When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 264: Foraging in the Ice Sea, Lost in the Volcano

Chapter 264: Foraging in the Ice Sea, Lost in the Volcano

Since leaving this small tribe, Ye Guhong has only eaten meat and left all the remaining dry food to his master. The calamity has also reduced food intake. What used to be eaten in one day is now divided into three or four days.

For more than a month after that, the two met four or five more tribes, large and small, and as expected, they did not receive any supplies other than meat.

When they reached the territory of the wandering ghosts, that is, when they began to enter the Kamchatka Peninsula, despite all the efforts of Miejie to save food, they finally ran out of food.

You should know that living in such an icy and snowy environment requires a lot of physical exertion, not to mention that the martial arts master of the Miejie generation eats far more than an ordinary woman. He has not eaten enough every day for more than a month, and has lost more than ten or twenty kilograms at least.

She was already tall, but now she was so thin that she immediately looked like she was out of shape.

Seeing that he was having trouble, Ye Guhong tried to dig through the snow to find the covered moss, but found nothing. He had to collect pine needles, and even pine nuts collected by squirrels and other small animals.

But he was not Tie Pao Xiao Zhao. He dug out hundreds of tree holes and only found more than a kilogram of pine nuts with a bit of a haphazard smell.

As for the pine needles, there are quite a lot of them, but they still have some flavor when boiled in water to make tea, so it is really difficult to use them as food.

After several days of this, I didn't accumulate any food, but instead delayed my journey.

Seeing that his disciple was worried and couldn't bear it, Miejie advised him: "Gu Hong, you don't have to worry about food. The master's skill can be sustained by drinking water and not eating for twenty days. Why don't we go quickly?" Ask Xie Qian, since there is a volcano where he lives, it shouldn't be so cold, or some moss can grow."

Then he saw Ye Guhong tearing off his clothes, revealing sculpted muscle lines. His cheeks turned red. Just as he was about to speak, he took out a can of seal oil, opened it, picked up a large amount and applied it on his body, from his hair to his hair. The tips of his toes were thickly coated, and then he grinned at Miejie and jumped up, like a big and muscular fish, drawing a graceful arc and leaping into the water with a bang.

The two of them were on the coast of the Bohai Sea before, and Ye Guhong showed off his ability to fish and catch shrimps in the sea. However, the water here is blue, with large pieces of broken ice floating in it, and the temperature is so low, how can it be compared to the Bohai Sea?
Miejie squatted on the beach and put his hand into the sea water. He felt the biting coldness, as if thousands of needles were piercing him. His heart felt like a knife twisting, and two lines of clear tears gurgled down.

Ye Guhong laughed and said: "Master, wait a moment, I will let you eat to your heart's content today."

Miejie exclaimed: "The crabs here have also become sperms." He kicked the crabs and flew into the igloo. He grabbed Ye Guhong's hand and said: "Come and make a fire and put on clothes!"

Ye Guhong shook his head and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, it was just cold at first, but now I feel warm all over my body, I can't say how comfortable it is."

These two strange beasts like to eat water and grass very much, and they will be released into the water to look for food in a day or two. Ye Guhong has been used to it for several months, but at this moment, looking at the two huge black figures shuttled in the water, his eyes suddenly lit up. He slapped himself on the head: "Idiot! Why didn't you think of it earlier!"

Miejie screamed and quickly got up and ran to the beach. Where could he see Ye Guhong?

Miejie asked in confusion: "Eat, what to eat?"

After saying that, he quickly started to take off his clothes. Miejie said in surprise: "Gu Hong, what are you doing!"

Then he took a deep breath and submerged himself into the water again.

It has to be said that when it comes to building an igloo, he is now the strongest man among the natives, and his speed is far inferior to Master Miejie. The two of them have great internal strength, quick swords and steady hands. Building this igloo seems like a simple game——

Miejie said: "That's enough! Chi'er, come up quickly."

Ye Guhong nodded, pulled the reins, stood up and untied the two oxen. The two oxen roared a few times, jumped into the ice sea on their own, and dived into the water to eat seaweed.

At this time, Ye Guhong popped his head out with a roar, and threw a large clump of kelp onto the shore with all his strength.

Ye Guhong looked at his master sitting cross-legged on the sled, his face was sallow and his nasolabial folds were showing, and he frowned and said nothing for a moment.

Only then did she understand that Ye Guhong's idea was to go to the water to salvage seaweed for her to eat.

After she finished building the igloo, Ye Guhong also jumped out of the water. The kelp piled up on the shore was green and thick, weighing at least a hundred kilograms. Among them was an astonishingly large crab that was struggling to crawl away.

I just saw a few swords, and it was a big vertical ice brick. The long sword jumped and landed steadily on the spot, exactly. When the main body was completed, a few palms were slapped on the ground, stirring up the sky. The snow mist, with a quick slap, filled the gaps between the ice bricks with fine snow, just like flowing clouds and flowing water.

But after all, she was not an ordinary woman. Although she was heartbroken, she never fell into unnecessary emotion. She wiped away her tears, stood up and drew her sword. She used her inner strength to cut out large ice bricks and began to build a house, using seal oil inside. , dry firewood, lit a fire, and cooked a pot of pine needle tea.

