When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 262: Plain oil and ice wine, short sword and giant beast

Chapter 262: Plain oil and ice wine, short sword and giant beast
Mr. Sun was quite powerful. When he saw that the five members of the Zhengqi Alliance agreed to stay with him, he licked his lips and whistled, and dozens of strong men came out of the forest, all wearing tiger and leopard skins. Big bow, steel fork.

Mr. Sun ordered them to bury all the dead police officers and lamas, and then ordered Yan Beian to be carried away and placed in a sunny place. The two of them were left to watch from a distance to prevent him from being eaten by wild beasts. When he woke up, he was left to his own devices. Go by yourself.

Then he led everyone back to his villa.

Miejie didn't want to waste any more time, but his master's and apprentice's horses ran away and lost their strength. Mr. Sun said: "The gods and nuns have to travel a long distance without something to replace them, so I will simply give these horses to me, and I will replace them with others." Several capable and good-running horses are provided for the nuns to drive."

Therefore, Master Miejie and his disciples followed the others and meandered for more than thirty miles in the mountains, uphill and downhill. Suddenly, a clear view suddenly opened up in front of them. It was an open flat land of dozens of miles between the mountains, and a small road. A stream flows through the middle, with hundreds of houses built up and down. Beyond are cultivated fields with various vegetables grown and wild flowers blooming on the ridges, making it feel like a paradise.

Yu Fathu praised: "The good thing is that if someone doesn't lead the way, even if ten thousand troops and horses search the mountain, it will be difficult to find it."

Seeing Mr. Sun coming back, hundreds of people in the village, old and young, all came out to welcome him. Seeing how sincerely these people smiled, Miejie secretly said to Ye Guhong: "This old man is very popular. If he is not a good person, why would he be like this? Why? The master shouldn't hit him."

Ye Guhong advised: "People in the world don't get to know each other without fighting. Besides, didn't Master keep his hand? He never really hurt him."

Miejie shook his head and said: "It doesn't look good for such an old man to be beaten up and down in public..."

Mr. Sun led everyone into the big house in the middle and sat down. First, he poured some tea soup made of eucalyptus leaves and everyone else took a bowl and cleaned their intestines. Not long after, there were laughing peasant women, carrying the big basin like water. Big bowl of dishes.

As for the men, they all drank strong wine. They all ate and drank like a storm to soothe their hunger, and then they slowed down and started chatting.

When Mr. Sun saw it, he slapped himself on the back of the head and went out to give some instructions. Not long after, several women came up with a few dishes and said with a smile: "Master, please don't give up. The servants just cooked the pots carefully." After removing the oil, I brushed and brushed, washed and washed, and used the sesame oil to fry the tofu and stir-fry the fungus. I also cooked a clear soup of dried bamboo shoots and pine nuts, and boiled some white-faced sorghum, all of which were extremely clean. Tea and rice.”

They all held up chopsticks and started chewing, while Miejie sat aside with a smile, motionless.

There are also a few things that Ye Guhong knows personally, such as steamed suckling pig, tender lamb, chicken, and boiled snow-white fish soup.

Another young daughter-in-law came forward with a porcelain bottle, opened the wax seal in front of her, poured a glass of wine for Miejie, and said with a smile: "Master, let's try the ice wine brewed by us mountain people. This time last summer, Instead of picking the grapes, they put a net over them to prevent birds from pecking at them. When it snowed heavily in winter and became as frozen as ice beads, they picked them at the coldest time of night and squeezed the juice to make wine. Relieve heat.

Miejie was so happy that he quickly stood up and took it. He drank several glasses of it and felt it was so beautiful that he couldn't help praising it.

When Ye Guhong took a look, he didn't recognize half of them, and was about to ask Mr. Sun for advice. Unexpectedly, Sha Yu was a well-informed fellow, and while drooling, he introduced him to him——

"That pot is tiger meat stewed in soybean paste, that piece is braised fragrant deer meat, that one that looks compact is freshly grilled python meat, that pot is sauced fox meat, those are not mice, It's all rabbit meat, and that's some dried venison..."

Mr. Sun asked Miejie where he wanted to go to sea when he was looking for Xie Qian. Miejie shook his head and told Liu Ji the original plan: "If you don't make any mistakes, you can reach the so-called Ice and Fire Island from the road. Many risks."

