So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 10 This is an insult to me

Chapter 10 This is an insult to me
  The starting lineup for the "Dream Team" is:
  Every name is a dazzling presence in the NBA, and together they are even more star-studded and full of dreams.

Compared with the nervousness and excitement of the college student sparring group, the faces of these people were calm and calm.

They have seen too many big scenes, and this training match is more like a "guidance ball" for them.

Barkley put the braces in his mouth and looked at Jordan next to him.

With his hands on his hips, he looked as cold as an emperor.

Start again, start again!

Buckley groaned inwardly.

Since this kid won the championship, his performance has skyrocketed, and the "hairy Jordan" like the "silly young man" before can no longer be seen.

"I feel like I have no motivation, Mike. Do you want to see who gets more points today?" he shouted to Jordan.

Jordan turned his head slightly and glanced at him: "Sure, after you win a championship trophy."

This means:

What character uses the same "hair oil" as me?
  With one sentence, Barkley silently shut his "sausage mouth".

MD, that’s it again!

In the past, he could still mock Jordan, but now whenever Jordan mentions "championship", he can only shut up silently.

This feeling is really frustrating.

I really hope that I can meet Michael Jordan on the stage of the finals in the future, and then beat him to a pulp and win the championship. Let’s see if he dares to win the championship again then!

When Barkley was "fantasizing", the college sparring team came on stage.

"Are they just you brats?"

Johnson expected to hear some explosive response, but unfortunately there was not one. Because of their nervousness, the mouths of the college student sparring group seemed to be covered with 502 glue and they could not open their mouths at all.

Including Hardaway, who is usually carefree, he has long forgotten the punishment of provoking the Dream Team.

Not only did he forget, but all the others on the field also forgot.

They looked at their opponents with slightly apprehensive eyes.

Especially Grant Hill, looking at the "Black Jesus" in front of him, his breathing became heavier.

Carlsimo's eyes became focused, and he said with some concern: "Isn't this too stressful? Are you sure it can bring pressure to the dream team?"

Chuck Daly remained calm and didn't take Carlsimo's words to heart. Even in the NBA, how many people don't feel nervous when facing these people? Nervousness is normal, and it just shows that they have a small mindset of "doing something big".

"Relax, man!"

He patted Carlsimo on the shoulder and took the lead in sitting on the long bench on the sidelines, waiting for the game to start.

The current No. [-] coach in the NBA is showing off his charisma.

Putting aside everything else, Carlsimo was resigned to his high-level demeanor.

The first round of the game proved what Daly thought.

Tension and pressure can be turned into motivation.

Montrose scored the first attack for the college sparring team.

Hurley held the ball in the frontcourt and pretended to organize, but his mind was entirely on the "magician" in front of him. The moment he saw his eyes glancing to the left, he decisively held the ball and broke through to the right. Johnson's reaction was not slow, but as a big man, his physical coordination was much worse than Hurley's. With only a slight physical confrontation, he could only let Hurley complete the breakthrough.

After successfully attracting the help of "Big Bird" on the wing, Hurley quickly distributed the ball to Houston on the outside as requested by "Old K" before the game.

Holding the gun in hand, loading the "ammunition", he jumped up gracefully. The ball made a perfect arc in the air and fell steadily into the basket.

Once you get into the soul, you get 2 points!
  "Nice, nice!"

A goal was scored at the beginning, and "Old K" on the sidelines applauded, nodded and smiled, madly giving a positive signal to help the college student sparring group build self-confidence.

And this is just the beginning.

These top NCAA players have shown a characteristic that makes them better than the NBA giants. It may also be a shortcoming. It mainly depends on how to understand this matter, and what kind of occasion and time this characteristic occurs:

Absolute obedience to the head coach’s instructions.

There are three ball-holding points in the starting NCAA training team lineup. Not counting Houston, who is only responsible for "pulling the gun line" on the outside, there are two:
  Duke's "dual-core backcourt" Grant Hill and Hurley.

They kept breaking through with the ball, passing the ball, breaking through again, and passing the ball again, until a shooting opportunity appeared.

It completely fulfilled the tactical requirement of "breaking through the ball" and using shooting to solve problems that "Old K" wanted.

Houston was really accurate. He took 5 shots in the opening, all of which were hits. One person almost did as much damage as an artillery battalion. Even though they were a group of veterans starting the "Dream Team", they didn't expect this "back wave" to be so exaggerated, and they were knocked unconscious.

Except for Michael Jordan who is still outputting steadily after getting the ball, others always feel like they are always on the verge of "dropping out".

Meng Lang was not surprised by the 17-7 score difference. He already knew the outcome of this game. But now it seems that everything that happens is foreshadowed. When Pan Jinlian seduces Wu Song, it indicates that she will definitely cheat in the future.

From the perspective of "hindsight", all the players on this "Dream Team" should have just finished their vacation. Except for Michael Jordan, everyone else has not yet recovered. ——Not everyone is like Michael Jordan. Even in the off-season, he can use strong self-control to ensure his training volume.

The figure of "Flying Pig" is slightly out of shape.

"Magic" was diagnosed with AIDS before the start of the new season last year. He only played one All-Star game throughout the season and is in a "semi-retired" state.

"Big Bird" has been suffering from a damn back injury all season long, and his grandmother's road has caused him a lot of trouble, making his already poor physical condition "even worse." According to the original timeline, he would announce his retirement after the Olympics.

This is the current situation of this "Dream Team". It is far less star-studded than their lineup showed. Even though they still beat their opponents by an average of more than 32 points per game in the subsequent Olympics, Chuck Daly did not have any during the entire Olympics. Call a timeout.

