Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country

Chapter 30 30 "Countless Teacher Wang."

Chapter 30 30· “Countless Teacher Wang.”

Her father and mother's smiles were particularly bright, but Chi Yan knew that they wanted to reassure her.

"Dad, Mom, I kind of want to go home." Chi Yan said softly.

"Damn, silly kid, everyone wants to run outside now, why do you want to go back inside?" the mother scolded with a gentle smile.

"I want to be with you." Chi Yan just said.

"It's impossible for your dad and I to leave Dongguo. Without a country, we might not be together when we were children. Now we must share weal and woe. And to be honest, it's hard to buy air tickets to go out now. It's not like Dad and I haven't seen it before. There’s not a single one left.”

"Why don't we go out?"

The mother shook her head and looked at Chi Yan lovingly:

"As for you, Yanyan, wait until the live broadcast conference is over tomorrow to see what problems we encountered, and then consider whether to go home."

"In our eyes, the most important thing is that you protect yourself."

"No, I have to go home. I'll buy a ticket later." Chi Yan said firmly.

"You kid... that's up to you, we'll be fine." The parents said with some emotion after realizing that they couldn't be persuaded.

After chatting for a while, both parties reluctantly hung up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Chi Yan started to prepare to buy a ticket.

She plans to buy a plane ticket for tomorrow.

In this case, Dongguo's live broadcast time is at night in Dashen. If Dongguo really encounters a very serious "challenge" and going back by herself will only be a disservice to her parents, then she will give up the ride and only need to pay a small penalty. .

Instead, he tried to find a way to get his parents out.

If it's not serious, then take this flight back.

At this moment, Chi Yan felt a little ashamed that she had such thoughts.

She felt that she was selfish after all.

I feel sorry for Dongguo.

However, people, when faced with a real life-and-death crisis and a country, life and death can easily be given the highest priority.

This is actually human nature and there is no need to blame.

Furthermore, if you go back by yourself, can you help Dongguo in any way? Will he become a person that the country needs to distract from taking care of, and become a drag instead?

And when the time comes, I will definitely do my best to provide supplies to my hometown outside.

Chi Yan thought so, hoping to suppress the rising feeling of guilt in her heart.

"Why is it almost full?" But when Chi Yan opened the ticket purchasing software, she discovered this situation.

The tickets for tomorrow are all full. When Chi Yan flips through the pages, the same goes for the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Only at the later time, there are a few free ones.

Why do so many people choose to return to Dongguo when it is in crisis?

You know, when airlines sell tickets, they always deliberately oversell them, which means that for these flights that are already full of passengers, it is very likely that some people in each batch will not be able to get on the plane!

There are more people than expected!
  Or could it be that many people have the same idea as themselves and their mother, and want to occupy seats first, and then make a decision after the live broadcast is over and the problem of Dongguo is clear?
  Chi Yan frowned, and after thinking briefly, she gritted her teeth slightly, and then chose the ticket for today, before the live broadcast.

In this case, no matter what the crisis is, just go home and get together with your parents, and deal with it together with the country! !
  His father was right, the country would definitely protect him!

Chi Yan is not afraid of being with her parents and country!
  "What! No more?!" Chi Yan shouted directly this time!
  Tickets to escape from Dongguo are hard to find, and Chi Yan thinks this is normal.

But why is the flight ticket back to Dongguo also like this? And when the crisis is not clear, why do these people return to Dongguo?

What if after going back today, we are sure that the Eastern Kingdom will encounter a disaster of annihilation?
  What about these people?
  Chi Yan didn't know, but she was sure that she might not be able to go back in a short time.

After buying a ticket for a week later, Chi Yan sighed helplessly.

After she forwarded the "Letter to All Compatriots in Dongguo" to several of her classmates here, she began to complain about not being able to buy a ticket home.

Chi Yan did not forward it to Zou Wanhong. Thinking about it with her knees, she knew that the guy couldn't spit out ivory from his mouth, and he was probably sarcastic.

Chi Yan understood that after all, Zou Wanhong was now a noble gentleman. She could see a rounder moon, smell fresher air, and wear a more comfortable collar every day.

Different road non-phase plan.

"Ouch, Yanyan, I'm so panicked. I've set a timer and am just waiting to watch the live broadcast in the evening. I hope it's nothing too important." The friend's reply to him was similar.

"But if it wasn't an important matter, why would the country choose this approach?" Chi Yan directly broke her friend's expectations.

It must be something big. What we can only hope for now is that things will be "small" in "big".

"That's what you said, but...but if I think about serious things, I will be even more worried. I can't rest assured at all. My parents are also in China. [Crying] [Crying]" the friend replied.

"Who wouldn't? I'm so worried that I don't want to attend afternoon and evening classes. I don't have the heart at all." Chi Yan had the same idea.

Before I saw the live broadcast, my heart was always high.

"Yanyan, there are no classes in the afternoon anymore. You can check your email. Teacher Wang has gone home." The other person replied.


The class in the afternoon was an elective. The reason Chi Yan chose it was because the teacher was also from Dongguo, so the class was more familiar and relaxed.

She quickly opened the laptop on the table and clicked on her mailbox.

Sure enough, there was an email from Teacher Wang.

Chi Yan clicked on it.

"Hello, classmates, I am the teacher of your architectural appreciation course, Wang."

"I'm sorry, the teacher's hometown may have encountered a crisis, so the teacher needs to go home now to help my hometown get through this crisis together."

"Because I am leaving at noon, I have submitted an application to the school and the classes this afternoon are temporarily canceled."

"If teachers can come back in the short term, our classes will continue."

"If the teacher never comes back, the school will ask Teacher Misri to help you complete this coursework on my behalf."

"I'm very sorry. The teacher's willful behavior may have caused trouble to some students."

"But the teacher had to do it."

"I hope we can meet in school again in the future."

"You are also welcome to come to the teacher after you have overcome the crisis in his hometown. I will welcome you all."

"The East Country is a very beautiful place."

"—The apologetic king."

Chi Yan read the letter in silence.

She looked at the time the letter was sent.

Gentleman time, [-]:[-] in the morning.

——It’s about twenty minutes past twenty o’clock Eastern Time.

This means that in less than half an hour, my teacher discovered and read Dongguo’s letter to all compatriots, decided to embark on the journey home, edited this email, and sent it to Everyone.

Considering the time required between various links, such as purchasing air tickets, submitting applications...

Chi Yan thought that her teacher probably didn't have the same concerns about gains and losses as she did, and she had already made a decision as soon as she saw the compatriot's letter.

He just wanted to do what the email said:
  "Spending time with my country."

No matter what the challenge is.

A question that bothered Chi Yan was answered at this moment.

Obviously I don’t know what the challenge is and there are dangers, so who bought so many tickets today?

who is it?

——There are countless "Teachers Wang" outside the Eastern Kingdom.

There are countless "Teachers Wang" who just want to help their hometown, but "Teachers Wang" who have never considered that much.

They must definitely stand with their country.

Even if it means death.

But it won't.

The Kingdom of the East endures forever.

 Let me tell you Qidian readers, this is a book from the Creation world, where there are so many words on the shelves, I am even late.

  (End of this chapter)

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