So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 170 That city’s past glory and future shame should all be related to me.

Jordan tried to step up and save the team, just like he always did.

It's just that this game, at this point, has little to do with the Bulls' overall strength.

Rather than saying that the Bulls are in bad shape, it's better to say that Phil Jackson let Chuck Daly take care of it.

From the very beginning, Chuck Daly used the "Bulls' five players", or Kukoc's average time per game, very specifically. When the game reached 7 minutes and 45 seconds of the fourth quarter, Kukoc's playing time had reached 36 minutes, a full 26 minutes more than his usual 10 minutes.

The "five small" tactics are very physically demanding, and he also occupies a very important role in this system.

So much so that he, who averaged only 1.4 turnovers per game this season, made 2 consecutive turnovers during this period, allowing the Lakers to successfully open the point difference to more than 10 points.

In the last 2 minutes, Jordan and Pippen used their best double-teaming.

In the first round, the effect was very outstanding. The Lakers almost had an 8-second violation, and the final shot was also rushed.

But Chuck Daly quickly called a timeout. After the timeout, the Lakers made full use of the ball-holding abilities of Meng Lang, Johnson and Barkley, and smoothly moved the ball out of the circle. They even used Jordan and Pippen to The loss of position caused by excessive double-teaming and continuous passing of the ball helped Ben Wallace complete the dunk.

After this dunk, the point difference returned to 2 digits again, and the game lost its suspense.

109 to 99, the Lakers won this much-anticipated "Christmas War" with a 10-point difference.


Meng Lang, who did not lag behind in the first half, had comparable statistics in the whole game, scoring 33 points, 5 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 1 block;

Meng Lang played against Jordan a total of 8 times on the NBA stage. In these 8 games, he rarely scored more than Jordan, but he did it tonight.

This is also in line with the ecological chain of this season’s scoring list.

Meng Lang, who averaged 31.8 points per game, beat Jordan's 29.3 points per game, temporarily ranking first in the league.

Not counting the short half of the season when Jordan returned from retirement, Jordan has won the "scoring title" eight times since 1987. This is the first time in the NBA that a player has averaged more points per game than Jordan.

Bill Walton summarized the game at the end: "Dream defeated Michael again. In the 7 regular seasons they have played against, Meng Lang's winning streak against Michael has reached a terrifying 7-game winning streak. That is to say, so far in the regular season, Michael has not defeated Dream in the regular season... No one can maintain such a winning streak against Michael in the regular season!"

He also mentioned the changes in the scoring list: "In addition, in the area where Michael is best at scoring, Dream also suppressed Michael for the first time in his career! The 24-year-old Dream may really become the 'Jordan finisher' By'!"

This kind of evaluation is not low, especially coming from Bill Walton, the former "Finals MVP". There will definitely be quite a discussion tomorrow.

In the cctv-5 studio, Director Zhang was also full of praise for Meng Lang: "Xiao Meng played really well in this game. He didn't fall behind at all against Jordan!"

As a loyal Jordan fan, Director Zhang can make such comments about Meng Lang, which shows Meng Lang's performance in this game.

Of course, as far as the entire process is concerned, Meng Lang is indeed not inferior to Jordan. Even at the end of the first half, he had more presence than Jordan.

Sun Zhengping was puzzled. When did such a player appear in China? No wonder he would give such an evaluation to Meng Lang. Although it is a pity that Meng Lang did not participate in this year's Olympics.

But not this year, there will be next year!

The glory of the Chinese men's basketball team is right in front of us!
Except for Jordan and Meng Lang, the data of other players on the Lakers and Bulls are as follows:

Rodman had 3 points and 13 rebounds.

There is nothing to say in terms of scoring. He was not responsible for the Bulls' offense, but he only grabbed 13 rebounds tonight, which is still far behind his usual average of 14.9 rebounds per game.

In such a crucial game, the performance was not up to the average. There is no doubt that Rodman held the team back tonight.

Compared to him, Barkley's score was not very high, only 15 points.

The Bulls' "five small" lineup's quick defense changes and double-teaming made it difficult for him to take calm shots from the wing, so he only took 10 shots in this game. To a certain extent, the Bulls' restrictions on his offensive end are still obvious.

But tonight, Barkley grabbed 16 rebounds, almost 2 rebounds higher than his average rebounds per game.

