li Chaofeng's eyes widened, with an angry look on his face.

"It seems that the princess still doesn't understand enough that a gentleman should not deceive the dark room?"

Li Chaofeng's expression was very angry. King Qiuci was stunned at first, but he immediately realized that the other party did not understand Qiuci language. There were only three of them, and it was indeed disrespectful for them to bite their ears in front of others.

"Sorry, sorry, the princess just reminded me of the purpose of asking to see Snake Young Hero."

Li Chaofeng's eyelids jumped again.

"Your Majesty, that concubine will leave first."

Shi Guanyin knew that King Qiuci would not tell the secret of the Star of Bliss when she was around. This time she was only helping King Qiuci to verify Li Chaofeng's personal character.

When Shi Guanyin left alone, King Qiuci and Li Chaofeng began to look at each other.

Well, King Qiuci did play a role, but he was not playing Li Chaofeng, but Shi Guanyin, or anyone around him.

The current King of Kucha has only one camp of soldiers to protect him, and he is completely at the end of his rope.

When facing a young man who is suspected to be a descendant of the Central Plains royal family, he must grasp him as if he were holding on to a life-saving straw.

But in fact, King Kucha's letter for help had been sent out a long time ago. If anyone opened his God's perspective at this time, he could even see that the city of Kucha was already swarming with people.

The corners of Li Chaofeng's mouth twitched and he took a deep breath.

"King, are you planning to sit against me for a day?"

King Qiuci was stunned: "Ah, Young Snake Hero, do you want to eat something?"

Li Chaofeng looked angry: "The king has something to give you."

King Qiuci was startled: "How dare this little king?"

Li Chaofeng felt that he might as well just kill this guy.

But his nose had already told him that he could not do this. Although King Qiuci did not listen to the corner, there was still someone in the corner of the tent.

Shi Guanyin, who was listening in the corner, was also puzzled. She pushed the matter to this point. Why is King Qiuci still such an old god? She felt that Li Chaofeng, a "royal descendant" who came to the desert to enjoy the mountains and rivers, was not worthy of listening. His secret?

However, seeing King Qiuci's weak momentum when facing Li Chaofeng alone, Shi Guanyin knew that the second step of the plan could begin.

(End of this chapter)

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