I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces

Chapter 421, Li Yun: I am very narrow-minded!

Chapter 421, Li Yun: I am very narrow-minded!

The storm of public opinion.

All of a sudden, all the attention was focused on Li Modu.

A feeling that can make everyone feel shocked.

This is big news.


It seems to have become his signature word.

A decidedly selfish feeling.

In the words of later generations, his image completely collapsed.

I totally broke down.

The personality he had painstakingly built up over decades collapsed in an instant.

"How is this possible?! Is this something he can say?" Liu Meng was looking at Li Modu through the screen at this time.

His hypocrisy and sanctimoniousness permeated the first half of his life.

as his wife.

Former wife.

Nature knows this too.

That’s why I think it’s very interesting to take advantage of the fact that both the father and son are suffering in the public opinion this time.

This was a kind of ridicule and revenge from Liu Meng.

But in the end, Li Mo never played the cards according to her expectations.


"Brother, you have become much more interesting now."

"Could it be that I was not interesting before?"

“It really didn’t have much meaning before.”

Li Yuxuan took out his collection of expensive red wine.

There was also a hint of respect in his eyes when he looked at his brother.

This was an emotion that had never existed before. It seemed to be the emotion between brothers, but it was spreading among them again.

Real brotherhood.

In fact, when encountering this kind of thing, Li Yuxuan was also very annoyed, because he knew that with his brother's personality, he would most likely do something that would hurt both sides, because the box office of the two was in a fierce battle.

Public opinion is also a powerful weapon.

This is also part of the publicity plan.

It’s also part of the movie.

It's the charm of the director or the leading actor.

The Douban score of this incident dropped another 0.61 points because of Li Modu's admission.

He abandoned his wife and children for fame and fortune.

The character completely collapsed.

It will make people angry.

"Then he won't affect my box office earnings, right?" Li Modu drank a glass of red wine and smiled faintly, "I make a lot of money at all. The audience who will spend money will only see my talent, and he will only look at the quality of the finished film."

"But your role model of the times is completely gone. What a pity! I thought our Li family would have a role model of the times."

"But you seem happier now than ever."

"Maybe it's because I know my brother is not a complete jerk, so I'm happy and joyful, and that's something to be happy about."

"But I'm actually a complete jerk."

Li Mo sighed softly.

"Can you help me make an appointment with Li Yun? I know you have a lot of contact with him."


Under the matchmaking of Li Yuxuan.

Li Yun and Li Mo both chose to meet.

The meeting between father and son actually required the uncle to act as a matchmaker.

This incident itself is ironic enough.

But this actually happened to Li Yun.

Right in a cafe.

It’s not that Li Yun really has the habit of drinking coffee, but this place is indeed quiet enough.

In this era, quiet enough.

Li Mo looked at the young man in front of him.

I couldn't help but murmur.

“So much like me…”

"Really? Then I have to thank you for giving me a good appearance." Li Yun said lightly.

Even Li Yun himself found the sarcasm in his words a little unbelievable.

Obviously I don't care at all.

But your body instinct will still guide you to make a decision.


The personality and memories carried by the body.

Li Mo was silent.

"You reap what you sow. This is the cause and effect I sowed back then. I have nothing to say."

"Do you regret it?"

"No." Li Modu said calmly: "If you have to say whether I regret it or not, I don't regret it. What I pursued all my life is fame and fortune. Since I became famous when I was young, I have enjoyed this feeling, the feeling of being praised and respected. I knew that I wanted to stand at the peak of fame and fortune. Marriage is just a prop."

"If I had known that Lu Ziyuan had a relationship with Lu Zhengguang, I would have gone back without hesitation."


Li Yun was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

As expected, Li Modu is still the same Li Modu.

A selfish and arrogant guy who will do anything to pursue fame and fortune.

Li Yun felt that he was very similar to him.

Although they are not spiritual father and son.

But Li Yun felt conflicted, as he also felt a sense of familiarity from him.

"You are also such a person, because you are undoubtedly my blood."

"I am different from you. Although we both pursue fame and fortune, I will not trade family affection and love for them, because those are the most precious things."

Li Yun said lightly.

People must have a bottom line.

Li Yun has his own bottom line.

But what Li Yun didn't expect was that he actually saw a hint of relief in Li Modu's eyes.

"It's not like you can do it on Luyu Youyue."

"Yes, I could have chosen to lose both of us and let my ex-wife see us fighting each other. She would have been very happy to fulfill her twisted desires."

"Because I am a person who doesn't want to suffer losses."

“But when being selfish only gives you the feeling of not being at a disadvantage, what’s the point of being selfish?”

Li Mo was looking at Li Yun, and he was also looking at himself.

I also feel incredible about the decision I made.

But that was the choice he made.

A wonderful feeling leads to a decision.

"Let's continue to fight with dignity and see who has better box office results and word-of-mouth scores."

Li Yun also squinted his eyes and nodded.

"Good! Honest and aboveboard."

Li Modu's reputation plummeted.

Li Yun's reputation, on the contrary, has risen.

