Chapter 291, Pattern
This is my first time directing a movie.

a real movie
This shouldn't be said to be a confusing feeling
When Li Yun arrived at this special school in a county under Songshan City, the crew was already in place.
They are not a very famous photography team, most of them are students - this is actually what Li Yun requested.

Since the old gangsters don't want to come, then I'll look for students.
Cheap and easy to use.

"Hello, I am Su Xiaoming. I have graduated from Huaxia University of Communication for three years. I have experience in film shooting. I once served as a photography assistant for "Looking for a Gun""

The little girl in front of me, who looks to be only about 1.5 meters tall, is the one taking the photo here.
At this time, Su Xiaoming looked at Li Yun, looked the director up and down, and exclaimed in his heart, he is so young.
Still an actor turned director?
And the heroine is also so young. Hmm.
When he saw the heroine, Su Xiaoming was shocked, since it was Liu Qianqian!
That national fairy Liu Qianqian?
Why did she come to this project!

When Liu Qianqian appeared here, it indeed caused a commotion. The most popular national goddess.
But aren't there rumors that this national goddess has rejected all domestic projects and is preparing to develop on a higher-level platform in Hollywood?

Why do you still appear in this place, in this crew?

Does it feel weird? Excited again.
"Qianqian." Li Yun looked at Liu Qianqian with a smile.

As a result, Liu Qianqian put her hand on Li Yun's forehead
"Are you sick?"


But even so, Su Xiaoming will still try his best.

Ten moved and then refused - very moved, and then refused.

What is going on?
Su Xiaoming felt that he had seen something he shouldn't have seen.
In fact, Su Xiaoming's inclusion in the group was a bit unexpected. Originally, the photographer hired this time was the photographer of "Blind Shaft".

They had such small interactions as if no one else was watching.

Su Xiaoming hung up the phone, but he hung his head and couldn't laugh or cry.

I initially agreed, then declined.

"Yeah, I feel pretty good."

In fact, she was pushed here by the photographers who pushed her away.
Seniors all cherish feathers
I don’t quite believe that Li Yun, a young actor, can do the job of a director.

Seniors in the entertainment industry are actually not looking at jokes.

After all, as the saying goes, people with some achievements in the industry cherish their feathers.
I don’t want to get involved in this matter. After all, many people are paying attention to Li Yun’s movies.

"No way!"

As a communication university, we still need to have professional ethics.
not to mention.
"Everyone thinks that because I am short in stature, my future achievements will also be short. This time I will prove it to you! Humph!"

At this time, the interaction between Liu Qianqian and Li Yun caused an eerie silence among the photographers and supporting actors present.

This is not empty talk. Most of the movies that are produced are actually not even available in theaters, and they are not even qualified to be burned into pirated video tapes.

"It's just pretty good."

After all, directors and actors seem to be two different things.
"It's okay. As for Li Yun, I have also worked with him. As an actor, he is indeed a good immersive actor, even a very good one. But you know, directors and actors are two different things. You should just accumulate experience. "

"Okay, okay, do you understand? Senior, in fact, I don't think this is a chore, nor do I think it is a work for practicing. Okay, okay, I'll hang up the phone first."

"I feel like you don't look very good."

To describe it in one sentence - if it can be released in theaters, it is a victory for the film.

It doesn't matter.
In their opinion, the final destination of this movie may really just be obscurity.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

Su Xiaoming cheered himself up.
You can’t lose with style!

Principal Liu Ping and several young actors are also in place. The leading actors are students of this special children's education school, and the principal is himself.

In fact, when he doesn't show his vulgar expression, Liu Ping is indeed a bit upright and elegant.
Although there is some metaphysics in "Xiang Born from the Heart", at least Liu Ping's appearance is indeed enough to play the disgusting principal.

Zhuo Wei also played a cameo role, the head teacher who likes little boys - in this regard, Zhuo Wei also said that there would be no problem with his guest appearance.

He definitely doesn't like little boys, but he once filmed dirty material about an idol actor who liked little boys in Taiwan, but it wasn't time to expose it yet.

Li Yun silently thought that Zhuo Wei was the only person in the entertainment circle who should never be messed with.
"As for the first version of the script, we have all read it, and there is no problem." Zhuo Wei paused and said, "It's very good."

In terms of scoring, Zhuo Wei could even give the script "The Crucible" a score of about 90 points
Really, a score of 90 points is very good.
It is already quite good. Although in some places, it can be seen that Li Yun is a new screenwriter, at least his intentions and the core of the entire "The Crucible" story can be seen.

The core is in a dark little place.

