When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 240: Yin and Yang interact with each other, crossing the void in the sky

Chapter 240: Yin and Yang interact with each other, crossing the void in the sky

Old Man Zhou shouted, and everyone looked around him. He happened to see a red-haired monkey jumping out of the woods, throwing a fruit at the back of Old Man Zhou's head, and then danced and bared its teeth. Yelled, turned around and ran away.

Old man Zhou touched his head, looked at the jam in his hand, and said angrily: "Ah, bah! This is a rat among monkeys, a small and arrogant monkey. How dare he plot against the Eight Eccentrics of Jiangbei! Brothers, follow me to take revenge!"

He turned around and jumped into the forest to chase the monkey.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, laughed in unison, and said, "It turns out he is an idiot! No wonder he talks big words."

Eighty-seven people from Zhu Chong clapped their foreheads together, and Chang Yuchun lamented: "Brothers, our lives are miserable. This name has been completely ruined before it was even announced. I think we have to change the name, and simply call it the 'Seven Monsters of Emei'." 'how?"

Zhu Chongba took a long-term view, shook his head and sighed: "Brother, it's useless. When he comes back, he will still be called the Eight Freaks of Emei."

They were complaining here. Shaolin Sankong had all jumped out and stood side by side in the field. The three of them stretched out their bodies and opened their fists -

Kong Wen was in the middle, his left hand drooped, and he pressed the Dantian. His right hand was placed across his chest, clenched into a fist, but his thumb was raised high, as if to give a thumbs up.

A knowledgeable person exclaimed in a low voice: "This is the Mahazia finger!"

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Okay, let me think about how to fight."

Kong Zhi was on the left. He rubbed his palms against each other for a few times, then spread them apart. He raised one palm above his head, with the palms facing the sky, and the other palm straight to his chest, as if clasping hands. Shi Feilong shouted: "Ah, this is the Shaolin Demon Subduing Palm. Together with Prajna Palm, it is called the two masters of Shaolin palm skills!"

Even Ye Guhong couldn't help but rub his eyes again and again, and then he was convinced that this old man actually flew out of thin air!

The three great monks are posing, and the master's style is clearly visible, just like Yue Zhiyuan Ting, indescribably beautiful!
Zhang Sanfeng watched intently, nodded and praised: "Shaolin's stunts are really extraordinary."

Zhang Sanfeng blinked, came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Holy Monk, please be patient for a moment. Let's see how the old Taoist's move goes."

The heroes gradually came to understand that everything in front of them was actually real!

These people are also practitioners. Now they suddenly witnessed the extremely high realm that they had never seen or heard of in martial arts. The shock and excitement in their hearts were really hard to suppress. It was not who was the first to shout: "Master Zhang , Invincible in the world!"

Emptiness is on the right, with ten palms spread out, and the yin and yang in the palms reflect each other, but it is the starting position of Shaolin's unique dragon grip: "Hold the Sun".

Then Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were empty and he said to himself: "In ordinary martial arts, you come and go, punches come and hands block, and the competition is to see whose moves are skillful and skillful, and whose strength is powerful and magnificent. Advanced martial arts, attacking from behind, Seemingly slow but actually fast, the competition is about who has a deep understanding of martial arts and who controls the body in subtle ways. So what about the top martial arts? I can only hit you, but you can't hit me? Hehe, in fact, after all, it's a comparison. After all, it is the strength itself that can overwhelm a person to death with a higher level of skill..."

The onlookers were dumbfounded and just thought to themselves. He never left his fists or sang his tunes. He was a layman who had not practiced for three days and stared blankly at him for four days. This old man had not practiced for an unknown amount of time. He was still thinking about how to fight before the battle. This Isn't it just staring?

The three great monks were slightly proud and said in unison: "Master Zhang, please give me some advice!"

After saying that, his two big sleeves waved, and two streams of true energy, one yin and one yang, suddenly rushed out and hit the ground for a while. The originally invisible true energy gradually condensed into two streams of air, one black and one white, and the yin chased the yang. , Yang chases Yin, the two forces chase each other, turning faster and faster. The tail of the airflow is pointed and the head is round, spinning endlessly like two big fish.

Everyone in the audience could not help but raise their heads and open their mouths, thinking that they were in a dream.

Kong Zhi said anxiously: "Master Zhang, if you don't compete, you can give up."

Immediately, Zhang Sanfeng's whole body shook, his energy surged, and he slowly floated upward until he was more than two feet above the ground. Then he stopped rising. His tall figure stood like this out of thin air. The two qi of yin and yang were flying under his feet, and the black and white were changing, as if they were real. Virtual.

This voice was extremely high-pitched, with the final notes broken, and it was hard to distinguish between male and female.

No one laughed at him, but upon hearing Xian Ran's shout, hundreds of people shouted in unison: "Zhenzhen Zhang is invincible in the world!"

