So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 11 Congratulations, Mike, you picked up a treasure

Chapter 11 Congratulations, Mike, you found a treasure

During the dead ball time, Chuck Daly reached out to indicate a substitution.

Michael Jordan's expression turned ugly when he saw his substitution. Not only was David Robinson in the post replaced, he was replaced by "rookie" Laettner.

He was also replaced along with it.

The "Dream Team" is currently in great shape, but it has not yet completely overtaken the lead. Taking Jordan off the field at this time is no different from killing him.

He didn't understand why Daley made such a substitution.

But he had to obey. ——Perhaps this is the reason why his face looks so aggrieved. He realized the difference between being on the national team and being on the Bulls.

Is this Chuck Daly’s “daunting action”?

Jordan ended the game with a straight face. Everyone could see his displeasure. Even Barkley, who had just joked with him, didn't dare to breathe at this moment. However, Daley wanted to touch Tiger's butt. He stretched out his palm and handed it to Jordan, waiting for him to pat it.

"Good job, Michael!"

This may be the earliest precious picture of humans taming wild beasts.

Unfortunately, there were no reporters at the scene.

Jordan paused, glanced at Daley coldly, clapped his hand, and then returned to the bench without saying a word.

Call ~
  Although he successfully collected the "Taming Jordan Fragments", Chuck Daly still exhaled unconsciously.

The aura of that young boy whom he had pinned to the ground and beaten now was too powerful.

However, if this were not the case, why would he bother with it?

There are some things that this "dream team" must experience!

  Or Asian?

The "Dream Team" bench noticed Meng Lang coming on the court.

The first thing that attracted attention was his skin color.

In fact, they had noticed Meng Lang a long time ago, but since they were self-proclaimed bosses, they didn't ask too much, thinking that he was just an ordinary staff member.

But now this ordinary staff member actually comes on stage!
  Unfortunately, the only person who could answer their questions now was on the field.

After entering the game, Laettner was even more angry.

Not just because of Meng Lang's sarcastic remarks to him just now while standing on the sidelines. Also because after taking the field, the players on the college sparring team spontaneously greeted Meng Lang, including his former younger brother and best comrade Grant Hill, while on the "Dream Team" side, most of them were cold-eyed, and no one His teammates—if they were teammates at all—took the initiative to signal to him.

"Seniors in the world of martial arts" are generally like this.

Laettner felt he was at a disadvantage, which made him eager to regain his place.

The first round when the game restarts happens to belong to the "Dream Team". If this round is successful, then they will completely contrast the score and become the leading side. - Michael Jordan has reason to be so angry.

Just one round!

Any head coach would have waited for the round to end at this time, but Daley chose to make a substitution.

Coming up with Laettner were John Stockton, one of the "Two Evils of Utah", and Patrick Ewing, the "Gorilla" of New York.

This is the "Dream Team", and every player is a famous player.

Except for Laettner, of course he is also well-known throughout the United States, but he obviously cannot compare with his predecessors in terms of qualifications.

While sitting off the court, Stockton observed Hardaway very carefully and found a breakthrough very smoothly.

A player like Stockton mainly relies on his brains.

After deceiving Hardaway, Stockton waited at the free throw line for Chris Webber's defense, and then passed the ball toward the bottom corner.

Laettner showed his solid basic skills and the essence of running back.

Although he has an arrogant personality, he is indeed an NCAA ceiling-level player.

He can defeat Shaquille O'Neal to join the "Dream Team". Putting aside other factors, just talking about the few games when the two met on the NCAA court, his performance is better than Shaq, even if he is still standing next to him. With the best college outsider Grant Hill in the United States, Shaq is just walking in the dark alley alone.

A very important ball was passed to him.

In the first round, he may become the hero of the team. After a slight adjustment, Laettner released the shot. It felt very stable, but unfortunately the ball circled halfway around the basket and fell out.

Still a little anxious.

Ewing saved him.

With excellent positioning skills and a stocky figure, Montrose had no temper at all. He could only watch the "Empire Orangutan" grab offensive rebounds in front of him and successfully complete the second attack.

The score was even.

"Do you always need someone to wipe your ass?"

Leitner breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the attack was finally completed. Meng Lang's words to him made his handsome face stiffen. It was as if someone had stabbed him with the Millennium Killer, hitting the bullseye.

"It's okay, let's respond to one!"

Grant Hill spoke at this time.

The college student sparring team had not scored for three rounds, but Meng Lang's appearance, for some reason, made him feel calm again.

Opposite Meng Lang is "Big Bird".

Daley's first substitution was not to replace him, an "old man," but to replace Michael Jordan, which surprised him.

Is the first lesson of the "Dream Team" just to "suffer the old man"?

If I had known earlier, I would have been more cautious when making the decision.

Grant Hill's gaze, which he thought was well hidden, was fully visible to him. Not wanting his juniors to step on his shoulders, he took a serious stance and used his rich experience to constantly move laterally in advance to prevent Grant Hill from passing the ball.

