So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 171 Good night, Orlando, just wait, I will come again next season!

This is the first time Meng Lang has returned here since leaving Orlando.

The airport has not changed, and neither have the buildings next to it.

It feels as if time has never passed.

But the giant poster posted on the advertising wall has changed.

The posters of Meng Lang, Shaq and Hardaway have long been removed.

Not only was Meng Lang's poster missing on this advertising wall.

Meng Lang got on the bus and headed to the hotel. In the past, he could see his posters everywhere, but now there were only a few scattered ones left. Some were damaged, and they probably forgot to replace them.

And just like these posters that have not yet been peeled off, it seems that the city has almost "cleared" him. But his influence on the city continues...

First of all, in terms of record, although Pat Williams brought O'Neal to the city in exchange for Mourning, and there is also the All-Star player Anderson from the year before on the outside, but in this year's Eastern Conference, their combination is really not good enough.

Take a look at their record. They are currently ranked 76th in the Eastern Conference. The two teams below them are the Philadelphia ers and the Boston Celtics.

The former team is going through a mess in order to develop rookies; the latter team is also going through a mess in order to get the monster in the 97 draft.

Even the Toronto Raptors, who are ranked ahead of them, are also looking at this summer's "bad team."

In other words, their current record is not even as good as a bad team...

How can such a result be accepted by the proud and arrogant people of Orlando?

On the day of the game, when Meng Lang arrived at the Orlando Arena, he found that the once bustling Orlando Arena was obviously much bleaker outside.

You know, the original Magic team, as the league's top team, has an influence that radiates at least ten kilometers around the arena. The various bars and beer houses built around the fan square outside the arena are the favorites of Magic fans. Places to go.

But today, when Meng Lang was sitting on the bus and looking at the bars and beer houses, he saw many bars with "transfer" slogans on them.

In addition, it can be seen from the current ticket price of the Orlando Arena that the appeal of the Magic has dropped significantly. Last season, all 6 sets of Magic season tickets were sold, but this year, even 1 sets of tickets have not been sold. After all, the seats in the last row only cost $2 and came with a free bucket of popcorn and a large glass of Coke, but still few people came to watch the game.

So far, the Magic's attendance average is less than 6% per game.

This is not a matter of money. Even if it only costs 2 yuan, who is willing to go and suffer?
The Magic's games this season are really torturous to watch!

Meng Lang was interviewed before the game.

What he didn't expect was that the nickname "Spider-Man" Kobe had already spread.

The reporter mentioned this and asked Meng Lang why he didn't give him a cooler nickname.

Meng Lang said: "I didn't expect that (this nickname) would spread. I just thought of (that allusion) at the time. His career has just begun. He will become a very good player in the future, and he will also have many There may be cooler nicknames, but for now, this is just to reflect my (influence)!”

The reporter smiled and said: "Everyone knows that when you first entered the league, you were God's right hand, Dream, and the 'Chosen One'..."

"That's why I won two consecutive championships and two Finals MVP trophies in the first two years of my career. This is the only one (in NBA history)!" Meng Lang's answer was very stinky, but also incomparable. of truth.

After this light-hearted topic, the media reporter mentioned tonight's game. He asked Meng Lang: "You said you would continue to bring shame to the Magic, so what are you going to do in this game?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I believe it will definitely be a very exciting game..."

In fact, Meng Lang already had an idea, but it was pointless to say it out loud.

As the afternoon game was about to begin, the league announced the "Player of the Week Award" and "Player of the Month Award" for the last week of December.

Both awards have the same name written on them:



Of course, what really allowed Meng Lang to defeat Jordan was the "Christmas War". He won the final victory and gave him the last laugh in these two awards.

Now he has become the player with the most "Player of the Month Awards" this season, surpassing Jordan in this statistic.

Such news was announced before today's game. For Meng Lang, it was an exciting thing, but for the people of Orlando, it was like another stab at a wound that had not yet healed.

Not only does it hurt, it hurts.

This is Meng Lang's first game back in Orlando.

The auditorium, which is usually full of seats, was overcrowded tonight, and everyone looked like a formidable enemy.

