When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 206 The sun and moon shine, inviting battle on the sea

Chapter 206 The sun and moon shine, inviting battle on the sea

"Mom, that big brother...are they going to our house?"

Going in the opposite direction to Ye Guhong and others, Golden Spider hurried away with her daughter in her arms.

Ah Zi asked cautiously with a somewhat fearful expression.

Golden Spider hesitated slightly, then shook his head: "No, Spider, that is no longer our home. Our future home will be in a big mountain..."

The two sides were fighting just now, and Golden Spider took the opportunity to take his daughter away.

Although Ye Guhong clearly stated that Emei had a close relationship with the Five Immortals Sect, after all, there were still sects such as Wudang and Kunlun present.

The golden spider was frightened, and seeing that Ye Guhong was young, he expected that it would be difficult for him to be the master of others, so he simply took advantage of the chaos and left first to avoid causing more trouble.

With memories and longings, she described the scenery of Miao territory to her daughter in detail.

Ah Zhu nodded ignorantly, but in his mind he recalled Ye Guhong's heroic speech and scolding Ye Yunfei who was speechless...

The top of the mountain is flat and vast, with an area of ​​about ten acres, and there are hundreds of houses of different sizes. Kongtong's disciples searched it, but found no one inside.

Ye Guhong was so close that he could clearly see that the muscles and bones in his body were so tight that they were either clenching the hilts of their swords or clenching their fists, ready to explode and hurt someone at any time. They were extremely vigilant.

This peak is more than sixty feet high. Compared with peaks such as Kunlun Guangmingding and Emei Golden Summit, it is just a small hill, and its situation cannot be called steep. However, this peak has a general beauty, which is to watch the sunrise over the sea. The view is excellent, and you can often see the wonders of the sun and moon.

Mo Qi laughed after hearing this and said: "We have such a big Eagle Sect, why do we set the main rudder on this peak? It must be because we are greedy for the chance of the sun and the moon coming together! Tsk tsk, this Eagle King, looking at the throne of the leader of the Ming Sect, Always have ambition."

While mother and daughter were having their own thoughts, Ye Guhong and others had already walked along the long road along the lakeshore and arrived at the top of the eagle's nest.

On the contrary, there were many scattered boxes and cabinets on the ground. It was obvious that they had been moved out on a temporary basis, which seemed very hasty.

Donghuazi looked around and suddenly laughed: "Hahahahaha, Taoist master's prestige spreads in the south of the Yangtze River, condors, dogs and thieves are fleeing in the wind."

However, until everyone reached the top, no Condor Cult member was seen.

Jin Mingjun said in disbelief: "That's not true, is it? How many people do we have here? How could such a huge Condor Sect be frightened away?"

In the eyes of the four sects, with Ye Yunfei escaping back to the main helm and the Dragon King and Eagle King joining together, the Divine Eagle Sect must have arranged for thousands of troops at this moment, and the top of the Eagle Nest is naturally murderous at every step.

Tang Wenming and Dong Huazi wanted to show off their magnificence, walking side by side in the lead, talking and laughing loudly, and pretending to regard the Eagle Sect as nothing.

While everyone was talking, they stepped onto the stone steps at the top of the Eagle Nest, everyone raising their guard.

Tang Gong's hometown is not far from here, and he is quite familiar with the local customs. He explained them one by one along the way——

It turns out that the North and South Lakes are a lagoon at the mouth of the Qiantang River. They are surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side. One of the peaks surrounding the lake is Eagle Nest Peak.

Yu Er also looked puzzled and frowned: "In the battle at Wang Panshan, the whereabouts of the blond mad lion were unknown. My fifth junior brother also disappeared since then. Many people from various major gangs were dead or maimed. The involvement was so wide that it was rare in the world. In order to find the truth, the five sects of Shaolin, Kunlun, Emei, Kongtong and Wudang, nine sects including Shenquan and Wufengdao, and seven gangs including Haisha and Giant Whale, a total of 21 sects and gangs, are trying to fight against the Shenying Sect. It’s difficult, but after ten years of struggle, has the Divine Eagle Sect ever lost its spirit? Not to mention a few of us, even if all four factions come together, with his strength, he won’t even abandon the chief helm, right?”

