When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 293 One step, one calculation, one big gamble

Chapter 293 Calculate every step and take a big gamble

"The Yi and Miao families are close neighbors. Even if there are disputes between neighbors, why would they fight against each other?"

Ye Guhong sat high on the horse and said seriously.

"If you go by what I say, your so-called feud is nothing more than a trick by Meng Yuan!"

When these words came out, everyone in the Yi Miao community was shocked.

Ye Guhong Shi Shiran said: "He established Shunyuan City, and made Lord Luo Shi serve as the envoy of the Eighth Division of Shunyuan and other places. He gave the Yi people the power to manage various ethnic groups, but did not grant rewards to other ethnic groups. This is With bad intentions, they deliberately want to differentiate between the two originally equal races. This is the saying that disaster arises from injustice. "

Ye Guhong spread his hands and said: "No one is a sage. Since he has power, he naturally has to take care of his own family first, bully, crush, and plunder. I'm afraid it is inevitable. Just wait and see the Yi people. It seems like a gain, but in fact it has become the target of public criticism. How can there be no resentment among the various tribes over time? "

The faces of the Yi people changed slightly. It turned out that they had been fighting with the Miao people in recent years, and many smaller ethnic groups were secretly helping the Miao people. However, the outcome was not yet clear, so they did not openly fall out.

Shexiang was dissatisfied and said: "The person who is now a court official is Yang Zhengheng of the Miao ethnic group."

Ye Guhong said: "Yes, this person is very ambitious and is a disaster. Therefore, I have killed the Yang family and his son."

Snow Centipede was surprised: "Why does it have to do with me?"

Ye Guhong, on the other hand, was calm and indifferent, as if he didn't care at all about the life and death of a powerful party.

When Ye Guhong said this, his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were full of pride. He paused slightly and said loudly: "Within ten years, Ye will lead a hundred thousand tigers to reach the land of Youyan; everyone, look at Long Fei Jiuwu, Reopen the Heaven of China! Then——"

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Wan Dashi: "This is King Miao!"

Shexiang was stunned, and the Yi people around her were also shocked. The Feishan Yang family had great power in Miao territory, but they didn't expect to die so easily.

Ye Guhong nodded, looking at the crowd with an expression of responsibility, and said: "The world is destroyed, this is the hatred of the country, I, the Ye family of Nanchang, Hezhuang was massacred by the Tatars, this is the hatred of the family. Ye's seven-foot body, the country Is it not true that I am a man if I don’t bear my hatred and avenge my family feud? Therefore, I, Emei, want to form an uprising army and seize the land of Shu first to shake up the world. After another three years of preparation, we will march out of the Yangtze River and unite with Jingchu and Huaihe Rivers. Hero, establish the Shu regime..."

Wan Dashi's face turned red, and with a sound, two thick puffs of breath came out of his nostrils.

Ye Guhong was overjoyed and clapped his hands and praised: "Well said! Although Mrs. Shexiang is young, she is worthy of being a leader of the family. Only her eyesight is rare. Yuan Ting wants you to fight among yourself. So if you send an envoy to the Eighth Division of Shun Yuan and other places as bait, how can you be allowed to be as close as one family? Therefore, it is difficult for both families to become officials of the Yuan Dynasty, unless..."

Shexiang's lips parted slightly, and Long Kongkong suddenly said, "Unless what?"

Shexiang frowned slightly, her eyes flickered, and she looked at the three of them without saying a word.

Shexiang's beautiful eyes blinked, and she suddenly smiled and said: "If the Yuan Dynasty is a Yi Miao family that is constantly fighting among themselves, how can it be willing to let both of my families serve as officials?"

He said in confidence: "Speaking of which, you used Yuan Ting's power to suppress him before. Later, when he was proud and you were frustrated, isn't it natural to use the power to suppress you? In the real investigation, the Yang family just happened to meet him. Without the Yang family, Of course, there are also this clan and that clan.”

Yuchan shook his head and said, "Without me, I would have gone to Emei to give birth to your child."

Long Kongkong nodded secretly and saw Ye Guhong's intention.

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "Unless you all become officials of Shu, the leaders are ministers in the same palace, and they are respectful to each other. If the people below follow my example, they will naturally love each other."

Ye Guhong glared at the two girls, ignored them, and continued: "Actually, there is only one way to completely resolve this matter. The leaders of your two families have become high-ranking officials of the Yuan Dynasty, so they will naturally live in peace."

Ye Guhong's momentum was suffocated, and he said with a tiger's face: "If the Yang family is gone, of course there will still be the Jade Toad Snow Centipede."