Meng Lang's departure had already brought suffering to the city. Just look at the record of the Orlando Magic this season. But Meng Lang, his "ex", still wanted to stab their chests again and again.


All the sources of difficulties for Orlando this season are caused by Meng Lang.

His bombardment of Orlando in the summer was no less than a rape, which directly turned them into a notorious city. No superstar is willing to come, and the superstars in this city just want to leave. When the new season came, he led his new team in the first game and faced the Magic, scoring 65 points, the largest point difference in NBA regular season history.

It's all like this, but they still refuse to let the Magic go. They actually want to nail them to the pillar of shame in this game...

It's really too much!
They were ready to boo, ready to pour them out when Meng Lang entered the court with the Lakers.

"Get ready, what you are about to see is a scene that has never been seen before in history, welcoming the return of the team's meritorious service!" Meng Lang was walking in the tunnel of the visiting team's arena and vaccinated other players.

But even so, when they walked out of the visiting team's tunnel, the boos from the audience came towards them like a tsunami. Rookies like Kobe, Ben, and Derek Fisher were stunned for a moment.

It's not like they haven't experienced boos on the road.

But this was the first time they heard such crazy and hateful boos...

At the same time, they could clearly see that some people had ferocious faces, some had red eyes, and some even leaned forward with their whole bodies, waving mineral water bottles in their hands.



Didn't Meng Lang bring two championships to this city?

Don’t these people remember it?
Ben didn't understand.

And Kobe, who had always disliked Meng Lang, didn't know why he made a "2" gesture towards one of the fans. The meaning is the same as what Ben wanted to express: Have you forgotten the two championships?

Even Barkley was a little surprised.

When he left Philadelphia, he was also unhappy, but when he returned, the Philadelphia 76ers fans still gave him some cheers. Especially after he became the regular season MVP, he even had slogans like "Come back, Charles."

So what Meng Lang said just now, he also wanted to let Meng Lang relax, and the fans will remember your kindness.

But the current situation seems to have given him a slap:
You may understand the fans well, but you definitely don’t understand the people of Orlando!

Meng Lang obviously understood the thinking of Orlando people better than he did.

So when he faced the boos, he didn't care at all. He went straight to the bench, tied his shoelaces again, pulled his sleeves, and went straight to the court to warm up. His indifferent look made the people of Orlando even more nervous.

The boos grew louder and continued into the game.

Before the game started, Meng Lang said to the rest of the Lakers: "Please guard against me in this game. I will leave the audience in the first quarter!"

It was a short sentence, but the rest of the Lakers already understood what he wanted to do:

Meng Lang should be eyeing the NBA regular season record for lowest points scored in a single game!

have to say……

Really cruel!

We just created the largest score difference in the last game, and now we plan to set a record for the lowest score in a single game...

However, after experiencing a half-hour-long booing frenzy, the Lakers also wanted to vent at this moment. Since Meng Lang already had an idea, they had nothing to say, so they just did it!
Before this game, "Magic" Johnson suffered from soreness in his right knee, so he was not on the active list today.

The Lakers' lineup for this game is: No. 1 Meng Lang, No. 2 Jones, No. 3 Barkley, No. 4 Ben Wallace, No. 5 Divac...

It is also such a defensive configuration, so in this game, Meng Lang had the idea of ​​​​being ruthless on the defensive end.

After all, the Magic currently do not have a reliable ball-handler on the outside, and Mourning's singles ability inside is not up to Olajuwon's level. Without the support of outside ball handlers, the Lakers' defensive configuration can definitely restrict the Magic to death!

In the first round, Meng Lang caught the ball amid boos, then faced Anderson, continuously advanced with the ball behind his back, and suddenly made a through ball in the middle distance. Barkley cut to the basket and faced Mourning. He made a layup during the confrontation to complete the score.

Smooth connection.

As the new season progresses, Meng Lang and Barkley have gradually cooperated more. It has even begun to become the mainstream tactic of the Lakers, especially the pick-and-roll between the two of them, which is a "sharp knife".

And Barkley's ability to attack the frame is on display here. Even when facing Mourning, it does not affect his completion at all...

