When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 245: Easy to come, hard to go

Chapter 245: Easy to come, hard to go

Hongye was stunned, looking at Miejie's magnanimous expression, he mumbled for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "That jade seal, the young monk must choose a wise master according to Taifu Zhang's order to give it to him..."

Miejie pointed at his disciple and said in a matter-of-fact manner: "Obviously, our Emei sect Ye Guhong is the Ming Master!"

Hongye and Ye Guhong looked at each other.

At that time, the sky was clear and the clouds were clear, and a crow came out of its nest to look for food, squawking and flying past.

A picture from a long time ago suddenly appeared in Ye Guhong's mind——

A boy with single eyelids, half of his butt exposed, performed a set of incomprehensible punches in front of the public, and said confidently: Obviously, I am this kind of person (a unique martial arts wizard).

He couldn't help but laugh, put his hands on his hips, raised his head and said, "What? Don't you believe my master?"

Hong Ye stared at him blankly, then looked at Miejie.

Miejie has the air of a master and cannot afford to lie. Moreover, the interpretation of Sunflower's secret book just now was so profound that Hongye was extremely convinced.

Licking his lips, he stammered: "Then...well, later...you guys come to our temple later and get the jade seal..."

Ye Guhong said with a smile: "To drive out the Tartars, tens of thousands of Han people all over the world must work together. It is not something that you and I can accomplish by just one or two people, and it is not just about martial arts. If we only talk about martial arts, the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty court Is there a shortage of experts? My little master is kind-hearted. If you really want to help me, I will use your abilities——"

After saying these words, Hongye couldn't help but feel excited, and any doubts and confusion in his heart disappeared. He couldn't help but feel complacent and thought: Judging from the conversation of donor Ye, it turned out that he looked like the master in the book. I, a poor monk, have extraordinary eyesight. , finally lived up to Taifu Zhang’s last order...

He put his hands behind his back, with a smile in his eyes, and talked eloquently: "If you wish to return to secular life, little master, then it will not be difficult to use your talents and conduct as a herdsman to make the people live and work in peace and contentment. If you just want to be a monk, then with the wisdom of Buddhism, it will be easy , it is also an extremely outstanding contribution to enlighten ignorant sentient beings and heal the world's people! In short, since you and I are born in this world, we must shoulder the great task of restoring the Han family's rivers and mountains, so that we can live up to this seven-foot body."

So looking at the two masters and apprentices who were taking it for granted in front of me, I actually thought to myself: This Young Master Ye comes from a well-known and upright family. He is famous all over the world before he is even crowned weak. He is also very kind to others. When he knocked me down just now, he went out of his way to help me. If he has a clear master, It seems that it is not an exaggeration...

Hongye's brain circuits were spinning for a moment.

He grew up in Shaolin in southern China and rarely interacted with outsiders. Although he was intelligent by nature, he had not yet learned to say no directly to others.

Ye Guhong is tall and handsome, with a warm smile and amiability. He has a power that makes people want to believe him. As for his martial arts, there is no need to say more.

Having said this, he suddenly felt a little ashamed and said with a blush, "It's a pity that the young monk can't practice the secrets of the senior eunuch. I'm afraid he won't be able to help Bao Ye, the benefactor, achieve great things..."

His face was full of piety on the spot, and he solemnly clasped his hands together: "Amitabha! With the words of donor Ye, the young monk suddenly began to look forward to the future in his heart. The young monk will return to the temple to study literature and martial arts. He only hopes that the donor will arrive soon."

Miejie couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that this outstanding little monk was so sincerely convinced by his disciple. When he looked at him again, he felt that his bald head was so bald that he was so pleased with his eyes. He smiled kindly and said, "You have already arrived at the foot of Wudang Mountain. Why don't you go back like this?" Returning from Baoshan in vain? You follow this road and go to Zixiao Palace and tell Master Miejie that he recommended you to seek advice from Zhenren Zhang. If you ask him, he will definitely give you a visit. His merits have been innate and he must have something special about this technique. Chuangjian, even if you can't practice, you will definitely gain a lot."