Dong Huazi waved his hand and said sharply: "What Yu Erxia said is wrong. If our four sects join forces, how can they be compared to the likes of Shenquan Sect and Haisha Sect? If you ask me, that eagle must be old and courageous. Bo, we must be sure that we are not in the south of the Yangtze River and cannot stay for a long time, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of conch horns, and the whining sound was even drowned out by the sea breeze. Everyone looked at each other and quickly followed the direction of the sound and walked quickly to the edge of the cliff.

I saw a dock in the sea below my feet, with only two large ships moored at the moment.

On one of the boats, a large eagle with a mighty posture was painted, and there were more than a hundred people standing on the deck, including the purple-robed Dragon King and Ye Yunfei.

When Ye Yunfei saw the crowd, he raised his hand, and the eight big men behind him all lowered the conch.

Yu Daiyan shouted: "Ye Yunfei, you don't even want the helm. Are you deliberately trying to be a lost dog?"

He had great internal strength, and when he shouted, the sound was like a roaring wave that was tens of feet high and low. The sea breeze was strong, and when it reached the ship, it was extremely clear.

A trace of greenness flashed across Ye Yunfei's face, he raised his head to cheer up, and responded loudly: "Yu San, don't think that Ye is afraid of you. At that time, Ye was thinking about ten years of grudges, mostly because of Wang Pan Island. I want to invite you to Wangpan Island for a while. We all have revenge and grievances. If you don’t dare to come, don’t say that Ye didn’t give you a chance.”

After saying that, he sneered and turned around to enter the cabin. The sails were raised, and a sailor pulled up the huge anchor. The bow of the ship turned and slowly headed east.

Old Man Zhou pointed to another boat and said: "Needless to say, this boat is reserved for us. In my wise opinion, as soon as we get on the boat, how can we get to the island? They will drill through the bottom of the boat halfway. , and fed us all the fish and shrimps.”

Tang Wenming sneered and said: "Who can be deceived by the Shenying Cult's aggressive tactics? Let's ignore them and just wipe out their branches in various prefectures and counties one by one, forcing them to fight decisively on land. This is mainly anti-customer. Plot.”

Old man Zhou asked curiously: "Why don't we go? If they want to sink the ship, then let him sink it. My father told me that he once sank a ship in the sea. It's fun when the ship sinks. You have to You have to catch a shark and ride it to avoid death. Riding a shark is more fun than riding a horse on land."

Old man Zhou was not bragging at all, but how could Tang Wenming believe it?

He nodded and thought to himself: This fool is good at making up stories. He can't come up with such a bizarre plot, but since he has the Emei sect as his backing, I don't have to expose him.

I couldn't help but feel faintly proud in my heart, feeling that I was worthy of being a veteran, and that I was really experienced in human relations.

Yu Lianzhou frowned, looked at Ye Guhong and said, "Guhong, what do you say?"

Ye Guhong's eyes flickered: "Two years ago, the Mingjiao was defeated, and he swore not to take revenge. If Ye Tiangang wanted to stand up for the Mingjiao, it would be a shame. But if he deceived me and waited for him to go to the island, he would turn his back and take revenge. The vast sea is not afraid of us escaping. On the day of birth, kill all of us, firstly, to capture the hearts of the Mingjiao, and secondly, to isolate the news, so that people in the world will not laugh at the Mingjiao's words and not believe in them."

Yu Lianzhou nodded and said: "You and I see the same thing. It seems that the Ye family thinks that they can defeat us."

Mo Qi sneered and said: "Ye Tiangang has been famous for decades. He probably forgot the principle of the Yangtze River where the waves behind push the waves ahead. Second brother, he wants to go to Wangpan Island, so I will go to Wangpan Island. That island is not far from the land. Even if If he has any dirty tricks, he may not be able to do anything to us."

Yu San and Yin Liuqi said: "Seventh brother is right. Since he has drawn a path, it is just a matter of soldiers coming to block it and water coming to cover it. How can it not be blocked?"

Yu Lianzhou nodded and said to Tang Wenming and Donghuazi: "Please ask our friends from Kongtong and Kunlun to raid the formation on the shore. The Wudang and Emei factions will follow him for a while!"

Dong Huazi shouted: "Yu Erxia, don't you think my Kunlun sect has no talent? Of course my junior sister and I are going too. Our junior brother went crazy on Wang Pandao, how can we stay out of it?"

Tang Wenming didn't really want to take risks, but the word "nothing" mentioned by Donghuazi was very annoying. He thought for a moment and said loudly: "My four factions are in the same spirit, so of course we come together and go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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