When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 228 The master shows his power and the seven heroes reunite

Chapter 228 The Master shows off his power and the Seven Heroes reunite

Ye Guhong's move was not very swift, and its strength was mediocre, so his success relied entirely on the enemy's first move.

Yunhuang has been a dart agent for more than thirty years. How rich is his practical experience? After being stunned for a moment, he roughly understood the reason.

I couldn't help but secretly think: The Emei sect's secret skills are really some secrets. This kid can hit me despite his weak hands. Even if the disciple is like this, when his master arrives, how can he be as good as me?

Thinking of the majesty of Miejie's roar and the echoes all over the mountain, he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let me use my strength to fight for ten times and capture this kid. Then I said that I have admired the name of Senior Miejie for a long time and let him go immediately. Such a great master." She is arrogant and arrogant. When I call her senior, she beats me to bully the younger ones. She catches and releases this Emei boy, but I also gain face. It's wonderful, wonderful, it's me!

He didn't know that half a month ago, the majestic White-feathered Eagle King had the same idea, and he still couldn't get out of bed to urinate or defecate.

Wu Zheng was convinced that he had succeeded, so he roared and punched several times in a row, which was quite impressive.

Ye Guhong practices Sword Demon Jade Book. Under the general formula, he has the deepest understanding of the two postures of breaking sword and breaking palm. This is also due to his own proficiency in sword techniques and palm techniques, both of which are rare in the world. Unique knowledge.

It is said that rocks from other mountains can attack jade. His sword and palm skills are so good that if he practices breaking skills, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

Although I am not holding the sword at this moment, the Supreme Sword Theory is lingering in my heart. Where can my arms, legs, and feet not become a sword?

Seeing that the opponent's boxing technique was a straight forward approach, Ye Guhong took a gentle step and stepped forward diagonally, which was the blind spot for the opponent's attack.

Zhang Cuishan felt anxious when he saw him being so arrogant, and was about to step forward with all his strength. Suddenly, a gray shadow flashed out of the corner of his eye, and he heard two muffled bangs. Qi Biao and Gong Jiu both flew out upside down, and fell to the ground. Unable to get up.

Qi Biao and Gong Jiu were shocked when they saw that Yunhuang was defeated in two moves. They all jumped out and threw out a palm and a punch. Ye Guhong put his hands behind his back and smiled as he watched the two of them attack.

As he finished speaking, Miejie had heard his voice, raised his eyebrows, and said angrily: "You are the one who called me old nun Miejie? Is the nun very young?" After saying this, his sleeves flicked, and an invisible palm force called out. After shooting, Yunhuang dodged sharply. Unexpectedly, the palm force turned straight and hit him on the right side of his face with a bang. Yunhuang's head shook, and his eyes were full of stars. He staggered a few steps, sat down on the ground, lowered his head and vomited a few words. A molar tooth.

In front of Ye Guhong, there was a tall female nun in gray clothes, who shouted coldly: "How dare a few escorts look down on me, Emei!"

Yunhuang missed the target and was about to turn around when he suddenly stumbled and lost his center of gravity. When he was still struggling, Ye Guhong's waist squeezed and Yunhuang fell over. He looked at Ye Guhong with a confused face.

Yunhuang's left arm swept back, Ye Guhong kept walking, took another step, and got behind Yunhuang, raising his foot to step on Yunhuang's heel.

Yunhuang was not injured, so he stood up quickly, stopped in front of Qi Biao and Gong Jiu, and said hurriedly: "Could it be that the leader of Miejie is in front of you? We did not intend to offend Emei. We came here this time..."

The other two chief escorts were all shocked, wondering how powerful their palms could be to turn corners? Could it be that his Emei sect’s training is just magic?
Ye Guhong felt relaxed and happy when he saw it, and he felt great! If I want to make a bend with the power of my palm, I must weaken the power to do so. Master's palm is extremely flexible, but its power is much greater than mine!
Qi Biao shouted: "Senior, we have no intention of offending Emei."