This shows that tonight he not only crushed Rodman on the offensive end, but also suppressed Rodman on the rebounding end.

Of course, he can grab so many rebounds, thanks to the "dark horse" Ben Wallace.

As one of the biggest contributors to the Lakers' win tonight.

Ben Wallace's final playing time was 20 minutes and 13 seconds.

This means that in the 24 minutes of the second half, he only rested for more than 3 minutes.

His statistics were 4 points, 2 blocks and 4 rebounds.

In addition to grabbing rebounds continuously when he came up, he was deliberately targeted by the Bulls later on. At this time, his inexperienced side was exposed. But because he attracted the Bulls' attention, it relieved Barkley's burden. In the fourth quarter, the "Flying Pig" went down and picked up the board, grabbing 6 rebounds in a single quarter.

So don't look at it, Ben Wallace's final numbers are unremarkable.

But he was arguably the Lakers' biggest contributor tonight.

Of course, it's also a good thing this team doesn't have someone.

Both Meng Lang and Chuck Daly pointed out this point in interviews after the game:
"This was the turning point for us to win tonight, otherwise it would have been a tough battle!"

Ben Wallace was faced with a lot more scenes, and he couldn't help but show his naive look: "Dream gave me a lot of encouragement. He told me that the Christmas fight is just for fame! "

Facts have proved that Meng Lang was right!

After this game, you can be sure that at least these reporters will know Ben Wallace...

Jones finally got 6 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist. As Michael Jordan's main defense target, it is not a shame to get such data.

Johnson was unremarkable in this game, but his final statistics were very good:

16 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists!

When the Lakers imitated the Bulls and started moving the ball quickly, Johnson's experience came into play. But old people do not rely on their muscles and bones. After this game, Johnson took the initiative to find Chuck Daly and said that he must rest in the next game.

This kind of transition between offense and defense is what he liked to play in the past. But now we really can’t fight for that long.

In addition, Divac only played 20 minutes in this game, and his statistics were not very good, with only 6 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists. However, there was nothing that could be done about it. The Bulls' tactics were indeed a bit too targeted at a slow-moving big man like him. .

However, if you win the game, no matter whether the data looks good or not, you are the hero, and you can enjoy the cheers of the Los Angeles people at the scene.

Meng Lang was interviewed by reporters on the sidelines amidst the cheers of the "new magician" from the audience. The ABC host seemed to be intending to arouse the cheers of the audience. His first question was: "Is this what you are doing in the regular season?" Michael’s 7th consecutive victory. You haven’t lost to Michael in a regular season match. Do you think this record can last forever?”

While this issue continued, the cheers from the audience continued, and in the end, they directly drowned the entire arena.

Meng Lang gave an answer that was not disappointing: "Then let's see what step I can take!"

He showed an ambitious side.

Jordan soon learned about this. He was not angry, but showed a smile: "Then let's see what step he can take!"

He almost copied Meng Lang's lines, but reporters knew that this was Jordan's truly angry reaction.

The entire Chicago media was also very angry about this defeat.

From the content published by the Chicago media early the next morning, it was clear that they believed Phil Jackson and Pippen were the biggest reasons for the loss in the "Christmas Day War".

The problem with Phil Jackson is that his on-the-spot reaction made Chuck Daly explode so completely.

Judging from Daly's use of Ben Wallace, he was definitely prepared, and he also specifically targeted the "five small lineups" with powerful firepower that the Bulls rely on for survival.

This team, which is famous for its offensive firepower, used "Raider" Ben Wallace to simulate the Bulls' "five small lineups" in this game, and used this lineup to defeat the Bulls. They were caught off guard.

The Chicago media believes that if Phil Jackson had predicted this, the Bulls' "five players" would never lose, because the Lakers' lineup obviously does not have such a tacit understanding. The Bulls' "five players" mainly lost in physical fitness.

This has something to do with Phil Jackson completely disrupting the use of Kukoc.

As for Pippen...

"With 11 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, and a shooting percentage of 41.3%, is he really Michael's best helper?"

"The ultimate humiliation, from the court to off the court, Dream: I just taught him some moves that can increase his worth. I don't know if he learned it!"

"Erupt or sink, the 32-year-old Scottie Pippen is about to reach a crossroads in his career!"

