When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 292: Emei victory, Miao-Yi dispute

Chapter 292: Emei victory, Miao-Yi dispute

I don't know if it was psychological trouble. After Yang Tongguan's death, Ye Guhong used Chi You's gun again, but he felt that his murderous intention was not as fierce as before, and he became much calmer.

When people screamed and the horses neighed, Ye Guhong reined in his horses. Looking around, he saw that most of the Yuan troops had gathered and formed a defensive formation.

The Emei Army and the Miao Army under Wan Dashi were like wild beasts stuck in the quagmire, moving slower and slower as they moved forward.

Ye Guhong frowned and thought in his heart: No, it's not good. Our Emei army has experienced a battle for the first time, and we are attacking more with less. I'm afraid it won't last long. Those Miao troops are also unreliable. If Yang Zhengheng comes and shouts, " I don't know how many people will defect, hmm...

Suddenly shouted: "Junior Brother Chang, Junior Brother Xu, you and others will be the vanguard and rush towards the enemy!"

Chang Yuchun yelled: "Senior brother, please take a look!"

With a wave of the snake spear, he rushed forward without hesitation. Xu Da, Tang He, and Hua Yun all showed their strength, shouting for the killers to come forward. The gradually solidified formation was knocked loose by several people.

The Yuan army also knew that it was time for a decisive battle, so they roared and pressed forward, forming human walls to weaken the opponent's energy.

Ye Guhong galloped out on his horse and circled far away. However, relying on Guaiguai's speed, he flew to the rear of the Yuan army. Chi You fired his gun and charged in with a roar.

Although the armor and weapons of these Yuan soldiers were sharp and the training was considered diligent, they had not experienced any real battles. The two princes leading the army were not very talented generals. Seeing the ferocious charge of the Emei army, they only dismissed a group of troops. Going to the front to block it has become a situation where the front is heavy and the back is light, and the outside is strong but the middle is weak.

Ye Guhong looked at his shortcomings and used a trick to build plank roads openly and secretly attack Chencang. With the help of men and horses, he could destroy the Yuan army's chrysanthemums with a thousand-year killing power.

The Yuan troops behind were either wounded or out of strength in the battle. Not to mention the ferocity of Ye Guhong's magic spear, even if a giant beast like Guaiguai came at them with force, they would be unable to stop them.

Watching Ye Guhong charge all the way, it was like a strong wind invading the grass, or like a fierce tiger entering a flock of sheep. The sea of ​​blood was churning wherever it passed, and the two princes were stunned to see it.

One shouted: "Brother, go and resist him!" The other shouted: "Brother, you should fight him!"

You pushed me to give way, then both turned their heads and yelled in unison: "Someone come quickly and stop this man. Whoever kills him will be rewarded heavily."

However, all the generals under the two men were sent to the front line. At this moment, there were only dozens of guards around them. How could they block the power of Ye Guhong when they forced their way out to protect the master?
But seeing Chi You's gun open and close, with just a few breaths, he killed them all and fell to the ground.

The prince's brothers were so distraught that they fled to the front line in a panic. Ye Guhong followed closely and took a few steps with his gun, smashing the flag of Prince Weishun's palace in pieces first.

The big flag was three feet high and as thick as a human waist. When it fell, there was a loud bang and a loud sound that shook the sky.

The Yuan army's front line turned around one after another and saw the commander's flag falling. They were all stunned. Then some smart people understood and shouted: "Ah, our army is defeated!"

When this voice roared out, many people suddenly panicked and shouted: "Our army is defeated, our army is defeated."

When there were more people shouting, the Yuan army became panicked. Everyone was afraid that others would escape first, leaving them behind, so they might as well escape first——

People with this intention formed a large army and immediately broke up, each fleeing for their lives.

The two men, Bie Timur and Da Timur, were going to hide from Ye Guhong in the front formation. Unexpectedly, their troops suddenly collapsed. The defeated army, running around like headless flies, immediately blocked their horses.

The two of them were at a loss when Ye Guhong came from behind. With a sweep of his spear, the two heads flew up together. Ye Guhong stabbed them twice in the air and skewered them like candied haws on the tip of the spear.

