When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 207: Wisdom and wisdom, jumping into gangs at sea

Chapter 207: Wisdom and wisdom, jumping into gangs at sea

Although Tang Wenming spoke cheerfully, his thick eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

Ye Guhong saw what he was thinking and knew that the other party was still worried about the Shenying Cult on the sea and making plans like shipbuilding.

He rolled his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Tang Sanye, if we go to Wangpan Island to fight, even if the demons of the Ming Cult and the Divine Eagle Cult come together, we are not afraid. I'm just afraid that they won't dare to confront us head-on. Random acts on the sea..."

After saying a few words, Tang Wenming nodded repeatedly, clapped his thigh and said: "Good boy, you are really insightful! Isn't this what I have in mind? Those devil bastards are not afraid of him in person, but if he uses conspiracy and tricks, Didn’t you lose your prestige for nothing?”

Ye Guhong smiled mysteriously and whispered: "So I have an idea, but it is so and so, so and so..."

Tang Wenming listened, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he gradually smiled: "Okay, okay, okay, good strategy, don't worry, this matter is all on Tang..."

Old man Zhou heard this and felt that this plan was very satisfying. He rolled his eyes and secretly shouted: Good plan, don't worry, this matter is all on Zhou...

Yu and the others couldn't help but smile at each other, thinking that the people of the Shenying Cult might not be like this, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and it was reassuring to have Ye Guhong's method to prevent it.

After everyone discussed it, they followed a path to the east of the Eagle's Nest and went straight down to the seaside pier.

Ding Dayong was fighting against Ding Dayong, an expert from the Kongtong sect known as "Kanaan the Master". He was very accomplished in boxing and kicking, but he continued to attack Ding Dayong ten times in a row, but was unable to do anything to Ding Dayong.

The first leader, clasping his fists respectfully, said: "Ding Dayong, the helmsman of the villain Condor Cult, has been ordered to send all the heroes to Wangpan Island."

Tang Wenming secretly rejoiced: The plan has come true, let me, Kongtong, make a start today!

His face darkened, his eyes widened, and just as he was about to speak, he heard someone yelling first: "Everyone, take action, capture them all!"

Yu Er nodded secretly: A helmsman of the Shenying Cult is so skilled in martial arts, it shows that the reputation is well-deserved.

Tang Wenming nodded vigorously and led six disciples to board the ship first. Those six people had already received the order. As soon as they boarded the ship, they spread out their formation and faintly surrounded the sailors of the Divine Eagle Sect.

Only the helmsman, Ding Dayong, launched a barbaric and powerful boxing technique. The same Kunlun disciple fought vigorously and kept shouting angrily: "You are called a big sect in vain. They are all ordinary sailors, how can you bear to bully each other?"

But there was only one big ship moored in such a big pier, with dozens of sailors lined up on the deck, all wearing white clothes and embroidered with black eagles.

However, Tang Wenming became anxious and did not care about asking others to take his orders. He shouted: "Get out of the way of the SMS, I'll do it!"

The six Kongtong disciples were already ready to attack. As soon as they heard the order, they immediately took action. Some used Flying Dragon Palm, some used Death Fist and Death Hand. With a few breaths, they had knocked down most of the sailors.

As soon as he spoke, he heard someone shouting at the same time: "Get out of the way, let me come!" Then a figure passed by him and punched Ding Dayong, knocking him down.

Tang Wenming glared at him, and it turned out to be Old Man Zhou. He was the one who was rushing to give orders earlier.

Old Man Zhou laughed and said, "It's not that we, the Kongtong Sect, are bullying you. It's just that when we get to the sea, if you build a boat, you let us swim back? So I'll feed you poison. There are restrictions, so everyone can rest assured!" Tang Wen Wenming was furious, thinking that what he said were all my words. Besides, why did this old boy become "my Kongtong sect" again?

Then he winked at several disciples, meaning that the old man will ask for "poison" later, so you can't ignore him.

It turned out that Ye Guhong's plan was to have Kongtong send troops to capture a group of sailors, take some common medicines such as antidote pills, and pass them off as poison to force the sailors to take them.

