I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces

Chapter 419, high-scoring movie, Let the Bullets Fly!

Chapter 419, high-scoring movie, Let the Bullets Fly!

After the scores of "Let the Bullets Fly" came out.

Everyone, including Li Modu and Liu Shanhe, were shocked.

Double the number of ratings of Chosin Reservoir.

This is the number of samples on the first day.

In fact, it can represent many things.

Even fewer people saw the film.

But I have a stronger desire to talk.

The comments came flooding in.

The unstoppable desire to talk.

Liu Shanhe took a look at the comments.

There are people who discover all kinds of angles.

very messy.

It is both a metaphor and a metaphor.

Moreover, it seems that Liu Shanhe and his men don't quite understand these things.
"Liu Zi ate two bowls of noodles. What's going on? Isn't it just two bowls of noodles? What's the difference between eating one bowl of noodles and eating two bowls of noodles?"

Eat noodles.


Main theme.

These things left Liu Shanhe and the others completely confused, but no matter how confused they were, the results were clear and real, presented before them.

This opening score is explosive!
Even if the box office is not as good as "The Battle at Lake Changjin".
But the word of mouth has undoubtedly spread!

"How is this possible?" Wang Tao next to him looked at him in astonishment.

"How can this be impossible? He deserves the title."

Jiang Weijian said: "I said that I had a great time filming it and I really wanted to work with them again, but you didn't believe me. Don't underestimate Li's young age. From what I can see, from a young person's perspective, his talent is definitely unmatched."

The box office was indeed slightly worse than "The Battle at Lake Changjin".

But the overall performance is not far from being a first-tier hit.

How old is he?
Here, Li Mo has already clenched his teeth.
Liu Shanhe next to him looked at Li Modu and said after a moment of silence.

"Shall we go watch this movie?"

The first-day performance of "Let the Bullets Fly" was still considered good. In the eyes of many people, this was the "son" riding on the "father's" popularity.

This is the first day result.

This is the speculation both inside and outside.

This "illegitimate child" finally enjoyed the "favor" from his father.


That’s what the rhythm says.

But is this rhythm real and true?
When the second Douban rating came out, this "rumor" was self-defeating.

The ratings given by the audience who paid real money
"What a high score!" Liu Xixi exclaimed when she saw the Douban score. The first day box office was in the 'good' category, but the Douban score was in the 'high' category!
Very high score!

Li Yun looked at the Douban score and the first day box office.
But it's also peaceful.
This reputation is indeed quite good, and the box office is also pretty good.

But it's still not enough
At least it's not close enough to Li Yun's goal.
There aren't enough resources for the next movie.
What do you want to express in the next movie you want to make?
I Am Not a God of Medicine.
not enough.
Based on the current box office, it will only reach less than 100 million yuan in the end, although it is definitely profitable.

But it's still not enough.

"not enough"

"How can it not be enough? I feel it is enough. The final predicted box office is only one-third less than Li Modu's." Jiang Chenggang next to him was still shocked by this.

Professionally predicted box office.

Only one third less, this is a very impressive achievement.

For a film that shares the same subject matter and release date with this veteran director, the current results are definitely pretty good so far.

Even Jiang Chenggang didn't expect to achieve such results at the beginning.

According to Chiang Kai-shek's expectations for results.

A box office of 60 million is already enough to break even and make a small profit.

Now the forecast is that it could reach 80 to 100 million.

If it were released in some less popular periods, it could even become the box office champion.

What else do you need a bicycle for?
It's already the second-highest level.

"Of course it's not enough. I expect the investment for my next movie to be 100 million."

Jiang Chenggang: "."

"Can you please give me some blood pressure medicine? A box office of 100 million is already a very optimistic estimate, and I don't think it can get any more optimistic."

At this time, Jiang Chenggang's mouth was twitching.

"Besides, our opponents haven't made any moves yet."

Although "Let the Bullets Fly" is now available, he does not have the capital to compete with "The Battle at Lake Changjin" at the box office.

But for the neighbors.

This is also a real loss for them at the box office.

After all, for a large number of people, movie ticket consumption is limited to once a month.

movie ticket.

Not cheap.

One ticket costs sixty or seventy yuan.

Most people only have more than 20 yuan for food per day.

Movie tickets are definitely a big expense.

Since you choose to watch this movie, you won’t choose to watch that one.

This is the norm at the movie box office.

"A trick? Do you think my cheap dad would do such a thing?" Li Yun thought about it and felt that Li Mo should not be so shameless.


Who knows?

"He may not do such a thing, but the circle is different, especially for outsiders like you. Once you threaten their dominance, the ranking moves may follow."

The person who spoke at this time was not Jiang Chenggang.

It was Jiang Wen.

"Do you know who you are now?"



"A wild man who has not worshipped the mountain."

The creative elements of "Let the Bullets Fly" are very complex.

Generally speaking, there are Beijing circle, CCTV circle, and other circles.

