Chapter 420, I, Li Modu, a scumbag

“I have always been an independent woman pursuing art.”

Liu Meng was invited as a guest on the show "Luyu Has a Date".

When talking about her marriage with Li Modu, Liu Meng simply replied that they had "differences in ideas".

Before, I only knew that he had someone else outside, but I never knew that he had a son that old.

But Lu Yu also asked questions, and every three sentences she talked about Liu Meng's opinion on her son who is now in prison
Liu Meng was embarrassed a few times, but now she was on someone else's home show, and if she did, she would be the one who lost face in the end, and it would be others who were helped.

Liu Meng was still clear about this.
She took a deep breath and said.

"In fact, I knew that the reason they broke up was because the woman had a serious history of mental illness."

When the history of mental illness was exposed.

The public opinion machine started to work, and those who sympathized with him even abandoned his wife.
Have doubts.

There are also divergent views. Since he has a history of mental illness, can it be passed on to his son?
At this time, this father and son who fought in the box office war are now the focus of attention. Teacher Lu Yu doesn't think too much. Their program team sees that it is profitable and begins to spread out.
Li Modu's reputation was immediately burned. His reputation, which had been somewhat restored due to the quality of "The Battle at Lake Changjin", suddenly fell to the bottom.

After all, running away and abandoning one's wife and children is never a fair thing to do.
For Li Modu, the impact of this incident was like a blow to his vital spot.

He wanted to prove himself with his talent and wash away his stain.

But now, the label of "talented but immoral" has come out again
"Someone is bullying you. Who? Those people in the Beijing circle?" Liu Shanhe immediately thought of those people in the Beijing circle. Their attitude towards Li Modu was also very contradictory.

I hope he can become bigger, but I also don't want him to become bigger.

After all, if Li Modu becomes more powerful, he will be on par with the red and professional children of the big courtyard.
No one wants their status to be threatened.
"No." At this time, Li Modu said slowly: "It can't be theirs. It's my ex-wife, Liu Meng's revenge on me, revenge on us."

The mentally ill son
Abandoned wife and children
Targeting herself and also disgusting Li Yun, this is very much like what Liu Meng would do based on her personal stance, or in other words, this is her stance and interest.

"Imperialism has never given up its desire to destroy us. I told you not to hang out with those people in the Beijing circle. They are pure wavering factions!" Liu Shanhe cursed, stabbing at the critical moment of the movie.

It's really not a thing.
"Really? Maybe I asked for it."

Li Modu said slowly.

The label of abandoning his wife and children is so suitable for him.

at this time.

On Li Yun's side.

The box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" is still growing, although the growth is not as strong as that of "The Battle at Lake Changjin" next door, but the other film has joined the Beijing circle in the big money-spending action.

It seems that due to the influence of public opinion, the money-giving of the neighbors has stopped a little, allowing "Let the Bullets Fly" to join the anxious pursuit.

In a sense, this wave of public opinion actually helped Li Yun in a reverse way.

Li Yun was not happy because the person the other party was talking about was his mother.

This body, the last lingering emotion
You can feel a feeling of anger.

A kind of displeasure.

But on the battlefield of public opinion.

Everything is a weapon.

"The other party has deeply influenced Li Mo and made us successful."

At this time, Jiang Chenggang murmured, "What do you think, Li Zi, do you want to go out and make clarifications?"

This is undoubtedly an opportunity to strike a blow to Li Modu.

If it is ordinary capital.

I'm afraid Li Yun will continue talking.

Make a fuss about his mother's mental illness.

Take the opportunity to attack your opponent.

If it works well, it can also win sympathy.

It's also a great thing for box office and fame.

So, let’s put it more cruelly.

This is not a bad thing at all.

At least from a capital perspective.

It's even a small good thing that can work.

Just looking at it from the perspective of the person involved.

It's a little disgusting.

But just like what was said in Let the Bullets Fly.

It's not shabby to earn money.

But Jiang Chenggang couldn't treat Li Yun like this.

We are more than just partners.

Still brothers and friends.

That feeling is understandable.

Li Yun was also silent for a moment.

For fame and fortune, one can even exchange oneself for madness.

But do I need to stick to the bottom line?

To defeat the opponent.

And do whatever it takes.

Li Yun can be cruel to himself.

But occasionally.

There is still some bottom line that needs to be upheld.

"How's our movie going?"

"Of course, the decline of one thing leads to the rise of the other. The box office hasn't changed much. The biggest change is in the word of mouth and score. Your cheap dad's movie lost one point because of this."

Liu Meng portrayed Li Mo as a perpetrator and a scumbag.

She was the victim.

So do her children.

And Li Yun's mother being abandoned is a natural disease.

This is a mockery.

A thoughtless laugh across the screen.

in memory.

