When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 241: Poor recruitment, but generous treatment

Chapter 241: Poor recruitment, but generous treatment

Zhang Sanfeng has been famous in the world for more than seventy years, and everyone who has ever fought with him or seen him fight with him is already dead.

Even his seven disciples only knew that their master's martial arts was unfathomable, and if they asked how deep it was, they would be at a loss.

Otherwise, why would the disciples rush forward when the three divine monks challenged him?
It was because he was afraid that the master would take action and something unexpected happened.

This is true for the Wudang Seven Heroes, let alone the rest?
Therefore, many masters in the martial arts world, who have reached the peak of their martial arts skills, will inevitably have thoughts——

Compared with Wudang's Zhang Zhenren in terms of my ability, I'm afraid it's only a hair's breadth away at most, right? Well, his skills may be deeper, but if it were a life-and-death contest and I took advantage of my youth, it would be hard to say who would win...

Shaolin Sankong, Emei Miejie, Shi Feilong and many other people all have similar ideas.

Until today.

I thought I was going to watch a good show of Zhang Zhenren fighting against three divine monks, but now that I see it, how do I really say the word "battle"?

The top martial arts skills of the three divine monks are just enough to serve as three targets.

Are you still ordering everyone in the world to disobey? Let me ask you, can you fly into the sky with a dragon-slaying knife?

This is exactly what it is: the sky is full of dark clouds, and a hall is full of laughter and chatter.

Fortunately, a group of wealthy people came to celebrate their birthdays. Many of them bought some birthday noodles in the town at the foot of the mountain. They also prepared their own meals, and Wudang Mountain provided some money for firewood.

As for Xie Qian, who is Xie Qian?
Dragon-slaying knife, what dragon-slaying knife?

The three generations of Wudang disciples mobilized, led by Song Shuming, and pulled out the vegetables they grew in front of and behind the house, cut them when they could, cut them, cooked them, and spread them on the noodles. At least they looked less monotonous.

So Zhang Sanfeng said that he would treat everyone to a bowl of noodles and go home. Hundreds of heroes all showed kind, kind and contented smiles: "Ah, thank you Master Zhang, thank you, thank you!"

The Seven Heroes of Wudang personally helped deliver bowls and noodles, and apologized repeatedly: "I didn't treat you well, I didn't greet you well."

We can only watch the dishes being served. Those famous heroes and gang leaders have noodles with a fragrant aroma and a layer of oil. The disciples and gang members will eat vegetarian noodles, which can cleanse the intestines and relieve greasiness.

The Wudang sect’s Taoist Huo Gong masters were the busiest people at this time, cooking noodles.

As for the meat oil that Mr. Zhang is so obsessed with, where can there be enough for so many people?

It turns out that the thin line between us is the thin line between heaven and earth...

The three Shaolin monks have not left either. The three old monks, who are two hundred years old together, sit on their chairs with their knees touching their knees and their shoulders touching their shoulders. Their backs are hunched over and their eyes are dull.

I have never heard of anyone practicing martial arts until they can fly in the sky.

Everyone finally saw it clearly now.

All the heroes said sincerely: "I've seen you outside, I've been treated well."

Don't talk about husband and wife. Zhang Cuishan didn't know Ye Qingqing at that time. Debts before marriage belong to each person.

As for the murderous case at Longmen Escort Agency, didn’t they say something about it? That was the poisonous hand of the Divine Eagle Cult.

In fact, there are not even enough noodles in the kitchen.

Mo Shenggu brought the noodles, and the three of them took them and ate them. As they ate, their dull eyes moved——

Take it orally orally.

At this moment, the hall is full of distinguished people, all of whom have clear ideas.

I just thought that Wudang Mountain’s martial arts were great, but why were the noodles more fragrant than our Shaolin noodles?
After a lively meal, the Shen Fist Sect and other gangs left first, followed by Xia Dou, Tan Wudi, Hejian Shuangsha and others.

Huashan, Kongtong and Kunlun exchanged a few words and left each other.

Finally, there were the three Shaolin monks. Seeing that everyone was gone, they suddenly realized what they were doing. They stood up, bowed deeply, and led the nine disciples down Wudang Mountain like zombies.

Shi Feilong originally wanted to resign, but was left behind by Zhang Sanfeng. He smiled and said: "Everyone who is irrelevant has left, leaving only my family. If I don't have a good bowl of old-fashioned longevity wine, where will I go?"

Shi Feilong's face flushed with excitement, and the elders who taught the skills and enforced the law were also smiling brightly. The disciples of the Beggar Clan who came with them all straightened their backs, feeling proud that they and Wudang were members of their own family.

At that moment, Zhang Songxi, Zhang Cuishan, Yin Liheng, and Mo Shenggu took ten disciples and flew down the mountain to buy wine and meat. That night, everyone from the Wudang Clan, the Emei Clan, the Beggar Clan, and the Golden Whip Sect gathered together, cheered and drank, to wish Zhang Sanfeng his birthday.

When the wine was full, some people couldn't help but ask Zhang Sanfeng how he could soar on land. Zhang Sanfeng used the meaning of smoke to speak with his mouth and hands, and lectured on the supreme wisdom of martial arts. reward.

The next day, Shi Feilong bid farewell and was retained by Zhang Sanfeng. He said to him: "My disciple is getting married. Gang Leader Shi will have a glass of wedding wine before going."

Three days later, Wudang Mountain once again became famous. The sixth disciple Yin Liheng married Ji Xiaorong, and the eighth disciple Hu Daniu married Wang Nangu. It was true that good things came in pairs, and this time there were no unwelcome guests. Everyone was laughing and drinking, and their happiness was boundless.