You can actually tell from these news headlines what kind of attitude the outside media has towards him!

In this game, when he faced Meng Lang, he was at a disadvantage on both offense and defense. Not as reliable as he usually is. Moreover, Meng Lang's "trash talk" towards him during the game was also exposed one by one.

This put him at the forefront.

The attitude of the Chicago media was, "No wonder Krause is unwilling to negotiate consecutive contracts. In this state, he still wants a big contract? Just dream!"

With the support of the Chicago media, Krause also faced the media again and said bluntly: "There is still one year to discuss this contract. He will not become a free agent next summer. We all know this. I I hope he can give me a performance that makes me eager to renew my contract, but so far, he has not given such a performance!"

This means:

He has money, but his performance is not up to par!
This somewhat angered Pippen.

Although he did not attack in person, his dissatisfaction was still revealed from his friend's mouth:

If I only get 225 million, then my performance is completely worthy of such a salary!

But he only had an attack to this extent and made no further moves.

These actions and reactions of his are a true portrayal of his character:
When he first joined the Bulls, he said he was the best player on the team, but was slapped speechless by Oakley; when the "Dream Team" selected players, he directly said "I I didn't expect there was a place for me here." Later, he fell out with Grant, and the two of them competed for the boss position of the Bulls without Jordan. He couldn't domineeringly say to Grant, "I am the owner of the Bulls. You are just my deputy." Phil Jackson arranged for Kukoc to take the last shot. He refused to play at the time, but he was on pins and needles. After the game, he even took the initiative to apologize to Phil Jackson...

This has been his entire career!

I have a bit of a temper, but not much...

It was the same this time. Even at this time, he didn't dare to really fall out with Klaus.

So much so that he got really angry later and when he chose not to play for the new contract, Klaus still sat firmly on the "Diaoyutai" and even threatened to trade him out, choosing a tougher way of confrontation. It was Jordan who came out to smooth things over, and Pippen had a way to come down.

Even though the incident this time has caused such a big fuss, given Pippen's urinary nature, I'm afraid it will end in vain and will return to peace soon.

Compared with Chicago's finding the "culprit" for the defeat, the media in Los Angeles made extensive reports on two of them after the game.

One of them is naturally "The Raider" Ben Wallace.

Combined with his status as an undrafted player, an "inspirational" title was placed on his head.

Of course, this is also the reason why the original Ben Wallace became the starting All-Star in the Eastern Conference for quite some time. His story inspired one after another.

The other one is a bit unexpected:
It's none other than Eddie Jones!

As one of the few people in the league who dared to be arrogant in front of Jordan, although he was beaten to a pulp, his courage and Jordan's reaction were enough to make Jones the new favorite of the city.

Just in this way, Kobe's original limelight was divided a little by these two people.

Even in Los Angeles, where the stars shine brightly, exposure will eventually come to an end.

But for Kobe, this is not the only unlucky thing.

"11-0, okay, don't waste time, go buy hamburgers and Coke for everyone!"


The second unlucky thing was that he was once again blocked by Meng Lang in a bullfight!
The blow this time was no less than the first time they were kept clean.

At that time, Kobe didn't expect that he would lose so miserably.

This time, he had a deeper understanding of Meng Lang's abilities and knew that he would definitely not be able to win, but he would not be as embarrassed as last time.

But the result made him doubt his life:
No, my head was shaved when I first entered the NBA. After training hard for so long, how could I still be shaved?

Meng Lang: You will know later that "bald" is the most suitable hairstyle for you!

Compared to the depressed Kobe, Ben has been in high spirits during happy events recently. Not only has his exposure increased steadily, Chuck Daly has also increased the running time of the "Five Little Boys" in Los Angeles. This means that he will have more roles in the next game. Rather than the Lakers' second backup center who averages about 10 points per game.

In Chuck Daly's view, Ben deserved this. He gave Ben a chance and he seized it, so he should have a stage in this team. In the next game, Chuck Daly plans to use him as the Lakers' first substitute at the power forward and center positions.

The original first substitute for the Lakers power forward was "Magic" Johnson.

After Barkley comes off the court, he will move to the four position.

But after the "Christmas Day War", Chuck Daly will reduce his time at the power forward position and give this part of the time to Ben Wallace.