Shexiang blinked and said in surprise: "Is it possible that Mr. Ye wants to be this hero?"

Everyone was stunned at the same time, and several people shouted strangely: "Da Shu? Where did Da Shu appear? Could it be that we are ignorant?"

Yu Chan quickly reminded: "Brother, there are no Miao people with the surnames of this and that."

Ye Guhong chuckled, and then said seriously: "Everyone should know that the land of Jiuzhou is our homeland of China. Because the military preparations of the previous dynasty were not repaired, it was occupied by the Tatars. The Tatars have been in power for decades, and the sky is angry and people are resentful. The people are in dire straits. Now, People in the world, whether they are Han, Miao or Yi, have all suffered from the Tatars for a long time. If a hero raises his voice and calls out, the whole world will surely respond!"

Ye Guhong pointed out that Wan Dashi was the king of Miao. It seemed that he was pointing it casually, but in fact it was not just Wan Dashi who took refuge first, but Yang Zhengheng who led the Miao soldiers to besiege Wuxianling. He was the only one who stayed to defend the Yi people, so this person must He is brave and not a close confidant of Yang Zhengheng. At the same time, he has formed a natural separation from the chiefs who participated in the siege.

If he becomes the king of Miao, he will definitely rely on the Five Immortals Sect and even the Emei Sect to secure the throne.

Ye Guhong pointed at Shexiang again: "As for Madam, she is the Yi King! From then on, the Yi and Miao kings stood side by side, and the other tribes were also divided according to their military merits. After that, everyone was divided into territories and governed themselves. If there were any disputes, they would have their own court. The law is fair to you. If this is the case, why worry about the people being uneasy?"

When Shexiang heard the words "taiping" and "common people", her eyes flashed with light and her heart skipped a beat.

Just as she was about to speak, a fat Yi man with two mustaches beside her suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Everyone looked around, and the Yi man curled his lips, twitched his belly, and touched the rat's beard. Then he glanced sideways at Ye Guhong and said slowly: "You, the name "Emei Jade Hero", are considered to be the best in the world. With such a great reputation, how can you dare to brag like this? Are you afraid of Feng Da’s dazzling tongue? Haha, if you raise an army in the Yuan Dynasty, not to mention that Chengdu has a general who is in charge of the country, how can you look at it? Take Shuzhong lightly? Even if you are lucky enough to succeed, what virtue and ability do you have to conquer the world that neither Liu Bei nor Zhuge Liang conquered? "

The three ambassadors of the Five Immortals Sect were all angry and about to explode. Ye Guhong waved his hand to stop a few people. There was no trace of joy or anger on his face. He cupped his fists and said, "Your Excellency's words are extraordinary, but I have never asked you who is the master of Luo Shiguo." people?"

Shexiang said lightly: "This gentleman is my late husband's cousin. He has always taken care of the finance, taxation and purchasing of Shunyuan City."

Once the interests are vested, he does not like changes. Ye Guhong immediately saw that this person must be a conservative.

He smiled and nodded: "That's it."

Then he looked at the fat Yi man and said: "Even if the Yuan Dynasty has millions of soldiers with armor, how many of them are actually willing to sacrifice their lives for the Yuan Dynasty? Furthermore, are there millions of armored soldiers guarding you?"

When he said the last sentence, his eyes narrowed slightly, and murderous intent suddenly appeared. The fat Yi man was shocked and said: "What do you mean by this?"

Ye Guhong laughed loudly and jumped up from the horse. He was now more than ten feet away from the fat Yi man. He used the move "seeing the dragon in the field" with a bang. Everyone saw a blur in front of their eyes. The palm had been printed on the fat Yi man. There was a bang at the human face door, and the fat Yi man's head was smashed into pulp and blood, leaving only a bare cavity.

All the Yi people screamed and drew their swords, but before the sword was drawn out, Ye Guhong had sat back on Guaiguai's back, as if he had never moved.

Big drops of cold sweat broke out from the foreheads of all the Yi people.

Shexiang was also surprised, her face was pale, her hands and feet were trembling slightly, but she stubbornly stared at Ye Guhong and said, "Ye Guhong, you said you wanted to reconcile our two families, so you used this In other words?”

Ye Guhong raised his right hand - the same one that smashed the fat Yi man's head.

I saw that the fingers were long and slender, and they seemed to be exceptionally clean under the sun, without a trace of blood.

Ye Guhong looked at his right hand and said: "I negotiated an agreement between your two families based on reason. The reason has been explained. If someone doesn't listen to my reason, then this is an unreasonable method."

