When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 223 Dao Zuo encounters the enemy, and the big bull takes action

Chapter 223 Dao Zuo encounters the enemy, and the big bull takes action

Ji Dabao's plan to secretly deceive Chen Cang really worked.

When more and more gangs gathered together, they finally discovered that the Five Heroes of Wudang and the Heroes of Emei were not on board. Yu Er, Ye Guhong and others hurried all the way and arrived in Changlin County, Jingmen (later Shayang County) .

From here to the north, passing through Yicheng County, we reach Xiangyang, which is very close to Wudang Mountain. Regardless of official or minor roads, the Five Heroes of Wudang are all familiar with the journey and can do whatever they want. Who can catch up?
Everyone spent the night in the county town. They got up before dawn, had some tea and breakfast, and left as soon as the city gate opened. After walking for thirty or forty miles, they suddenly saw dozens of merchants and escorts running in front of them, with faces full of panic.

Mo Qi rode out and inquired: "Why are you so panicked? Is there anyone who can force you to rob me?"

The merchant with good intentions hurriedly responded: "Go quickly, go quickly, the Tatars are riding in boats and riding horses, blocking the main road to Xiangyang, and they only want to plunder and kill people!"

Another one-eyed bodyguard said: "There are still women in your team, so be sure not to come forward, otherwise the Tatars will chase her to the end of the world and refuse to let go."

Yu Lianzhou lowered his face and said, "How many people are there in that group of Tatars?"

The merchant from before said: "I don't dare to take a closer look, I'm afraid it won't cost more than one or two hundred? There may be something on the boat..."

As he talked, he ran away to the south.

He made it clear to his disciples that when encountering Tatars wreaking havoc on the people, unless they encounter a large group, they have no choice but to run away. If it is a small group of Yuan soldiers, they must step forward to fight and eliminate evil, otherwise they will "disappoint our skills."

Two Tatars nearby screamed strangely in unison, holding spears with both hands, stabbing Ye Guhong fiercely from left to right.

Ye Guhong was filled with murderous thoughts. He grabbed a spear and dragged it sideways to block the other spear. He slapped out with his left palm and dragged the Tatar's head in front of him, exploding like a rotten persimmon. He grabbed the spear with his hand, danced around and made a feint, shaking the other Tatar's flaw, twisted the spear and stabbed it, penetrated the armor into the heart, and the spearhead emerged from the back!

Ye Guhong felt a wave of vicious anger rushing towards the heavenly spirit. A mouthful of uncontrollable grievances rushed from his chest to his mouth, and he shouted fiercely: "Dog Tatars, you are bullying me and there is no one in China!"

These Yuan soldiers surrounded dozens of common people, either stabbing them with spears or knives, or trampling them with horses, killing the common people until their heads were dislocated and their stomachs and intestines were broken. There were many children as young as a few years old among them.

He raised his body, put his feet on the saddle, and flew into the air. He shot "Flying Dragon in the Sky", and the distance of four to five feet passed in a flash. With one palm, a Tatar officer flew backwards several feet, and blood spurted out from his seven orifices.

You must know that the Wudang Sect has strict rules. Master Zhang always supervises and trains his disciples very strictly. His disciples are not allowed to use force easily with others. If they do use force, unless it is a serious crime or a life-and-death situation, they are not allowed to hurt or maim people easily. Limbs, except the Tatars.

Several more women were half-clothed and were being held down and beaten in turn by more than a dozen Tatars.

Ye Guhong ran out first and saw three large boats on the Han River, moored on the shore. A large group of Yuan soldiers were shouting and laughing, but where were the one or two hundred people? It's clearly no less than three hundred!

Ye Guhong's internal energy surged, and he jumped two or three feet away with a tiger's leap. His spear was like lightning and thunder, and it struck first and pierced the general's abdomen fiercely.

When everyone heard the words, they became energetic and galloped together. They couldn't go more than three or five miles before they heard the sound of miserable screams, and the sky was miserable and the earth was miserable.

Mo Qi was speechless and said: "There are over a hundred Tatars, so they are not a minority. They are not here for us, right? Could it be that the word 'slaying the dragon with a precious sword' has violated a taboo, and Yuan Ting also wants to get involved?"

The Tatars were shocked when they saw him descending to earth like a god from heaven, killing three people in a row with every move. However, there was a middle-aged Tatar who looked like a warrior, with an angry look on his face. He rushed over on horseback, holding a mountain ax high in his hand, and with the help of his galloping horse The momentum will be chopped down.

Although there were quite a few troops of one to two hundred yuan, Yu Er thought that there were many experts and did not take them seriously. He nodded and said: "Third brother is right. Today is a good time to eliminate harm for the people."

Yu San sneered: "If you come for us, you will underestimate us. Not to mention the junior brothers and sisters of Emei, just the five of us here, how can it be difficult for one of us to kill dozens of Tatar soldiers?"