But the investment distribution director.

But they are all savages who have not worshipped the mountains.

There is no doubt about this.

Li Yun has his own connections and achievements in various circles.

But for some people.

If loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

"Don't use tricks. I want to fight him in a fair fight."

Li Modu's tone was obviously a little lower.

Someone who can make him speak low too.

There are not many in the entire circle.

But it does exist.

Lü Haishi.

Wang Shu.

And there is Ye Changying.

These three people are the core of the core in the circle.

The top of the top
The rulers of the Beijing circle have absolute right to speak, regardless of the circle of movies and TV series.
Absolute right to speak
Even Wang Chen had to give them three points.
"If possible, we don't want to use tricks, Mr. Li, but your good son is really beyond our control, and he is unwilling to join our circle. Rules are rules. If he is not in our circle, then he is our enemy."

The person who spoke was Lü Haishi.
The so-called Beijing circle was originally a literary creation group composed of several old guns as the core. They all had extraordinary identities. Many of them were children of government officials, and some were even descendants of those who had made great contributions to Long.

They are collectively referred to as the children of the big/// courtyard.

Besides being children of the big compound.

He has a strong background and unparalleled talent.

The dual existence of background and talent is what makes them and their circle successful.

Only among the people in this core.

Leading by Li Modu’s talent.

If Li Mo can be named a model of the times, then he can also become the core.

But it doesn't happen now.

In this circle, Li Mo always keeps his head down.

"I admire him, and even want to bring him into the circle, but unfortunately we have had people approach him many times, and he always said he wasn't in the circle. It's a pity, it would be great if he was half as smart as you."

Wang Shu next to him was also sighing and feeling regretful.

Today's Douban scores are a good indicator of someone's talent.


After all, he is a respectable person in the Beijing circle.

Off-board moves.

Nor will I use despicable means.

It will just be additional investment.

One is to use the propaganda machine.

There is never a shortage of connections in the Beijing circle.

Even for them, connections are a very cheap thing.

A very very cheap thing.

Gain more advantages in publicity and promotion through personal connections.


Li Modu's Changjin Lake does have such capital.

It will enable the Beijing circle to mobilize more and wider resources for promotion.

"Why don't we persuade this Xiao Li to join our circle? We guarantee to give him the best resources to shoot movies and let him be our exclusive male lead. It's not impossible."

Wang Shu gave Li Yun a very high evaluation.

This made Li Mo feel very uncomfortable.

He also commented on his other son that year.

The son who is now in prison.

The evaluation is completely opposite.

the other side.

Wang Chen also heard about Li Yun’s movie.

He was also shocked.

Although for him.

Fights in Chinese movies are just children playing around. But Li Mo focuses on the main themes.

It has its own unique advantages.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that the difference in advantages between me and my son is not as big as I imagined.

Even more so in terms of word of mouth.

This gave Wang Chen a sense of crisis.

A strange sense of crisis.

This seems to be an instinctive crisis.

That Li Yun is too young.

He is so young that he is younger than all the talented directors and actors in the country.

There are directors and actors who have achieved greater success than Li Yun.

And there are a lot of them.

But those actors and directors are a generation older than Li Yun.

If "Let the Bullets Fly" can be successful this time.

Li Yun can be said to be the number one person in the new generation of entertainment industry today.

He is active in both film and television.

Extremely powerful.

How far can he grow in time?
Who knows?

"This man is dangerous."

"No matter how hard they fight, they are just kids playing house in China. There is nothing to be afraid of." Liu Meng beside him said calmly.

She now looked down on both her husband and his illegitimate child.

I think their current behavior is just a little better than children playing house.

Wait until the big directors in Beijing collaborate with Hollywood.

Two-way combination.

Exports converted to domestic sales.

It can directly suppress domestic directors to the point where they can’t even raise their heads.

This is the plan, and the plan is the next project "The Great Wall" that Hollywood and Beijing will collaborate on.

The Hollywood team and the culture of China.

A domestic film with Hollywood roots.

Very interesting isn't it?

Step by step, domestic directors are being Hollywoodized, forcing them to submit to a higher level of art.

When the country's top directors have surrendered to Hollywood.

Will others be far behind?
Not far away.

"We call this prevention. This kid is not simple, and we can't take him that lightly. Don't you hate this kid very much? Don't you want to skin him alive? Don't you want to ruin his reputation?"

"Of course I hate him, and I think so every moment. Not only him, but Li Mo as well!" Hatred flashed in Liu Meng's eyes.

One night and a hundred days of grace between husband and wife.

He didn't think about it at all.

Wang Chen shuddered.

But it is also because of this stance.

This time, if both "The Battle at Lake Changjin" and "Let the Bullets Fly" fail, Liu Meng will be the happiest.

It’s a pity that she knew her husband’s talent.

It is unlikely to fail.

Moreover, since they represent the interests of CCTV and the Beijing circle, no one dares to act rashly.