Miejie smiled gently, stretched out his hand to pat him and said, "Okay, Emei Jade Hero, don't be listless. I see that Big Jiao and Little Jiao are also hungry. You can let them go to the sea water to eat something."

Regardless of his position, he dragged his apprentice into the room, wiped him carefully with a handkerchief, hurriedly helped him put on his clothes, and then stretched out his hand to feel his pulse. When he saw that his pulse was surging and there was no worry about the cold air invading, he was relieved. Face said: "Never do this nonsense in the future! Not to mention that the water is bone-chillingly cold, but what should you do if you encounter a ferocious sea beast?"

Ye Guhong smiled and ignored it, drank up the pine needle tea with a snort, poured out the pine needles, handed the pot to Miejie and said: "Master, boil the kelp in water to satisfy your hunger. Try it quickly, this big crab , I will have it all to myself, apprentice.”

Miejie glared at him, and when he saw his playful smile, he felt helpless. He sighed and went out to cut kelp and cook it.

That day, the master and the apprentice had a feast. Miejie each ate several kilograms of kelp, and Ye Guhong even ate a huge crab raw and grilled it until nothing was left.

It is said that there is food in the belly and no panic. Ye Guhong found a way to get food and no longer worried about his master's rations. From then on, the two began to speed up. After walking for more than ten days, they came across a dark forest, which was vast and boundless. The branches and leaves cover the sky and the sun, and look gloomy on top of the icy sky and frozen soil.

Ye Guhong perked up and pointed: "Master, back then Zhang Wuxia and his wife were exploring the road to the north and stopped when they encountered a forest. Maybe it was this forest!"

Miejie stood up and looked at it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Sure enough, it's so vast. It's such a big forest. No wonder they stopped looking at it. Huh, Xie Qian, the dog thief, probably never expected that there would be enemies coming from this direction. "For some reason, the snow here is not deep. Ye Guhong picked up his spear and rode on the back of the big horn, driving the Ermo forward. Whenever he encountered tree branches that might catch the Ermo's horn, he would First wave your gun to interrupt.

After walking like this for three days in the forest, at night, suddenly there was a light above my head, and a large area of ​​strangely colored light flashed across the sky, including orange, yellow, lavender, gold, blue, red, and green. They competed with each other and made every detail visible in the dark night.

Miejie woke up with a start. He forgot about it for a long time, and suddenly said in shock: "Oops! Gu Hong, I'm afraid it's not the Buddha who appears. He doesn't want poor nuns to commit more sins of killing, and wants to send the two of us to the West to chant sutras and meditate. How can this happen? good?"

It turned out that those lights and shadows were changing endlessly, but suddenly, they showed a pattern that looked like a gate. Miejie was a person of faith, so his thoughts suddenly changed.

Ye Guhong almost jumped when he saw his master was so anxious. He thought to himself that my master was always so bold, so he was so in awe of the Buddha.

At that moment, he suppressed his smile and replied with a straight face: "Disciple, I'm not afraid. If I can be with Master, I won't be afraid of anywhere."

Miejie said anxiously: "No, no, if you and I both go, what will happen to the Emei Sect? You are like this. You have never entered Buddhism. Before the Bodhisattva Arhat descends to earth, you leave quickly. We can't be trapped together." Here?"

Ye Guhong saw that his master was really anxious, but he didn't dare to tease you any more. He said cautiously: "Master, this is not Buddha's light or fairy magic. It is a unique astronomical scene in the far north. It is called aurora. Zhang Wuxia was not the same at the beginning. Have we described it? According to him, this phenomenon is not unusual, it happens from time to time, but we may have encountered it by some accident along the way. "

When Miejie heard that it was not the Buddha who was coming to save her, he was immediately overjoyed and said with a smile: "In this way, it is a light that specially illuminates the path for my master and disciple! This kind intention cannot be let down, Gu Hong, we will take advantage of this bright light." Hurry!”

Ye Guhong then stood up, broke camp and hit the road. The light in the sky was changing, making the woods around him change color. The two horses were dragging the sled and they were flying. Everything they saw was like dew, lightning, or bubbles in a dream.

Miejie couldn't help but feel proud, and laughed loudly: "Back then, the layman Dongpo once said: I don't hate the nine deaths in the southern wilderness, but I am here to travel to the wonders of my life! What this means is that the poor nun now understands it in his heart."

I don't know how long it took for the two of them to walk through the dense forest. They encountered bears three times and a pack of wolves once. Miejie just sat there quietly while Ye Guhong shot them all away.

On this day, I suddenly saw a high mountain rising into the sky in front of me. The top of the mountain was flat, with billowing black smoke and fire coming out, just like a scene in hell.

Miejie was stunned for a moment, then cheered: "That must be where Zhang Wu and others live! Hurry, Gu Hong, hurry up!"

