Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country

Chapter 32 32 "The function and handover of the potion."

Chapter 32 32· “The function and handover of the potion.”

October [-], [-], [-]:[-] in the morning - there are still eleven hours and forty-three minutes before Dongguo announces the end of the world to the world.

Shuinan City, Congrong Hotel next to the Government Building.

Lin Li's door was knocked gently, and a gentle voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Lin Li, are you asleep?"

"No, wait a moment." Lin Li, who was still lying on the bed and had not fallen asleep, immediately got up and put on his clothes, and then opened the door.

It's a military doctor.

"What's the matter? Has the cell made any progress?" Lin Li looked at the other person and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Li, we probably know what mutations have occurred in your cells, but we still need to test them. Can you please come with us now?" The military doctor bent slightly and said seriously.

"Okay, but wait a moment." Lin Li returned to the room, took out a bottle of blue potion, put it in the bag, and then walked towards the military doctor with the bag in hand: "Let's go."

The military doctor glanced at the bag, but did not ask any questions. He just led the way and was silent along the way. It was not until he got into the military vehicle that he explained to Lin Li:

"Through our multi-directional tests, we found that most of the characteristics of your cells are similar to those of normal humans, but only in terms of cold resistance, it has reached an incredible level. Therefore, we suspect that your body is now sensitive to the cold. Resistance."

The military doctor thought for a while and added: "Just in time to deal with...the ice disaster."

Lin Li raised his eyebrows. If it was an ability in this direction, he wouldn't feel it at all. This was normal. After all, the environment he was living in these days was not very suitable.

Soon, Lin Li was taken to the laboratory, but before entering the laboratory, the private military doctor put on a mask that completely covered Lin Li's face in the car - any information about Lin Li was now top secret.

In the laboratory, a group of researchers were waiting for Lin Li.

The youngest researchers here are middle-aged, and most of them already have gray hair.

These people are all leaders in their respective fields of expertise, and many of them were recently transferred to Shuinan City.

At this moment, this is the most valuable research institute in the Eastern Kingdom, second only to Tianjing.

"Mr. [Hope], please come with me." The military doctor's title was also changed. Under the protection of two soldiers with live ammunition, Lin Li walked into a room with everyone keeping a distance.

The military doctor first installed various status monitoring instruments on Lin Li, and then brought Lin Li, who was now wearing very thin clothes, to a huge machine that looked like an upright capsule.

"Mr. [Hope], this is a temperature control machine. Please come in later. We will start to continuously lower the internal temperature and detect your status. You can communicate with the outside in real time. If you feel that something is wrong, You can ask us to stop at any time.

At the same time, this is an emergency stop button. If you press it, it will stop immediately and the hatch will open immediately..."

The military doctor began to give a detailed introduction, mainly explaining how Lin Li could protect himself, and at the same time, he told him to stop the experiment as soon as possible if there was any situation.

"No problem." Lin Li nodded, he was even a little eager to try now.

"Then please go in, we will guard you outside."

When Lin Li actually walked into the machine, the military doctor opened the privacy curtain and gestured to the researchers outside the glass to start.

There is also a temperature display inside the temperature control machine. It is currently 15 degrees.

Soon, cold white air came in from the surrounding holes, and the temperature immediately began to change.

Lin Li curiously put his palm over, and then he discovered that these should be similar to the gas that sublimated dry ice. He couldn't feel the cold at all when he touched them at such a close distance.

It's even comfortable.

It feels like...this place is more comfortable than the bed.

By this time the temperature had reached 0 degrees.

"Mr. [Hope], how are you feeling now?" An old but powerful voice sounded from the side.

"There's nothing unusual, I even feel very comfortable." Lin Li replied, "You can continue to descend, no problem at all."


Lin Li has now determined the direction of his mutation.

The way I'm wearing now, if I can't feel the cold in zero degrees, is already showing something is wrong.

What I want to pursue now is my approximate limit.
  10 degrees.