"Magic" doesn't have any objections, especially after hearing that the "five small" lineup will become a regular lineup of the Lakers in the future, he has no objections even more. With his physical ability, he can only last about 22 minutes on the court with such a tactic, and his average time per game so far is 30 minutes and 12 seconds, which is indeed a bit too high!
"Dream, I'm going to start growing afros, do you want to come with me?"

Ben Wallace extended an invitation to Meng Lang.

He felt that it was not enough for the Lakers to have a "sleeve gang" and was planning to add another "Afro Gang."

Meng Lang chose to politely refuse, but he recommended a candidate to Ben Wallace, and that person would definitely agree to Ben Wallace.

Sure enough, early the next morning, Da Ben excitedly told Meng Lang: "The Afro Gang has been established!"

Apart from Da Ben himself, the only other member left was the person Meng Lang recommended to him:

Kobe Bryant!

Let's talk about the taste of "Iron Mamba", it is really pure "old black man".

The Lakers' first game after the "Christmas Day War" was to move to Cleveland to challenge the Cavaliers.

Two months ago, something closely related to Meng Lang happened here:
A black mother who accepted his help 2 years ago found the hotel where he was staying, hoping to get his help again so that her son, a teenager with a very talented basketball talent, could get the basketball help he should have at his age. !
Meng Lang agreed and took the lead in setting up a youth basketball training camp.

This is a good talk, and in the past two months, this training camp has been progressing in an orderly manner.

This was Meng Lang's second visit to Cleveland two months later. The Cavaliers' management specially invited the child and his mother to come to the sidelines to watch the game between the Cavaliers and the Lakers.

Meng Lang also met Gloria and LeBron James Jr. again.

LeBron has reached the stage of development. In two months, he has also grown significantly. His talents are even more overflowing.

Just like Meng Lang said, some talents are visible and tangible.

Especially on a kid like LeBron, you can see it right away.

All the media who had doubted this admitted it after meeting LeBron...

Akron is only an hour's drive from Cleveland, and many people from Akron come to the "big city" of Cleveland to seek life. But this is LeBron's first time watching the Cavaliers play in person.

Still so close to the sidelines.

He doesn’t yet have a clear idea: I can change my life and that of my mother through basketball.

From the time he walked into this arena to meeting Meng Lang, he was just like Grandma Liu in "A Dream of Red Mansions" entering the Grand View Garden, fresh and lively.

It turns out that there is such a side to life.

Can I live such a life!
This is the natural expression of his heart.

The moment he saw Meng Lang, all the cameras that had been paying attention to him were now focused on him.

He had an even deeper impression:

All the spotlight I've ever gotten has come from this man.

He can change my life, he can get me more attention!
Since the attention has increased, the frequency of kindness he and his mother have received has increased significantly.

This is a very keen feeling for a child who has been missing his father's love since childhood.

So much so that he had this thought:
If I want to keep having this kind of exposure, I'd better keep in touch with this man.

"Can I train with you this summer? Dream!" LeBron James saw Meng Lang walking up to him to say hello. He raised his head and looked directly into Meng Lang's eyes. He asked eagerly.

Meng Lang did not refuse.

For him, LeBron James is now like Kobe Bryant wearing the "Dream Disciple" hat, and will always be bound to him. Whether they want it or not. The only difference is that when Kobe noticed this, he already had the most basic judgment, and he was so arrogant that he tried his best to take off this hat.

LeBron James, who was facing the hardships of life, chose to take this thing and exchange it for some food and a better life. The completely opposite choices of the two people are related to their ages and their own personalities.

of course……

It’s also related to their experiences!
A child who has been hungry will naturally crave every opportunity to turn over.

The commentator at the scene looked at the photo of Meng Lang and LeBron and said jokingly: "Maybe one day in the future, this country boy will also become Cleveland's 'city son'."

They were definitely joking, even a little playful.

Meng Lang glanced at them. These two guys didn't know what their words meant at this moment. It's a pity that no one will find out what they said in the future. Cleveland's exposure is still too poor.

Coupled with the "Meng Lang" label that has been imprinted on LeBron.

Even if LeBron does become "the proud son of heaven" in the future, it will be entirely due to Meng Lang's kindness...

However, it can be seen from the attitude of the two of them longing for "sons of the city" that the situation in Cleveland is not optimistic.