It looks even sharper!
Of course, facing a weak team like the Magic, it is normal to attack. Barkley's expression did not change, and he just pointed at Meng Lang out of habit. Meng Lang's expression didn't change either. Their purpose in this game is to prevent the Magic's offense.

Armstrong faced Jones' entanglement and had no way out. When he was with the Bulls, when he encountered this situation, he just shook his little hand and gave the ball to Jordan. It's the same now. With a flick of his hand, Meng Lang predicts and directly steals the ball. He rushes straight to the forefront. He glances back and sees that there is no one chasing Meng Lang. He just "throws and buckles"...



What about the boos?
Meng Lang made a gesture of "listening to the boos" toward the audience on the sidelines.

Needless to say, these Orlandoans are resilient enough.

In other words, he was resilient enough when it came to booing Meng Lang, and he actually continued to boo Meng Lang.

Meng Lang nodded with satisfaction, very good, he liked this stubborn attitude very much.

Don't go soft or it won't be fun.

The Lakers continued to strengthen their defense. After Meng Lang completed the dunk, Armstrong, who was about to catch the ball, realized that Jones on the opposite side had followed him. And Meng Lang didn't go to the backcourt, but stood there, waiting for the Magic to serve.

This is to...

Full court press?
Anderson quickly came over to catch the ball.

Mourning gave the ball to his hands. When Meng Lang was entangled with him, Jones ran over to double-team. Since Meng Lang's wingspan is splayed here, Anderson can only give the ball to Armstrong behind him.

Jones' mobility was at full capacity and he appeared in front of Armstrong in an instant.

The two of them worked together and directly gave the Magic an "8-second violation in the backcourt."

"Look, wait a minute, you will have to work so hard on the field!" Chuck Daly smiled with satisfaction, and then shouted towards the bench.

The head coach of the Magic team was a little anxious. He shouted loudly and asked the Magic players to pay attention to their positions. But this time Meng Lang, who was holding the ball, faced Anderson with his back, advanced to the free throw line, and made a "turnover jumper", easily bringing the score to 6-0!

Then came the full-court press.

This time the Magic managed to get the ball across the center line before 8 seconds. But when Anderson got the ball, the double-team came immediately.

This kind of continuous double-teaming and this kind of defensive intensity made the Magic players even more confused.

They have been weak among the weak this season. Suddenly playing such a high-end game, they are suddenly in trouble.

There was a mistake in coordination and Jones made a steal.

Although the Magic's retreat speed was okay and the Lakers did not directly steal the ball, the ball reached the frontcourt and Meng Lang connected with Barkley again. The "Flying Pig" broke through and passed the ball to Divac again.

"European Tank" scored easily from the basket.

Less than 3 minutes into the game, the Lakers launched an 8-0 attack.

The one-sided situation caused the Magic coach to call a timeout directly. Meng Lang walked towards the bench and continued to act like "listening to the boos".

Not to mention, these people really hate him. They have been beaten until their noses are bruised and their faces are swollen, but they can still continue to boo. It's just that this sound is obviously not as loud as before. Obviously, this game scene made them feel a little less confident.


It's just the beginning!

As long as these Orlando people continue to stay and watch, Meng Lang guarantees that what they will see will definitely make them feel that the Magic's future is in despair.

The timeout was called by the head coach of the Magic team, but after calling the timeout, the Magic team did not change much.

They are very consciously giving Mourning the ball, but they want to give Mourning the ball. If Mourning wants to receive the ball, it depends on whether the Lakers answer or not. He was a little unable to stand up to Divac, and with Ben Wallace standing next to him, his timing of receiving the ball became even more passive.

In addition, the Magic were too eager to get the ball into his hands, and instead passed it directly to Barkley.

Barkley was stunned for a moment when he got the ball.

Thank you!
The Lakers launched a counterattack, and the "background board" next to them was the head coach of the Magic with his hands on his head and a helpless look on his face.


The Orlando Arena was noticeably quieter now.

A timeout not only did not let the Magic "break the ball", but made the opponent look more motivated. An ominous premonition arose in their hearts. They can probably imagine the shame Meng Lang is going to bring to Orlando...

Not only did they react, but the on-site commentators also reacted. One of the commentators specifically said: "Let me think about it, what is the record for the lowest points scored in a single game in the NBA..."