Li Yun did remember that his mother had been ill.

I've had anxiety and depression.

Being a single mother raising her own child is definitely not an easy task.

Li Yun could feel it clearly.

For myself.

The image of a mother.

It's my own pride.

A kind of pride that makes you laugh when you think about it.

Even if it is used as a prop to attack others.

It is also absolutely not allowed.

Even if that person is Li Modu.

Not at all.

"Just keep paying attention to the movie box office. Strictly speaking, this is my own private matter, so I'll do what I want to do."

"It's his own fault that he was targeted by an outside trick. Have you contacted Chen Rui?"

Chen Rui is the current webmaster of Bilibili.


Li Yun contacted him.

It is to prepare for the next publicity and promotion plan.

If Li Modu's plan was to spend money, their plan was to use their connections.

That’s Li Yun’s plan.

Probably using connections.

The young website owner.

Li Yun sent him a few clips.

The scene where Liuzi eats noodles, and the scene where he acted opposite Jiang Wen and Ge You.

This is the famous scene often referred to as Let the Bullets Fly.

This will be the scene.

Send it to his website for broadcast.

First use the famous scene to stand out.

Then attract them to watch.

Li Modu's comeback was dealt a heavy blow.

Li Yun was also punched.

Li Modu felt very complicated about this, because this punch was thrown by his ex-wife.

One night and a hundred days of grace between husband and wife.

Although the two did not have any further feelings for each other, they were married and had children.

Now she is using it as a stepping stone to debut as an independent woman.

She was retaliated against.

It's all my own fault.

If, the choice I made
Time doesn't go back.

He can only crawl forward.

No matter what choice you make.

They are all the result of life choices.

And when we got here.

He can make two choices.

One is to acknowledge Lu Ziyuan’s mental illness at the time.

There were reasons why I abandoned him in the first place. Even if I can't completely clear myself, it can greatly alleviate the pressure of public opinion on me.

I can totally do that.

There are reasons to do so.

In other words, this kind of decision is what I, Li Modu, am all about.

This is me who will do anything to pursue fame and fortune.

Standing at the pinnacle of fame and fortune.

In order to pursue this, I can abandon my pregnant girlfriend and turn to Liu Meng, whose family is more powerful, so that her family can provide me with help and benefits.

Because Li Mo is just that kind of person.

A person who is good at and likes to pursue fame and fortune. By the way, if Lu Ziyuan is admitted to be mentally ill, perhaps he and Li Yun will both suffer losses in this box office battle.

It's better to lose both than to lose alone.

If it were in the past, there would really be no hesitation.

But what about now?

How to deal with it with feelings
Li Mo is no longer angry or furious now.

The emotions flowing through your body are a more peculiar feeling.
"From what I understand about him, he will do something that will cause both sides to lose. He will admit that he abandoned his children and that his woman is mentally ill. Then we can publicize that this disease was inherited by Li Yun. That's right, that's right. While they are fighting each other, we will watch those two hypocritical guys fall into disgrace."

Liu Meng is very happy.

She felt she was taking advantage of human nature.

Not only did he leave an indelible stain on Li Mo, but he also stepped on him, allowing himself to gain new fame in the country.

At the same time, I was disgusted by Li Yun. Aren't you a soldier? I don't admit that you really have it. I just said that your mother and your family have inherited this disease.

And these rumors will damage your reputation.

Liu Meng was laughing wildly.

Wang Chen next to him just stared at him.

Compared to Li Yun.

This Liu Meng is the real crazy woman, she looks like a real lunatic.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, this time it's just a three-in-one deal.

Li Yun, Li Modu.

It doesn't matter if either of these two people's reputation is damaged. It would be even better if we can take advantage of Li Modu's personality and make both of them lose.

This feather-conscious hypocrite.

It is a big weakness in human nature.

"Li Yun, a young man with great potential. He has the potential that is absolutely no less than his father. Unfortunately, he has a hypocritical father. Under the weakness of human nature, he would rather choose to lose both sides than to lose himself. He is an absolutely selfish guy."

At this moment, Wang Chen was confident and seemed to know what would happen next.

Li Mo will always fight with Li Yun, and the Beijing circle may also take this opportunity to make a fuss. Li Yun's growth is definitely not a good thing in the eyes of the Beijing circle, especially Zhang Mouzi, who is not a generous guy.

A young man with great potential, he must have remembered the humiliation he suffered at the Asian Film Festival last time.

Li Yun's arrogance of not choosing to stand at the dock led to his death.

I really thought that I could be tolerant and that one person could transcend the rules between circles.

It's ridiculous.

Now it’s Wang Chen’s turn to appreciate it.

The next hot search will be whether the father and son expose each other, or whether Li Mo takes the lead and shifts the blame.