"I... feel more comfortable. Even my mental state is better now than at normal temperature. I even feel like I can run faster and jump higher now," Lin Li replied.
  20 degrees.
  30 degrees.
  40 degrees.

A layer of frost had formed inside the temperature control machine, but Lin Li, who was only wearing single clothes inside, still didn't feel cold.

"very comfortable."
  50 degrees.
  60 degrees.
  70 degrees.

At this moment, the temperature inside the temperature control machine has reached an extremely cold level. In Oymyakon, the coldest village in Northern Mausoleum, the extreme temperature once reached -71.2 degrees, which is the lowest temperature record for a conventional human settlement village.

"Mr. [Hope], how do you feel?" "My physical condition is not as comfortable as before, but it's not uncomfortable. Well... it's probably about the same as my state at room temperature." Lin Li replied while breathing into the inner wall of the machine.

The gas turns to frost almost instantly.

Lin Li breathed on his arm again, coating it with a layer of moisture but not frost.

Lin Li reached out and touched it, and heard a slight crackling sound. He felt ice, but not cold.
  80 degrees.
  90 degrees.

The extreme minimum temperature in Antarctica is minus 94.2 degrees Celsius, which was the temperature measured before global warming.

"It's a bit cold, I feel like I need an extra coat."

When the temperature was -100 degrees, Lin Li finally felt the cold for the first time in a long time.

The temperature has begun to recover.

This is already the lowest temperature that the machine can reach. If it is lower, more professional equipment and a larger venue will be needed.

Lin Li was then taken to the cold storage and conducted some more experiments.


"It's incredible. Mr. [Hope]'s surface temperature has always been maintained at a normal level, so our health-testing equipment can still operate normally at this temperature."

"More than that, the activity of [Hope] cells remains the same as ours at normal temperatures, but at low temperatures, while the activity is enhanced, it also secretes a substance that stimulates the body, making the [Hope] state more energetic."

"Mr. [Hope]'s current state is simply built for the Ice Disaster."

"That doesn't matter. If a big hail hits your head, you are still likely to die..."

Lin Li was sitting between two soldiers. If he were handcuffed again, he would be a very vicious prisoner. At this moment, he was listening to the analysis of everyone in front of him.

He already has a general understanding of his physical condition.

This potion is indeed strengthening the body against the ice disaster.

However, I don’t know how long it will last.

But Lin Li thought it would be at least a month.

And Lin Li's thoughts began to wander again.

The [Cell of Disaster] in his body also has twelve stages.

If each stage lasts for thirty days or thirty-one days, does it mean that it is possible to produce 12 types of potions, totaling 361 bottles of potions to deal with different disasters?

But these are things for later, and it’s too early for me to consider them now.

After confirming that the strengthening of my body can only deal with the cold, but not in terms of longevity or invulnerability.

Lin Li raised his hand slightly.

The military doctor came to him immediately.

"Mr. [Hope], do you have any questions?"

"It's not a problem, just close the privacy curtain." Lin Li said.

The military doctor looked serious for a moment and did not need to speak. The two soldiers immediately walked out of the room, closed the curtain at the same time, and guarded the door.

Lin Li gave the bag he brought to the military doctor.

"It was this potion that turned me into this."

"The task of studying it is up to you."

"If there are any results, please inform me as soon as possible."

The military doctor looked at the potion wrapped in a towel in the bag, carefully took it into his hand with the bag, and then saluted Lin Li with a military salute:


 In fact, we don’t need to discuss Golden Finger in particular. The protagonist is Dong Guo, and Lin Li’s Golden Finger was originally prepared for Dong Guo.

  It doesn’t matter if I spoil it a little bit, it’s just about forming an elite team of [Hope].

  But it is also the plot of the survival to development stage after the end of the world begins.

  Goldfinger will be mentioned again later, and it will probably be after the end of the world when he appears again.

  (End of this chapter)

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