Hill showed his basketball IQ, or the tacit understanding he and Meng Lang established in so many pick-up games.

He no longer observed Meng Lang's movement, using his already NBA-level "fast first step", and left him behind in the astonishment of "Glider".

Now "Big Bird" had to make up the defense.

Because Hill's position is only one step away from him.

This is like a "trap", but the "big bird" has to jump. ——Three years ago, he might have been able to think before reacting, but now his body functions require him to react immediately to every possible situation.

As he moved, Meng Lang also ran in the opposite direction, widening the distance between him and the "big bird". Without clapping, Hill's pass had already reached him.

A perfect open space opportunity.

Of course, Leitner would not allow such a thing to happen, and he pounced on him like a mad dog.

Although he is 2 meters tall, he has such reaction speed.

This guy is actually very suitable for the "small ball era"!
  However, this was what Meng Lang was waiting for. When he was about to pounce in front of him, he hit the ground with one hand and passed the ball to Chris Webber under the basket.

Weber turned around and put the basket into the frame.

"Good backup defense, is this how Duke won the NCAA championship?"

Meng Lang's taunts floated into Leitner's ears as the basketball fell into the basket.

In an instant, the face of the "first man in Duke team history" turned ugly.

There seems to be a gap between these two people?

The big guys on the "Dream Team" bench heard something fishy, ​​and they all showed expressions of watching the excitement.

Chuck Daly's eyes became strange.

Just looking at this round, Meng Lang's offensive style is really not much different from Laettner's. They both use running positions to find openings.

The biggest difference may be that Letenas is in the fourth or fifth position, while Meng Lang appears more often in the second and third positions.

Is it possible that he can really fill the vacancy left by Laettner?
  Well, to be honest, Chuck Daly doesn't care.

This is just something he did casually:
  It would be best if Meng Lang could make Leitner more confident and stop paying attention to the rumors from the outside world.

If nothing like this had happened...

That doesn't matter.

The hope of a "dream team" never lies in a "rookie" college student.

Old K gradually became excited.

Since taking advantage of the situation in the first round, Meng Lang has been playing better than Leitner, and he also successfully stole Leitner during the period.

He believed his "son" was simply too impatient and not performing as well as he should have. But during this period, Meng Lang was more like the "America's darling" who had played in the NCAA for four years, Laettner... It was obvious to the naked eye that he still needed to continue learning.

He knew Meng Lang was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

With Meng Lang's performance, the score difference came to 8 points.

This time, even Chuck Daly's eyes showed appreciation.

It is a rare thing for a high school graduate who has not played a single NCAA game to have an impact on this level of competition.

"Congratulations, Mike, you picked up a treasure!"

Daly will also pay attention to the super rookies in high school basketball every year, which is what people in this circle must do.

He had never heard of the name Meng Lang.

This is a piece of rough jade, which fell into the hands of old K.

His success will not only help Duke, but will also provide a huge bonus to Lao K's reputation.

Know people and make good use of them...

This is one of the best compliments for a head coach.

"That's almost it, this farce!"

Jordan couldn't help it anymore, he stood up and took off his coat.

He's had enough rest!

He is going to play!

The score behind the "Dream Team" was too dazzling. He sat off the court and suffered every minute.

His competitive spirit did not allow the "Dream Team" to assemble for the first game, which was such an ugly process.

Daley didn't continue to tease the tiger's beard. He knew very well what "too much is not enough" means. But he only brought Jordan on the court according to his personal wishes, and did not bring on other main players.

But this was enough for Old K to replace Meng Lang and use all the main players to fight against the league's current number one player.

This was Old K’s instinctive reaction.

In his heart, Meng Lang was still a child. He didn't want Michael Jordan to destroy Meng Lang's self-confidence. Especially now with Michael Jordan, everyone knows he is unhappy.

What he didn't know was that after Grant Hill saw the substitution, he wanted to ask Old K to keep Meng Lang on the court. He was really comfortable playing during this period.

Meng Lang is really good at it.

Just give him a slap on the butt and you'll know immediately what he wants.

"Nice, buddy!"

“Excellent performance!”

"You kicked Laettner's ass so hard, I loved it!"

Meng Lang's statistics when he came off the court were 4 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist and steal. Counting high-level statistics such as indirect assists, his presence on the court would be even stronger. But he didn't have any negative data like omissions or mistakes.

As a high school graduate, this is really annoying.

All the NCAA star players on the bench stood up and high-fived him.

Meng Lang's own mentality didn't change much.

He faced the aging Larry Bird. This may be the first time he touched the ball since the end of last season. Even if he played like this, there is nothing to be proud of.

Leitner was also replaced. Compared with the welcome from Meng Lang's side, Leitner was greeted by pairs of strange eyes.

It's that weird feeling of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, keeping it in your heart but showing it on your face and eyes.

The "front wave" was slapped on the beach by the "back wave". As long as this kind of thing didn't happen to them, they would really like it.

(End of this chapter)

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