The Cavaliers, who were ranked among the top five in the Eastern Conference last season, fell directly out of the top ten in the Eastern Conference this season.

Countless signs are showing:
They ushered in another "reconstruction journey."

"See you in the summer, LeBron!"

117 to 97, a 20-point victory over the Cavaliers, and the Lakers left Cleveland with a victory. Meng Lang greeted LeBron James before leaving the field and agreed to meet again in the summer.

LeBron James happily waved goodbye to Meng Lang. Then he looked at his mother who didn't need him to look up at the same time with the same joyful smile on his face. He knew that his choice was not wrong. .

After leaving Cleveland, the Lakers' next stop is to challenge the Philadelphia 76ers away from home!
This game can also be regarded as a "small focus battle."

Meng Lang still has a score to settle with Jordan's "junior brother" Stackhouse.

However, before the game, Stackhouse, who had been playing professionally for a year and a half, was not deterred at all. Before the game, he said bluntly: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"


Pretend to be the best and get the most severe beating!
In Buckley's words: "I even met your senior brother once and beat him once. Why do you think you provoked him?"

After Allen Iverson came to Philadelphia, he played the one position, and Stackhouse mainly played the two position. In this game, Meng Lang kept looking for mismatched opportunities to face Stackhouse, and used back blows again and again, making him completely lose his temper.

At 9 minutes and 13 seconds of the first quarter, Stackhouse received two fouls due to defending Meng Lang's "back hit" and was replaced early.

Less than two minutes into the second quarter, Meng Lang once again fouled and sat off the court.

The entire first half only lasted 10 minutes and 12 seconds.

In the first half, he was caught and beaten by Meng Lang, and in the second half, it was even worse. Stackhouse, who clearly understood that he could not guard against Meng Lang, chose to avoid Meng Lang. No matter how Meng Lang changed positions and wanted to fight him alone, no matter how Meng Lang used "trash talk" to anger him. He was completely invisible.

But Chuck Daly off the court saw this situation, smiled slightly, and with a twist of his finger, Meng Lang changed from the No. 1 position to the No. 2 position.

Stackhouse can't hide even if he wants to!

There is no other way except to give Chuck Daly a shocked look of "Are you human? I'm still a child."

In the end, Stackhouse played 24 minutes and 13 seconds. He committed 6 fouls and was ejected. This was the first time in his career that Stackhouse left the game with 6 fouls. You must know that his average number of fouls per game this season is only 2.7.

He suffered enough in this game.

When leaving the field, he also buried his head low and shook his head slightly from time to time. Just looking at the back, you will feel that there is no light in this person.

Meng Lang directly shattered his mentality. In this game, he scored a very gorgeous 20 of 12 shots, 10 of 5 three-pointers, and 6 of 6 free throws. He scored a total of 35 points!
The score is only a few points higher than usual, but the shooting rate is as high as 60%!

He had a lot of ball-handling offense in this game.

Such a shooting percentage is rare when holding the ball a lot.

It can also be seen from here that Stackhouse really can't guard against him!

Of course, from Meng Lang's own perspective, his ability to hold the ball and play from behind can be considered to have been improved to a certain extent. If you continue to improve, you will soon be able to use it as a signature skill.

Meng Lang scored 35 points, and Barkley, who returned to his home team, also scored 30 points.

The process of his departure from Philadelphia was not pleasant. In the eyes of the Philadelphia management, he was never not for sale in Philadelphia. Then he became the regular season MVP with the Suns and one of the best players in the league.

Every time Barkley comes back, it seems like he's rubbing salt into the city's wounds.

But this time the pain was not that obvious.

Because Philadelphia has new hope:

It was none other than Allen Iverson, the "No. 96 pick" in the draft.

When the 76ers' management was selecting the No. pick, they once hesitated whether to choose Allen Iverson or Marbury.


He also performed very well in this game, scoring 27 points, 3 rebounds, 7 assists and 2 steals. Cheers can be heard from the sidelines almost every time he holds the ball.

Barkley hugged him after the game. Although he has never been the "NO.1" of this team, this is also a legacy: "You will become a great player!"

This is "Flying Pig"'s hope for the younger generations.

What he didn't notice was the resentful look in Kobe's eyes next to him.

