I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 277, passing on the fire from generation to generation

Chapter 277, passing on the fire from generation to generation

"Study for the rise of China."

At this moment, Zhang Yu is holding a book "On Passing the Qin" in his hand, telling the story of the fall of Qin, a powerful empire.

He was really reading the book, absorbed it, and summarized it afterwards
Legend has it that he was a book addict and would often stay in the library for a whole day without coming out.

Being well-read makes him broad-minded and enables him to lead the entire era, in this era of the rise of the country.
He reads and loves books.

Zhang Yu also reads.
In fact, Zhang Yu himself does like reading. He has been like this since he was a child. Otherwise, he would not have graduated with first place in the Central Academy of Drama. He is a leader in both professional and cultural courses.

An excellent person does not pay for his own excellence, but is truly excellent.
The mountain of books is like the sea.

The road is open.

At this time, Liu Qun and Gong Ruofei looked at Zhang Yu and felt that he had been quiet for a long time.
He was so obsessed with books that even when the director called him, he turned a deaf ear.
A conclusion is given.

He could really, really play this guy.

We all had different ideas about attending this school.

Compared with Beijing University's 150 yuan tuition fee, Hu Nan First Normal School's free tuition and miscellaneous fees, and Yang Changji's appointment as principal, Hu Nan First Normal School seems to be more attractive.

More emotions were replaced by distress, so I read more seriously.

Fortunately, my two children also went to Hunan First Normal School.

Because of one's nature it is difficult to change
Because Li Yun knew that the majority of his personality was that of an ordinary person, but Li Yun had a very clear understanding of the word ordinary.


But it is also because I am a layman.

But at this time, Li Yun looked at the students around the library. Some of them were reading quietly here, some were flirting, some were chatting quietly, and some of them were lovers cuddling together and chatting. Dog food.

Live by making firewood.

They only have one identity now, that is, they are teenagers.
I used to be a teenager too.
Time travel, back to a hundred years ago.

It's good to have these two little ones.

For the sake of the family, Binbin, who was once the eldest son of a landlord, that is, I dropped out of school to polish people's shoes to supplement the family income. Of course, it was secretly because I didn't want my mother to be overworked.

The natural temperament is in his bones, so he can be suitable.

A person who is highly respected in the academic world. The most important thing is that his tuition is free.

In fact, Li Yun still doesn't know whether these personalities split off and developed naturally, or whether they are 'ghosts'.

I'm just an ordinary person
"I don't even have the personality prototype of a 'great man' in my mind. Maybe even the system doesn't think I can become a great man," Li Yun said mockingly.
Li Yun somewhat believes that these personalities are not real, but are things split out of his own mind.

Li Yun complained.

By chance, I learned that Hu Nan was in the First Normal University and the most famous person in the education field.

They are all students of Hu Nan Normal University. How wonderful and youthful.
Li Yun looked at these teenagers.

Li Yun was in the library, thinking about
Read for the rise of China.
I am such a selfish person.
Directors, superstars, they didn’t believe I could do it.

It's just a pity that my father was contaminated with opium. He kept a concubine and betrothed his sister to a family who also smoked opium. He said that he was a good match.

I am a 'teenager'.

As a layman, his life has gone from having enough food and clothing to a relatively comfortable life, and he has fallen into a poor family. This is something that everyone would complain about.

My mother is also a talented woman.

He wants to read, read many, many, many books.

One of them is addicted to books, and the other is bright and handsome. Different from his own family, they both have a good family background and have parents who still love them.

Yang Changji.

But now, their youth is students.

On the other side, Xiao Zisheng's actor Xu Fang is also preparing for the role. He has no resume and no outstanding achievements. Although the main creator is most worried about his performance, he can be chosen as Xiao Zisheng because of himself. temperament
This newbie actor has a handsome appearance and a French-style uninhibited romance. He has the most emotional scenes in the entire "Chat Classmate".

In the future, they may be role models, ordinary people, or all kinds of people.

During the war years, I was no different from them or anyone else.
Cai Sen was born into an extraordinary landlord's family in Hu Nan.

That’s why I know that it’s not easy for a mother.

I. am a 'student'.

The mother chose to divorce her father, a landowner, and took her children away from this opium-tainted family.

I have two little ones.

One person, a strong woman, was raising two children alone in this era.

I am no one else.

Yes, how can a person who can afford to read in this era be ordinary? How can he be ordinary?

They are just students.