Miejie stared up blankly, his red lips moved. Although he didn't make a sound, he recognized the shouts of everyone in his heart. Shi Feilong blushed and shouted several times along with the crowd. Suddenly he pointed at the three Shaolin monks and laughed loudly: "You three bald donkeys, what kind of posture are you still putting on? Master Zhang has reached the realm of flying in the wind, you still want to fight with me?" Did he hit?"

The three Shaolin monks were stunned at first, but upon hearing this, they were all shocked and came to their senses.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the blank look in each other's eyes. After all, Kong Wen was getting older and stronger. He was the first to calm down and shouted: "Even if we, the Shaolin monks, are invincible, there is no reason to surrender without a fight! Take action!" !”

He straightened his body, jumped up two feet, pressed his thumb down repeatedly, and sent out three sharp finger forces one after another.

What's amazing is that these three finger forces are as fast as the other. The third finger force quickly catches up with the previous one, but it does not cancel out, but merges and strengthens, and then catches up with the first one.

In an instant, the three forces merged into one, and the speed increased sharply. Wherever they passed, ripples in the air suddenly appeared, as if a white line appeared out of thin air, shooting Zhang Sanfeng's eyebrows away, which was the ultimate move of the Maha Finger, " Three times in hell”!
This move is extremely difficult to practice. Every time the thumb is pressed, the force is so strong that the skin, muscles, and veins are all injured, and it feels like entering hell.

Pressing three fingers in a row will cause unbearable pain, so it is called "three hells".

This move is very powerful, but it will definitely hurt someone's life. Buddhism is compassionate, so hurt yourself before hurting others. This is to make those who learn this martial art wary and not kill people unless it is absolutely necessary.

It seemed that this move was used by Kong Wen for the first time since he had mastered it.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang were all shocked. They thought that these three monks dared to challenge Zhang Sanfeng. Sure enough, it was either that they lacked confidence or that this move was "three hells". Among the Seven Heroes of Wudang, Wulun Song Da and Yu Er were not able to block it. The best they can do is to attack at the same time, trying to kill both sides.

At the same time as Kong Wen took action, Kong Zhi also let out a loud roar. The palm he raised above his head suddenly moved down like a wing, stirring up a strong wind. His whole body froze together, and he took advantage of the situation to pop out. The palm of his chest was suddenly pushed out, and it went straight to Zhang Sanfeng's lower abdomen, but This is the ultimate trick to conquer the demon palm: the soul disperses and the demon disappears!
His move was fast and fierce, all the strength of his body was concentrated on his palm, and there was no protection around him. The intention was that the devil was too high to be defeated and the benevolent man with lofty ideals sacrificed his life to be destroyed!

Kongxing also took action at the same time as the two senior brothers. His spine suddenly twisted, and with a crash, the monk's robe exploded behind him. The muscles on his back seemed to be alive. His body rose into the sky, like a dragon's shadow soaring into the sky. The claws danced in a hurry, and dozens of hundreds of attacks were launched in an instant. The shadow of claws filled the sky, covering Zhang Sanfeng's lower body.

The three monks shot at the same time, each taking one end, and they cooperated perfectly. The experts in the field were all secretly impressed——

The three great Shaolin monks have been famous for twenty years. What a blessing!

But I heard Zhang Sanfeng let out a clear whistle, stretched his arms to the left and right, and turned from right to left. Black and white energy loomed in the air. The circles grew from large to small. As his palms moved to his chest, they formed a Yin-Yang Tai Chi pattern, rotating. endlessly.

The three monks only felt an irresistible gravitational force, pulling on the Qi machine. The three attacks from the top, middle and bottom were all led to the middle, and disappeared silently into the Tai Chi whirlpool.

The three monks were shocked, and when they tried to exert their strength again, they saw Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "So that's it... cause and effect, cause and effect, can be reversed?"

The hands held in front of the chest suddenly turned half a circle from left to right, and the condensed Tai Chi yin and yang air mass became larger in an instant. The three monks felt their eyes dazzled, and there was a buzzing in their heads. After regaining consciousness, the three of them stood in place, still performing the starting moves of the Maha Finger, Demon Subduing Palm, and Dragon Claw Hands.

As for what happened just now, if Zhang Sanfeng hadn't stood in mid-air and slowly turned his hand back to his side, the three of them would have almost thought it was an illusion.

The three monks' eyes were dull, and Kong Wen murmured: "Is this, is this still martial arts?"

After hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng blinked, looked up at the sky, shook his head and said: "The Tao is Tao, it is very Tao, it is famous, it is very famous. Martial arts, what is martial arts?"

He waved his sleeves and walked down from the air step by step, as if there were invisible steps under his feet.

His eyes swept across the field, and he suddenly smiled: "The fight is over, we have seen enough, Yuanqiao, let the kitchen cook noodles, treat everyone to a bowl, and go home... Oh, don't let people say we are stingy, we have too much noodles Put some lard.”

The whole place was silent. Shi Feilong chuckled and laughed out loud. He turned to the two elders and said, "Master Zhang has become a god, but he still holds a grudge. How can a monk eat lard in his noodles?"

(End of this chapter)

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