When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 221 The hero hides in the busy city and kills antiques

Chapter 221 The hero hides in the busy city and kills antiques

Seeing that Ye Guhong was about to go ashore, Jin Mingjun's eyes lit up, and he stood up as if nothing had happened: "In that case, I will go with you, otherwise, how can you men negotiate the price?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhang Cuishan, hoping that he would not say a word so that he could have a date with his junior brother alone.

It's a pity that Zhang Cuishan has been married for ten years, and his straight-man demeanor has not diminished. He just said "Thank you, junior sister" and went with him.

After getting off the boat, Ye Guhong and Zhang Cuishan talked loudly all the way. Jin Mingjun followed behind like an angry little daughter-in-law, rolling her eyes all the way.

During the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties, Anqing Prefecture was renamed Anqing Road, which governed six counties and served as an important link between the north and the south.

Huaining County, where Lu Zhi is located, has a prosperous market and everything, but there is no weapons sales——

There are mostly heavy household items in the blacksmith shop. Even if you buy a kitchen knife, you have to go to the Yamen to register it first, and the knife still has a number on it.

Zhang Cuishan slapped his forehead and said with a wry smile: "I have been negligent for many years of wandering overseas. The bigger the place, the stricter the Yuan Ting's control. On the contrary, in small towns, it is not a problem to secretly buy and sell some weapons."

Ye Guhong is more knowledgeable than him, and he has policies and countermeasures in mind. This has been the case since ancient times, and Yuan Ting, with its careless management, is even less likely to be an exception.

I walked in excitedly and took a look, but I couldn't help but frown secretly. I saw that the shelves were just old pottery and broken tiles, and the walls were filled with second- and third-rate calligraphy and paintings.

Zhang Cuishan said solemnly: "Guo Daxia leads the martial arts world and has been in Xiangyang for decades. He is indeed a role model for our generation."

Just as he was pulling Ye and Jin away, the boss, who was dozing on the recliner, suddenly sat up and shouted: "Wait a minute! Since the distinguished guest can like my plaque, it shows that he has extraordinary eyesight. I don't know what he wants to buy. Maybe in the store's warehouse There will be."

Zhang Cuishan originally planned to find a blacksmith and make a general and envoy at random. After settling down, he would find a master craftsman to slowly make a good one.

Unexpectedly, there was a finished product here, and the quality was outstanding. It was even better than the one I had lost, and I immediately became happy.

The blacksmith took the silver, weighed it, and grinned: "My lord, this is the path of snakes and rats. Since I have the honor of looking up to you, I will teach you a lesson today: when you go to a big city in the future, if you want to buy weapons, Just go to the antique shop.”

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "We are all rough people. We don't like calligraphy, painting, jade and porcelain, but we like to collect weapons. I wonder if there are good goods in the treasure shop?"

The boss nodded and said: "That's all. It seems that you are also disciples of a major sect in the martial arts world. If it wasn't passed down in an orderly manner, how would you know these stories?"

Immediately, he closed the door of the store and led a few people into the backyard, walked to the woodshed, stood still and said: "The antiques stored in our store all have their origins. I see that you and others are also martial arts practitioners. Do you know that the previous dynasty The Battle of Xiangyang?”

The boss looked him up and down and said thoughtfully: "From the accent of the distinguished guest, he is not a local. Are you just a passing guest?"

The three of them nodded, and the boss smiled and said, "If so, I can sell you some good antiques. Come with me."

Zhang Cuishan said "Hey", stretched out his hand and took out a judge's pen. He twisted his wrist and used a few strokes. The sharp pen light cut through the air and made a hissing sound. Zhang Cuishan's eyes suddenly brightened and he praised: "What a great instrument! Two feet and three inches, one pound and eighty taels, made of fine iron and made by a master craftsman, the owner of this piece must be an extraordinary person!"

Weapons like the Judge's Pen are not very common.

At that moment, I took out a tael of silver and gave it to the blacksmith. I just wanted to travel around the world, get some weapons for self-defense, and ask the blacksmith to show me the way.

As he spoke, he opened the piles of firewood, revealing seven or eight extraordinary weapons.

The three of them looked around and saw that the boss was in his early thirties, with a rich appearance but a shrewd expression.