At this point, the victory was determined. Ye Guhong held the spear with one hand and raised it high. A pair of heads on the spear grinned. Ye Guhong took a breath of energy and shouted loudly: "The Emei army won the first battle. With the courage of a thousand men, they defeated ten times the Tatar army. What a great victory!”

Zhu Chongba raised his thick eyebrows, raised his sword and shouted: "Emei is victorious!"

Chang Yuchun and other brothers also shouted loudly: "Emei is victorious!"

At this time, there are more than 1,000 Emei militiamen, and there are still more than 800 people. It is the first time for them to experience such a battle. They have been fighting so far, and their hands and feet are weak. But at this moment, they can only feel the blood rushing into their hearts again, and an unprecedented sense of pride fills their bodies. They all couldn't help but shouted: "Emei is a great victory!"

The limbs suddenly seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and they took up their swords and guns to kill the retreating Yuan army.

Wan Dashi thought in his mind: If you defeat thousands of people with a thousand men, what will happen to my three thousand soldiers and horses? But he couldn't help shouting: "Emei is a great victory!"

Ye Guhong laughed loudly and looked up at the Five Immortals Ridge. He saw hundreds of people standing on the edge of the first platform, watching. Then he used the Nine Yang Mysterious Skill and roared: "Emei Disciple Ye Guhong , I am here to marry the Fairy of the Five Immortals Sect with a betrothal gift of 10,000 Tatar heads!”

Snakes and scorpions were crawling around on the platform, spiders were spinning webs, toads were leaping, and centipedes were scurrying around. All the followers of the Five Immortals were covered in blood. Even the leader Long Kongkong, who always wore cool clothes, wore a set of slim bamboo armor depicting the image of the Five Poisons. , personally holding a snake staff to kill the enemy on the mountainside.

When the Yuan army that had previously attacked the mountain retreated, they were all surprised, and they were even more surprised and happy when they found out that the leader of the army was Ye Guhong. Ye Guhong was so happy that he faced an army of tens of thousands and came to kill him. The enemy is numerous and he is outnumbered, and he is only afraid of defeat and loss.

At this moment, when they heard that Ye Guhong threatened to use a human head as a betrothal gift, the two girls Xue Shun and Yu Chan happily hugged each other and shouted: "The Emei sect is such a heavy betrothal gift, Brother Gu Hong is such a generous hand!"

Although Long Kongkong was also happy, he couldn't see the two of them being so cheap. He rolled his eyes and said, "Idiots, they are the ones who want to help others pay after being sold."

Yu Chan was so happy that he dared to retaliate: "Even if Brother Gu Hong really betrayed me, he must have done it for my own good."

Long Kongkong was furious, but White Snake hugged her arm and said with a sweet smile: "Master, please don't be angry. Although Gu Hong is using tricks, isn't his heroic spirit better than that of gold and jewelry?"

Hua Centipede supported the python god who injured his arm and persuaded with a smile: "Yes, leader, if he hadn't come to save him, the Five Immortals Ridge would have been defeated by the army in a day or two. Alas, this army is attacking The mountains are indeed very different from fighting in the rivers and lakes. "

Long Kongkong sighed and said: "What you said is true. I never thought that Ye Guhong had such a talent and could defeat more with less! Let's go, follow me down the mountain - the Tatars are coming to attack me." No matter what, these Miao people are hateful. Which village has not received the benefits of our religion, and today they are helping the evil, they must be taught a lesson. "

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, Yang Zhengheng led thousands of elite Miao soldiers to attack. Seeing the Yuan army's defeat, he was shocked in his heart: The strength of the Yuan army turned out to be nothing more than this.

Then he saw Ye Guhong, and when he heard him announcing his name, he was shocked and said: "Ye Guhong? Isn't your surname Yang? Who is your servant?"

Ye Guhong glanced at him and suddenly shouted loudly: "I follow the order of the leader of the Five Immortals Sect to kill Yang Zhengheng, the great traitor who colluded with the Tatars and betrayed the Miao border. Anyone who dares to stand in my way will be punished as a traitor!"

After saying that, he clamped the horse's belly and charged straight towards Yang Zhengheng. The surrounding Miao soldiers and generals were frightened when they saw the Yuan army's defeat. After hearing these words, they looked at Yang Zhengheng and then at Wuxianling. They were at a loss for what to do. measures.

