When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 294 5 Immortal Artifacts, Jinshan of the Yi People

Chapter 294 The Five Immortals Artifact, Jinshan of the Yi People

After some negotiations and only a few sticks of incense, "Da Shu", which now only had hundreds of soldiers and horses, gathered the Miao and Yi tribes under its control.

Seeing this, Long Kongkong became wary of Shexiang.

She, the Five Immortals Sect, has a detached status among the Miao people and usually does not interfere with military and political affairs. Therefore, although she knew that Mrs. Shexiang was the master of the Yi people in recent years, she did not take it too seriously. Today, after seeing Shexiang's decisiveness and decisiveness, she knew that she was not a Easy to deal with.

Seeing Ye Guhong and Shexiang flirting back and forth, one said "I bet" and the other said "You will win for sure". It was true that the love between the husband and the concubine was like fire. Long Kongkong rolled his eyes and suddenly walked to the horse. He stepped forward and said with a sweet smile: "Ye Lang, you came to welcome me this time, what exactly did you bring as a betrothal gift?"

Ye Guhong said: "The leader of the Yuan army."

Long Kongkong shook his head and said: "I don't believe it. It's just that you are not decent, but your master is the most decent person. He will never allow you to fool us like this when it comes to marriage."

Ye Guhong blinked and said with a sneer: "Unexpectedly, you are my master's confidant... That's all. In fact, although there is a betrothal gift, it is not an extraordinary thing. Our Emei sect has always been poor and has not been involved in any business, but It’s because we don’t have the money to do anything big.”

Yu Chan suddenly interjected: "You don't want your family to be rich, as long as you can have enough to eat."

Ye Guhong said: "Green vegetables and tofu are enough."

Everyone at the Five Immortals Ridge naturally knew nothing about this. Long Kongkong said angrily: "Yu Chan, what are you talking nonsense about? Are the women of my Five Immortals Sect so cheap? Ye Guhong, please show me the betrothal gift. If you are really trying to fool me, I will not follow you."

If you look at the appearance of this cauldron, it is actually unremarkable. It is only five or six inches high. It is bright yellow in color with hints of red. Compared with gold cauldrons and jade cauldrons, it can be described as extremely ordinary.

Yu Chan immediately said happily: "Yes! You are so smart. Have you ever eaten a monkey?"

At this moment, on the river, in the Wudang Sect's boat, Mo Shenggu stood up suddenly and frowned: "Can this boat go faster? I always feel that if we arrive late, something sad will happen!"

Ye Guhong had known her for many years, and this was the first time he heard her voice trembling so much, and he was obviously very excited.

Ye Guhong thought so, no wonder when he read the Five Immortals Scripture, many of the final realms of kung fu were somewhat unclear, but it turned out that they require extremely rare and precious poisons to master!

He quickly grabbed one piece and smelled it, and then grabbed another piece and smelled it. His ecstasy was beyond words: "These...these are the Five Immortal Spiritual Incenses! The recipe for this incense has been lost even in our religion for many years, but now we have the real thing. It’s not difficult to work out the recipe backwards, this, this…”

Turning around, he suddenly smiled and said: "Since we have this treasure, my so-called innate holy body is no longer necessary..."

Long Kongkong frowned, thinking that this kid really dares to fool me. Could this be the guy who usually burns incense and worships Buddha in Miejie? Taking this thing as a betrothal gift would be a bit... huh?

Ye Guhong then lazily untied the package from Guaiguai saddle and reached out to take out the divine wooden cauldron.

She took a deep breath and barely suppressed her emotions, but her eyes were bright and scary.

In the Jiangnan area, among Zhang Qubing and his party who were riding wildly on horseback, Ahua suddenly emerged from Tang Gong's arms. With a loud roar, she jumped off the horse and ran away. Su Qingmeng smiled and said: "Ahua wants to do it too." Are you home? Ah Hua, don't worry, our trip is complete, Master will definitely praise us for our ability."

I thought that everyone had different talents, but now I know that Old Monster Ding probably got the glory of this cauldron, while Xidu may have had some unexpected encounters.

Yu Chan couldn't help but feel worried. Snow Centipede hugged her and said with a smile, "We can go hunting by ourselves. We don't need money to buy meat from the mountains."

As he said that, he handed out the baggage, which contained various incense sticks, which immediately caught Long Kongkong's attention.

Staring at Ye Guhong, he said: "Ye Lang, with the sacred wooden cauldron and these spices, we can capture the most poisonous treasure in the world. The five meridians of our teaching are expected to truly have a glimpse of the ultimate realm. From now on, we, who are short of life, can You can make up for it! This cauldron and the five immortal incense are no different from the sacred objects in this religion!"

But Old Man Zhou frowned and shook his head: "No, no, I feel something is not good in my heart. Let's hurry up!"

He thought that Old Monster Ding and Xidu later were both extremely powerful people. Although Long Kongkong's martial arts was also high, he did not seem to have reached that level of strong men.

He hurriedly took another sniff, looked at it carefully for a long time, and said in surprise: "Is this the Ten Thousand Years Poison Wood? Is this thing...the Divine Wood Cauldron? Is this what you found in the Xingxiu Sea treasure? But I heard that back then, A disciple of the Xingxiu Sect defected and stole the cauldron, and his whereabouts are unknown."

He wanted to tease her again, but seeing her look like this, Ye Guhong simply said honestly: "This tripod was found under the cliff outside Yanmen Pass, and these are the ones I found from Xingxiu Sea..."

Before he could finish his thoughts, he suddenly felt that the cauldron was somewhat familiar. He stepped forward to take it, held it up and smelled it gently, and a light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as the words came out, White Snake, Snow Centipede, and Spirit Toad all said: "No!"