Taoist Huangluo suddenly interjected: "If Master takes the land route, he has to pass through the Yaksha Kingdom and the Liugui Kingdom. When I was young, I went with my uncle once. It was a vast place with few people, and gold and silver were useless. , You need to bring more things that the Yaksha and the wandering ghosts can use, so that they can be used if you need to ask for help or exchange some items. "

Seeing the certainty of his words, Miejie quickly asked: "What is the useful thing he has there?" Huangluo Taoist said: "The first nature is food. However, there are only two masters and apprentices, so they only have their own rations. It’s too heavy, so why bring so many? Then the second thing is the utensils. People there don’t know metallurgy and often use bones as weapons. Shitai only needs to bring dozens of sharp knives, which are better than dozens of gold ingots.”

After hearing this, Mr. Sun immediately changed his voice and said: "Go and prepare fifty horns and a short knife with antlers as handles. Pick up the steel and fire ones and leave them for Master Tai's use."

Miejie was greatly grateful, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Sun, poor nun..."

Seeing that she seemed to be apologizing for her previous attack, Mr. Sun waved his hand quickly: "Shenni, it is normal for children in the world to not know each other until they fight. It is also our duty to help each other. There is no need to be polite or talk too much!"

Ye Guhong nodded secretly, thinking that this old man's kung fu was much inferior to that of Taoist Huangluo and even the Five Tigers of the Zhengqi Alliance, but he had such a great reputation because it turned out to be his own merit.

Immediately, Taoist Huangluo explained in detail the climate and geography of the north that needed attention as far as he knew. Both Miejie and Ye Guhong felt that they had made great progress. They looked at each other and felt more and more that this trip Not false.

The next day, the master and the apprentice got up, washed up and left the room. They heard the laughter and laughter outside. When they walked out, they were all stunned. They saw two strange beasts, being led by Mr. Sun, standing proudly in the crowd.

I saw that this beast was extremely tall, much more majestic than a war horse, with extremely long legs, especially tall shoulders, a big head, a long face, small eyes, a short neck, a fat nose, a bulging fleshy sac under the chin, and a very tall tail. Although it is short, its horns are huge and scary.

Mr. Sun didn't know what to say, so he was laughing to himself. When he saw Master Miejie and his disciple come out, he pointed at the two beasts and said, "Shenni, do you know what this beast is?"

Miejie raised his head and looked at it for a long time, and felt that it looked like a deer but not a deer. He was about to shake his head and admit that he didn't recognize it, when he heard his disciple laugh and say: "This is a beast, a beast Dahan!"

Mr. Sun nodded in surprise: "As expected of the Emei Jade Hero! He even knows everything about our northern country! Yes, this is Huan Dahan. The males of this beast have always been difficult to get close to, and they will fight fiercely when they meet. But these two Huan Dahan are They are twin brothers who have been together since childhood and have refused to be separated, which is really rare. It seems that when these two male beasts are together, even bears and tigers dare not approach them. "

Miejie was overjoyed when she heard this, and couldn't help but raise her hand to touch the beast's big nose. The beast was willing to get close to people. The end she touched made her little eyes close in comfort, and its ears brushed. He was spinning around in circles, and the other end even poked his head over, letting Miejie touch him too.

After all, Miejie was a woman. Seeing how lovely this beast was, she raised both hands high and touched one on each side. She used her golden-topped palms and felt very happy.

Mr. Sun continued: "This beast is naturally able to withstand extreme cold, and its fur is not stained by rain or snow. It is far better than horses, and it is also very good at swimming. If you want to cross rivers or seas, you only need to build a raft and let two of them hold it. , you can get over it in one go, but it’s only half the difficulty..."

Miejie quickly turned his head to look, but heard him say: "This beast likes to eat algae, and the route it takes must not be far away from the water source. Every one or two days, they have to be released into the water for a feast, so there is no need to worry about them running away. "

While talking, Bai Sensen took out a bell, which seemed to be made from bones. He handed it to Miejie and said, "When this bell is rang, it can hear it within ten miles and come back immediately."

Miejie said happily: "If we get this strange beast, this trip will definitely be successful! I really want to thank you, senior."

Mr. Sun said: "On a long journey, the more preparation you have, the safer you will be. There are also two sets of winter clothes here, which will be used soon."

(End of this chapter)

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