When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 263: Poverty in the snowy land, cold heart and warm heart

Chapter 263: Poverty in the snowy land, cold heart and warm heart

Master Miejie and his disciples left Wudang in mid-July, and it has been nearly two months since they moved here.

Because I heard that it was going to be cold early in the north, I didn't dare to be careless. I only stayed at the Sun Family Villa for a day or two, and then I said goodbye to everyone and set off.

The two masters and apprentices had been walking north for half a month when snow started to fall in the sky.

Miejie was originally worried that the snow on the road would inevitably delay his journey. Unexpectedly, the two beasts became more energetic due to the rare snowflakes. They kept making mooing noises, spreading their hooves, and walking faster than usual.

As soon as the heavy snow fell, the weather turned sharply. Master Miejie and his disciples had prepared cotton-padded clothes, but as the temperature continued to drop, they urinate as pillars and exhale to freeze into ice. Unless they stop using their internal energy to keep out the cold, the severe cold will not be thin. Cotton clothes can resist it.

In recent years, Ye Guhong's internal strength has gradually increased, and he has long felt that he is not afraid of the cold and heat. Therefore, although he saw that the clothes prepared for Miejie were a bit thin, he did not take it seriously. Now he realizes that the so-called "not afraid of the cold and heat, no vacation", after all. There is also a question of degree.

A few degrees below zero is considered normal, but it is two different things than a temperature of several dozen degrees below zero.

Fortunately, there were also "fish civet" furs and leather boots given by Mr. Sun on the back of the mount, and the two of them quickly took them out and put them on.

Huangluo Taoist once said that the fur of the fish civet can keep you warm and does not stick to the rain and snow, so it is a gift to keep out the cold in the north. Now he opened it and took a look. Although Miejie did not recognize it, Ye Guhong recognized that the so-called fish civet was originally That is the seal.

After some thought, he hid this big killer weapon and said with a smile: "Master, let me sing "Water Fairy"!"

However, Miejie's temperament was originally solitary and he could not see outsiders, but instead he became more interested. Sometimes while rushing on the road, he would tap the horns of his mount with the hilt of his sword and sing a Sichuan tune loudly.

I saw the vast heavy snow falling from above my head, erasing the boundaries between heaven and earth. The rolling mountains all around were covered with snow, like a silver palace and a jade palace, surrounded by countless jade trees and flowers, and all the waterfalls and springs were frozen. Thousands of white monsters seem to be rare treasures hidden in a fairyland. Among them, there is a graceful singing voice that echoes through the clouds. How can there be any human atmosphere in this scene?

Her voice was originally nice, but when she spoke, half of it was sternly lecturing people, half of it was shouting to kill, or she was just saying some heroic words. No matter how nice her voice was, it was hard for people to notice.

It is common for a master and a disciple to trek through the vast snowy landscape without encountering a single living person for two or three days.

"Is there snow?" Ye Guhong couldn't resist, he looked at the sky and checked independently, thinking about this situation, if I sing about thousands of miles of ice and snow falling, Genghis Khan shoots the giant eagle, it's not the right time, it's just that Firstly, I am not worthy of copying this old man’s handiwork. Secondly, if he did copy it, given my master’s temperament and perhaps his pride, he would temporarily let go of Xie Qian and the dragon-slaying knife, and take me directly to Dadu to slay the dragon. Then It’s really troublesome to go around and around...

It wasn't until this moment when I started to sing a song, it was all in the local dialect near Mount Emei, without any ferocity or murderous intent, it was pure and gentle, that made people think, oh, the voice of this powerful person like Guanyin in the Sea of ​​Blood actually turned out to be... It sounds so good.

The master and the apprentice were both extremely daring people. They killed people and then left. When the officers and soldiers of the brigade were dispatched, they had no idea where they had gone.

However, there were a few groups of warriors with bad intentions who took a fancy to the two mounts. They didn't know whether they wanted to kill them for meat or give them to their superiors for rewards. They wanted to rob them by force, but Miejie was not accustomed to people's tempers. As soon as the sword was drawn, blood flowed all over the field.