The general cried out in pain and wanted to chop down the axe. .
Ye Guhong did not block or dodge, roared loudly, straightened his waist and raised his arms, the force on his spear exploded like a landslide, with a loud bang, knocking the Tatar general and his horses to the ground.

He pulled out his spear and stabbed it several times until the chest and face of the general were stabbed like a hornet's nest. Then he swung the spear horizontally and shouted: "Dog Tatars, come and fight!"

Murderous aura rolled around him, and flesh and blood were sticky hanging from the tip of the spear. No matter how ferocious the Tatars were, they couldn't help but take a step back. Ye Guhong laughed wildly and said: "You don't come? Then I will!"

Striding forward, Yang's gun unfolded, raising a mountain of spear shadows and exploding into waves of blood like a sea.

At this time, Yu Er and others arrived and saw Ye Guhong charging at hundreds of Tatars with one shot at a time. They all felt their livers and gallbladders were burning and their blood was rising. They shouted in unison: "Stand shoulder to shoulder, kill all these people." Dry tartar!”

Everyone leaped off their horses, drew their swords and charged forward.

Zhang Cuishan took out the iron judge's pen and the rotten silver tiger head hook, and said to Zhang Qubing: "Good son, sit on the horse obediently and watch daddy kill the Tatars!"

Zhang Qubing said: "Okay, Dad, you have to be careful!"

Zhang Cuishan smiled, rushed into battle, hooked left and right, and killed with all his strength.

Hu Daniu drew out his sword, which was as big as a sewing needle. He originally wanted to go into battle, but when he saw Zhang Qubing sitting alone on a horse, he changed his mind and walked up to him and whispered: "Don't be afraid, disciple, the master is here." Protect you."

Zhang Qubing was a little scared when he saw everyone going to kill the enemy, but he was afraid that his father would be worried, so he kept silent.

Seeing Master coming over at this moment, my heart suddenly warmed up and I said happily: "As long as Master is here, I won't be afraid."

Hu Daniu smiled and was about to talk to him when he suddenly heard someone shout in a low voice: "Little boy, if you don't want to endure hardship, tell me the whereabouts of Xie Qian and the Dragon Sword as soon as possible!"

Hu Daniu turned around and saw two people emerging from the woods to the west. They were both tall, with tall noses and deep eyes, and were about fifty years old.

Hu Daniu didn't know that the two of them were evil spirits from the mysterious and the dark, but he also felt that the other party was extremely powerful. He felt a chill in his heart. He held his sword across his chest and shouted: "Stop whoever comes, otherwise don't blame Hu for being ruthless under the sword."

The person running in front was Duke Lu Ming. He used to face the enemy with nothing, but today he was holding a short black staff with a head that was forked like antlers. He was grinning ferociously and kept walking towards them.

Hu Daniu used the Golden Needle Pudu Sword Technique and stabbed it in the chest. Lu Minggong blocked it with his staff and smacked it with his left hand. Hu Daniu felt the coldness coming, and made Lingling shiver and quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

After only one move, he knew that the opponent's martial arts skills were far beyond his own, so he immediately shouted with all his strength: "Help..."

Just after the two words came out, Lu Minggong turned his left palm and followed him like a shadow. Hu Daniu had no choice but to duck and hide again. Suddenly, Lu Minggong kicked out and hit Hu Daniu in the lower abdomen. Hu Daniu felt that his intestines were broken into several sections, and the rapier fell out of his hand. , rolling on the ground in pain.

Duke Lu Ming chuckled, picked up Zhang Qubing and pulled him off his horse.

Everyone in front heard Hu Daniu calling for help and turned around to see Duke Lu Ming knocking down Hu Daniu and capturing Zhang Qubing. Their liver and gallbladder were split apart, especially Zhang Cuishan, who felt as if his heart had been removed and even stopped breathing. , twisting the body, the Tiyun Leap Technique was used to the extreme, and flew back almost without moving.

Among the heroes present in Wudang, only Yin Liu had seen the Xuan Ming Shuang Sha. He recognized them at a glance and exclaimed: "Fifth brother, be careful, these two are the masters of the Ruyang Palace!"

Duke Lu Ming laughed and said, "No need to give gifts, we can go!"

Just as he was about to carry Zhang Qubing and run away, suddenly a figure jumped out from under his feet. Then his wrists trembled in pain as if they were stung by a wasp. Zhang Qubing had already fallen down and was hugged by Hu Daniu, who was about to run away.

Lu Minggong glanced around and saw a row of golden needles stuck on his wrist. The needles were inserted into different acupuncture points. He secretly admired him: Could this guy be a doctor? The needle is too fast!

However, he didn't care about the injury at all. With a rush of internal energy, the golden needle flew out, instantly unblocking the acupuncture point, and shot it out, hitting Hu Daniu's vest right in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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