I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 278: Tonight’s news, may there be a surprise

Chapter 278: Tonight’s news, may there be a surprise

"I am ordinary, but I am burning with the rising sun of fire."

"None of us at that time were ordinary. In this country where the building was about to collapse, some chose to retreat, while others chose to burn."

"I'm the one taking the fire, we...are."


An ordinary boy.

At this moment, what is in front of Li Yun is not anyone, not Cai Sen in history, but himself like a mirror.

own appearance.

The character of a teenager.

Under the influence of others, I also became firewood.

Even Zhang Yu, who was alone and immersed in it, couldn't help but look at the crazy Li Yichun.

Gong Ruofei thought about it for a moment and realized that this was the truth.

At this time, everyone in the crew fell silent.

Not only do you need good grades, but you also need to look good to stand out among these people.

Li Yun took a step forward.
I am a mortal.

"I'll call and ask. I'm already changing my clothes."

Cai Sen from Xiangjiang Sanyou.
He really didn't expect it.

It’s good to be anyone’s green leaf, why should you be his?
"You...do you have any big problems with your crew?" Li Yichun looked ferocious, but then calmed down and laughed. It was time to use his trump card: "Li Yun. He is a psychopath! He is mentally ill!"


But he didn't wake up completely, he just shifted from a sweet dream to a nightmare.

"So you are my follower." Li Yun glanced at Li Yichun and said, "Very good."

After this time playing "Cha Classmate Boy", all kinds of capital and experience will come to him.

And when the actor Cai Sen came out with his makeup done, the smile on his face could no longer be revealed.

You and I are all mortals, but mortals are guided by the radiance of the sun.
Can also become a great person
“Why hasn’t Cai Sen’s actor arrived yet?”

The packaging shape is just a point
This time in the project of "Chasing Classmates", the main characters are not only opera stars and outstanding students of Yangxi opera. In fact, the selection principle is also to be good-looking.

Li Yichun was going crazy, he had never thought about it.


But it doesn't disappear, it just transfers from one person to another.

"It's pretty slow."

"It's okay to be my green leaf."

"After all, you are a niche actor, so you have to care about your own image." Liu Qun joked that compared with actors from outside China, CCTV actors may pay less attention to the 'beauty' of their image and more to 'naturalness'.

"You said he was mentally ill?" Liu Qun looked at Li Yichun curiously.

The smile is gone.


Higher than 'Xiao Zisheng'.
All living beings are common people. It would be good to add some "vulgar" elements to a TV series with a main theme.

In fact, this is the reason why he doesn't resent the Air Force's arrangement of a "wild man" - it's not about anyone else. The actor Cai Sen, in terms of appearance, is the tallest in the entire crew.

"I have evidence here, I.I."

I really didn't expect it to be Li Yun.
The one he despised, the one he thought was unworthy of the spotlight, the filthy bastard, actually... actually regarded him as his green leaf.

Originally, that's what he thought.

Hello, the future superstar is here.

Li Yun, that 'youth movie' actor, actually appears in the cast of "Chasing a Classmate", as one of the male leads.

"He looks pretty good. If you can't wash away his dandy temperament, just give him less camera. Anyway, he is Cai Sen's follower."

Now, Li Yun is Li Yichun's nightmare, here
"Ahhh! Ah! Ahhhhh! Why...why you crazy person!"

wake up.

"Come with me to save the country from danger."

However, he is not disgusted with this. After all, although "Cha Classmate Boy" has great political significance, as a director, his most sincere thoughts can still attract people to watch this TV series.

"How about that Li Yichun?"

"you you you you."

At this time, Li Yichun was still very excited. After all, this time "Cha Classmate Boy" was his first time to show off his absolutely strong resume.

Together with his father, the great director Li Modu, he will say something to the world.

"Oh, it's you, what a coincidence." Li Yun glanced at Li Yichun and showed an extremely 'gentle' smile: "We meet again, what a coincidence."

"Or do you want to say that the actor of the Aerospace Army Art Troupe has a mental illness?" Gong Ruofei looked at someone with a mentally ill expression - but it was not the reason, it was Li Yichun.

Li Yichun was stunned.
Aerospace Army. Art Troupe?
Did you hear that right?

"Oh, I understand." Zhang Yu looked at Li Yichun and said calmly: "Brother Li and I are both immersion actors. Maybe Mr. Li Yichun means that we immersion people are all mentally ill."

Both inside and outside the words were satirical about Li Yichun's discrimination against immersion actors.

Most immersion actors are lonely, have narrow acting paths, and have more or less mental pressures and problems - but this is two different things from mental illness.