The two of them later passed through several prefectural and county cities. There were notices with pictures and figures on the city walls to capture the "Monster Master and Disciple", but the soldiers guarding the notices let them go without even looking at them.

Ye Guhong had heard many senior sisters in Emei sing these tunes before, but for the first time he knew that Miejie could also sing them. Not only could he sing them, but he could also sing them more and more comprehensively than the other senior sisters.

Ye Guhong smiled bitterly and said, "Master, how can I sing?"

Moving forward in this way, we gradually arrived at the Jurchen's homeland.

This fur doesn't have the nun's style. The two styles are generally rough. When Miejie puts it on and puts on the hat, his northern temperament emerges spontaneously, making it difficult to recognize him even if he meets across from him.

This place has been sparsely populated since ancient times, especially when the Jin Kingdom was booming. People who had a way to reach it tried to move to the south, so the population became increasingly sparse.

Miejie laughed loudly. In this endless silver world, his appearance was somewhat informal. He pointed at his disciple and said: "If you are so insincere, how will you deal with the master if you go to please your wife in the future? No, you sang like this for the master." I have many songs for you to listen to, and you can also sing one for me to appreciate."

Ye Guhong immediately applauded fiercely and praised: "Master, there is no one in this barren mountain. If anyone hears it, he must say that there is a female fairy who is good at singing in this mountain. Otherwise, how can a mortal sing such a good song?" Come?"

Even if you listen to it for a long time, you will find that it not only sounds good, but also has a lingering flavor.

At that time, the master and the apprentice had been away from Changbai Mountain for two months and were crossing the Waixing'an Mountains.

Sister Mei looked at him sideways and said, "You still know that I don't know? Tang Gong, Yin Liu, and Mo Qi, these people have taught you how to sing. Well, don't sing country tunes anymore, sing one with snow." ”

After singing several songs in a row, Miejie seemed to be a little satisfied. He turned to look at his disciple, with stars in his eyes: "Gu Hong, how was your Taoist master's singing?"

He coughed and sang loudly. What he sang was——

"The lonely boat moored by the Dongting at night,

The lights are shining brightly on the passenger ship.

The new wind blows the old plum blossoms,

Open the awning and the sky is full of snow.

Shihao and Fengxue compete for the lead.

Snow flakes and wind fight fiercely,

Poetry and snow are intertwined.

A bright smile! "

This tune was composed by Sun Zhouqing, a poet from Bianzhou. Tang Gong sang it several times and it was memorized by Ye Guhong.

His voice was loud and clear, and he sang this somewhat heroic melody, which was particularly beautiful and just right for Miejie's taste. He immediately cheered loudly and kept it in his heart.

The two masters and apprentices were chatting and laughing, and the strange beasts under their crotches kept walking. Unknowingly, they crossed the Waixing'an Mountains and truly walked outside the territory of the Yuan Dynasty.

It was already November. If we were in the south of the Yangtze River, the autumn scenery would be fine. But in this far north, it was as cold as iceberg hell.

Even with such outstanding internal skills, the master and the apprentice couldn't stand it at night, so they had no choice but to huddle close together for warmth.

The last time they were so close was probably in Hengshan Mountain. Ye Guhong's internal strength was not yet strong and he couldn't bear the cold night air, so Miejie held him tightly in his arms to keep warm. Later, he ate too much purple sesame, and his internal strength improved by leaps and bounds. Then let him sleep on his own. However, such an embarrassing situation only lasted one night. The next day, Miejie ignored everyone with a sullen face, stopped singing, and stopped laughing. Ye Guhong followed behind and walked on tiptoe. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and remembered what he had seen in his previous life. Oroqen people and Eskimos build houses.

So when he settled in for the night, Ye Guhong chopped off a few thick long branches and piled them into a cone shape. He also peeled off thick birch bark and surrounded them layer by layer. The master and the apprentice spent the night in it. As expected, the cold was greatly reduced.