Not about the movie itself.

But as yourself.

As Li Yun.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of a mental evaluation? No one knows how to pretend to be a normal person better than you. Except for you, we are all normal!"

The director personality is laughing nearby.

Li Yun was not afraid of this at all.


If you look at each of them individually, they are all perfectly normal guys.

Anyone can easily pass the mental assessment.

"It's a very annoying thing to prove yourself. Besides, their ultimate goal is not to ruin my reputation. They can't do that. As a good citizen, why should I be afraid of this? They are not targeting me. I am just a by-product. Li Modu, the old fox, is the real one. When Li Modu, as a father, throws a bowl of dirty water on me, it will really disgust me."

Li Yun's heart was calm.

Just for the biological father of this body.

And feel sad.

At the same time, it just made me feel a little uncomfortable.

That's it.

But Li Yun was not a pushover, and he had already thought about how to deal with Liu Meng.
And it's still a bad idea.

A bad idea

If you disgust me once, I will disgust you ten times. That's what is fair and just.

At this time, Li Yun narrowed his eyes.
Just when Li Yun decided to give Aunt Liu Meng some strength while waiting for the box office and public opinion ratings results.

The other person appeared on Luyu Youyue.

It’s Li Modu.

Li Yun's biological father.

The most talented person in the Li family today.

"I want to see what bullshit he can come up with this time." Li Yun turned on the TV with great interest.

For Li Modu.

He has no special emotions.

Now I am just a little curious about how he will respond to this rhythm.

The only emotion was curiosity.

That's it.

Li Modu is very handsome.

Initially, he debuted as an actor.

It was not until later that his talent as a director was discovered and he became one of the most gifted directors in Beijing. He was a genius in the main melody direction and could present the old-fashioned main melody in a beautiful way.

He is a genius.

A genius whose talent no one can deny.

It's just that his talent overshadows his handsomeness.

When he came to the show "Luyu Has a Date".

Lu Yu's starry eyes were almost blinding.

"You are so handsome, Mr. Li. You are even more handsome in person than in the previous interview program."

"Thank you for the compliment." Li Mo gave an elegant and polite smile.

I have to admit that it's all about skin.

His character has become an irrelevant factor.

At this time, he came in front of Lu Yu.

He was just a handsome guy.

Of course, Lu Yu came well prepared.

The questions raised are quite sharp.

Mr. Li, what is marriage like to you?

The biggest discussion about Li Mo in recent days is about his marital status.

"For me, what is marriage? It is a kind of cooperation, a win-win situation, and a cooperative behavior achieved when conditions permit. We may have the qualities we need in each other. This is the essence of marriage and my view on marriage."

At this time, Li Modu expressed his opinion coldly and generously.

This view is really shocking.

"So you admit that you abandoned your girlfriend with mental illness?" Lu Yu continued to ask Li Modu in a sharp tone.

According to Li Modu's logic.

A mentally ill person is totally unworthy of entering the Li family.

He finally chose to defend himself.

"Yes, I did abandon him. He is the biological mother of Li Yun that you are talking about."

There was an uproar and booing.

This role model of the times finally admitted it.

Illegitimate children are a secret known to everyone.

But this was the first time that Li Modu admitted this.

Lu Yu was smiling widely at this time, and the ratings of this episode were high.

Full of gimmicks.

However, what no one expected was what Li Modu said next.

"Admittedly, I did abandon my ex-girlfriend and my illegitimate child just like you said, but it was not because my ex-girlfriend had a mental illness as you said. It was because I simply needed a boost of fame and fortune to help me go further on this road. That's why I chose Liu Meng who could help me with my career more. We don't have much affection for each other, only an exchange of interests."

There was silence at this moment.

Li Modu's remarks were beyond everyone's expectations.

He used indifference.

Indifferent tone.

One thing was announced to the whole world: Li Mo from the Beijing circle is indeed not worthy of the title of role model of the times.

Many times the unspoken rules are brought to the surface.

There is no way to continue playing.

I only knew Li Modu privately before.

But now everyone knows it.

His dream of becoming a role model of his time has been shattered.

There's nothing mentally ill about it.

There's just a complete scumbag.

"This is impossible. How is this possible?"

Li Yun was very confused and puzzled about Li Modu's answer.

That's not something he would say.

This is for fame and fortune.

Use marriage as a stepping stone to success.

In order to prevent his illegitimate child from being exposed and affecting his future, he chose to ban him.

And now there is an opportunity to pass the buck.

He chose another path.

A path never imagined.

I’m Li Modu.

It was because of his snobbish attitude and selfishness that he abandoned his girlfriend and child.

This is not something difficult to talk about.

At this time, Li Mo just smiled faintly.

"It's actually not that difficult to say it out loud."

(End of this chapter)

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