He was born in Philadelphia. From the age of 6 until this summer's draft, everything about him was inseparable from this city. He was originally the "son of the city" in this city. He certainly has no regrets about choosing Los Angeles. But seeing Allen Iverson, a fellow student in his class, enjoying the cheers of the audience, he still inevitably felt a little jealous in his heart.

These halos should originally belong to him...

Unfortunately, he only played 11 minutes and 34 seconds in this game, and he did not perform well. He only scored 8 points on 2 of 4 shots.

This season, he averaged 7.8 points per game and scored in double figures in at least ten games. But he didn't bring his best game back to Philadelphia. He can only come back once a year. This made him even more frustrated after the game.

Meng Lang saw this scene on the bus back, but he didn't say much.

This is the process of growing up.

On the road to growth, not every moment of frustration is accompanied by a mentor to comfort you.

The same goes for Kobe.


"Dream, can we have another bullfight tomorrow?"

Meng Lang didn't expect that Kobe would look for abuse when faced with such a moment.

"No!" But Meng Lang didn't intend to agree.

Kobe was really stubborn. If Meng Lang didn't agree, he kept sitting next to Meng Lang.


Who said Carter had no emotional intelligence?
Aren’t those who really have no emotional intelligence sitting here?

While complaining in his heart, a very interesting idea came to Meng Lang's mind, so he changed his mind: "Okay, Kobe, but you have to agree to one request of mine..."

"Selling burgers again, right?"

"I'm not such an uncreative person! You..." Meng Lang stated his request.

Kobe was dumbfounded when he heard this, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva in the end.

Do you want to play in such a perverted way?

"Forget it if you don't want to. Just leave quickly and don't disturb my rest. We have a back-to-back fight tomorrow!" Meng Lang saw that he didn't agree and drove him away.

Seeing this, Kobe could only bite the bullet: "Okay!"

In this way, a bullfight that went as Kobe wished started on time at 10 a.m. the next day. Without any suspense, Meng Lang successfully defeated Kobe 11-0.

"What are you doing these days?" Meng Lang couldn't help but complain, "Why haven't you gotten any points yet?"

Kobe became angry and said, "That's because you don't dare to change your serve with me. If you can, let's change our serve and play another round!"

"You'd better do what I asked for first!" Meng Lang rolled his eyes at him and got into the weight room. He didn't even break a sweat during the bullfight just now.

"Damn it, just wait, sooner or later, I will definitely be able to defeat you!"

Kobe shouted at Meng Lang's back.

Meng Lang turned around and looked at Kobe's stubborn look. Suddenly I thought of the summer when I was 18 years old.

"Come on, Spider-Man!"

He made a "daddy" gesture toward Kobe.

It's just that Kobe didn't react. What "Spider-Man"?
"Have you never heard of the story of a spider that spins its web seven times before it succeeds? This is a story that every three-year-old child in England knows. You work hard and try to win one point from me within seven times!"

Meng Lang's words were so heartbreaking that Kobe was so angry that he hit the ball hard.

But the worse thing is...

He still had to fulfill Meng Lang's "perverted" request.

damn it!
How could you not score a single goal?
Otherwise, even if he loses, he will feel better at least.

The Lakers' next game is their last game in 96. This game they are at home and are about to face the challenge of the Indiana Pacers.

As one of the "background boards" for the first two years of Meng Lang's career, the Pacers used to be a very challenging team, but this season, with the earth-shaking changes in the Eastern Conference, some emerging forces have emerged, such as the Heat again For example, the Pistons have changed the pattern of the Eastern Conference.

Except for the first-place team in the Eastern Conference, which is still familiar, the other teams are all teams that have not been seen in such a high position in the past few seasons.

In order to create new forces, the old forces must be destroyed.

Among the fallen teams is the name of the Indiana Pacers. This season they are ranked 11th in the Eastern Conference. If you drop any further, you can compete for the "No. 1 pick"!

But if you really want to say it, the Pacers are really not here to "show off". Indiana is a city with a backbone, and there is no such word as "showing off" in their team building culture. This is another manifestation of Indiana culture.

Their poor record this year can be seen as the result of Larry Brown's "three axes" being used up.


He is still him.

But the Pacers just can't get tough this season.

This is the case with every team coached by Larry Brown.

Including the later Philadelphia 76ers, the situation was worse year by year until he dismissed get out of class.