He was still in the library, but the people around him were different. He was also wearing the uniform of Hu Nan's First Normal School during the Republic of China.

As for the educated mother, she did not want her children to grow up in such a family environment, so for a woman of this era, it was a big deal.

Xiao Zisheng wanted to accompany us. His personality was relatively loose. He would follow us wherever we went. But later on, his family fortune also declined. It seemed to be related to the Qing Dynasty?

And me?

I just simply want to study. Under the influence of my mother, I went to read a book. This reason is quite appropriate.

The most important thing is that he is free of tuition and fees.

We arrived at the first class.

"Chaos can be brought down by martial arts, and people's hearts can be brought under control by cultivating diplomas. In view of the general trend of the world today, I should consider it as my primary responsibility to promote education."

"China has been weak for hundreds of years, precisely because the people are not enlightened. Only through the development of education can we use new culture and new knowledge to eradicate the poverty, weakness, ignorance and backwardness of the entire nation."

Principal Yang used an impassioned and generous words to let everyone understand the meaning of studying in normal school.

It turns out that we teachers still have such a noble meaning.

Although we cannot wield swords or guns, we can still save the country from crisis in our own way.

At this moment, Li Yun felt that his heart was beating wildly. The principal's words are very inspiring.

As an ordinary person, how could Li Yun not be infected?

A life of being a teacher may be pretty good.

Live such a life.

Maybe I will become a good teacher.

An excellent college graduate and an ordinary person.

It's all that can be done, but Li Yun discovered one thing. In this era, although I am ordinary, this era is turbulent, and the national building will be shaken.

Yuan Shikai restored the emperor.

He also signed a treaty with the island country that was humiliating and humiliating the country, and also demanded students from Hu Nan Normal University.

Sing praises to the invaders.

Of course the principal is not willing. I run a school to save the country from danger.

Sing praises to you invaders.


Perform the enthronement ceremony for Yuan Shikai.

That’s bullshit too.

An impassioned speech.

As a young man and a bystander, Li Yun truly felt the cruelty of the times.

What President Kong did was destined to be unacceptable to others, not to invaders and traitors.

and so.

He will die.

But he is not afraid.

In other words, for him, writing a hymn to the invaders was more unacceptable than death.

Principal Kong's substitute died in front of him, and his former classmates were also persecuted one after another because they were unwilling to lower their heads.

Familiar voice and smile.

They are all dead.

It turns out that in this era, being a teacher is not an easy task, especially a teacher who is a role model for others.

If you stick to your principles, you have to leave your life behind.

It's like a fire, and your body is the firewood.

The classmate died, the teacher died.

Teacher Jiang Dashun, Teacher Liu Pincang
He died with his own pride.

"Teacher, aren't you afraid?"

At this moment, Li Yuncai finally asked this question and came to Principal Kong's office to ask him.

A teacher Yang Changji.

Aren't you afraid?

Not only these two teachers, but also the unknown teachers who died, and the literati students who angrily resisted the invaders. They had the appearance of death, wounds, and some even had no heads, but Li Yun could clearly recognize that he was from the school. Female sir.

The gentleman said, "Who said women are inferior to men? I have to teach women to learn, and I will take away half of the sky of New China."

Xiang Jingyu and Yang Kaihui, the three of them often recite poems and write poems together.

But now this gentleman has no head because he opposed the invaders.

She died miserably, but she still stood in front of her.

She, they.

All of them.


Still alive.



Yes, everyone is afraid of it. Death is an instinctive fear that everyone is afraid of.

But they still made this choice and would rather die than surrender.

Then Li Yun saw Teacher Yang, Principal Kong, and even Liang Qichao, Kang Youwei and others, all the martyrs who fought and sacrificed for their country.
A fire lit up their bodies.

Liang Qichao's anger was passed to Teacher Yang, Teacher Yang's anger was passed to Principal Kong, and Principal Kong's anger was passed to other teachers. What about the other teachers' anger?
Li Yun looked behind him, only to find that the teenagers had gathered around him.

Including that one.

He took the fire.

Including Li Yun himself, his body was also on fire.

It was obviously a hot fire that could burn the body and life, but at this time, Li Yun only felt warm.

Just a young classmate.

In full bloom.

Ask the boundless earth.

Who rules the ups and downs?

Young people are ordinary, but the fire of our ancestors shines on us.
When the fire shined on Li Yun.

That feeling is extremely strong.
(End of this chapter)

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