I'm not. He is really mentally ill! I have evidence! Why don't you believe me?
"Okay, you act or you don't act. If you want to be a clown, don't be one in my crew."

Gong Ruofei was impatient and didn't care what kind of 'model of the times' Li Yichun's father was.
Oh no, it should be a role model for the future era, or is it in progress?
Li Yichun's interference caused some problems with the rhythm of the entire crew.

Now everyone suspects that Li Yichun is mentally ill.

"Crazy, do you think it's so easy to get a health certificate issued by the military civilian establishment? It is reviewed every year." Liu Qun shook his head and said, "Tell me, how come a gentleman like Li Modu gave birth to such a son?"

"Gentleman. Oh, I don't think so."

Of course, Gong Ruofei doesn't care about those shitty things.
It doesn't matter whether he is a gentleman, a son, or an illegitimate child.

All he has to do is make the show better and make "The Boy Who Came Together" excellent
Otherwise, don't care about anything.

As for Li Yun, he is quite satisfied with Cai Sen's makeup - the appearance is very good.

Let Li Yun figure out the 'appearance' of leading the crew.

Let Zhang Yu lead the crew's "spirit".

Pretty good.

The loss of one of Cai Sen's followers is not an impactful thing. Li Yichun's role itself is dispensable. Now that he is not here, Liu Qun can just make a call and there will be a bunch of people to replace him - you don't even have to find one. Someone comes as a substitute.

He was very satisfied with Li Yun's appearance.

Very satisfied with the appearance and temperament.

Can indeed serve as Cai Sen's boyhood.

"We will re-adjust the structure of the crew. There is no big problem. Even the script has not changed. You can act how you want."

Gong Ruofei said at this time, going through the crew's arrangements one by one.

In fact, it's not really an arrangement.

In fact, it is a script reading.

Let everyone assume their respective roles and try to increase the feeling of involvement.

Zhang Yu is an exception. He is already half of it.

He himself has a sense of immersion in this role.

The rest were read around by Xiao Zisheng and Cai Sen.
"Impossible, absolutely impossible. This evidence of mental illness is ironclad." Li Yichun was still doubting life. It was obvious that he had gone through many connections to check this thing.

Li Yun does have a history of diagnosing mental illness.

But why was he able to pass the fitness assessment of the Air Force?

Just like Liu Qun said, if he can pass the assessment, it means that he is physically and mentally healthy and is a completely healthy and sunny person.

"This is impossible!"

At this time, Li Yun came to find Li Yichun, his eyes full of innocence.

"No matter what, you can't accuse me of being mentally ill. Your accusation is too much." Li Yun said sadly.

of course.

The sadness is fake.

"Actually, I was quite surprised. During the physical examination, the doctor said that I was very healthy. He said that I was very healthy both physically and mentally. The examination at Union Medical College Hospital couldn't fake it." Li Yun murmured at this moment: "You Do you really want to know why? Because although I know that I also have some mental problems, my personality is healthy, so why not let my healthy personality come out to deal with it during the test? "

"How is it? Am I very smart?"

At this time, Li Yun looked at Li Yichun, which made the young master tremble a little with fear.

Yes, as Cao Zhengchun, as Murong Fu, and as Fire Cloud Evil God, part of their temperament and aura has been integrated into Li Yun's bones.

In Li Yichun's opinion, there were two opposite and unified emotions in Li Yun's eyes.

Crazy, calm.

Opposites and unity.

He is not mentally ill.

He is a madman and a calm madman.

Come on, there are crazy people here.

Li Yichun wanted to yell like this, but this would only mean that he would be treated as a mentally ill person.

Li Yichun had an idea.

Don't fight him, you can't fight him, a lunatic who is both sane and insane.

He is a monster.

"It's all your fault that I lost all the emotions I had worked so hard to brew. Do you know, I stayed in the library for a long time, and it made me forget for a short time that I am actually a selfish person, but it doesn't matter, I found it. Emotional feelings, I also created him, that young man whose blood was not yet cold."

At this time, Li Yun narrowed his smile.

When he stood up, he looked as elegant and easy-going as usual.

"By the way, you can watch the news tonight, maybe there will be a surprise."

At the same time, the next piece of news left quietly. It was news from Xiangjiang Entertainment News. In this era of popular online media, it is impossible for print media to say that they have lost all their influence.

At this moment, the news quietly left.

"Mr. Zhuo Wei, a well-known entertainment reporter in Xiangjiang, has been lost. There is important information in it. There is a million-dollar reward on his cell phone!"

"If you pick up my phone, please don't open it, let alone spread the contents. Please, this matter is very important!!!"

"Don't ever open my phone!"

(End of this chapter)

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