Abandoned by a bad father, and then self-reliance,

He rose from obscurity to become the current young generation, and no one can match him.

To the point where he can compete with the older generation of filmmakers.

Inspirational and strong, with a clean resume.

Compared to the role model of the times, Li Modu.

Li Yun may be more suitable for the main tone of this era.

He is the same as the main theme of the movie.

What an inspiring theme.

The performance of Let the Bullets Fly is also rising steadily.

This is the beginning of Bilibili's layout.

For this website with many young users.

A two-dimensional website that no one cares about.

A subculture website.

Youku Tudou never took him seriously.

It's also funny to know that he got involved in movie rights.

But today’s Let the Bullets Fly is different.

Even the edited clips saw a surge in views.

This made many people realize one thing.

Although it is a subculture website.

But it brings together the contemporary young generation.

The very, very young generation.

They have an immense desire to express themselves, and the barrage function allows them to fully pour out their expressions.

They have cut out all the famous scenes from Let the Bullets Fly, but they still enjoy watching it.

So classic.

These clips have made some people who were originally holding tickets to watch the show buy their tickets and enter the venue, and then they say it is so exciting.

A masterpiece!
Although there are many parts that I still feel unsatisfied and don’t understand.

Everyone feels that watching this once is not satisfying at all.

But unfortunately, I am short of money and can only afford a movie ticket.

Until Bilibili’s website announced that it would be exclusively broadcast at the end of the month.

And it's free.

The entire box office has already come to a final conclusion.

A comprehensive comeback in both box office and word of mouth.

Li Yun of the new generation.

In the main melody area that Li Mo is most familiar with.

The place he was most proud of.

His comeback work.


The final box office of Let the Bullets Fly was set at 1.4 million yuan.

It was 1000 million more than the movie next door, The Battle at the Lake Changjin. A big comeback at the box office.

A victory in word of mouth.

No one could have imagined it.

The final fatal blow came from an unknown niche website.

“This movie is the treasure of our website.”

Inside the building of Bilibili website in Shanghai.

There was also constant sound of celebration.

It seems that with this movie.

The decision-making of the entire company is changing. The integration and slight de-secondaryization, which were originally somewhat controversial, have actually started ahead of schedule in this era.

“I didn’t expect the box office to be so successful.”

With a box office of nearly 1.5 million, plus miscellaneous things, this movie definitely made a lot of money.

If you calculate it this way, the profit is about 5000 million.

in this era.

5000 million is still very valuable.


5000 million is valuable in any era.

I can buy a pretty good house in the most central area of ​​Beijing.

Li Yun almost laughed out loud at his own thoughts.

"I am really just an ordinary citizen. I only know how to measure the value of money by houses. I am really a bumpkin."

Li Yun didn't have much inner fluctuation at this time.

He also joked that the 5000 million passed through his hands.

It’s not enough to invest in the next movie.

Making movies is an expensive job.

A money-burning thing.

Li Yun felt that he was still not satisfied.

Definitely not satisfied yet.

Chasing fame and fortune to this point.

I still feel unsatisfied in my heart.

Maybe I have never been truly satisfied.

Absolutely not.

The current status is not enough.

Much more is needed.

To fill myself.
"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, I would have retired now and become a rich man." Li Yun looked at the personalities beside him with a look of reproach: "Now I can even afford a big house in Baijing."

It's all because of your diseases.

That made me a monster chasing fame and fortune, with endless desires in my heart. Even though "Let the Bullets Fly" has achieved its current success, Li Yun is still filled with dissatisfaction.
"Don't joke with us. Even without us, you are still a monster chasing fame and fortune, and you regard it as your life's mission, your mission to stand at the top."

The director personality just looked at Li Yun.

"You are indeed the biological child of Li Modu. I saw that his eyes have the same look as yours."

"What is that? I didn't even notice it." Li Yun was puzzled.

"As for your endless desire for fame and fortune, you and that man are exactly the same."

“You all have that look in your eyes.”


When Liu Shanhe elaborated on this achievement, there was perhaps a hint of sigh in his words.

The current performance of "The Battle at Lake Changjin" is already very good.

For an ordinary director, such an achievement can be regarded as a "glorious resume".

This film will definitely be nominated for the upcoming 'Huabiao Award' and 'Five One Project' awards.
It is not certain whether you can win an award, but you will definitely get nominations and fame.

Lost to "Let the Bullets Fly".

It was a complete defeat.

The production team is all first-line versus their second-line counterparts.

The director is the Mesozoic versus the Cenozoic.

The cast also includes various veteran actors and people from the Beijing circle.

Anyway, I lost.
Although there was a little turmoil in the middle, it was ultimately defeated.
Liu Shanhe felt very unhappy, but in terms of the production team, Jiang Weijian now has first-class resources just like Wang Tao.

How could Wang Tao, who had always been the pressure on him, feel good?
All kinds of thoughts arise at the moment when the results are frozen.

As the 'loser', Li Mo was surprisingly calm, even a little relaxed.