In this way, even if they really fall out with the Condor Cult, these sailors will not dare to make mistakes until they obtain the antidote.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Zhou took this plan to heart and thought it was very attractive, so he decisively used his agents to steal Tang Wenming's business.

Tang Wenming still wanted to control the medicine and embarrass Old Man Zhou, but unexpectedly, Old Man Zhou had no intention of giving it to him.

I just heard Zi Gu say in his mouth: "My poison is called a Shengtian Pill. After taking it, everything will be fine on the spot. If you don't take the antidote within three days, you will have an attack. There is no pain or itching when the attack occurs. As soon as you close your eyes, you will ascend to heaven." Because of the neatness of death, I got this name. You are very lucky. Even if you harm us, you will not get the antidote, nor will you be tortured piecemeal, and you will die happily..."

One end took out black pills from his arms and medicine, pinched his nose, and forced the sailors to take them one by one.

Tang Wenming was dumbfounded and said to himself: "You know that he doesn't ask for help, he even rubs the pills out of hand, how can Tang be able to control him?"

Old man Zhou didn't want anyone to help him. He was laughing and joking, and his hands and feet were like the wind. In a moment, he poured "poison" on all the sailors on the ship. He took a deep breath first and said secretly: "It's great that he only has thirty or forty sailors. I love him so much." If a clean man has a hundred people, the medicine will not be enough for him.

Seeing all the sailors frowning, smacking their lips and sticking out their tongues, with fearful expressions on their faces, Old Man Zhou was so proud that he jumped up to the mast with a shout, pointed forward, and shouted: "Boys, give me a chase! Catch up with the ship before Wangpan Island, or I will throw the antidote into the sea."

Those sailors were not the real backbone of the Condor Cult. At this moment, they were concerned about their lives. Everyone yelled and rushed back to their respective posts. Those who lowered the anchor, those who turned the rudder, some raised the sail, and some pulled the rudder. With the oars, the boat jumped on the waves like flying.

Although these sailors were not good at martial arts, they were all experts at handling boats. With everyone's concerted efforts, it took more than half an hour to catch up with the boat in front.

Old man Zhou jumped off the mast with a somersault and said to everyone: "I just thought about it. He asked us to go to Wangpan Mountain. Who knows what kind of trap he arranged? If you are not afraid of anything else, what if there are many sea snakes hidden? What should we do? Why not just catch up with the big ship, have a decisive battle on board, and capture them all!"

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this. Unexpectedly, old man Zhou danced and danced and actually came up with a clever plan.

Yu Er said happily: "What a good plan! According to what Senior Brother Tang just said, it is a method to turn against the guests!" The rest of the people also applauded, and even Tang Wenming couldn't help but nod.

Seeing that everyone agreed with him, Old Man Zhou became more and more enthusiastic and shouted: "Wait until the sailors listen, I am a great master of the Kongtong sect. I, the Kongtong sect, can speak like a mountain and catch up with your boat, and I will reward you one by one." One hundred silver! If I keep my word, the word "Kongtong" will be written upside down."

Tang Wenming was furious and thought, "You worship Emei, why are you mentioning my Kongtong sign in every sentence?"

But then I thought about it, if this battle is really a big victory, the money will naturally fall on the Condor Cult, what should I worry about?

After hearing this, the sailors cheered in unison regardless of their height. The oarsmen rowed the oars out of the phantom, breaking through the waves, and went straight to catch up.

Over there on the Condor Cult ship, everyone was still in a daze, wondering why these sailors were working so hard? Before he could change his mind, he saw a huge iron anchor flying towards him with a roar, crashing into the cabin with a click. Everyone there pulled the iron chain and exerted all their strength, and the two ships quickly approached and were pulled together.

Old man Zhou had already climbed back to the mast and shouted: "The pirates are coming, everyone joins the gang!"

He held a cable in his hand and swung forward. He swung over with a roar, and kicked a helmsman from the Condor Cult so that he flew far away. He shouted with a lively voice: "Boys from the Condor Cult, our Emei Wudang Kunlun Kongtong is here to rob you!"

(End of this chapter)

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