He glanced at Long Kongkong and said with a smile: "Ye is now the son-in-law of the Five Immortals Sect. If the Yi people really refuse to make peace, Ye will have no choice but to kill all of you first, and then lead the Miao soldiers to defeat Shunyuan." City, and then raided all the mountains and tribes of the Yi people. From now on, the Miao people will dominate the mountains. If you like this result, Ye will definitely make it happen." Long Kongkong gave a sweet smile and suddenly interjected: "Actually, this is the result for me. I also like her very much. But Ye Lang, are you willing to kill this charming Shexiang? I took a big risk to enter the Miao Kingdom to save you."

As soon as these words came out, Shexiang bit her lip immediately, with a hint of angry grievance in her eyes, staring at Ye Guhong.

Ye Guhong waved his hand and said: "Sister Long, there is no need to provoke me. Shexiang comes here with good intentions. Naturally, I will not attack her. I can even spare her relatives, but I will kill all the rest and break Shunyuan City. I still have this cruelty."

Long Kongkong clicked his tongue twice, and Shexiang asked what she wanted to say. Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly smiled sweetly and said: "Sister Long, this is a title I like. Sister and little brother are quite interesting."

When Ye Guhong suddenly took action to kill the fat Yi man, Zhu Chongba waved his flag, and hundreds of Emei sabers drew out their guns, holding them horizontally, in a combat posture. Wan Dashi's reaction was slow, and it was not until this moment that he Someone was sent to summon the Miao people from all tribes.

When several Yi nobles saw that they were enemies, and there was an elusive master like Ye Guhong, they couldn't help but become confused. They all shook their beards and hands, looked at Shexiang and said, "Madam, you still have to make the decision on this matter." ”

Shexiang's face became paler. She lowered her head and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Okay, Ye Guhong, I am willing to make peace with the Miao people..."

White Snake smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't tell me. Don't force yourself."

Shexiang turned a deaf ear and just stared at Ye Guhong and said: "I have one condition. If you agree, everything will be as you wish. If you don't agree, I, three thousand Yi troops, will fight to the death with you today. "

Ye Guhong said seriously: "Okay, but it doesn't matter."

Two red clouds suddenly appeared on Shexiang's pale face, and even her two delicate ears turned red.

But his eyes were still fixed on Ye Guhong, and he said slowly: "My condition is that you also marry me! Aren't you going to be the king of Shu? The king can have an equal wife, and I will stay in your back house. Their status cannot be lower than that of women from the Five Immortals Sect.”

Ye Guhong was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of admiration rose in his heart.

This woman is really capable of taking things and letting them go, and she makes decisive decisions. She is well-deserved to be called a wonderful woman in the world.

You must know that the disputes between the Yi and Miao are all due to one being superior and the other inferior. Now that Ye Guhong has come forward to make peace, even if the two families are promised to be kings, if the Miao girls marry him several times in a row, isn't it a difference between closeness and distance? ?

Therefore, Shexiang made such a request, but it was a way to enter the game and then break it.

Long Kongkong was also stunned, but he showed an unexpected understanding.

He nodded and said: "What a Shexiang lady. Although Aicui's wife, children, grandchildren, and nephews are all dead, you are not the only one who has a little wife. However, it is you who has secured his position. I also say that you rely entirely on the power of your mother's family. Now it seems that you, a little girl, are quite capable.”

Shexiang glanced at Long Kongkong's face, looked at Ye Guhong, and said with a faint smile: "Master Ye, these women of the Five Immortals Sect are full of evil intentions. If you marry them, the back house will be uneasy. Master Long These words clearly tell you that I have been someone else’s little wife and am not worthy of you.”

Ye Guhong said with a smile: "You don't have to say such provocative words. If a man is running rampant in this world, it is inevitable that his wife will be unworthy of him and his son will be unworthy of him. Does Ye, a dignified husband, still have to argue with women?"

Then he looked at Long Kongkong and said, "But what Sister Long said might be deceived by others, but I know some of the whole story. Aicui and Shexiang are in name only, so why should you care?"

Long Kongkong was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Shexiang, but Shexiang showed a look of surprise, with an expression that seemed angry and lucky, and looked at Ye Guhong with a complicated face: "...it turns out to be you!"

At that time, Ye Guhong pretended to be afraid that her future husband would misunderstand, so he said goodbye outside the city. How could he be so sure about Aicui's relationship with her?
Obviously this person's farewell was a lie. It was the truth that he sneaked into Shunyuan City and used hidden weapons and poison to kill Aicui's family in one day.

