Chapter 292, can’t tell the difference
A middle-aged man.

A middle-aged man with little ability and background, he has an old mother and a young girl at home. He has a mother who is over 70 years old and a little girl who is waiting to be fed.

Waiting to eat, waiting to take off the pot.

Otherwise you will be hungry.

Wow, the state of this middle-aged man.

It's quite classic indeed.

Li Yun clearly recognized his own changes.

I have become a middle-aged man who is older and younger.

Hair loss and insomnia have become lingering problems for me.

The belly that is gradually growing and the figure that is gaining weight are telling me that I am no longer young.

The principal was a very polite person, so polite that Li Yun even felt a little at a loss.


Fortunately, there is still a way in my hometown.

Deaf children cannot fully express their thoughts.

"It turns out that I too will grow old one day." At this time, Li Yun laughed at himself, experiencing the feeling of mid-life crisis in advance, which is really strange.

A way to keep yourself and your family alive.

But he was trapped in an old body.

That's enough.

"It wouldn't be bad if I can continue to live my little life like this."

The seemingly gentle and elegant principal, life teacher, head teacher, me, and a security guard.

There was a school there, and my job was to be a teacher there, an art teacher.

"I should be angry here."

"Yes, I should be angry."

Maybe it's an easy job.


There is not much pressure, a stable salary, and I can support my family.

It turns out that the feeling brought by aging is just like this, you will lose a lot of things, courage, motivation, body and spirit are controlled by pressure.

As a middle-aged man with an older brother and a younger brother, Li Yun now faces a choice, a choice that is definitely not a good one.
Laid off.

Li Yun is here, talking to himself, everything happens within the scope of his thoughts.
Anger is an expression of 'should'.

He even owed a large sum of money.

At this time, Li Yun was wandering around the Nuo University school. Although the school was so big and empty, there were not many students.

People will grow old.

Faced with such a situation, I had no choice but to make the best choice at this time.

That's all.

The same is true for Li Yun. When he feels that he is old, many things lose their meaning.

That's enough.

I will do what I need to do.

Obviously I was still a classmate of Cha's when I was in my prime.

As a full-time student, there is no teaching pressure in this school, and it is even a bit relaxing, because you don’t have to make any achievements at all, you just have to muddle through.

"Then there was the scene where I discovered that the children had been violated."

That's not bad either.

School for special children.

But think about it carefully, if you can make it back in 20 years.

No matter what happens, feeding your family is the most important thing, fortunately.

When aging gradually creeps up on the body, people will feel powerless and fearful.

The elders who make up this school.

Then jobs are needed to support the children and parents.

Just find a good job.

People will become numb.

Just to enter this school, I need a little gift. For this reason, most of my savings have been used to buy this place.

"Teacher Liu, this is the class we are going to teach. There are not many people in the school, that's all. You have to be patient."


in this period of life.

Li Yun doesn't even spend much time at school, but spends more time at home.

The small house in the county town is an old mother who is not in good health, but can still maintain it, and her daughter. A single father takes his daughter.

No matter how you look at it, life doesn’t look that easy to maintain.

During this period, Li Yun spent most of his time living with his family. To be honest, Li Yun was used to this rhythm.

What is the happiness of being a middle-aged man?

Happiness probably is.

I have a family and a daughter.

Have a bite to eat and be healthy.

To be honest, Li Yun didn't expect this immersion to be so enjoyable. After all, he was a motherless person and had no daughter.

All alone.

There is no family at all, it is just a bunch of fantasy bubbles.

But even if it is a dream, Li Yun still has a kind of happiness that is difficult to conceal. That kind of emotion called happiness, to be honest, is really addictive.

I'm stuck in it and can't extricate myself.

Happiness is what you indulge in right here, in this moment.

My daughter’s warm hug is unforgettable.

It’s hard to let go.

The short daily life of the parents lasted for a long time.

Li Yun was finally going to work and go to that school.

Facing a group of special children, they are unfortunate, or have congenital or acquired diseases that make them unable to speak or hear, and are marginalized people with various mental tendencies.

You are here, Teacher Liu.

The principal showed the gentlest smile to Li Yun.