After walking like this for hundreds of miles, even the big trees gradually disappeared. Ye Guhong cut the ice into bricks and built a semi-circular snow house. In terms of thermal insulation effect, it was better than a wooden house.

Previously, the wooden hut had a simple structure, almost like a tent, and Miejie was not surprised. But when he saw this round house made of snow, it was such a fantastic idea that Miejie couldn't help but praise it: "Taoist Huang Luo said The wandering ghosts are building houses out of snow, but my teacher has never figured out how to do it, but you have figured out the clue."

After traveling for a few days, the master and the apprentice met a local aboriginal village with about ten families. They did not know whether they were the so-called Qudumei people or Yaksha people. Their appearance was similar to that of the Han people, except that their eyes were narrow and their noses were bridged. Also born taller.

These people all have one igloo as a family, and each family has at least ten or twenty large dogs. When traveling, they use dog sleds to move like flying.

It was in the afternoon when Master Miejie and his disciples arrived. The village was probably returning from hunting. Sleds came back from all directions. When they saw Master Miejie and his disciples, they were all surprised and rushed to gather around to take a look.

Ye Guhong also looked at their sleds without blinking, and whispered to Miejie: ​​"Master, we are riding big horns and small horns with huge loads, and we are stuck in the snow step by step. How can we go fast? Why don't we buy a sleigh like them? Let Big Horn pull the sled!”

Big horn and small horn are the names of Dahan, the two-headed beast of destruction.

It was inevitable to destroy the calamity, so Ye Guhong went to negotiate with the people. The two sides couldn't understand each other and could only make gestures. Ye Guhong took more than ten knives and put them on the ground, pointing at the other party's sled.

When the men on the other side saw these knives, their eyes suddenly shone with excitement, and they yelled and scrambled to grab them in their hands to look at them, with expressions of extreme love on their faces.

Ye Guhong was secretly vigilant, looking at each of these men who were extremely majestic and full of wildness. He thought to them that my master and disciple are just a piece of cake. If he actually has evil intentions, I will inevitably kill him. But if these men die, and the remaining women still have so many children, can’t I kill them too? In other words, in such an icy and snowy environment, if the men in the family die, won't these women and children also die?

He glanced at Miejie. Miejie immediately noticed that his disciple was worried, and he also showed a look of embarrassment. He said in a low voice: "The savages in the north don't know how to be a king, and they don't know etiquette. They probably only know that the stronger one wins, but there is no need to fight with him." General knowledge. Living here is like hell for his tribe. He is really evil, so we just have to use our methods to overwhelm him. Don’t hurt anyone.”

Ye Guhong nodded, and then he saw a very tall and strong man from the other side walking out, taking away the knives from the hands of the tribesmen one by one, and came to Ye Guhong, looked down at him for a moment, and suddenly grinned, like a giant He squatted down like a bear, took the knife one bite at a time, put it back on the ground, pointed at the knife, and then pointed back at the sled.

Ye Guhong nodded, and the big man smiled again. With his fingers as thin as a radish, he touched four knives bit by bit. He picked it up in his arms, then stood up and shouted a few times. The two men showed their faces. Overjoyed, he ran back and untied the two sleds, dragged them to Ye Guhong, and then took out many strange tools and knocked them apart, then put the two sleds together into one huge sled.

The tall and powerful man stepped forward to check, nodded, took out four knives from his arms, and gave one to each of the two people. Only then did Ye Guhong understand that the two sleds that had been disassembled originally belonged to this place. Two people.

The big man saw that the sled he was using was not a dog but a sled, so he had someone reassemble a large one.

He couldn't help but step forward to take a closer look, and saw that this sled was different from what he had seen in later generations. It was made of whale bones, wrapped in sealskin, and the whole was in the shape of a spindle. Not only could it be used to slide on the ice, it could also be used as a sled. Boat use.

The tall and powerful man waited for Ye Guhong to take a look, and then took action himself, remodeling the sled pulling device, and tying the two eagles for him with his own hands. His movements were quite slow.

