When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 246 It is better to steal than to borrow.

Chapter 246 It is better to steal than to borrow.

Facing the ring handed over by Miejie, Ye Guhong took it calmly.

The ring is very thin, but it is surprisingly heavy. It is obviously not an ordinary metal.

Black iron!
Ye Guhong thought to himself, and looked at the inner circle of the ring. There were several small plum blossom seals with elegant strokes engraved on it, "Liu Yi Xiangnu".

Ye Guhong suddenly realized that this ring must be the memory left by Guo Daxia and Huang Nuxia to Grandmaster Emei. These words were probably Huang Nuxia's own handwriting.

He shook his head, directly took the master's slender palm, and gently took the ring back.

"Gu Hong!"

For the disciple who "resisted and disobeyed orders", Miejie was a little surprised. His face was slightly red and his tone was extremely serious.

Ye Guhong looked at his master and said with a relaxed smile: "Master, why is this so important? Since the sea is dangerous and unpredictable, we, master and disciple, can just go by land."

"Land route?" Miejie probably never expected that Ye Guhong would come up with this idea. He opened his mouth slightly, showing a rare look of coquettishness.

"Uncle Ji, please lend me the Four Treasures of the Study."

The man nodded and pointed to the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: "Then this is the East China Sea."

After saying that, he stood up and went out. Ye Guhong smiled and focused on improving the map.

To the north of the Bering Sea, the closest point between the two continents forms the Bering Strait, from which is the Arctic Ocean.

To the south of the Bering Sea, the boundary with the Pacific Ocean is a long arc-shaped ridge. To the west is the Kansega Peninsula of the Eurasian continent, and to the east is the Alaska Peninsula of the North American continent.

This man had big ears and long eyes, a long beard and a handsome appearance. His expression was majestic but gentle. When he saw Master Miejie, he smiled and cupped his hands. Without saying much, he looked over to see the map drawn by Ye Guhong.

This is when Ji Dabao came back in a hurry, accompanied by a middle-aged man who was nearly forty and looked like a scholar.

Volcanoes, ice fields, the North Pacific... Ye Guhong nodded secretly, thinking that he was probably right.

Ye Guhong made a request, and Ji Dabao immediately asked someone to get pen, ink, paper and inkstone. He stood up and polished the ink himself, and said in surprise: "Gu Hong, how did you know that the land route is accessible?"

After looking at it for a moment, the man said "Huh" and pointed his finger: "Is this Dengzhou?"

He painted from the mouth of the Yangtze River upwards, the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, all the way to the Kamsaika Peninsula, the Bering Sea, and the Aleutian Islands. He painted a whole piece of paper.

As he spoke, he held a pen and drew a zigzag coastline.

Unexpectedly, Ye Guhong's strokes seemed to be as confident as he knew them. He couldn't help but look at them more seriously.

In 1728, the sixth year of Yongzheng reign in the Qing Dynasty, Danish captain Bering came to explore whether the European and American continents were connected on the order of Peter the Great of Russia, hence the name "Bering Sea".

Ji Dabao shook his head and said: "As for your family's affairs, I heard your senior sister Ji mention it. Although 'Feng Jianchou' Ye Daxia is a tough guy and also does water business, he often comes and goes from Ganjiang River to Ganjiang River." After all, the sea is different... Just wait, I'll call a great expert who is truly proficient in astronomy and geography to take a look at the route you mentioned."

Ye Guhong glanced at him and saw that he had an extraordinary appearance. He did not dare to underestimate him and nodded: "Not bad."

Ye Guhong tilted his head and tried to recall the documentaries he had watched——

Miejie still didn't believe it at first, but he just thought that the disciple was worried about her safety and made up lies to coax her.

Ye Guhong made up a reason: "When I was a child, I watched my father and his brothers explain the geography of the world, and I had some vague impressions..."

The part of the sea ridge that emerges from the sea, like a string of scattered pearls, is the Aleutian Island chain, most of which are volcanic islands.

This somewhat triangular ocean separates the Eurasian continent from the North American continent.

Then he pointed to two places: "This is Korea, this big island is Fusang Kingdom, and in between is the Sea of ​​Whales."

Ye Guhong smiled and said, "Sir, your discernment is perfect."

The man shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

He pointed to the location of Vladivostok in later times and said to himself: "This is the Yongming City."

Then he pointed to the location of Sakhalin Island in later generations and said: "This is a huge bone!"

Referring to the later generation Nikolayevsky, he said: "This is where the Marshal's Mansion is located."

Referring to the Okhotsk Seaway: "This is the North Sea!"

Ji Dabao said: "This is where Liaoyang Province is, right?"

The man nodded, stretched out his hand and dipped his hand in ink, and drew a shallow line on the west side of the North Sea: "In addition to the Xing'an Mountains, the Jurchens are called Dongjin Mountain, and the Mongolians are called Jin'alin. Going further north, they are Qi Dumei, Yaksha, Liu Ghost countries.