He is very good to the teachers in the school, and he is gentle, gentle and kind-hearted on weekdays.

Li Yun once had an illusion.

This principal may not be as hateful as he thought.

That's what I originally thought.

Although the students all have their own shortcomings, Li Yun still feels that he has the responsibility as a teacher when the deaf and mute students say in sign language that the teacher is good.

He still became their teacher. This is how life should be lived. The time of being a teacher may be a bit boring.

This is especially true when you are a teacher of these special children.

Until the vibrations in the bathroom, the silent sobbing, and the fearful eyes of the students when they saw the principal.

When I came here for the first time.

Li Yun suddenly became furious.

Because those voices are so real.

I have a daughter too!

When I think of the innocent smiling faces of those students.

Thinking of them and their daughter's age.

But when you have to be treated like this.

Angry emotions are difficult to suppress.

The blood rushes to the head.

When halfway through the rush.

When I saw the principal's back.

Li Yun was stunned.

Really stunned.

I also have a daughter. As a father, how can I bear to see this kind of situation happening in front of me, this kind of silent sin.

Yes, I can't bear it.

I want to rush in, I want to stop this atrocity from happening, I want to face my conscience!

But my steps froze involuntarily.

Yes, I have a daughter.

He could lay me off again at any time.

I'm laid off, what should my mother do? What to do with my daughter?
At this time, his back was to the principal, and the corresponding position was that of the little girl facing Li Yun.

As for the little girl in front of him, she couldn't speak or hear.

Her eyes said.

Save me, save me quickly.

Please help me.

"What happened to Dad?"

"Yes, son, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me."

This time after get off work.

Li Yun returned to his home in confusion, and his mother's delicious food was tasteless.

Everything that happened during the day was vivid in my mind. It was obvious that she asked me for help, and it was obvious that she wanted me to save her.

But I didn't respond to his expectations.

And the reason is very real.

No, I have my own daughter too.

I have a family to support.

I can't lose this job. How can I fight with him alone in this small city with deep roots? Nothing good will come of me going against him.

What capital do I have to go against him?

Yes, Li Yun was afraid. The so-called conscience and morality had to choose between supporting his family.

It turns out this is such a difficult thing.

It's really difficult.

"Damn, damn, damn! What does other people's affairs have to do with me, Li Yun? I have my own daughter, I have my own mother. I rely on my background, not my passion, and you are here You’re middle-aged, don’t you understand?”

Li Yun is still hypnotizing himself.

Paralyzed by the choices I made.

However, starting from today, when Li Yun stepped into school, his mood was no longer what it used to be.

Unlike usual, you can put on a fake smile and say hello to colleagues and principals with whom you don't have such a good relationship.

The principal has connections with people in the local education department.

Still a local.

Still a local snake.

"You are very good." The principal looked at Li Yun tenderly, with a friendly expression on his face.

Maybe it's because of yesterday.

He must have actually discovered Li Yun.

And did not expose his dirty behavior.

Maybe they were considered the same kind of people. The intimate feeling of closeness made Li Yun feel sick and want to vomit.

Very disgusting.

This school is like hell. No matter how hypocritical a person is, he will feel sick and want to vomit after experiencing a scene like yesterday.

Because most people are normal.

There is no way to face all this openly.

But Li Yun still chose to remain silent.

This is a kind of selfishness and torture to oneself.

Most people don't have the courage.

What's more, he has a family with him.

There is even no way to do it.

Then when she went to class, when she faced yesterday's students with numb eyes, she thought of the time when she said hello to the teacher in sign language.

Li Yun lay down and had a dream.

Even Li Yun himself found it incredible. It turns out that I can sleep here. So is the world here real or fake?

Li Yun didn't know because everything was too real.

I don't even know if the dream I'm having is a dream.

In the dream, the evil principal reached out to his daughter.

No, no.

Li Yun was roaring, but the principal seemed unable to hear him. All that was left was his daughter's cry.

At this time, Li Yun felt like he was going crazy.

Am I dreaming?
If this is not a dream, then where is this place?
Is this a dream? Which side of reality is reality.

By the way, I am actor Li Yun after all.

Still the teacher Li Yun.

I can't tell the difference.

(End of this chapter)

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