When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 222: Dabao offers a plan and divides the troops into two groups

Chapter 222 Dabao proposes a plan and divides the troops into two groups

Seeing the land of his own land, Ji Xiaorong became very excited and discussed with Yin Liu: "Brother Six, go and tell everyone that they all come to my house to eat when they pass by Hanyang. My father will definitely be happy to see these many heroes."

At that moment, Yin Liu went to inform the man, and Ji Xiaorong informed the woman. He saw the two elders, Jin Mingjun, with dark eye frames, like iron-eating beasts, yawning and going to wash up. He couldn't help but be surprised, and asked Wei Jinyi in a low voice: "Sister Jin, didn't you do it last night?" Did you sleep well?"

Wei Jinyi curled his lips and said, "She wanted to imitate others and take the top exam. She lit a lamp and boiled oil and read all night. She was so sleepy that she fell asleep at dawn."

Ji Xiaorong asked curiously: "When did senior sister start to like reading?"

Wei Jinyi said: "It's not a book, it's a martial arts secret book. I took a look at the cover. It's called "Dong Xuanzi's Thirty-Six Styles"."

Ji Xiaorong nodded and said thoughtfully: "Judging from the name, it's probably a Taoist acupuncture technique, but it's something weird. Even though my orchid hand is so clever, I can't see her intentions."

Little did the two know that thousands of miles away in Huaining County, in the "Time Stop" antique shop, a fat man was getting angry: "I haven't been able to find it after searching for several days. Someone must have stolen it. The customers who have come to the door these days,... That is to say, those people from Wudang and Emei. A woman and a young man from the Emei sect must not be suspicious. Zhang Cuishan, Zhang Cuishan, I didn’t expect that a knight with thick eyebrows and big eyes like you would covet Li’s treasured book!”

Zhang Cuishan, who knew nothing about it, took his son's hand and followed everyone to Ji Dabao's mansion. Ji Dabao was so happy to see his daughter and the heroes that he quickly had a banquet hosted.

Speaking of the Divine Eagle Cult during the dinner, Ji Dabao sighed with emotion: "A few days ago, a fast ship carried a lot of money and goods, saying it was compensation. Then the Divine Eagle Cult was completely evacuated from the major docks in Hanyang and Wuchang. Our Golden Whip Sect took over the boss’s territory effortlessly. We were still ignorant at the time. Later, when the news came, I realized what a great undertaking you had done. Tsk tsk, the Shenying Sect has been famous for decades, and now it is the leader of Wudang and Emei. Stepping Stone, you two factions are really famous.”

Yu Daiyan shook his head and said: "You son of a bitch, are you talking nonsense? Have you lost your mind as well? Even though the Wudang Seven Heroes are not from the same mother, they are better than their own flesh and blood. I don't believe that there are things in the world that I, the Wudang Seven Heroes, cannot afford." matter."

Zhang Qubing said like an adult: "Grandpa Ji, don't worry about us. He is my adoptive father and my father's sworn brother. Since we have such a fate, what does it mean to bear some of the karma for him? In fact, if you can Calm down, it doesn’t matter if you kill me. But even if they kill me, the hatred in their hearts will not be relieved at all."

Yu Erhu raised his face and said: "Nonsense! Qu Bing, you must not have such thoughts. The evil causes planted by your adoptive father are definitely not something you can resolve. Besides, if anyone dares to harm you, it is with I am Wudang’s enemy!”

Ye Guhong said: "The Emei Sect and Wudang share weal and woe, I don't believe we can't afford it."

Zhang Cuishan said guiltily: "Second brother, this little brother's matter has involved all the masters, how can I feel at ease in my heart?"

Zhang Cuishan smiled bitterly and said: "Of course not. I just hope that you can't find the way. In fact, the sea is vast and the winds and waves are dangerous, so it is the best policy not to take risks. If you really find me, it will be my sworn brother's fate."

Then when talking about the Battle of Anqing, Ji Dabao listened to the whole story, shook his head and said: "The Tiezhou Gang and the Chaohu Gang are slightly stronger than our Golden Whip Sect, so what does it matter? I'm afraid that the way you go to Wudang Mountain next, It's really difficult at every step... These days, there are not many people in the world passing by from Hanyang, and even more from other directions. Many of them are famous heroes. Alas, the blond mad lion created it back then. The killing is really too big, but now Zhang Wuxia and his son are responsible for it, seriously, seriously...sigh."

Zhu Chongba interjected: "Brother Ye, if you really want to go, we will go with you. The Golden Retriever Lion has been famous for many years. If you fight alone, it will be too dangerous."

Seeing Zhang Cuishan looking at him with gratitude, he smiled again and said: "One code is the same. If others force you and your son, I will help you deal with him. I will find a way to avenge my master on my own. Don't bear any grudge against me."

Zhang Cuishan's eyes were slightly red, and he shook his head and said: "My sworn brother said that his martial arts skills are at least as good as those of the wild sect leader, but he can't see that even if the dragon-slaying knife is sharp and can be used with a pair of moves, the wild sect leader is defeated by Ye My sworn brother is afraid of the hands of my junior brother..."