On April 14, the Beggar Clan and the Golden Whip Sect went down the mountain together.

On April 18, Zhang Sanfeng spent several days passing Tai Chi to Ye Guhong and went into seclusion again.

Miejie was going to return to Emei, but Ye Guhong persuaded him to stay, so Tang Gong, Zhou Zhixing, a group of female disciples and the Eight Monsters of Jiangbei returned to their master first.

Before leaving, Ye Guhong talked with Zhu Chongba and others for half the night, telling them to do this and this.

In July, Zhang Sanfeng came out of seclusion and taught Ye Guhong, Hu Daniu and Zhang Qubing what he had learned about the Nine Yang Techniques. Then he went into seclusion again and formally understood the innate Tai Chi Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Techniques.

Zhang Sanfeng created Jiuyang Xuan Gong based on the martial arts inherited from Wudang and Emei. To show the difference from the original, it was renamed Jiuyang Xuan Gong.

Ye Guhong immediately started to practice the Nine Yang Xuan Gong. After careful experience, he found that it was much stronger than the original Emei Nine Yang Gong, and the principles were clear. The talent requirements for practitioners were also much lower. When Miejie learned about it, he was very happy. .

While practicing, Ye Guhong taught Hu Daniu and Zhang Qubing what he had learned. As a result, their health improved day by day.

Summer passes and cold comes, and the sun and moon fly like flies.

In the blink of an eye, a year later, Hu Daniu and Zhang Qubing had both achieved some success in practicing Nine Yang Xuan Gong. In addition, Hu Daniu continued to use needles to administer medicine, and all the cold poisons were pulled out of their bodies.

It was already July of the seventh year of Zhizheng (1347).

On July 15th, Zhang Cuishan missed his beloved wife so much that he informed his senior brother and took his son with him to go to the Shenying Sect to find Ye Qingqing.

Song Yuanqiao was afraid that someone would plot against him on the way, so he ordered Zhang Songxi and Mo Shenggu to accompany him.

After Zhang Qubing passed away, Ye Guhong also freed himself. The next day, he said goodbye to Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and others, and went down to Wudang Mountain with Master Miejie.

After coming down from the mountain, the master and the apprentice walked to the carriage and headed towards the Han River.

As Miejie walked away, he said with a smile: "You have to fulfill your responsibilities as a master. You have been delayed in Wudang Mountain for more than a year, and you don't care what kind of chaos our sect has become without its leader."

At this time, Ye Guhong was already eighteen years old, and his figure was getting taller and taller. He said with a smile: "Senior Sister Jingxuan is mature and prudent, Brother Tang is considerate, and Brother Zhou is in charge, so it's okay. Senior Sister Jin and Senior Sister Wei have sent letters several times. , didn’t you say that everything is fine?”

Miejie said: "Well, you have grown up, and I will let you do whatever you can do. After I have done this important thing for you as my master, my grudges are over, and I am too lazy to go down the mountain again, so I will study at home." Martial arts, teaching disciples.”

She was carrying a long baggage on her back, and inside it was the Heavenly Sword of the town sect. However, during the Chinese New Year, she specially wrote a letter asking Tang Gong and others to deliver it on a special trip, in order to do what she called a "big event."

The two of them walked more than ten miles and saw the Han River in sight. Suddenly, a young and handsome monk walked over from the pier.

The three of them approached, and the monk put his hands together in salute and said respectfully: "This master, this benefactor, this young monk is polite. This is my first time setting foot in this place. I would like to ask if you want to go to Wudang Mountain, should you take this road?"

Miejie took a look at the monk and saw that he was only in his early twenties, but his breathing was long and almost inaudible. He couldn't help but trembled in his heart, and thought to himself: This young monk is young, not a few years older than my Gu Hong, so what? Internal strength is so advanced? Nowadays, it is generally recognized in the world that my Gu Hong is the number one among the younger generation, but in terms of internal strength alone, he may not be much higher than this little monk.

Feeling a little unhappy in his heart, he said with a straight face: "Where are you a monk? Why do you want to go to Wudang?"

Miejie's words were not polite, but the monk did not look displeased and replied calmly: "The young monk is a Shaolin disciple, with the Buddhist name Hongye. The reason why I want to go to Wudang Mountain is because I am a little confused about martial arts, and I can't figure it out even after thinking about it. , so I am anxious and uneasy. Recently I heard that Master Zhang of Wudang has joined the Immortal Class with martial arts, so I wanted to come and seek advice from him."

Miejie frowned and said, "There is no one with a red letter in Shaolin Temple. Who are you looking after? How dare you play tricks in front of a poor nun?"

The monk clasped his hands together again: "Amitabha, how dare this young monk lie? He is a disciple of the Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and his class is different from that of the Songshan Shaolin Temple."

Miejie said curiously: "Southern Shaolin? Southern Shaolin has nothing to do with the world. There are very few disciples walking around in the world. You are an outlier. But you are a Shaolin disciple. Since you have doubts about martial arts, why not go to Songshan Mountain to ask for advice from your own family?" senior?"

The monk was silent for a moment, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Songshan Shaolin has been canonized by the Mongols, and we Fujian disciples are somewhat disapproving of this. Besides...it's not just a young monk talking big words. I, the Fujian Shaolin Academy, also have several masters with excellent martial arts skills. None of them can answer the little monk’s confusion, so I’m afraid it’s hard for Songshan Shaolin.”

As soon as he said this, Miejie couldn't help but become curious.

(End of this chapter)

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