"That's easy. Since you hate him so much, we might as well give him a push from behind. Didn't you say that Li Yun is a psychopath? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." This time Liu Meng was sure: "What do you want to do?"

"Go find an entertainment reporter and expose his mother's affairs. Say that your ex-husband abandoned her after having an affair with her, and that you turned from evil to good and went on the Lu Yu You Yue program."

Stimulate Li Yun's spirit.

Stigmatize Li Modu's reputation.

At the same time, it also made these two father and son, whose reputation is now at its peak.

Accept the baptism of public opinion.

Fame is a double-edged sword.

Good news doesn’t travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles.

It’s also very real.

"You seem to be targeting Li Modu. Aren't you afraid of Li Yun?"

"Li Yun is indeed a young talent, and no one can match him. But Li Modu, I watched his film Changjin Lake, and it really has Hollywood-level production standards and plot, sound and light effects."

Today's Li Yun is an immature threat.

And Li Mo is a real threat.

If he is willing to fully embrace Hollywood like Zhang Yimou and others, then that would be great.

But Li Mo didn't want to do that.

Even sneered at it.

He is not someone who can touch Hollywood.

So take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

"Let the Bullets Fly" is by no means a perfect work.

The amount of information he contains is just too much.

A few words cannot fully describe the essence of this movie.

However, the dense amount of information is not a good thing for movie watching.

Many people are complaining that they can only watch it once for enjoyment.

But there is no way to fully grasp the essence of the movie.

It’s just that many times, being short of money is an objective reality.

After watching a movie, I couldn't support watching it a second time.

Just appreciate the comedy part.

As a comedy movie it's also very good.

At least it can reach 7.5 or above.

So for Lu Zhengguang, this is a masterpiece.

This is true for many people.

It is precisely because I am unable to fully appreciate the beauty of this masterpiece that I feel quite regretful.

"This is a masterpiece. Such talent can only be described as stunning."

This is the evaluation given by Lu Zhengguang.

"This is also our honor." Li Yun said with a smile.

"No, no, no, no, this is just your glory. This is the glory that belongs only to you."

Lu Zhengguang said at this time.

After all, Li Yun doesn't belong to any circle.

And this work does not clearly state which circle produced it.

The glory belongs only to Li Yun.

"Grandpa Lu, are you blaming me?"

"How can I blame you for your position?" Lu Zhengguang said jokingly, "Don't think that we in CCTV are so petty. A cat that can catch mice is a good cat, regardless of whether it is black or white. As long as you can produce excellent literary and artistic works, you will be our pride."

"thank you"

Li Yun thought for a moment.

For the kindness and appreciation that Grandpa Lu Zhengguang has shown me.

If I don’t have this disease.

Maybe it’s a good thing to hang out in the CCTV circle with Grandpa Lu.

Have background and backing.

There are resources and scripts.

It can be said that all the comfortable elements are there.

But for Li Yun, this is not possible.

When your own resources are limited.

When one's breadth is reduced.

It's the way to your own death.

No resources from any circle can truly free you from the troubles of illness.

I can only greedily absorb the resources of all circles here.

Put all their resources to good use.

Only then can you make yourself truly complete.

To the point of true perfection.

So I can’t do it myself.

It is impossible to work in a certain circle.

"I admire your behavior of not mixing with any circle. I admire it very much. You rely entirely on your own abilities to have everything. You are my pride."

But at this time, Lu Zhengguang paused and said, "But you don't mix in any circle, and the disadvantages are also obvious. Often, those old guys with resources, because they are older than you and have been in this circle longer, have resources and power that you can't imagine. This is the so-called first-mover advantage, because the advantage brought by being one step ahead. This includes me, an old man."

"You rarely have these extra resources to help your career, but these are the norm in the entertainment industry."

"Li Modu has these things to support him, and you may not be able to defeat him."

In fact, what Lu Zhengguang wanted to say was to let Li Yun calm down.

Li Modu has the support of the Beijing circle, so he has many tricks up his sleeve.

He can carry out all kinds of linkages and activities.

If you smash it, you can't win.

And Li Yun was also calm.

Li Yun was also aware of the flaws of "Let the Bullets Fly".

But it's okay.

Li Yun also found a way to make up for this shortcoming.

"That's good. You can think clearly, so any path you choose is fine. I'm proud of you." Lu Zhengguang said kindly, "Maybe I can really see you go abroad in my lifetime. Yang Wei is overseas."

"Master Lu, you will definitely live to be a hundred years old." Li Yun said seriously.

"I hope so, hahaha. Maybe I can even see my great-grandson being born then."

"You haven't even started yet, Grandpa Lu."

Li Yun was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

Grandpa Lu really treats me as his grandson.

That kind of warmth.

The warmth that comes from my mother's family.
Even though it's just the bond of this body.

But Li Yun still enjoyed this warmth very much.

But when everything goes well.

However, something happened quietly. Liu Meng participated in "Luyu Has an Appointment" and went to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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