Then he pointed to the Kamzeka Peninsula and said slowly: "This is the far north, a territory rarely reached in the past. If you ask others, a hundred people will not know anything about it, but I know a little bit about it -"

He twirled his beard and thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "This should be the location of the Liugui Kingdom. In the 14th year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, his prince 'Keye Yuzhi' came to Chang'an to pay tribute, and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty granted him the title of Cavalry Commander. "Book of Tang" "Clearly recorded, 'The Liugui Kingdom is blocked by the sea on three sides and connected to the land on one side, reaching the Yaksha Kingdom in the north'. 'To come to Chang'an, it is a journey of 17,000 miles.'"

Ye Guhong was very impressed, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, I admire you for being knowledgeable."

The man suddenly laughed and said: "I didn't know the whereabouts of his country. I saw the map you drew. Below the Liaoyang Province, it is the same as what I know. Above the Xing'an Mountains, the places such as Yaksha and Liugui are also consistent with the classics. Only by recording it can we compare and identify it. Little brother, I am afraid that few people in the world can draw your picture. I would like to ask for your name." Ye Guhong said: "This master is my master, the head of Emei's tribulation master. Tai, this junior is Ye Guhong, a disciple of Emei."

The man was surprised and said: "The martial arts sect can actually teach such a knowledgeable disciple. The master is so amazing!"

Listening to this man's words, Miejie knew that he was a great talent. He was praised by him and felt very happy. He smiled and said: "The poor nun only taught him martial arts and human behavior. This ability to recognize geography is his family tradition. This This gentleman is truly knowledgeable and talented. I wonder who his surname is?"

The man laughed and said, "Master, that's ridiculous. My surname is Liu, my given name is Ji, my given name is Bowen. I'm from Nantian Township, Qingtian County. I won the Jinshi title in the first year of Yuan Tong and served as an official in the court for ten years. Because of the law, After dealing with a few evil-doing Mongolians who oppressed good people, they were framed and censured by their superiors. I really couldn't stand the feeling of cowardice, so I simply resigned and returned to my hometown to study. It happened that Master Ji went to the coastal area and paid a lot of money to hire someone who could understand astronomy and geography to preside over it. Liu was having a hard time in sea trade, so he thought of working for Master Ji for a few years to earn some money to support his wife."

Liu Ji Liu Bowen? Ye Guhong was stunned, thinking that this guy had also been an official in the Yuan Dynasty?

However, Miejie had a straight temper. He frowned and scolded: "You are a Han, a good man, and have extraordinary knowledge. How can you become a lackey of the Tatars?"

Liu Ji was calm and said with a smile: "Master, Liu was born in the fourth year of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the world was already dead. Although I was not angry about the Tartars and the stinking of the people and the soil of the ancestors, I had no fists or courage. What can I do? The current situation is like this. If someone works hard to cultivate the fields and loses his lightness, what good will it do to the people of the world? Therefore, I thought, it would be better to become an official in the court, borrow the power of the Yuan Dynasty, and devote all my heart to the righteousness. If you hold the power of a county, you can clean up the atmosphere of the county; if you hold the power of a state, you can protect the people's livelihood in the state. Isn't that more responsible than taking care of yourself?"

Miejie said disdainfully: "According to what you say, you will not be a long-term official. Those dog officials are colluding. If an upright official comes out, won't it show their filth even more? Of course they won't tolerate you."

Liu Ji gave a wry smile, nodded and said: "Master Tai expected it all! That's why Liu now realizes that borrowing the power of a foreign race cannot fulfill his own moral principles. The Han family's ideas should probably be done by us Han people ourselves. "

After hearing this, Miejie turned his anger into joy: "If you can change your mind, there is hope! You have been an official, which is also a good thing. If you really want to make decisions for the people, you can go to Mount Emei and wait for me. I will finish my work for the poor nun." When you come back, I will let you be the parent official of Emei County first."

Liu Ji was stunned for a moment and then asked tentatively: "Master Tai, don't you know any important officials in the southwest? The county magistrate is Bailihou. If he is not a real powerful official, who can arrange it easily?"

Miejie laughed and said: "In this poor nun's life, he has not known any high officials, he only knows the sword in his hand! One of the county magistrates sent by Yuan Ting will come, and the poor nun will kill one of them, so that you can sit safely!"

Liu Ji was shocked: "Isn't this a rebellion?"

Miejie looked stern and smiled calmly: "Aren't you talking nonsense? You have already said that the power borrowed from others cannot be carried out in the way of the Han family. As for the power of the Han family, if you don't cause the rebellion of the Tatars, how can it be done? Can you take it away?"

Liu Ji was slightly shocked, thinking that this nun is so overbearing, if she were a man, it would be a big deal!
Then Ye Guhong laughed and said: "Mr. Liu, if you talk about my master, this junior has half a piece of "Man Jiang Hong", please listen to it."

He coughed lightly and read aloud: "The body is not as good as that of a man. But the heart is stronger than that of a man! I have a liver and gallbladder all my life, because people are always hot. Who knows me with a common mind? The road of a hero is full of hardships. In this world of mortals, where can I find a close friend?" ?The green shirt is wet!”

This is a work written by the heroine Jianhu in later generations. The original sentence is "the end of a hero", but Ye Guhong changed his mind to a different "path".

