Chapter 293, a dream within a dream

"No. No!"

At this moment, Li Yun woke up with a start, his whole body soaked with sweat.

"Great, it's a dream. It turns out to be a dream."



"Well, my daughter is good. It's good that she's fine."

Li Yun saw his daughter not far away. She was looking at him with big innocent eyes, full of heartache in her eyes.

Yes, I woke up from a nightmare
In the nightmare, the principal's claws finally reached out to my daughter, but fortunately, this was just a dream
"But dad."



“The director slept really late”

Li Yun took a deep breath and slumped down at the table.
No need to
This painful memory and feeling needs to be preserved.

Recall the script in the dream, and pay attention to every detail, every corner, the character's expression and movement, and every aspect.
Also, crying.

I am Li Yun.

To be honest, this is the first time for these supporting actors to know that their boss is actually the Golden Eagle Award-winning Li Yun.


"Hey, everyone is here for the script reading."

"Girl, it hurts, it really hurts."

Li Yun still sincerely apologized.
Go to the bathroom and wash your face.

"No! Go back"

"It's okay." At this time, the 'Superstar' patted Li Yun's shoulder and grinned: "Welcome back to reality."

“Moon Bay, Moon Bay”

I'm the director.

At this time, the person in front of him looked at Li Yun in silence for a while, and then slowly spoke.

I'm an actor.

"I said go back! No need"

"Don't come over here!"

Li Yun was trembling when he wrote the script.
My hands are shaking.
Getting along with the daughter in my dream
Every bit, every bit is so real, real and unforgettable, in the flesh and blood, in the bones.
The pain is very real
[Do you need this system to give you a little help to relieve your pain? 】

I want it, I want it very much!
The pain this time was too real, too real. It was so real that for the first time, Li Yun wanted the system to numb his pain.
【This system is in progress】

"You are quite ink-stained. This is not a good habit for a director." At this time, the 'director' next to him said: "Every second we spend filming is wasted. You can use ink-writing for one more second." , we will have to spend one more second.”

At this time, everyone in the crew was a little bored, including a few third-tier supporting actors.

But whether they are deaf-mute or not, whether they have mental disorders or not, they will still feel pain.

Suddenly, Li Yun spoke and said ferociously.


Except for Liu Qianqian, these people are all members of Shengchang's team, third-tier supporting actors.

At this time, Li Yun couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. I was Liu Ping'an, the obedient middle-aged teacher.

This is the feeling of the character, a real feeling
Even if it hurts, it still hurts.

At this time, her daughter was crying to Li Yun.

【But it's yours.】

"I am a director, investor and starring actor. What's wrong with being more willful?"

My daughter's cry.

"No! No!"

Li Yun's breathing gradually calmed down and became gentle.
Finally eased.
Then he collapsed on the chair, and his clothes were all wet.

Gentle singing came from his mouth
The magnetic voice, the children's song that I often listened to when I was a child, is quite gentle when sung from the mouth of the 'Superstar'.

It's so hidden.

"Ah!! I.I."

"thanks, thanks"

This place should be the real world.

It really hurts.
She is not a deaf-mute child, she is a normal person, she can cry and make trouble.

Still an actor, still director Li Yun.

Completely caught off guard.

However, the number of supporting characters is not too large, and the main roles are still concentrated on the 'head teacher' and 'principal'.

And the 'students'.

At this time, Zhuo Wei looked at the old principal and said.

"Are you sure, you're fine?"

"I'm sure," Liu Ping said with a slight smile, "I'll be fine."

"no problem."

"Let Li Shijian see all my information."


"Then I really hope he won't hate me, a pretentious old man."

The original intention of starting this movie can even be described as noble. Even a little obsessed.

An obsession that is so weird to the core.
Indeed, he sent the former principal to prison, which caused some repercussions and sensation.

But in fact, at the beginning, Principal Liu Ping was not that courageous.

It also caused regrets that surrounded him throughout his life.

"You're already doing very well," Zhuo Wei sighed softly.

But I also know that I can’t say much about my position.

I was speechless, but when Li Yun arrived, he was visibly haggard.
"Let's get started, Principal Liu, Mr. Zhuo, Liu Qianqian, let's do a script reading."

"Let's look at the script."

At this time, Li Yun's eyes looked a little haggard and tired.
Zhuo Wei and Liu Ping were both stunned. They suddenly felt haggard and tired. It seemed that they had not had a good rest last night.