When he said this, the Orlando people behind him almost gave him a "flying kick"!
No, don’t remind him!
What if it’s not?
In the end, the Magic scored their first point of the game more than 7 minutes into the first quarter.

Mourning took the ball and turned around regardless, ran towards the basket, and finally ran into the basket for him.

But when the goal was scored, the entire audience was silent.

Because the score of the whole game is...

18 is better than 2!

The opponent has already scored 18 points, and the Magic have just scored a goal at this time. What is there to cheer about?
Isn't that embarrassing enough?


This goal did not change the Magic's embarrassing situation.

They still didn't score in the next two minutes.

It wasn't until 1 minutes and 10 seconds of the first quarter that they scored the fourth point of the game. That is the second goal.

"Everyone, the Magic are very likely to become the team with the lowest score in a single quarter in the NBA since 24 seconds!"

The current lowest score in a single quarter in the NBA regular season is over 11 points.

The first NBA quarter to score less than double digits in a quarter occurred in 1999. The defending champion Bulls, who lost Michael Jordan, only scored 4 points in a single quarter against the Heat.

Of course, the most suffocating thing about that game was that at the end of the game, the Bulls only scored 49 points. ——Twenty or thirty years later, this is still the lowest score in the game since the first 24 seconds of offense.

As for the Magic's current decline, let's not talk about whether they will achieve this "shameful record" ahead of schedule.

But they are indeed very likely to become the only team in the NBA to score no more than 10 points in a quarter.

Another historical "shameful record" in the NBA is bound to Orlando!
Bill Walton's reminder in the commentary box also made more and more fans watching this game know the shame that Meng Lang will bring to the Magic tonight.

have to say:

This word describes Chuck Daly.

Because he allowed the starting lineup to play the entire first quarter, even if the Magic replaced the starting lineup in advance, the Lakers continued to put all their main players on the court.

Obviously he wanted to make sure the Magic were nailed to shame!

As a result, the Magic team will not move even more.

The main players were unable to score against the Lakers, let alone the substitutes. In the following time, the Magic still failed to score a goal. Of course, what the Magic will face now is not only the defensive pressure of the Lakers, but also the pressure of becoming a "member of the shameful column of history." This pressure also made them feel breathless.

There is a continuous sound of striking...

The 4-point scoring streak in the first quarter stalled.

I don’t know if God thinks the Magic are too miserable.

The Lakers tied the game again, with 3 seconds left. The Magic served from the backcourt, and Anderson actually hit a 3/2-point super long-range shot.

At the end of the first quarter, the score between the Lakers and Magic was fixed at 33-7!

Although Anderson hit such a three-pointer, it was a pity that the Magic inevitably became the first team in NBA history to not score more than 10 points in a single quarter.

"This is a gift for you bitches, do you like it?"

When Meng Lang came off the field, he shouted towards the audience seats behind the bench.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning!"

His arrogant look made the fans who felt they had been offended suddenly become furious and started yelling curses. But some fans stood up silently and walked towards the audience channel. Before leaving the arena, they looked back at the scorer on the big screen.

Obviously, this dazzling 7 points was the reason why they chose to leave early.

The whole world knew that Meng Lang's return would bring pain to the city.

This was a preview he made after playing the first game of the new season. But at this moment, even though they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but want to shout:
It hurts so much!
No matter how scary this slap looks, you have to hit it on the face to realize how much it hurts!

They really couldn't stand watching such a torturous game.

Bill Walton also saw the Orlando people leaving the game. He said: "There is no doubt that tonight will be a complete disaster for the people of Orlando. I think the most unacceptable thing for them is not just the Orlando Magic." The team's defeat, and more importantly, Dream, after leaving this city, is still so high-spirited, even more high-spirited than before!"

The influence and popularity that Los Angeles has brought to him are definitely unmatched by Orlando in such an era.

And the most important thing...

"The Magic team will not experience this kind of moment just once this season!"

In addition to Dream, there are also Shaquille O'Neal and Hardaway.

Their momentum can't be compared to the current Meng Lang.

After all, Meng Lang even beat Jordan by a hair. This kind of momentum is not something ordinary people can have.