"I feel quite satisfied. The audience has seen through my mask, and I don't have to wear a mask anymore. I am a person who is selfish in pursuit of fame and fortune. The shackles of morality are too tiring for me to carry."

"In the film market, strength speaks for itself. Whoever can produce better works will enjoy greater glory. This is the way it should be. People only need to see my talent and don't need to know what kind of person I really am. I don't want to, and I don't need to, become an idol."

"What are you pursuing? Isn't it to become the person standing at the top? Like Zhang Mouzi and others, like Jacky Cheung and Stephen Chow, to become the top filmmaker in China," Liu Shanhe said while looking at Li Modu.

"This is indeed my ideal, and it is also my unfulfilled ideal," Li Modu said slowly
"In the final analysis, as a director of my generation, I have not been able to surpass them because I do not have enough talent. Even if I abandoned my wife and children and gave up everything to pursue fame and fortune, I still could not do it. It is not because I have no bottom line or am not selfish enough, but because I do not have enough talent, that's all."

For him, surpassing those four top directors is his lifelong wish.
If he has the title of "model of the times", then he has enough resources and appeal to shoot such a movie.
But now, the title of role model of the times is gone.


She also lost to her illegitimate son on the front battlefield of the box office - the result of abandoning her and her son for resources and glory.

His talent should have been my pride and the pride of our Li family.
"You do"

Liu Shanhe said slowly, without denying that Li Modu was indeed inferior to the other four in terms of pure talent.
Li Modu's advantage lies in his particularly "great, glorious and correct" stance and subject matter. Filmmakers like him are the best for the authorities.

Several others, more or less, have some skewed positions.
At this time, Li Mo said lightly.

"So, I should face up to this talent gap. But in one person, I see this talent gap narrowing. If possible, if he can, it would be good for him to reach the highest view."

Liu Shanhe was thinking beside him
The best view?
It's a bit mysterious.

But if it is an opportunity to climb to the top, I am afraid it is really possible.
The matter of "Let the Bullets Fly" has been settled - although Li Yun knows that there will be a second wave of popularity.

The second wave of popularity came after the film was released on the website.

In fact, for Li Yun, the best viewing experience of "Let the Bullets Fly" is actually watching it on the Internet. At least for Li Yun, it is better than watching it in the cinema.

If there is a barrage atmosphere, "Let the Bullets Fly" is the best movie
And at this time.

Li Yun finally took some time off from his busy schedule.
Getting ready to go to a variety show——

After the variety show, I went to film "October Besieged City".

We’ll talk about it after we finish filming “October Besieged City”.

There are many film contracts now, and many people want to invest - but Li Yun rejected them one by one.

Especially those investments, all were thrown into the trash by Li Yun.

This is no longer the era of coal bosses. No matter how optimistic one is about investing in movies or TV series, one always has his or her own purpose - such as promoting a certain person, a certain "princess".

A certain Princess Jing or something like that.

Li Yun never wants his movie to become a prop for promoting others.

You have to know that when you make movies, you are shouldering the mission of curing diseases.

It is definitely not something that can be easily compromised.

Those little actresses who became famous as vases in later generations.

Li Yun didn't want any of them.

Of course, before going to film The Siege of October.

Li Yun still has some interesting things to do.

Some pretty interesting stuff.

Go to variety shows to make some money.

Li Yun doesn't like participating in variety shows.

This will affect my filming.

For other actors, this is an important means of monetization.

An unquestionable means of monetization.

Now I can take some time out from my busy schedule.

It would be nice to be able to shoot a variety show.

After the filming, you can go directly to report to October Siege.

As director, and starring Yan Xiaoguo.

Be part of this movie.

"Why do you suddenly want to participate in a variety show today?" Liu Qianqian asked curiously.

You should know that Li Yun never participated in variety shows before.

Just a guy who likes to make movies.

Li Yun narrowed his eyes.

"Of course we have to do good things..."


Liu Meng is very bored at home.

She now felt a nameless anger in her heart.

Especially when Li Mo chose to protect Li Yun.

The nameless evil fire in my heart became even stronger.

She was not a generous woman.

She was stingy by nature.

Now I am filled with anger and have no way to vent it.

And at this moment.

A voice broke her thoughts.

"Your son is on a variety show?"


That's her current husband.

Because of the elegant white Americans.

He knew that Liu Meng had a son.

Liu Meng also said that he was framed by a villain and sent to prison.

No matter what, this is Liu Meng's pain.

He’s on a variety show, how is that possible?


When Liu Meng went to watch TV with doubts.

The nameless anger in my heart exploded.

In a program called Happy Family, Li Yun changed into a hairstyle very similar to that of Li Yichun at the time, and his clothes and even his temperament were imitated perfectly.

They are half-brothers and look somewhat similar, plus Li Yun is now using his acting skills to imitate them.

They are about 70% similar.

It was just that this man, who looked 70% like his son, was wearing "fashionable" clothes with black and white stripes.

Just let her head explode.

"Next, I will show you how to operate the sewing machine."

"I pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal! I love pedaling the sewing machine so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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