The boss on the recliner must have fallen asleep. He had a copy of "Dong Xuanzi's Thirty-Six Postures" written on his face. He was making a silly smile while sleeping. He didn't know what he was dreaming about.

There is a thick layer of dust on all the utensils, and they have been left untouched for who knows how long.

Zhang Cuishan said happily: "With a good name and good calligraphy, this store must have a good history."

Zhang Cuishan sighed: "Who knew that the most wonderful thing about this shop is the signboard, hey, go and have a rest!"

The three of them realized something and followed the instructions and found an antique shop. There were three words written on the door: Time Stops.

When the boss saw that he could judge the importance, merits and demerits in a moment, and perform a few moves at random, and the moves were brilliant and magnificent, he was stunned, cupped his fists and said: "It seems that you are not an ordinary person in the world. If you can't give up, I would like to ask for your name."

Jin Mingjun said proudly: "You have extraordinary eyesight. This is the fifth disciple of Zhenren Zhang of the Wudang Sect, who is known as the 'Silver Hook and Iron Cross' in the world!"

The boss was surprised and said: "It turns out that Wudang Wuxia Wuxia has returned to the world!" He quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

Zhang Cuishan saw that the other party knew about his disappearance, so he was obviously a Jianghu person. He clasped his fists and returned the greeting: "I am Zhang Cuishan, but I don't know your surname."

The boss smiled and said: "I am an unknown young man who has only learned a few rudimentary skills. He is not worth mentioning at first. But since Zhang Wuxia asked, I will naturally tell you the truth——"

"I am a native of Dingyuan County, Zhuozhou. My surname is Li and my given name is Shanchang. Therefore, the county officials in my hometown are evil, so I have no choice but to leave my hometown and come here to do some small business to make a living."

When Ye Guhong heard this, he couldn't help but look at the other person carefully: So this is the future number one hero of the Ming Dynasty! Zhang Cuishan didn't think too much and just smiled and said: "It turns out to be Brother Li. Brother Li just said that these equipments have origins. Could it be related to the Battle of Xiangyang?"

Li Shanchang nodded: "In the eighth year of Xianchun in the previous dynasty, the outskirts of Fancheng were captured by the Yuan army, and the defenders were trapped in the inner city. The Song Dynasty sent General Fan Wenhu to rescue, but Wenhu was too afraid to fight. From time to time, there were heroes Zhang Gui and Zhang Shun from Hanzhong. Inheriting the marksmanship of Ma Chao from the Three Kingdoms, he was known as the "Two Heroes with Sharp Spears". He spent all his family wealth and recruited three thousand warriors, all of whom were famous warriors in Hanzhong and Shuzhong. He came to rescue Xiangyang with courage and defeated the Yuan army. Guo Daxia promised to do it. "A role model for heroes."

Zhang Cuishan praised: "What a man! If I had been born a few decades earlier and could have been praised by Hero Guo, even if I died, my bones would still be strong!"

Li Shanchang continued: "Fan Wenhu learned that Er Zhang was brave and took the initiative to invite Er Zhang to lead his men to attack the Longweizhou Yuan army. Er Zhang generously agreed. On the day of the battle, there was a heavy storm. Fan Wenhu was frightened, thinking that the sign was ominous. After retreating for thirty miles, Er Zhang didn't know that he had changed his mind, so he rushed into the Mongolian camp alone. After fighting hard for a day, Er Zhang was exhausted. He was wounded by dozens of bullets. He was covered with arrows like a hedgehog and bled to death. There were only a few strong men under his command. If you escape through the water, the rest will die in battle.”

After speaking, he paused for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "After this battle, Xiangyang will have no foreign aid."

Zhang Cuishan burst into tears when he heard this, and Ye Guhong asked: "What will happen to Fan Wenhu?"

Li Shanchang sneered: "This man is a close confidant of the powerful Prime Minister Jia Sidao. Although he was impeached, Jia Sidao took care of him and asked him to come to Anqing and become the prefect. He simply demoted the city and became a high official of the Mongolian Tatars." . Hero Guo sent people to kill him several times, but they were blocked by Mongolian masters. These weapons... were left behind by the masters who came to assassinate this thief."

Ye Guhong frowned and said, "Have you never succeeded?"

Li Shanchang said: "The old thief has a life span of eighty years. He will die in peace with his children and grandchildren, and he will be rich and noble for generations."