Ye Guhong's heart moved: That's all, this person saw that I was not from the snowy plains and didn't know these moves, so he deliberately taught me slowly.

After finishing the sled, the big man smiled again on his face. He glanced at the knife reluctantly, turned back and waved his hand, calling the tribesmen to leave.

Miejie whispered: "Amitabha, these people live in an extremely cold prison, and their temperaments are as fierce as ghosts. Unexpectedly, they are so pure and kind."

Ye Guhong couldn't help but be moved and said: "Brother, wait a minute!"

The big man turned back in shock. Ye Guhong pointed to the knife on the ground and made another eating gesture.

The big man exclaimed "Hehe" with a face full of ecstasy. He turned around and roared a few times. The other men cheered in unison and ran home. They brought out a lot of frozen fish and dried meat. In an instant, it was like a mountain. They looked at Ye Gu expectantly. Hong.

Ye Guhong took a closer look, was slightly surprised, and had a bad premonition. He took out a frozen vegetable ball and a piece of bread from his package, and started comparing them with the big man.

The two of them made a show of each other, and Ye Guhong became more and more sad. He looked at Miejie and said, "Master, we made a mistake. The people living here seem to only eat meat. At least in winter, they have nothing else." food."

It turned out that the dry food brought by the master and the apprentice was not much by this time.

Originally, both Liu Ji and Taoist Huangluo had pointed out that if you go outside the Xing'an Mountains and travel along the coast, you will inevitably encounter people who drive sleep, yaksha, and ghosts from time to time, and you can exchange food with them. We specially prepared many finely crafted short knives.

However, at this moment, Ye Guhong suddenly discovered that all the other people could bring out were fish, seal meat, or other meat, rice, noodles, vegetables, etc., nothing at all.

Master Miejie has never eaten a bite of meat since she became a nun. Once she eats all the food she brought, she will be faced with the situation of having nothing to eat.

However, although she did not read the scriptures well, she was very strict in observing the precepts. If she were to start eating meat, it would be impossible.

Miejie frowned slightly, and then said: "Don't let these people down. Now that you have taken out these knives, you can just trade them for some meat. If we go down, not everyone will only have meat, right?" "

Ye Guhong was panicking, so he hastily picked a seal and a few big fish, threw them on the newly built sled, picked up the knife, and stuffed them into the strong man's hand.

All the men were inexplicably surprised, and the strong man made signs again and again to confirm. When he was sure that Ye Guhong had really used six knives in exchange for these foods, he suddenly laughed and stepped forward to hug Ye Guhong hard.

From his own neck, he carefully took off a necklace composed of ten huge claws and various shells, and put it on Ye Guhong's neck with gratitude on his face.

There was a strong body odor on the necklace, but Ye Guhong's expression remained unchanged. He lowered his head and looked down, recognizing that it was the paw of a brown bear. Judging from the size of the claw, it was probably not a big bear of a thousand and several hundred kilograms. It's hard to have such giant claws.

Ye Guhong knew in his heart that his bold behavior was probably regarded by the other party as a good friend worthy of friendship.

In this snow country thousands of miles away, Ye Guhong suddenly made a group of new friends. He was also quite happy. He patted the necklace gently and nodded vigorously, saying that he would treasure it with all his heart.

The two masters and apprentices spent the night at this gathering place. These bold men brought out a lot of meat, and Ye Guhong brought out a jar of strong wine. When the men tasted it, they were almost crazy with joy.

At present, men and women gathered in the largest snow house. Everyone sang and danced around the bonfire until midnight before they fell asleep. Although they didn't understand each other's language, they shared a strong friendship.

That night, Miejie stayed up all night, guarding the door of the newly built snow house, and knocked away seven or eight women and girls from Ye Guhong who were naked and wearing a piece of leather and wanted to entertain them.

(Note: Many polar peoples have a tradition of having wives and daughters entertain distinguished guests.)
The next day, Ye Guhong and a group of men hugged each other and left. Miejie, with the women and girls looking at them like stingy men, proudly got on the sleigh and let his apprentice drive away.

(End of this chapter)

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