His voice was like the sound of a sword. After reciting each sentence, Miejie felt a bang and his blood boiled. He grabbed Ye Guhongde's hand and said in a trembling voice: "Good disciple! True knowledge is from the heart of the teacher!"

Liu Jiyi was heartbroken when he heard this, and he clasped his fists and bowed his head: "Although the master wife is not a man, among all the men in the world, how many people can be compared to the master wife? Liu immediately resigned from his boss, returned to his hometown, picked up his wife and children, and went to Mount Emei !”

Ji Dabao was excited and melancholy at the same time. He shook his head and said, "That's it. Emei County has a magistrate who makes decisions for the people, and the Golden Whip Sect has lost a shopkeeper who can attract wealth."

Liu Ji laughed and said: "Don't be disappointed, proprietor. There are many old friends who are familiar with sea trade in my hometown. I will definitely recommend someone who is ten times better than me. I will not miss the proprietor's important event."

Ji Dabao was overjoyed after hearing this. He also saw that Miejie and Ye Guhong valued this Liu Ji very much, so he deliberately accepted him and ordered a new banquet for everyone to eat and talk.

During the dinner, Liu Ji naturally asked Ye Guhong why he drew the map of the far north. Ye Guhong took a look at Miejie and saw that she had no intention of stopping her, so he told her about going north to seek revenge on Binghuo Island.

Liu Ji listened with rapt attention and kept asking questions. Fortunately, Ye Guhong had a very good memory. Secondly, during his more than a year in Wudang, he heard Zhang Cuishan mention the details of traveling to and from Binghuo Island and how to make a living on the island many times. , but the response was fluent.

The two of them talked to each other for more than an hour. Liu Ji took the map drawn by Ye Guhong again, looked at it carefully, and said: "Brother Ye means to go north along the sea and bypass the Beihai. Arrive at this country of wandering ghosts, then go out to sea to the east, and follow this string of small islands, searching for them one by one?"

Ye Guhong said: "This is exactly what I mean. Although we have to enter the sea, it is not as good as traveling along the island chain across the ocean. I think it will be much safer."

Liu Ji nodded, shook his head, pointed to the Kamzeka Peninsula and said: "Brother Ye, when you arrive at this island, don't rush eastward into the sea. Just go to the southernmost point of the island. I see that Xie Qian is probably there. This island.”

Ye Guhong was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Brother Liu, does he have any insights?"

Liu Ji twirled his beard and said: "You just said that Zhang and Ye, together with Xie Qian, have lived on the island for ten years, but we still don't know how big the island is. I think they are all martial arts masters and their footprints are light. , the size has not been determined for ten years, which shows that this island is extremely vast and is by no means an ordinary small island."

Ye Guhong and Miejie said in unison: "Yes, it makes sense."

Liu Ji added: "You also said that Wuxia Zhang once said that he and his wife once traveled north together and saw the island extending northward without knowing the end. After walking for dozens of miles, they saw a dense jungle, towering old trees, and a dark and gloomy place. The sky blocked the sun and blocked all the way forward. Zhang Wuxia wanted to go inside to explore, but Ye Qingqing became timid, fearing that something strange would happen, so he gave up."

Ye Guhong's eyes lit up, he clapped his legs and shouted: "Ah! I understand. This means that although they have lived on the island for ten years, they have never been to the north? So even if they are on a peninsula, he Undetectable.”

Liu Ji nodded and said: "Yes! So the first place where they live is extremely vast, and secondly, where the north leads to, I don't know for ten years. I look at the picture you drew, the string of small islands, I am afraid of all kinds of difficulties With such a scale, Liu is 50% certain that Xie Qian lives at the southern end of the Liugui Peninsula! You only need to go to the southern edge of the island and look for the volcano to find your enemy."

Miejie said in shock: "Oh, if Zhang Wuxia and his mother-in-law had gone to explore the woods back then, maybe they wouldn't have to wait until they met Xie Qian and could have walked straight back to the Central Plains along the sea? This... this is really a trick of fate. .”

As he spoke, he shook his head repeatedly, thinking that there was a difference between good and evil between Zhang Cuishan and his mother-in-law. If he had known that he would return home, and the four words of secular etiquette were in his heart, then whether he would still get married or not would still be in doubt.

Then he thought, now that there is a land route to Binghuo Island, he doesn't have to go through the rough waves of the ocean on this revenge trip. The danger has been reduced by 99%. At least he won't be lost in the vast sea as he thought before. China can never return to the Central Plains...

Thinking of this, he glanced at his apprentice's young and handsome face and sighed slightly.

At this moment, she didn't even know she was sighing.

Not to mention why I sighed this...

When he woke up the next day, Liu Ji received one or two hundred taels of gold and silver as a gift from Ji Dabao, and took a letter from Master Miejie. He left first and went back to his hometown to pick up his wife and children to go to Emei.

After seeing off Liu Ji, Miejie and Ye Guhong also left Hanyang by boat, intending to follow the Yangtze River to Yangzhou and then head north by land.

(End of this chapter)

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