When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 229: The 4 heroes’ scheming, destroying calamity temperament

Chapter 229: The Four Heroes’ Scheming, Destruction of Disaster Temperaments

The Seven Heroes of Wudang finally reunited after ten years of separation. What was rare was that the Five Heroes were still alive and the three recovered. The joy in the hearts of the seven was really unspeakable.

Excited for a moment, Song Da and Zhang Si asked about Zhang Cuishan's experiences in the past ten years. Zhang Cuishan briefly told them. They heard that he had married Ye Tiangang's daughter and had children. Song Da and Zhang Si couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment.

When he heard that Zhang Qubing and Hu Daniu were both injured, Song Da was immediately shocked and frowned: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? This has wasted time in vain. Hurry up, go and ask Master to come and take a look..."

He walked to the carriage in person, looked at Hu Daniu's injuries first, then untied his clothes, picked up Zhang Qubing, and while using his internal strength to warm him, he hurried to Zixiao Palace.

At this time, no one from the three major escort bureaus paid attention. Qi Biao gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted: "I want to see Zhenren Zhang. He is the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world. I want to hear what he said with my own ears. Longmen Escort Agency is alive." He must die, we are not as skilled as others, so we are not worthy of avenging our friends."

Ye Guhong was a little impressed by his voice, and thought to himself that this person really had a lot of hard bones, not to mention the others around him.

But Zhang Songxi shook his head, took out three small cloth bags from his arms, walked up to the three of them, and stuffed one into each person's hand.

The three people looked puzzled. They each opened it and took a look. Their expressions suddenly changed and they knelt down at the same time.

Ye Guhong and others were stunned when they saw such a turn of events, but they saw Yunhuang's face full of shame and loudly said: "Yunhuang said: "Yun did not know about the great kindness and virtue of the Wudang Seven Heroes until now! For such a great kindness, Yun didn't know how to repay it, but instead came to pick fights. He was really worse than a pig or a dog - nothing more, Quan used this arm to apologize to his benefactors from the Wudang Sect! "

The three of them all felt ashamed and said, "In short, the three of us were blind and offended our benefactor."

Zhang Songxi smiled and said: "It's not that there is any clue. What I gave Gong Jiu is a piece of fur. Six years ago, he was entrusted by a big Hu merchant to escort a batch of red goods, which were precious gems worth 600,000 taels of silver. , was robbed on the road, haha, this batch of goods was too valuable, and Gong Jiu couldn't afford to lose his fortune. He was so anxious that he wanted to commit suicide. Fourth brother and I happened to have the opportunity to take back this batch of jewelry and secretly returned it to him, but never I have never shown up, leaving only this furoshiki. If I show it to him today, he will know that he owes me a huge favor."

Zhang Songxi smiled, didn't take it seriously, and said: "What I gave to Qi Biao are seven soul-breaking centipede darts! Back then, he offended the Northland tycoon King Centipede, and the two made an appointment for a decisive battle. Qi Biao's arranged helper suddenly broke the promise. He knew he was going to die, so he wrote a suicide note and went to fight. However, I pretended to be a beggar, joined the battle group, and took seven of King Centipede's centipede darts. King Centipede ran away in shock, and did not dare to trouble Qi Biao again. Biao saw the escort today and naturally understands the whole story."

It was Song Yuanqiao who came forward and said: "No matter what the misunderstanding is, it is always a good thing to talk it out. My nephew is seriously injured. If he wants to ask Master for help, I will not entertain you."

As he spoke, he pulled out his sword and chopped off his left hand.

Mo Qi heard this interestingly and shouted loudly, but Zhang Cuishan understood the reason——

The three of them gave up and left respectfully.

Fortunately, Zhang Songxi had quick hands and struck the sword with his bare hands. He grabbed his knife between his hands and held his hand down with the other hand. He said gently: "Absolutely not! Zhang, please speak from your heart. Mr. Yun, the head of the bodyguard, is a hero like me. I am Wudang." It’s too late to make friends with me, how can I watch you hurt your limbs?”

Mo Qi was shocked and said: "With six hundred thousand taels of silver, how dare you accept an escort with his skills? He is really greedy and does not know how to live or die. If the fourth brother hadn't taken action, I'm afraid that even if he committed suicide, Hu Shang would have to claim compensation from his family." , isn’t that a family ruined?”

The three people stood up and came to Yu Er and others, kowtowing to apologize to the offenders one by one. Miejie asked suspiciously: "You three, you are arrogant in front and respectful in the back, what are you doing?"

Qi Biao and Gong Jiu were also full of gratitude and kept thanking them. Zhang Songxi seemed to be a little colder towards them. He just nodded with a smile and said something like: "You're welcome, we don't know each other, we will all be friends from now on." Rhetoric.

Mo Qi couldn't restrain his curiosity. As he walked, he dragged Zhang Songxi and asked, "Fourth brother, what did you show them? They immediately changed their faces. Could it be that there is some big clue that fell into your hands?" "

Ye Guhong's heart moved and he thought to himself: The soul-breaking centipede dart is the method of the Five Immortals Sect! But I don’t know what relationship this Centipede King has with the Five Immortals Sect…

Zhang Songxi has obviously intended to show favor to his friends in the world related to the Longmen Escort Agency in recent years. Naturally, he did this because he wanted to wait until his junior brother came back and his past affairs were brought up, so that he could use them to sell favors and prevent everyone from uniting. Forcing him...