Miejie sneered and said: "You are older than the poor nun, and you have been in the world longer than the poor nun. Do you think that calling me the poor nun, senior, will make it harder for me to bully the younger ones and deal with you?"

Qi Biao's thoughts were revealed, and he couldn't help but blush, and argued forcefully: "I respect the identity of Master Emei's master, so I regard him as a senior." Yunhuang secretly said in surprise: This nun is not good enough, but fortunately I didn't shout first Senior, otherwise wouldn’t it be me who is embarrassed?

Yu Lianzhou was also secretly surprised and thought: The Taoist Kung Fu practiced by our sect has been improving at a rapid pace as time goes by. However, I don’t see how the Master of Destruction can progress even faster? Compared with two years ago, it is a step higher!
Miejie punished the three escort leaders, then looked back at Ye Guhong, frowned, and then grabbed his hand, and when he tested his inner strength, his face suddenly became filled with gloom: "How did it get to this situation? Did you meet any strong enemy?"

Ye Guhong shook his head, sighed, told the past story, and finally said: "Not only the fifth brother Zhang's son, but also Hu Daniu are in the same situation. At present, the only way is to see if there is any way to see Master Zhang."

Miejie said: "Then what are you waiting for? Go to Wudang Sect quickly!"

After saying that, he didn't see how to make a move. Two sleeves were swiping left and right, the three escort heads underground, and even a group of capable escorts behind him, all they felt was two tyrannical internal forces rolling in. Unable to stand, they all fall back.

Yu Lianzhou, Yu Daiyan and others were all stunned. The four nuns Jingxuan, Jingxu, Jingkong, and Jinghui behind them hurried over. Seeing the master displaying his power, they did not dare to ask more questions. All they saw was the handle of the annihilation. As soon as he pulled it back, he strode away. The escorts looked like they had seen ghosts and gods, their eyes full of horror. They stood there blankly and allowed him and others to follow Miejie.

At this time, the Taoist boy in Zixiao Palace reported that the three escorts were blocking the mountain gate. Song Da and Zhang Si heard about it and hurriedly brought a group of disciples down the mountain. They happened to meet Miejie and others, and hurriedly came to meet Miejie to see him. After saying a few words, he suddenly saw Zhang Cuishan in the crowd, with tears in his eyes and a smile, looking at the two of them from a distance. Song and Zhang were shocked and froze at the same time. Four tears burst out of their eyes in an instant.

Song Da also had to consider etiquette and stammered: "Master, forgive me, I, my junior brother, junior brother..."

Seeing the true love between their fellow apprentices, Miejie was also moved and said with a smile: "Master Song does not need to be polite to the poor nun. It is a great joy for Wuxia Zhang to return safely. Let's go see your brother first."

Song Dalian nodded and rushed towards Zhang Cuishan. When he was going down the steps, he slipped and almost fell. Thanks to Zhang Songxi, he held him up.

Zhang Cuishan rushed up and knelt down, hugged Song Da and Zhang Si, and cried loudly: "Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, my little brother is back. I haven't seen you in these years. I want to hurt my little brother!"

Song Dayi cried: "Fifth brother, you are finally back!"

After saying that, he knelt down and hugged Zhang Cuishan tightly.

Zhang Songxi cried and laughed, hugged Zhang Cuishan from the side, slapped him hard and said: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

Although Yin Liu had cried several times, he couldn't help crying again at this moment. Mo Qi laughed loudly and pulled him forward. Yu Lianzhou and Yu Daiyan also stepped forward. The seven heroes hugged each other, some crying, some Her laughter, with a high voice, soared into the sky. Even the sun in the sky seemed to be a little brighter, and the white clouds were floating here and there, as if they were dancing with joy.

When the Emei girls saw that Song Da and others were no longer as capable and steady as before, cheering and crying like children, they couldn't help but be happy for their brothers.

Ji Xiaorong, Wei Jinyi, and Hu Xiaoyang, who are all sentimental, could not help but be moved to tears.

(End of this chapter)

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