White Snake was the fastest and rushed to say: "Anyway, we cook rice and cook rice. If you want to cheat, we will go to Emei and ask your master how to teach the disciples."

Long Kongkong raised his head and looked at the sky for a long time, and suddenly smiled sweetly. His usual charm was gone, and his beautiful face was filled with innocence. He shook his head slightly and said, "Ye Lang, I was originally just trying to prolong my life. I just thought of you as a junior, but now it seems that you are a truly blessed person. Your two betrothal gifts have contributed to the restoration of this sect. These three girls alone are not enough to make a contribution. Now, I am totally willing to follow you..." Just as she was expressing her feelings, Shexiang suddenly interrupted: "So you want to marry him too? How shameless are you, master and disciple, of marrying the same husband? My Mr. Ye’s reputation!”

Long Kongkong sneered and said: "What master and disciple? This girl, White Snake, is now kicked out of the door by me. I regard her as my adopted sister. What's wrong with us god-sisters marrying the same husband?"

White Snake immediately saluted and said, "Sister."

Long Kongkong also returned the courtesy: "Sister."

Then the four watery eyes of the former master, apprentice, and current sister turned to Shexiang at the same time, full of provocation.

Shexiang didn't expect Long Kongkong to operate like this, and couldn't help but feel suffocated. She was thinking of words in her heart, but she heard Long Kongkong proudly said: "Don't rely on Ye Lang's promise to marry you, and then you and I will take Qiao. We five The woman from the Immortal Sect was brought home by Ye Lang with a rare treasure as a betrothal gift, so how can she be compared to a swindler like you? "

Shexiang said angrily: "Mr. Ye, even if Shexiang remarries, she will never pay less than her. My betrothal gift must not be lower than hers."

Long Kongkong laughed proudly: "Hahahaha, I'm afraid you don't know the foundation of the Emei Sect. Although it is now famous in the martial arts world, it is not as wealthy as the Ming Sect and the Tianying Sect. Even the Shaolin Temple is far inferior. Ye The reason why Lang was able to offer such precious treasures as the sacred wooden tripod and the Five Immortals Incense as a betrothal gift was not because of the richness of the Emei family, but because of fate, it was just a coincidence that our sisters deserved to be his wives! Haha, why do you want to compare with us? , as Mrs. Shexiang is the leader of the Yi people, Ye Lang is probably going to have to move a mountain of gold to you so as not to lose your dignity, right?"

White Snake Da Le hugged her former master's arms, almost twisting into a snake, and said happily: "Hahaha, this woman is causing trouble for my husband before I even get married. Ye Lang may not even have a few gold ingots, let alone gold mountains." "

Although Snow Centipede and Yu Chan are simple-minded, they can always tell the difference between the enemy and ourselves. Seeing the two sides fighting each other, Yu Chan immediately helped and said: "I can't give her the gold ingot. I might eat it, and Brother Ye's ingot will have to feed me." Woolen cloth."

"You, you guys, are going too far!"

No matter how capable Shexiang is, she is just a young woman in her early twenties. She is being squeezed out by the Five Immortals, and for a moment she doesn't know how to deal with it——

If you don't want a betrothal gift, you will look contemptuous. If you want a betrothal gift, it will embarrass Ye Guhong.

Seeing Shexiang's beautiful eyes turn red, Ye Guhong coughed and said: "Sister Long is just joking with you. How can a mere golden mountain defeat me, Ye Guhong? But as I said before, the golden mountain is yours, but All the gold produced will belong to me in the first five years, but after that it will be divided equally with you, the Yi people. If I take over the world, I will let you do whatever you want."

After saying this, all the girls were stunned. Shexiang frowned and said, "Mr. Ye, I don't understand."

Yuchan was so happy that he pulled Xue Xiang and whispered: "I think this sister Shexiang is not smarter than me, and I don't understand either."

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "Ye Lang, are you going to trick her into entering first?"

Ye Guhong shook his head: "I had to discuss this matter with Shexiang."

Then he stepped forward on his horse, went straight into the Yi army's formation, and clasped his fists at the people around Shexiang: "You are all the great talents around Shexiang. Naturally, you should know about this important matter. In fact..."

He said something in a low voice, but it was the approximate location of the gold mine.

Everyone was very surprised after hearing this: "We Yi people have lived here for generations. Not to mention the mountains and rivers, we are familiar with every plant and tree. How have you ever heard of a gold mine? How did you know?"

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "I don't want to talk about the strange power and chaos. I dreamed that the gods told me about the gold mine here and asked me to use it as military resources to raise troops to fight against the Yuan Dynasty. Do I still need to tell you?"

An old Yi man heard that it was a divine message in a dream, and frowned and said: "How can we take it seriously if we dream about it?"

Ye Guhong said generously: "You are willing to agree to the peace treaty today, and you are willing to help me seize Shu and rebel against the Yuan Dynasty. To put it bluntly, you are forced by me with force. I am afraid that you are not convinced in your heart. Since you don't believe me, let's work together." Go and take a look on the ground. If there is no gold mine, then today’s covenant will be invalid..."

After hearing this, all the Yi people, except for Shexiang's brows, showed joy almost at the same time.

Ye Guhong smiled and said lightly: "But if what I say is true..."

The old Yi man looked solemn and said categorically: "If there is indeed a gold mine, then he is a blessed person blessed by the gods. Following such a person is a great blessing for our tribe. We will serve him wholeheartedly!"

"it is good!"

This was what Ye Guhong was waiting for. He used his strength to subdue the Yi people today, which would cause serious consequences, but now he was deliberately trying to convince everyone.

Immediately said: "In this case, without further delay, everyone, wait until I order the three thousand Miao soldiers, and we will go together to see if Ye is really so lucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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