Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country

Chapter 31 31 "Carnival of netizens around the world."

Chapter 31 31· “The carnival of netizens around the world.”

Chi Yan calls herself patriotic—at least among the international students.

She will fight for the injustice suffered by Dongguo people here, work hard to erase those eternal stereotypes, and promote the beauty of her hometown.

But in front of this letter from Teacher Wang, Chi Yan felt her own insignificance.

After all, I don’t have the pure and blazing red heart like Teacher Wang and my parents.

Emotions are contagious and people change.

At this moment, she felt that no matter what kind of difficulty it was, as long as there were such lovely people and everyone stood together, we could get through it.

As long as Dongguo has more Teacher Wang and less Zou Wanhong.

It's a pity that I got up too late and knew it too early. Even if I wasn't afraid of the challenge, I had no chance.

The earliest I can go back is a week.

Hope nothing changes.

After closing her laptop, Chi Yan lurked in the study abroad group for a while, watching everyone's heated discussions.

Some lucky people got tickets to go home tomorrow, some people are making appointments to watch Dongguo's live broadcast tonight, and some are discussing what kind of situation Dongguo encountered.

After realizing that the speculations everyone was chatting about were meaningless, she chose to go to Twitter to see what was going on in the world.

As expected, after several hours of fermentation, Dongguo once again appeared in the eyes of netizens around the world.

A large number of netizens from all over the world are talking about the anomalies in the East Kingdom.

"What happened to Dongguo this time? How come there was no warning at all, but the action turned out to be so big? Did everyone read the letter? What are your thoughts?" - IP: Beimao.

"I like to watch dramas. I hope Dongguo's troubles will be as big as possible, so that it will be interesting." - IP: Bangchao.

"If Dongguo disappears, what will you copy in the future?" - IP: Dong.

"Haha, the Eastern Kingdom must be in big trouble. I'm afraid the country is about to perish. I told you earlier that the position of the Seventh Alliance of the World should have been changed long ago. It's time for our Sanpo Kingdom to join the Seventh Alliance and lead Blue Star to the A better tomorrow!" - IP: Third Wife.

"Haha, hehe, lead us to a better tomorrow? What tomorrow? Caste tomorrow? Or a tomorrow where you eat curry without washing your hands? You can't get in without washing your hands! You are worse than Dongguo! Haha——"——IP : Magic hand.

"You are the sun on the beach, you ¥@#*..."——IP: Third Po.

"The East Kingdom has actually been trying to be strong. Haha, I don't know who gave them the confidence to call themselves a powerful country! Now? What a death!" - IP: Shimaka.

"Island Flower Country is really powerful. It has the power of mythology to tamper with history! I was lucky enough to read their history textbooks from childhood to adulthood, and their buttocks are so crooked that they can dance naked in the Soaring Eagle Mad Cow Show, just to please their father, isn't it? "?" - IP: Batan.

"Upstairs, the island flower country is more than that. The highest temperature in their history has reached more than [-] degrees Celsius. There are acquaintances everywhere. It is called the best in the world." - IP: Dong.

"You know, I like chubby little boys." - IP: Dong.

"Bitch, I'm going to stuff the umbrella behind your back and open it. If your father Fei Ying hadn't stepped in urgently, the war more than [-] years ago would have ended in a disgraceful way for you." - IP :East.

"I just wanted to see something interesting on Twitter, but when I met an unlucky person like you, I felt as if I had stepped on the brains of you people when I went out. I'm so annoyed." - IP: Dong.


If Dongguo IP only occasionally counterattacked in the past, the moment this island flower person appeared, there was a series of Dongguo IP accounts, madly outputting to this island flower person.

Dongguo people have different tolerances for different people. Among them, the island flower people have a negative number of tolerance.

Therefore, a large number of comments directly covered the other party, and people from other countries did not dare to participate at all.

Dongguo is famous for his art of swearing. Even though the words he uses on Twitter are not their native language, he can still use words that are not dirty at all and make people feel disgusting.

They are criticizing the path they never imagined.

"You damn guys, stop screaming here! Just wait! This is your last carnival before you die! I hope that in a few hours, when you know your death date, you will still have time to push It’s so crooked!

When the time comes, I will smile and watch your desperate cries! You can smile now! "——IP: Island Flower. It can be seen that this island flower man is already frustrated by being besieged like this.

"Indeed, I hope you still have such energy by then, haha." - IP: Flying Eagle.

"Several Twitter users have already expressed their intention to watch Dongguo's press conference live, so let's all have fun together." - IP: Fashou.

As long as the matter has nothing to do with us, it will always be ignored. Therefore, on Twitter, as long as the IP does not belong to Dongguo, except for a small number of countries that have established diplomatic relations and have received help from Dongguo, they have expressed their concerns and concerns about Dongguo. , most people have a mentality of watching interesting things.

They don't care what happens to the Eastern Conference, they are only interested in whether it will become interesting.

Even hope that things will be as good as possible.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me.

But precisely because of this, Chi Yan felt angry and kept fighting back against these guys.

After refreshing again, Chi Yan saw the news posted by an acquaintance - Zou Wanhong.

"I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen in the Eastern Kingdom. Fortunately, I have joined the Great Gentry and become a real Great Gentleman!

In fact, Dongguo has always had many problems, and it is to be expected that something like this will happen.

But it broke out the first time I left. I thought, this is the great gentleman’s blessing to me. Thank you, great gentleman!

Otherwise, we would be harmed by Dongguo just a little bit!
  But it's none of my business now! Very good!

[Picture], [Picture], [Picture]. "

Three pictures, the first is the identity certificate given by the gentleman, the second is a celebration picture of her being surrounded by a group of black and white people at the party last night, and the third is the destroyed Dongguo. Passport and other documents.

And it is not ordinary destruction, but cutting and tearing with the nature of intentional destruction.

Chi Yan was so disgusted by what she saw that she immediately blocked Zou Wanhong's account completely - looking at it for a second longer was an act of abuse to her own eyes.

Chi Yan immediately put away her phone and was about to go out to meet friends for dinner - she didn't want to stay in the same space as Zou Wanhong.

She also decided to watch the live broadcast in the evening with her friends.

When Chi Yan went downstairs, Zou Wanhong happened to be there too.

When Zou Wanhong saw Chi Yan, she smiled and said, "Yanyan, there seems to be a problem in your country."

She put a special emphasis on your country.

"Yes, I don't need you, a gentleman, to care." Chi Yan just sneered, not even wanting to maintain the last dignity between roommates.

Why bother yourself.

Zou Wanhong, as if she didn't hear Chi Yan's sarcasm, nodded vigorously: "Of course, what does this have to do with me."

"I need to apply for some qualification certificates now so that I can receive many benefits from our gentry. Yanyan, do you want to come with me?"

"Don't go."

"Oh, that's right. You won't be able to get it if you go. You will inevitably be jealous. I'd better look for my friends."

Zou Wanhong said with a smile.

Chi Yan rolled her eyes, opened the door and left.

What a villain.

 This pair of roommates will be a very standard control group, and after the announcement, there will be a two-level reversal.

  (End of this chapter)

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