Zhang Cuishan stared angrily and said: "God has no eyes!"

Li Shanchang said: "The sky has no eyes, but we have swords. Li was not talented. Three years ago, he attacked Fan's Mansion and killed thirty-five men, women and children, and wiped out his heirs."

Zhang Cuishan raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly: "Happy!"

Li Shanchang looked calm: "Actually, the hero who assassinated Fan Wenhu and died in Anqing was Li's grandfather. He enjoyed the blessings of his ancestors. I avenge the blood of my ancestors because of my fault."

After saying that, he stopped talking and smiled and touched the judge pen in Zhang Cuishan's hand: "This pen is in the palm of your Zhang Wuxia, and it can be regarded as the true master. His last master was Zhu Ziliu, the 'Tiannan Bisha' Senior Zhu."

Zhang Cuishan was surprised and said: "It turns out to be this senior!" He raised the pen and took a closer look, his expression became more and more joyful.

Li Shanchang looked at Ye Guhong again: "I wonder what this brother's name is and what antiques he wants?"

Ye Guhong looked at the weapons, most of them were swords or Qimen weapons, and said, "I'm from Emei, Ye Guhong. I want a spear, but unfortunately I don't have one."

Li Shanchang raised his eyebrows, stared at him and said: "'Emei Golden Boy'? No wonder he can be in the same place as Zhang Wuxia, but Ye Shaoxia, this spear is not used in the world."

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "Walking around the rivers and lakes, Ye has enough palms and swords. He wants the spear so that one day he can drink Hu's blood."

Li Shanchang laughed, stepped forward to the warehouse, pushed away several weapons, and lifted up the mat underneath, revealing two iron spears measuring one foot and two feet. Although they were old things, they were sharp and cold. Looking at them, his hair stood on end.

Ye Guhong was overjoyed and shouted: "What a murderous aura! What a gun, what a gun!"

Li Shanchang said proudly: "Since it can catch your eyes, just take both of them! This is a relic of the two masters of the magic gun. Originally, the seniors wanted to use it to kill Fan Wenhu, so they brought it here, but unexpectedly it fell into the government treasury. It took me a lot of effort to figure it out.”

Ye Guhong thought to himself that since Chang Yuchun also wanted to learn to shoot, these two guns would just be divided between him and Xu Da. With their future status, they would be worthy enough to be the old owners of this gun.

Immediately he took the gun, stuffed it into two bundles of firewood, lifted the load, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your love, brother. As for the price..."

Li Shanchang waved his hand: "It would be tacky to sell the judge's pen from Tiannan Yiyi and the sharp steel gun from the two sharpshooters! Li doesn't want gold or silver, but just a favor from both of you. How about that?"

Zhang Cuishan said sternly: "As long as it is not harmful to nature or contrary to chivalry, I will go through mountains of fire and seas of swords for you."

Li Shanchang said: "That's natural. If I think of it in the future, I'll tell you two about it!"

After that, he lured the two of them out with a smile. Zhang Cuishan invited him to have a drink with him, but he refused to go. He said, "I talked too much today and my interest is gone." Zhang Cuishan thought to himself that this is a strange person and cannot be forced. He thanked him again and again and took him. Ye Guhong left.

When we returned to the boat, it was already getting late, and everyone was waiting impatiently, and were about to go into the city to look for him.

Zhang Cuishan talked about his experiences during this trip, and everyone was filled with admiration. Zhu Chongba even praised: "People from Dingyuan County can be considered our fellow countrymen. When we come back, we want to visit."

Ye Guhong took out two spears. Xu Da was naturally overjoyed. Tang He couldn't put it down when he saw him. Chang Yuchun saw that he liked him so much and sighed: "That's it. I don't want to compete with Tang and my brother. I only use this snake spear." That’s all.”

So Xu Da and Tang He each took an iron spear. They couldn't wait for dawn, so they pestered Ye Guhong to teach them marksmanship.

The next day, the boat slowly left the shore and continued westward against the wind. Xu Da and Tang He learned how to shoot on the deck every day. Hua Yun and others also joined in. The time was lively and the hours flew by.

After several more days of sailing and mooring at night, the ship arrived at Hanyang, which was the territory of the Golden Whip Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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