But the current situation is that most people are not in his best condition. The "Magic Bird" labeled as the "Dream Team" has reached the end of his career.

However, Meng Lang soon discovered that he was superficial.

The "Dream Team" has probably played more than [-] games together. Their rich experience allows them to be calm and unhurried at any time, and their ability to adapt to the situation is not that of the fledgling chicks in the NCAA. Not even college students can compare. The college student sparring group had a big start, but they slowly gained a foothold.

In the second half of the second quarter, Houston, which had turned the game into an "unlimited firepower", was also unknowingly choked to death by them.

At the same time, Michael Jordan gradually took the initiative on both offense and defense. Whether it was Grant Hill or Hardaway, who came on later, they gradually became puppets in his hands after playing the "three axes".

The point difference also narrowed to 3 points.

The "Dream Team" is about to take over!
  Dailey, who had been sitting on the bench, stood up at this time and looked at "Old K": "Hey, Mike, aren't you going to let the remaining children who haven't played yet move around? They have also seen it now. "

Big doubts flashed across "Old K's" small eyes.

He didn't quite understand what Daley meant.

He turned around and glanced at the bench of the college student training group. There were no players who had played yet...


Chuck Daly wants Meng Lang to play?

He looked at Chuck Daly again and saw the affirmation in his eyes. This made him a little more stunned, and his small eyes suddenly became a little bigger. Naturally, he wanted Meng Lang to go on the field to experience the atmosphere and play against the "Dream Team". What a rare opportunity this was.

It's just that he was worried that Daley wouldn't give Meng Lang this chance.

Until that moment, he thought Chuck Daly let Meng Lang be on the list just for his sake. Therefore, as soon as Meng Lang arrived, he got vaccinated first and "manually" lowered Meng Lang's expectations.

Unexpectedly, Daley actually asked him to bring Meng Lang on the court.

Without any further hesitation, Old K immediately waved: "Meng, your time is up!"

Meng Lang was also surprised and suspected that he had heard wrongly, if everyone else on the bench hadn't looked towards him. His mood had not changed at first, but he suddenly became excited, and his hands clenched into fists unconsciously. He was joking, this was a match against the "Dream Team"!

Just thinking about it makes you feel dreamy.

Meng Lang took off his coat, revealing his strong arms, and went to battle!
  "Don't care too much about your performance, you know, it's not the most important thing!"

Old K watched him pass by, satisfaction showing in his narrow eyes. Lu Xun once said that the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she becomes. This is how Old K felt when he saw Meng Lang.

There was also a hint of cunning in Daley's eyes, as if some plan had succeeded.

He said to Carlsimo: "Notify Christian that it's his turn to play!" He also snapped his fingers handsomely in his mind.

Laettner has been paying attention to the movements of the college bench, hoping that Daly can let him play earlier.

He knew this was a luxury.

In the "Dream Team", he is just a little shrimp.

But he still hopes to have such an opportunity so that he can shout to Meng Lang on the bench:
  You are perfect for where you are.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, Daley's summons did not come. Instead, Meng Lang got the summons before him.

How could I be later than him!

This is a great disgrace to Lightner.

Carlsimo appeared in front of him at this time, which immediately made him happy. He took three steps and two steps at a time and walked towards the player waiting area.

Passing by Chuck Daly, he was stopped.

Before he could cast a doubtful look, Daley's slowly speaking words reached his ears:

"I heard that the Chinese new guy was the one Mike hired to fill in your departure! Let me think about his exact words, oh, by the way... he was a player Duke just recruited this summer, and he will fill the gap in the new season. If we need a top NCAA sparring team for the vacancy left after Christian leaves, his name can definitely appear on it... I don't know Mike very well, but I know he is not someone who would give such an evaluation easily. Man, what I am most curious about is whether this new person can really replace you!"

Every word is like a needle pricking me.

The arrogant Leitner's face turned red, and he was "red and warm".

Break the defense!
  He subconsciously looked at Old K, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Originally, he couldn't understand why his most respected teacher, the mentor who once said he was like his son, would choose a Chinese to enter Duke. Now that I heard that Old K thought that this Chinese was on the same level as him, I felt even more humiliated.

Old K also noticed Leitner's eyes.

It was difficult for him to ignore such a strong gaze.

Looking at the look on Chuck Daly's face as his plan had succeeded, he immediately realized the fishiness in it.

No wonder he agreed to Meng Lang joining this sparring group.

Now he understood everything.

The clown is me!
  At first he thought it was for his own sake, but now it seems that he heard that he put Meng Lang on the same level as Leitner and wanted to use him as a "whetstone" for Leitner!

the bitch...

The grumpy old K couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Yes, this is the man who said "I want to see blood" without changing his expression. This calculation is not worth mentioning at all.

As for his current substitutions, Old K thought about it carefully and felt that there were still plots waiting for him!
  I just don’t know who is plotting this time.

Meng Lang and Leitner stood almost side by side, waiting to play.

At this moment, Leitner had completely regarded Meng Lang as his enemy, and he spoke even more rudely: "Are you happy? Being considered by Old K to replace me, Chinese people, this should be the most glorious moment in your life, right? But a mouse is a mouse, After all, you will not see the light, and you will be beaten back to your original shape soon! Recognize the gap between you and us!"

"Have you always lied to yourself like this?" Meng Lang shook his finger at him with a disdainful look, "Mike put your name with me. This is an insult to me!"

 Get up early for two updates

  (End of this chapter)

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