Yang Zhengheng said angrily: "The Five Immortals Sect killed King Weishun and insulted the imperial court. If you are a party to the Five Immortals Sect and the imperial army comes to kill you, you will all die!"

Ye Guhong laughed and said: "Hahahaha, Uncle Yang, my nephew will teach you a lesson - the master who killed the Tatar prince was my master, the head of Emei, Mie Jie! My master is not even the national master. Dare to kill, let alone a mere prince?"

Yang Zhengheng said angrily: "Rebellious ministers and traitors!"

Ye Guhong shouted: "You are the leader of the Miao people, but you want to climb the thighs of the Tatars and kill your own fairies to please foreigners. You are undoubtedly a traitor to the Miao people! As the son-in-law of the Miao family, I, Ye Guhong, will kill the traitors and thieves today!"

As he spoke, he waved his spear and two human heads flew out like hidden weapons. Yang Zhengheng was caught off guard and quickly swung his knife, cracking and splitting all the heads open. Ye Guhong said: "Oh, you are a Tatar lackey and you dare to hurt the remains of the princes. Isn't it a big sin?"

While he was talking, the horse had already galloped up, and with a twist of the spear, he stabbed distractedly.

Yang Zhengheng fought with him for a few times, only to feel that Ye Guhong's gun contained strange power. The moment the weapon touched him, his arms were numb. He knew that he was unable to defeat him. Just when he was about to call for help, Ye Guhong suddenly used "a The killing move of "Horse Seven Spears" is to stab seven times in a row in the blink of an eye. The spears are powerful and powerful.

Yang Zhengheng roared and swung his knife, barely blocking the first three shots. He was unable to guard against the remaining four shots, leaving four holes in his chest and abdomen. He blinked in disbelief, turned over and fell off his horse.

Yang Zhengheng, when he was the leader of the Feishan Barbarians, was quite generous and heroic, and was deeply loved by the Miao people.

However, after he climbed into the Weishun King's family and became an official of the Yuan Dynasty, he gradually became arrogant and proclaimed himself the chief. Other leaders of the ministries and village owners who disobeyed the slightest will be killed.

At this moment, he died at the hands of Ye Guhong, and the remaining Miao generals looked at each other, but no one stood up for him.

Ye Guhong raised Chi You's spear high, rode his horse around and shouted: "I own the Miao ancestor's magic spear, and the five immortal saints are my wife! I will kill the Miao traitors for you now. If there is anyone who wants to do it for this Miao traitor, Those who seek revenge will be invited to fight.”

After shouting three times, no one came to fight. Ye Guhong knew that the matter had been decided. He was about to call the leaders of various ministries to see the leader of the Five Immortals. Suddenly there was a chaos in the southwest. Many Miao people shouted: "The Yi soldiers are coming, the Yi soldiers are coming to kill." also!"

Ye Guhong shouted: "Don't panic, wait for Ye to stop the Yi people!"

After saying that, he galloped away with his horse and spear, found Zhu Chongba first, and told him: "This is such, such and such!"

Then he rushed to the southwest and saw thousands of elite Yi soldiers rushing towards him. Ye Guhong raised his gun and shouted: "Emei Ye Guhong is here! The commander of the Yi army is speaking in front of the formation!"

His drink filled up his internal energy, and his voice was like a tidal wave. The Yi soldiers were all startled and couldn't help but slow down their pace.

Fortunately, the sound of horns came from behind the formation, and these Yi soldiers took advantage of the situation to stand still. They separated a road, and seven or eight Yi warriors came out surrounded by a peach blossom horse.

Immediately, a graceful woman sat upright, wearing silver armor and a Yi sword hanging from her waist. Her eyebrows were picturesque and solemn. Ye Guhong looked up and smiled, recognizing that it was Shexiang!

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Mrs. Shexiang said in a trembling voice: "Sure enough, it's really you! So you are Ye Guhong of the Emei Sect."

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for a few years, you have grown into a big girl."

Mrs. Shexiang's pretty face turned red, and the Yi man next to her shouted: "How dare you be rude to my Lord?"

Shexiang shouted in a low voice: "Don't be rude to him."

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a few whooshing sounds, and there were several figures around Ye Guhong. It was Long Kongkong, the leader of the Five Immortals, and the four girls White Snake, Snow Centipede, and Jade Chan. Their eight wonderful eyes were all staring at him. Luxurious face.