However, Wangshan ran to death and saw this volcano, but it was only a few days later that he actually emerged from the forest. What he saw was that the volcano was surrounded by rugged peaks with strange rocks and strange postures, but to the east was You can see the endless plain, with unusually tall pines and green cypresses. The climate is not as cold as in the previous area, only similar to the Changbai Mountain area. There are also many exotic flowers and plants, which is really beautiful.

Miejie looked at them for a moment and said with a smile: "Leave Dajiao and Xiaojiao here, and you and I will walk over to find the thieves. Zhang Cuishan said they live in caves, so we will just go to those mountains to look for them."

The master and apprentice each put on neat clothes and carefully searched for it. A few hours later, they saw a cave. The sunlight shone through the entrance of the cave. There was a person sitting faintly inside. They could vaguely see a head of messy golden hair and a figure. Extremely strong and tall.

Miejie's eyes turned sharp and he shouted loudly: "Xie Qian, the dog thief! I am the direct sister of Jinguachuifang Ping from Kaifeng. I walked on the ice and snow to get here, specially to avenge my brother! Dog thief, come out and die!"

"Fang Ping?" Someone whispered in the cave, his voice a little confused, and then said: "I can't remember. Xie has killed people without any intention in his life. It is natural for you to seek revenge, but Xie will not sit still and wait for death. If you I don’t have any means, I’ll risk my life.”

Seeing that he was blind, Miejie was so arrogant when he came to his door, and the hatred he had suppressed for many years suddenly burst into flames. He shouted sharply: "Come out, you thief! I see that you have lost the trick, so I will let you Ten moves!”

The man in the cave said coldly: "But there is no need! Xie's dragon-slaying knife is worth a pair of moves in his hand! If you want to kill me, just do it yourself."

Miejie shouted sharply, and with a flash of his body, he rushed into the cave as fast as lightning. Ye Guhong had been frowning since his two replies. He just felt that something was wrong. He didn't want his master to be so reckless, so he immediately shouted: "Master, be careful!"

This time Miejie stepped on the ground and felt that the ground suddenly sank. He couldn't help but fall when he looked down!
Ye Guhong groaned and suddenly remembered what Zhang Cuishan had said. When Xie Qian went crazy from time to time, when Ye Qingqing was giving birth, the two of them were afraid that he would disturb him, so they dug a trap for the boss in the hole, but they couldn't put a sharp weapon at the bottom. Xie Qian broke in. Although he fell into the trap, he jumped out immediately.

Unexpectedly, this trap is still there, or Xie Qian dug it again and used it to trap Master Miejie.

However, Mie Jie's martial arts skills were not comparable to those of Xie Qian ten years ago. Although her figure sank in the air, she suddenly kicked out her hind legs, pulled her whole body up, and was about to jump out in the air.

At this moment, Xie Qian's ears twitched, and he suddenly stood up like an old bear. He held a heavy giant knife in both hands and slashed it down on the head with a roar.

However, Miejie was a man of great skill and courage. At the critical moment of life and death, he drew out the Yitian Sword like lightning. He also held the hilt of the sword with both hands and tried his best to move forward. However, after hearing a loud and earth-shattering sound, the indestructible Dragon-Slaying Sword was revealed. Hold it firmly above your head.

But after all, she had no roots under her feet. The two clashed with their weapons and pressed down with huge force, causing her body to fall into the pit immediately.

Ye Guhong was so frightened that his hands and feet went cold, but he had no time to help. Fortunately, Miejie reacted quickly. Suddenly, he spread his legs and made a cross-horse, resting on the edge of the pit to support his body.

At this moment, Miejie lowered his head and saw that there were countless sharp wooden sticks poking at the bottom of the pit. If he had fallen down just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

I couldn't help but be afraid: Although this golden-haired crazy lion was blind, his heart was still so cruel. Although this trap was simple, with him holding the dragon-slaying knife at his side, anyone who broke in rashly would be able to hold on like this The only one who is immortal besides himself is Zhang Sanfeng.

However, although this killer weapon is vicious, it is a novelty. Once avoided...

Miejie's mind changed and he raised his energy in his Dantian. He wanted to forcefully open the dragon-slaying knife and jump up to kill Xie Qian. Unexpectedly, a thin figure appeared from behind Xie Qian like a ghost. He quickly took a step forward and a crutch in his hand suddenly swept across. With a fierce and vicious force, he hit Miejie Master Tai's lower abdomen hard.

Miejie never expected that there would be an extremely powerful master hiding behind Xie Qian. He was hit miserably and a huge force hit him. He flew out of the hole like a ball and landed on the ground rolling around, bleeding. He spat it out as if he didn't want money, and the Yitian Sword in his hand also fell out of his hand. The master jumped and grabbed it in his hand. He laughed loudly and said: "Third Brother, you have the Dragon Slaying Sword, and my sister also got the Yitian Sword. It can be seen that it is destined to be a battle." event!"

Ye Guhong screamed sadly, flew to support his master, and looked in disbelief, only to see a man and a woman walking out of the cave. The man was tall and wild, with yellow hair, and the woman was slim and fair, beautiful and romantic. She was the same person from the sea battle. After that, the purple-robed dragon who stayed in the Eagle Sect!

(End of this chapter)

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