There are subtle, unknown stories in a small corner that few people pay attention to.

A 90-point script, a new director, and a new-generation actor with a small head who won the Golden Eagle Award.

If you can score 75 points, that's enough.
This is also Zhuo Wei and Liu Ping's expectations for him. A score of 75 is probably to fully express the core.
Liu Ping expressed the core of what he wanted, and other things seemed to be less so-called.
It seems that he doesn't have much position to ask for too many things.
In fact, Li Yun would say that he was very confident about this movie at the beginning.

What kind of person am I?
I have 'director'.

I have 'Uranus Superstar'. With the help of these personalities, I can learn. The most important thing is that I have seen the big picture.
I used to be Murong Fu of Yanziwu, a descendant of the royal family, with noble blood, and a famous martial artist.

I was once a powerful factory owner in the Ming Dynasty, holding a powerful position.
He was also one of the three friends of Xiangjiang, a young boy who was just a classmate, in his prime, and inherited the passion.

Pass on the spiritual heritage.

My layout is huge!
I have enjoyed and done so many big things in my family, my country, my country, and now, even in a small school in a county town.

How could I not be able to control such a pattern?
I have seen mountains and rivers shattered, I have seen homes and countries collapse, and I have seen great people who have supported buildings in times of crisis.

Now, let me play a small character.

This is too simple.
Li Yun looked at the personalities around him, and their noisy voices rang in his ears, buzzing.
Coordinate the overall situation, immerse yourself in it, and be the starring role.

An ordinary honest person.

Liu Pingan.
It is the name of the protagonist of "The Crucible", named after Liu Ping.
Li Yun didn't know much about Liu Ping's story. He only knew that the principal was the prototype of the protagonist in the story.
Currently, the principal of the special education school in Anping County, Songshan City has 12 students and 7 teachers in the school.

This is equivalent to a semi-public welfare institution.

Gathering people who are deaf-mute or mentally disabled.

They have no ability to protect themselves and are absolutely marginalized in society - to be honest, even Li Yun didn't pay much attention to this group of people in his previous life.

Later, due to the development of self-media, these people may be able to receive a certain amount of attention in the era of information explosion.

Now, it is the era of big media.

Online media has just developed, and the entertainment media is not yet short videos, movies, or TV series.

This is an 'information gap'.

The sympathy gained by this film can bring fame and fortune to oneself. Of course, the prerequisite is that it is well filmed and acted well.

Li Yun doesn't think this is despicable, maybe it's a kind of "everyone gets what he needs"?

This is probably what Li Yun thinks is his original intention.

Anyway, the result is not to make a good movie, right?

At this time, Li Yun grinned.

Looking at the large number of personalities he was coordinating, their number had increased and they were even mixed with the crew members. Li Yun couldn't tell who was who.

It doesn't matter, they are all tool people, "photography" is "photography" and "stage management" is "stage management".

And me, the hero.

a father, a teacher
"Can you let me see Principal Liu's life?"

"Of course, there are quite a few here." Zhuo Wei's observation skills are very keen. After being a paparazzi for so many years, he immediately caught Li Yun's eyes.
When meeting Li Yun's eyes.

Suddenly my heart trembled, and a feeling of 'out of control' surged from my scalp to the soles of my feet.

It was very easy for him to see through people's hearts at his own expense, so one look at Li Yichun and he knew that he had something big on him, so he asked him to catch this guy's dirty deeds.

This is professionalism, this is the dignity of professional paparazzi.

And what kind of person is Li Yun?

To be honest, Zhuo Wei thought at first that he was just a sunny and optimistic young actor who always made people smile.
Seeking fame and profit.

A layman.

But when he saw Li Yun's eyes, he knew where his feeling of 'losing control' came from.
Where did it come from?
It turns out that it was when I met these eyes.

Suddenly I couldn't understand it.
Suddenly I had a very enlightened feeling.
A person's eyes can contain so many feelings
A bottomless person.
For the first time, Zhuo Wei felt afraid of someone and lost control of a person's character.

This feeling.

It came from this young man that even he couldn't understand.
I can't understand what its ingredients are.
“I’ve filmed stories with such a big layout, am I still afraid of stories with a small layout?”

At this time, Li Yun confidently flipped through Liu Ping's information.

Once, he was a teacher, a teacher of mute language and art
What he did was report the previous principal of this school.

However, Li Yun soon figured out why Liu Ping wanted to make this movie and was so stubborn in finding investors.

It turns out that he is different from the male protagonist in the script.

Liu Ping, the previous principal who reported the incident three years after the incident.

(End of this chapter)

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