Zhang Qubing rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "How about when Grand Master passes his 100th birthday, we all rise up to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty?"

Mo Qi said in surprise: "Hey, you are so young, are you so worried about the country and the people? Uncle Qi underestimated you." Ye Guhong revealed: "Brother Qi, ignore him, this kid is thinking about us and When the Yuan Dynasty started fighting, there was no time to find his adoptive father."

Zhang Qubing said in shock: "How do you know I think this way?"

Mo Qi laughed so hard: "Your uncle Ye is known as the Golden Boy of Emei. Do you know how old he got this nickname? When he was eight years old, he deceived the Prince of Ruyang's palace and tricked countless masters into fighting at Yanmen Pass. Die, look for that trumped-up secret book, and kill the local thieves in Zhongzhou, Henan Province with blood. Although you are a bit smart, you are still far behind your uncle Ye!"

Everyone joked for a while, and then Ji Dabao said: "Actually, if you don't want to make more enemies, Ji brought dozens of disciples, put on your clothes, boarded your boat while the sky was dark, and continued to go up the Han River. I went to celebrate Master Zhang’s birthday, but you all changed your clothes, rode fast horses, and left the city at night to go straight to Wudang Mountain. All the ambush by the guards failed! Hehe, it’s just that some of you are not upright enough and have lost the dignity of the big sect.”

However, Yu Er became more and more delighted as he listened, and continued: "It's not decent to be decent, but it's not about these things. I think this method is very good. If you have fewer fights with others, you will have fewer enemies. What's wrong with that?" ?”

Everyone nodded after hearing this, only Old Man Zhou yelled that it was not good, claiming that it is better for everyone to go to Tiger Mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and step on every pitfall along the way. This would be considered vigorous, fun and interesting.

After hearing this, Yu Er and others disagreed. Old man Zhou lost his temper and pulled Hua Yun and said: "Then you can go your way. We, the 'Eight Eccentrics of Jiangbei', have settled down. We won't turn the world upside down." I don’t know what kind of tough guys we ‘Eight Eccentrics of Jiangbei’ are!”

Zhu Chongba tried to smooth things over and said: "Yu Erxia, what Zhou Zongfeng said is actually reasonable. If there are no experts on board the ship, people may see through the plan in a day or two. Furthermore, if there are many people on your way, traces will be exposed easily. Why don't we little brothers take a boat with Zhou Zongfeng, so that no one can observe secretly and find that there are no familiar faces on the boat."

Yu Eryi thought the same thing. These young men were busy practicing martial arts on the deck every day. They practiced all day long. If someone followed and observed them and suddenly disappeared, it would be easy to become suspicious. He couldn't help but nodded subconsciously, but worriedly said: "If it's just a golden whip, The sect will replace us, and the leader of the Ji sect is Lao Jianghu. When the situation turns bad, he reveals his true identity. Others don’t dare to do anything to Wudang Emei, but you have to fight all the way through, lest the threat will increase greatly."

Zhu Chongba smiled lightly and said: "Yu Erxia has underestimated us. Since we are wandering around in the world, even if it is dangerous?"

Hua Yun and others were excited after hearing this. They patted their chests and told everyone to just relax.

Ye Guhong listened for a long time, then stood up and said to Old Man Zhou: "My brothers are helping you like this just to play tricks with you. As the eldest brother, can you take good care of them and keep them safe?"

Seeing that his goal was successful, Old Man Zhou nodded repeatedly: "Not only do I protect them, but I also teach them some powerful kung fu! Otherwise, if I am the only one who can beat the eight weirdos in Jiangbei, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

Ye Guhong thought that it would be fine. The Emei sect's kung fu is not taught without the entrance wall. Old man Zhou is alone, but there is no such rule. Most of his kung fu is excellent, and it is not inferior to any sect's inheritance. If he is willing Teaching people is an opportunity for Hua Yun and others.

At that time, it was agreed to divide the troops directly. The Wudang Five Heroes together with Zhang Qubing, Ye Guhong, Tang Gong, Hu Daniu and the eight Emei girls all changed into night clothes, brought enough dry food and water, and left at night, crossing the Jianghan Plain and heading straight to Wudang Mountain. .

On the other route, Ji Dabao brought his most famous disciples, dressed in Wudang clothes, plus Old Man Zhou and the Seven Jiangbei Monsters. They still took a boat and sailed upstream from the Han River, attracting firepower along the way.

Everyone had a good meal that night and acted according to the plan. At the third watch of the day, the people at the Golden Whip Gate bribed the guards and secretly opened the city gate, letting Yu Er and his entourage out of the city. Along the official road, they urged their horses to rush west. go.

Zhang Qubing rode a horse for the first time. He sat in front of his father and looked around. It was clear that there was no scenery in the dark night, but he still enjoyed it and did not feel sleepy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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