For a time, all the things that happened a few years ago were spinning in her mind like a revolving lantern. Shexiang suddenly realized it and blurted out: "Master Ye, when you met me a few years ago, did you predict what happened today?"

Long Kongkong raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized.

Back then, there was a rumor that Aicui's family had died at the hands of the Five Immortals Cult. This was a morale booster. Although she knew it was not true, she still mistook the mistake. She was always curious about the real murderer. Now when she counted the time, it was Ye Guhong. On the way to the Five Immortals Sect?

If you think about it more carefully, there is a secret book of the Five Immortals Sect that is wandering outside and was obtained by Ye Guhong. In addition, the poisonous scholar died at the hands of Ye Guhong. Naturally, he got all the poisonous fans and other traps on his body. He wants to pretend to be the Five Immortals Sect. The means are not difficult at all.

For a moment, she also suddenly felt a creepy feeling. She looked at Ye Guhong blankly and said, "How old were you then? Fourteen years old? Fifteen years old? Did you already plan what happened today? You, you……"

She is proud by nature and has high eyesight. She prides herself on her wisdom and martial arts skills, which are not inferior to those of the men in the world. She originally wanted to marry Ye Guhong, mostly because Ye Guhong was the "antidote" to her short life, and partly because of Ye Guhong's good looks. Martial arts.

Now, he suddenly realized that this Emei Jade Hero was much higher than what he thought, and he couldn't help but feel at a loss for a moment.

Ye Guhong looked at the expressions of the goddesses. In addition to Yu Chan's expression of "What are you talking about?", even Snow Centipede seemed to be shocked. He couldn't help but laugh, thinking to them, if they continue to make up their minds like this, I'm afraid I will too. Get the reputation of "ten steps and one calculation".

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm not a god who can calculate with fingers. How could I have predicted today? To put it bluntly, this matter is very simple. To restore China, not only the Han people, but all ethnic groups in Kyushu must work together to achieve this. That's Ye's big goal. As for what Shexiang said, it's just a casual move. Although I know it will be useful sooner or later, I don't know when it will be useful or how useful it will be. "

After Long Kongkong heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this is not bad. When he came to befriend our Five Immortals Sect, it must have been a move of Xianqi.

Shexiang's eyes were confused for a moment, then turned firm, shaking her head and saying: "No, you can figure it out! You told my clan generals all the way during this trip that you came to fight the Miao people to help me, and your intention was to lure me here. Therefore, unite with the Miao people and force us to agree to your plan!"

Ye Guhong sighed and said: "I already told you that I am not a god. How could I have expected that you would be so heroic and dare to go deep into the Miao realm alone..."

When he said this, his heart suddenly moved. He looked at Shexiang carefully, but saw deep affection in the other person's eyes.

I couldn't help but have a thought: Oh, could this girl have fallen in love with me in just a short while? Otherwise, with her calm decision-making, how could she have done such an extremely risky thing?
He immediately swallowed back the unsaid words and changed his words: "It's just that although I am not a god, I always have a feeling in my heart about whether others think of me well or not. Alas, I know you will definitely come to save me, and only people like you can There is such a desperate passion.”

He cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry. This matter is really despicable and not fair enough."

I thought to myself: Women are emotional after all, and I can understand her thoughts, which is probably more important than whether I plot against her...

In fact, Shexiang's heart is very different from Long Kongkong's.

She is innocent and has no ambitions. She just wants everyone to live a peaceful and happy life.

It was only when Ye Guhong killed Aicui's bloodline and the tribe behind her was strong enough that he took the opportunity to push her to the forefront.

So in the past few years, when I was in a high position, I had to suppress my nature and use my smart and capable side to deal with others.

Such days may seem beautiful, but Shexiang is exhausted inside, so she subconsciously wants to rely on a man like Ye Guhong who is "far-reaching in resourcefulness".

Seeing Ye Guhong admit his "far-sightedness", the affection in Shexiang's eyes suddenly became stronger.

She stared at Ye Guhong for a long time, then suddenly smiled sweetly and sighed: "That's all, Mr. Ye, since you really have the ability to calculate every ten steps, and with the help of the Yi and Miao families, you may not be able to dominate the territory! This land of Shu is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Meng Yuan is not as aggressive as when he founded the country. It is worth my willful gamble. I bet you are not a ruthless and untrustworthy person. I wish my people peace and happiness. I will watch you. Do it.”

In one sentence, she used three self-titles: me, shexiang, and concubine in succession. Ye Guhong knew the connotation clearly.

He couldn't help but be in awe, and said seriously: "Don't worry, this big gamble of yours is destined to win."

(End of this chapter)

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