Hongye was overjoyed after hearing this, clasped his hands to thank Miejie, said goodbye to Ye Guhong, and still walked to Wudang. Miejie was also in a good mood, and led Ye Guhong on the road to the Hanshui Pier. They waited for a boat going downstream. The master and the apprentice paid the boat fare and took the boat down the river.

After a few days, the ship arrived in Hanyang. The master and apprentice got off the ship and went directly to the Golden Whip Gate to find Ji Dabao. .
When Ji Dabao saw the arrival of the head of Emei and Ye Guhong, he was overjoyed and set up a banquet to entertain them.

A few people exchanged pleasantries during the banquet, and then Miejie turned to the topic and asked directly: "Master Ji, your Golden Whip Sect has eaten at the pier. In recent years, you have been involved in the business of the Divine Eagle Sect to Fusang Country. On the water, You should be an expert, the poor nun and the lonely man are not here for anyone else, but they want to go to the far north ice sea, and I specially ask for your help."

When Ji Dabao heard this, his eyes moved and he said in surprise: "Master Master, are you really going to find Xie Qian?"

Miejie said expressionlessly: "I didn't mean to hide it from you. The dog thief named Xie killed my brother for no reason. If I don't take revenge, the poor nun will not be able to see the ancestors of the Fang family after his death."

Ji Dabao thought for a moment and said in a low voice: "Master Madam, in fact, Zhang Wuxia and his family returned last year. Although they swore not to tell Xie Qian's whereabouts, it is not difficult for those who are interested to determine the approximate location of Xie Qian's hiding place."

He splashed the wine in the glass, made a few strokes with his fingers, and pointed: "Master, look, when they went out to sea from Wangpan Island, they went all the way east. To the east was an endless and endless ocean, but However, they returned from the north. Those who know a little about maritime affairs can easily calculate that after entering the ocean, they must have hit the ocean current from south to north. They passed through the ocean to the east of Fusang Kingdom and entered the extremely cold north. land."

Then he drew a few more strokes: "It is said that they came back this time on a raft, which follows the ocean current from north to south in spring. How many pieces can that raft have? I think they came together from the north wind , and then returned from the south, then the starting point is only about three to five thousand miles northeast of Fusang Kingdom. If it were any further away, it would be extremely difficult to return at that time."

After he finished speaking, he lightly drew a trace in the northeastern part of Fuso.

Ye Guhong stared at it for a moment, then his heart moved, and he said to himself: I only thought that the Ice and Fire Island was in the North Pole. Now it seems that it is just in the Bering Sea area. There is a long chain of small islands like a necklace. I have seen it in the documentary, called What's coming?

Now that he has excellent internal skills and good memory, he suddenly thought of an island chain called the Aleutian Islands.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that if Zhang Cuishan and the others had tried their best to drift eastward, wouldn't they have wanted to be the first to discover the American continent before Columbus?

Then, the battle between the silver hook and the iron paddle against the Eskimos, and the clear mosquito-bearded needle against the flying axe, is quite interesting.

Thoughts were rising in his mind, and Ji Dabao's voice came to his ears again: "It's easy to talk about war on paper, but if you actually go to sea, you may not be able to see land on this road for several months, not to mention the ocean currents and wind directions. If there is even the slightest error, , it will be difficult to return to the Central Plains in a lifetime. Just talking about the giant whales, dragons, hurricanes, huge waves, and even sea monsters in the deep sea, none of them can be resisted by human beings!"

Having said this, Ji Dabao stood up and persuaded with sincerity: "Master, there are hundreds of people who have enemies with Xie Qian, and there are even thousands of people who want the dragon-slaying knife. But more than a year has passed, why? No one dares to look for it? It’s because it’s too dangerous to go to different lands on the sea.”

After he finished speaking, Master Miejie lowered his head and looked at the graphics he drew without saying a word.

It wasn't until the drink for drawing the picture gradually dried up that Miejie raised his head, with a calm expression, and said softly: "I see. Gu Hong, you will return to Emei tomorrow. If you don't come back for three years as a teacher..."

She slowly wiped off the iron ring on her index finger and said calmly: "Then you become the leader of our sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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