Long Kongkong clicked his tongue and curled his lips and said, "Young Shaoxia Ye is really romantic. It turns out that he also has a good relationship with the Yi people."

Shexiang's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, her little face raised slightly, her expression turned proud: "Who are you, this Miao girl who talks so freely?"

White Snake said: "My master is the leader of the Five Immortals Sect. When the Yi girls see you, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

Shexiang's expression changed, and several Yi people behind him raised their eyebrows and said: "So you are the old demon of the Five Immortals! I will kill you today to avenge the old king."

After saying that, they each urged their horses to charge out fiercely. Long Kongkong sneered, and just as he was about to use his method, Ye Guhong lifted the reins and was already charging out.

But seeing horses like dragons and spears like pythons, all seven generals of the Yi army fell from their horses after a few confrontations.

Shexiang was shocked: "Ye Guhong, you lured me here just to help the Miao people kill me?"

White Snake jumped to her feet and said, "Brother, kill her. Tonight, I will let you see how Snake is different from the other four immortals!"

Snow Centipede suddenly said in annoyance: "Isn't it just a matter of being entangled here and there? Is it worth bragging about? Brother, I have hundreds of wonderful skills, that's what makes me so powerful."

Yuchan whispered: "Brother, I, I actually know how to swallow the toad..."

Ye Guhong felt itchy in his heart when he heard this, but he had to lower his face and shouted: "Don't say anything."

Then he looked at Shexiang: "Of course I won't harm you, and I didn't expect you to dare to go deep alone. In fact, Ye came here just to talk about an agreement between your two families."

At this time, more than ten Yi people rushed to Shexiang. Looking at their clothes, they were all people of high status in other countries. One of them shouted: "You are just a barbarian, why can you negotiate for us?"

Ye Guhong stretched out his hand, waved it horizontally, and said calmly: "I will take your life into my hands!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the rear of the Yi army, but it was Zhu Yuanzhang who led the troops from a small road to the rear of the Yi army and formed a formation to block the retreat.

The Yi man who spoke looked back and said with a ferocious smile: "There are only a few hundred people, and they just want to stop me and wait?"

Ye Guhong said indifferently: "Only a few hundred people can defeat the 10,000 yuan army. I don't know who is better at fighting, between the thousands of you and the 10,000 yuan army."

The man had a stern look on his face and looked behind Ye Guhong. Yuan army corpses were scattered all over the ground, while groups of Miao soldiers were mostly standing in formation, and they certainly didn't look like they were participating in a battle.

Shexiang's face turned pale, she bit her lip and said, "Mr. Ye, what exactly are you going to do?"

Ye Guhong looked sincere: "I told you that I would negotiate for your family to make peace."

Seeing that Shexiang didn't seem to believe it, the other Yi people even sneered. Ye Guhong was not angry and said with a smile: "The original plan was to calm down the chaos among the Miao people, and then I would invite you to talk outside Shunyuan City, but you didn't expect it. It’s so profound that we have pursued it here, so we might as well just talk about it here.”

He straightened his back, glanced around, and spoke seriously.


  In the original time and space, after Yang Zhengheng unified the Miao territory, he led tens of thousands of Miao troops to Huxiang and western Guangdong to conquer the rebels under the imperial order. He served as deputy envoy of the Privy Council of Longxing Province, Youcheng of Huguang, and Doctor Ronglu of Tejin.

  After Yang Zhengheng died in the battle, his son Yang Tongguan inherited the army and defeated Guo Tianxu (son of Guo Zixing), Zhang Shicheng and others. He was powerful in the southeast. His 200,000 Miao troops were at their peak. The Yuan Dynasty named him Youcheng and Piao of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces He was a cavalry general and was named "Yang Wanzhe" for his "loyalty and loyalty".

  Later, many Miao soldiers committed illegal acts and plundered people's property, and it was difficult to leave chickens and dogs wherever they went. Yang Wan, who relied on his own merits, forcibly married the daughter of a Mongolian nobleman as his wife. Ji, colluded with Zhang Shicheng to attack and kill him, and the Yuan Dynasty awarded him the title of Zhongmin Gong of Tan Kingdom. However, the anger of the remaining Miao army could not be dispelled, so they defected to Zhu Yuanzhang's command.

(End of this chapter)

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