There is also a refined script.
At this time, everyone was a little ashamed, including everyone in the crew. They originally thought that Li Yun was really going to rest, but he said it with exhaustion.

"Brother Li." Liu Qianqian felt an inexplicable pain when she looked at Li Yun. That kind of feeling should be regarded as heartache.

There can be no mistake, just heartache.

My heart aches for the man in front of me, the deep tiredness in his eyes.

But apart from the heartache, Li Yun also felt a deep sense of exhaustion in his heart.

There is another thing that Liu Qianqian can't forget, deep in her eyes.

Pain, loss, exhaustion, numbness.

There is also a joy.

The joy of getting.
What did Brother Li gain from these pains and losses?

Stubborn, a little bit crazy.

Li Yun could not only feel his own pain, but also really wanted to remember the feeling this pain brought to him.

This is not a contradiction.
When Li Yun took out the newly revised script.

As a professional entertainment industry player, Zhuo Wei felt that it was impossible.

It is impossible for Li Yun to film and act this newly revised script well.
Here, Liu Ping'an, the protagonist's character, is more detailed.
A character that is absolutely difficult to act out
Although the script is more relatable.
But it's also more difficult.

Liu Ping'an, a middle-aged unemployed man, came to his hometown county and became a teacher in a special school.

In this situation.
He discovered the principal and the darkness in this cramped campus.

Hypocritical 'charity' on the grounds of supporting students.

This is very different from the core of Bangzi Country's "Melting Pot" in the previous life. Bangzi Country's Melting Pot essentially criticized the government for colluding with others.

But Li Yun's own version of "The Melting Pot" is different.

There are local snakes everywhere.
This is a disease that cannot be eradicated in any land or anywhere, and the filming of a movie always has his backbone.

At present, Li Yun feels that the backbone and theme of his version of "The Crucible" should be the protagonist's choice.
This kind of entanglement.

The feeling of entanglement.

For ordinary people.

For the country, society, and these mentally disabled groups who do not know how to express themselves.

What should they do, what should they do?
[Send away: Everyone from Songshan City Special Education School]

[Rewards: Storyboard emotional skills +10, total director skills +10, mental strength -5~10, mental resistance +10, physical fitness +5]

[Increased empathy: your thoughts are more emotional and you can understand other people's emotions]

[Memory: A chaotic personality exercises your mind and memory]

[Actively embrace madness and exchange madness for talent, which is very similar to what you would do]

[Wish you a happy first movie shooting experience]


rather than a person.

Li Yun looked at the people around him, including Liu Ping'an, the lawyer, the head teacher, his mother, the principal, his daughter, and the students.

Their spirits are before their eyes.
Looking at myself eagerly.

'I' need to 'liberate' them.

Send them away and free your own spirit.
Complete the filming of this movie.
At this time, Li Yun felt that his current situation was very confusing.

Too many spirits confused together
I can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

During the script reading, Li Yun even left early.

"I'm leaving first. You can tell Sissy if you have anything."

Li Yun returned to the room and looked at the noisy spirits around him.
'Director' and 'Superstar' are also nearby.

The 'director' comforted him calmly.

"How should I put it? In fact, you don't have to force yourself so much for some things. Sometimes, not everyone needs it, and everyone can do it perfectly."

"Almost there."


That's pretty much it.

Even professional directors have said this, so I’ll just listen to it.

May I?
The King Superstar didn't say much, he just sang a song with his actions and soothed Li Yun's spirit.

But sometimes something is chosen by oneself.

Li Yun was a little tired.

Whether it was the dream within a dream last night or the script reading today, Li Yun was a little tired.

For me, who has an iron body, this tiredness is nothing, but there is no way to cover up my mental exhaustion.

In fact, it’s just mental exhaustion.

Let Li Yun feel sleepy.

When Li Yun fell asleep, he felt that he was pillowing on something soft.

A little bit fragrant.

But at least the mental pressure was soothed by this softness.

What the hell is this?

do not care.

Let's go to sleep first, tomorrow is the time to officially start the machine.

Before that, let me relax a little bit.

Liu Qianqian was a little worried about Li Yun, so she followed him, but when he was about to ask you something, the big pig's head was already resting on her thigh.

In this era, I don’t know how many young men dream of girls.

Liu Qianqian blushed, but her first reaction was not disgust or pushing him away.

But slightly distressed.

Brother Li is tired, let him rest.

Thin eyelashes, handsome face.

Liu Qianqian looked at this face.

So lovely.

He's prettier than all the boys I've seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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