But compared to Orlando now, it's really a world of difference!

If you think about a year ago and now, the pain of Orlandoans can be felt even by a blind man.

As the game continued, the Magic's scoring momentum picked up.

Well, it's not so much that the Magic's scoring momentum has picked up, but it's more that the Lakers' defensive concentration is not as focused as it was in the first quarter.

After all, not everyone is as angry as Meng Lang.

And things like concentration do have a lot to do with the opponent's level of commitment. The 18-year-old beautiful woman lying there like a dead fish will definitely not bring the same feeling as the 28-year-old charming aunt who actively cooperates with everything.

The same is true on the court. The Magic were beaten unilaterally and there was no reaction. Who can maintain a high level of excitement?

However, the recovery is within control.

Moreover, given the Magic's situation in the first quarter, it was impossible for them to regress.

Therefore, although the Magic made progress in the second quarter, compared with the first quarter, they only scored 25 points by the end of the first half.

This score naturally once again created the NBA's lowest scoring record in a half.

At this point in the game, in the auditorium on the sidelines, most of the originally crowded Orlandoans had already left, and the remaining half were standing there, probably waiting and watching, fearing that there would be no greater recovery in the third quarter. I was planning to leave.

99% of the Magic fans who came to this arena tonight came to boo Meng Lang.

Don't boo him now, just listen to him scolding them over there.

This feeling is really more uncomfortable than when their girlfriend comes to fuck her when they are about to penetrate.

Just twenty minutes later, when the third quarter started, the remaining Magic fans who had not left felt regretful.

Because all members of the Lakers regained their form in the first quarter and defended the Magic by 10 points, which was close to reaching double digits.

At this time, all members of the Magic team had no intention of chasing points. They just wanted this game to end as soon as possible. Including Mourning, who always hopes to work hard on the court, what he is thinking about at the moment is the Orlando media news tomorrow morning.

No doubt he will be ridiculed again!
But he still couldn't say anything...

After all, he does have a contract worth over 100 million, but at this moment he is being ravaged by the Lakers like "a father beating his son."

If you can't perform on the field, you won't have the right to speak off the field!

He understands this!


When did this thing suddenly become so bad?

Obviously, when last summer just ended, he and Hardaway were still the new core of Miami. They were cheered by all Heat fans and looked forward to the arrival of the new season in the summer.

But as a result, the new season came, and the Heat jersey he wore became a Magic jersey. From the first game of the new season, he has been subjected to abuse and ridicule from the Orlando media, who believed that he did not deserve to win a championship. A contract worth billions...

Damn Pat Riley!

This is the final result Mourning came to. If it weren't for this old man, his life would never be so bad.

No, no, I can't go on like this, I have to learn to save myself, I have to leave this city!

Must leave!

Mourning, who advocates the "fighting spirit", never flinched, but when the game was over and looking at the score of 100-52, the only thought left in his mind was:

Get out of Orlando!
If he continues to stay in this city, his career will be completely ruined!

He covered his face in pain and walked towards the home team's tunnel.

When the buzzer sounded, Meng Lang turned to look back at the audience. At this time, the auditorium of the Orlando Arena, which was originally full of Orlandoans, was now gone. Only a few hundred spectators were still standing there.

The camera reporter on the sidelines took out his camera and recorded this scene, looking at the photo he framed:

Meng Lang, wearing Lakers No. 24, looked back at the auditorium. A few fans had despair on their faces. This scene can be described in two words - massacre!
As Meng Lang said before the game, he once again brought historical humiliation to this city!

This game produced the NBA's lowest score in a quarter, 7 points, the lowest score in a half, 25 points, and the lowest score in the game, 52 points...

It was also such a shameful record that the auditorium was destroyed by a level 10 wind.

The reporter interviewing Meng Lang tonight is an ESPN reporter who has followed him for a long time, so he knows exactly what to ask now.

"Dream, can I ask, what do you want to say most now?"

Meng Lang glanced at him and gave him a "well done" look. The boy smiled as if he had eaten bee shit, but just in time, he did have something to say:

"Good night, Orlando, just wait, I will come next season!" (End of Chapter)

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