If nothing else, this season will also be Larry Brown's last year with the Pacers.

The old man probably felt this, and he has been praising Allen Iverson crazily recently. Apparently he regarded that place as his potential next home. After all, the head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers this season is Johnny Davis, a little-known "rookie coach". Compared with his qualifications, he is simply not worth mentioning.

When such an opponent and such a head coach meet the Lakers, they will naturally be a piece of meat on the chopping block.

This game is called a crushing one.

There was no suspense in the third quarter, with the Pacers trailing by about 20 points. Even though Larry Brown did not replace the main players, he still allowed them to show their fighting spirit on the court, but Chuck Daly only played 5 minutes in the fourth quarter before Meng Lang was dismissed early.

His attitude is also obvious:

If you have the ability, fight Meng Lang back!


The game ended with the Lakers winning by 24 points.

After the game, there were not even as many reports about the content of the game as there were tidbits on the sidelines.

When Meng Lang was sitting on the bench waiting for the game to end, a beautiful woman sitting next to the bench suddenly said something to Meng Lang and took off his Lakers No. 24 jersey while talking.

It wasn't until the staff brought the markers that everyone realized that they were asking Meng Lang for his signature!
"Can you write my name specifically..."

When Meng Lang signed autographs for this beauty, she kept making requests. Meng Lang did not refuse, because this position usually costs around 8 US dollars, and when it is more expensive, it can be as high as 15 US dollars.

After all, it was the seat closest to Meng Lang among the nearly 2 seats in the venue.

Of course Meng Lang had to give her a face if she was willing to spend money like this.

"what's your name?"

"My name is...Kim Kardashian!"


Meng Lang raised his head and glanced at the woman.

Only then did I realize that the girl in front of me looked very heavily made-up, but her whole body was filled with youthful aura. She was probably about seventeen or eighteen years old. But that's not the most important thing...

the most important is:

Did Kim Kardashian look like this when she was young?
Meng Lang thought carefully about the Kim Kardashian he knew, who was covered in silicone and had a big butt. He really couldn't connect the two.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

At this moment, Kim Kardashian is not the "reality show queen" she will be in the future. When Meng Lang looks at her like this, she feels somewhat restrained.

Meng Lang returned to normal, just nodded slightly, and quickly wrote the name "Kim Kardashian", but he still couldn't help but muttered in his heart:
This is Los Angeles!
"Can you leave me your contact information?" It seemed that Meng Lang's strange behavior just now made Kim Kardashian sense an opportunity. When the game was about to end, she secretly communicated with Meng Lang again.

Meng Lang just smiled at her, but still refused.

For a woman like Kardashian, we still have to make her become a "pouty mouth" first.

As soon as the game ended, Meng Lang stood up and walked to the home team's tunnel under Kim Kardashian's nostalgic gaze without looking at Kardashian again.

Kim Kardashian stood there, pursed her lips, but held the jersey a little harder in her hands.

When she looked down at the jersey, she saw that there seemed to be a series of numbers on it...

Kobe's expression was brighter than usual tonight. Meng Lang "clocked in at three and a half quarters" tonight. As a result, he got more playing time than usual and scored 15 points, sweeping away the haze of only 4 points in the previous game.

"Good performance tonight, Spider-Man!"

Just the first thing a passing reporter shouted at him made his face darken.

This is...

Has it spread?
He was very awkward and wanted to refute the reporter, but when he thought about what he would do later, he felt even more awkward.

"Kobe, you performed very well in this game. Does this have anything to do with Dream?"

"Of course, Dream is a very outstanding... leader. He taught me a lot. As a newcomer, I feel... very, very lucky to be able to come to the Lakers!" These unspeakable words were Meng Lang's request.

When Kobe heard this shameless request, he wanted to beat this shameless person to death.

But who made him lose?
In order to have the opportunity to continue to challenge Meng Lang in the future, he had no choice but to do so.

Meng Lang didn't know that Kobe had fulfilled his request. He was also answering reporters' questions: "Of course I'm ready. The past glory of that city is all related to me. In this case, the shame that will be suffered in the future will naturally I have to create it too!”

The city he was talking about was none other than Orlando.

Lakers first game of the year:
An away game against Meng Lang's old club, the Orlando Magic! (End of chapter)

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