Zhang Cuishan has been missing for many years. None of the Wudang brothers know where he has gone or whether he will come back, but they have made all the arrangements early. This kind of affection is really touching.

He couldn't help but choked up and said: "Fourth brother, you and I are brothers in life and death. I don't want to thank you anymore. It's just the Longmen Escort Bureau case. Although I didn't do it, it was your brother and sister who pretended to be me and caused this tragedy... this matter Fourth brother, you have to give me an idea on what to do next." After hearing this, Zhang Songxi couldn't help but scratch his head despite his extraordinary wisdom. After a while, he said: "According to you, my younger brother and sister have completely changed their past, so she Now that I have become Wudang's daughter-in-law, this matter is my Wudang sect's business, um, um, fifth brother, please let me think about it carefully and find a way to get the best of both worlds."

Miejie suddenly said: "Zhang Wuxia, so to speak, your wife is really not a good person. You are a famous knight in the right way. How can you marry such a person? Huh, it's a good thing you are not an Emei disciple, otherwise, huh, huh."

Zhang Cuishan said bitterly: "What Master taught me is that fate can play tricks on people by chance. In fact, she regretted it later..."

However, Miejie didn't rub the sand in his eyes. He rolled his eyelids and said disdainfully: "What kind of fate does it have to do with people? It's not because you, Zhang Wuxia, got interested in sex, but the poor nun didn't believe it. That wild girl from the wild family turned out to look like your Junior Sister Jin. You didn’t care about good or evil and married her!”

Zhang Cuishan blushed with shame after being scolded, lowered his head and remained silent.

When Jin Mingjun saw Miejie appear, he didn't say a word the whole way, leaning on the side as he walked. He never expected that he was so careful and still fell into the trap. He felt bitter in his heart and cried loudly: "Master, why do you say this to your disciple? Although my disciple is not as beautiful as Junior Sister Ji, she won’t make people reject me thousands of miles away.”

Miejie glanced at her and said nothing.

Ye Guhong couldn't bear to see it. There were many disciples in Emei, but Miejie didn't like Jin Mingjun, so there was nothing he could do.

He quietly leaned over, tugged on Jin Mingjun's sleeve, and whispered: "If it were you, Zhang Wuxia would not be able to think of returning to the Central Plains if he lived on the Ice and Fire Island."

Jin Mingjun was also stunned, and then he realized: Ah, my junior brother said that with me as his wife, men would be happy to miss Wudang...

I was immediately elated, tears were still streaming down my face, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

When Miejie heard Jin Mingjun make a "chick", he thought that she was crying. She was used to taunting her disciples. She almost forgot that there were so many people around her. When she said the words, she felt that it was a bit too much. She was just apologizing, so of course she didn't even think about it. Without looking at her, he changed the subject and asked Zhang Songxi: "Zhang Sixia, what did you show to the bodyguard named Yun?"

Zhang Songxi felt a little unhappy when he saw Miejie scolding Zhang Cuishan for being merciless. However, since she had a high status and was a distant visitor, she couldn't help but answer her questions, so she smiled and said, "Speaking of Mr. Yun, the three escort chiefs. Among people, he is the only one who is a true hero! This man has a high prestige in Shanxi and Shaanxi, but he secretly contacted the heroes of Shaanxi and Shanxi, and they all formed a blood alliance to rise up in Taiyuan and Chang'an at the same time against the Mongol Tatars..."

When everyone heard this, they all said in unison: "Ah! Amazing!"

Zhang Songxi sighed: "It's a pity that they didn't do things secretly. There was a big traitor among the people who joined the alliance. He stole the list of people who joined the alliance and wanted to go to the government. It happened that that day I wanted to go to the Taiyuan magistrate because of a big injustice. It happened that When I met the prefect and the traitor discussing how to deploy troops and generals to capture a group of heroes in advance, I immediately jumped into the room, killed everyone in the room, and took the list back to me."

After saying that, he said with a smile: "I saw that they were so secretive about such a big thing. They simply didn't return the list to him. They just made him worry and teach him a lesson, so that he would know to be careful in the future. What I just gave him was this list. .”

Miejie's expression became stern after hearing this, and he frowned and said, "I didn't expect that this man could do such a righteous deed even though he was talking big words! For him to do this, he looks down upon our Emei sect. Even a poor nun should tolerate him, but he should not be beaten." Cut off his teeth! It’s inappropriate, it’s inappropriate!”

After saying that, he straightened his body and walked straight towards the road he came from, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Zhang Songxi said in surprise: "Master, what are you doing?"

Ye Guhong said with a smile: "There is no need to doubt, my master respects Mr. Yunhuang as a good man. He regrets that he hit him. This is why he went after him and apologized to him."

After hearing this, Zhang Songxi couldn't help but admire him and nodded: "My master is really an upright person!" The little displeasure that Miejie had just scolded his fifth brother immediately disappeared.

They all walked while talking, and before they knew it, they had arrived in front of the bamboo forest where Zhang Sanfeng was retreating. Just as Song Yuanqiao was about to speak, he heard a shout, the door opened, and Zhang Sanfeng strode out wearing a dirty Taoist robe.

(End of this chapter)

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