So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 193 Prepare to hold the cup

Enter again?
Before the start of the fourth quarter, the extremely lively Salt Lake City home court was silent at the moment. They were all dumbfounded, and the little fans were so frustrated that they held their heads in their hands. He is only 7 years old, but he understands what "despair" means.

Meng Lang's performance so far in the fourth quarter deeply stimulated his young mind.

Don't, don't go in!
Don't go in!

Not available there!

The female fans in the audience also covered their mouths with one hand and watched Meng Lang walk to the free throw line and steadily hit the free throw.

This free throw was made, and the point difference was suddenly only 2 points.

The three-point shot that "Glider" greatly relieved the pressure after coming on the court had no effect after just one round. On the contrary, it makes the Jazz more urgent.

Karl Malone turned his head blankly and glanced at Drexler standing next to him. He didn't see any surprise. All he saw was helplessness on his face, and he could probably understand this helplessness at this moment.

The Jazz have indeed failed to guard Meng Lang from the fourth quarter until now.

But on the defensive end, did they make any obvious mistakes?

The answer is no!
On the offensive end, their offensive efficiency did not decline compared to the first three quarters. On the contrary, their scoring speed improved compared to the first three quarters. They didn't make a mistake.

But this damn point difference still went from 10 points to 2 points...

In this situation, everyone will feel helpless!
On the Lakers side, except for Chuck Daly, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Including Kobe.

He had always been dissatisfied with Meng Lang.

Although he has never defeated Meng Lang even once in bullfighting. Even now he has not scored a goal in his fight with Meng Lang. But he always believed that the gap between him and Meng Lang was not big, just a small amount.

But at this moment, Meng Lang's image in his mind suddenly grew taller, as tall as a mountain. Even though he still had no sense of awe, he still wanted to defeat this guy. But the difficulty of climbing over the mountain has increased several times compared to before.

Now he had to admit that defeating Meng Lang was not an easy task.

At the same time, he inevitably felt a little envious in his heart.

In the team's critical moments, he puts the team on his shoulders, stands up and performs like this. This is something Kobe always imagined he could do. I have dreamed about it several times in my dreams. It's beautiful to wake up.

But now Meng Lang turned his dream into reality...

2 three-pointers and a dunk. No, it’s 3 three-pointers plus a dunk. That’s not right. There is also a free throw. The total is...

Jerry Sloan is a bit confused.

Meng Lang kept scoring and soon reached double digits.

This left Jerry Sloan with only one thought at the moment, which was to compress Meng Lang's receiving space. Forcing others to shoot. This concept was also mentioned in someone's podcast n years later. Basketball is not about 1v1, but about creating a situation of more players and less players. For those stars who have entered the state, the only way is to double-team them and let others shoot. If someone else scores, then we take our hats off.

Except for the first and last sentences in this passage, it basically conforms to the basic laws of basketball.

The "triangle tactic", known as the "dynasty tactic", is to put it bluntly, it is also creating a "1v0" offensive space, using the superstar's ability to attract double teams to allow more teammates in the open space to score.

But as a head coach, you shouldn’t say hats off, and as a player, you shouldn’t say it.

Just because you can't guard against others, do you have to admit defeat?

Still have to pay tribute?
The essence of basketball tactics is to shoot the damn basketball into the hoop.

But the purpose of basketball itself is competition!

Any competitive sport requires hard work.

It is not always possible to create a situation of "more fighting less". At this time, 1v1 is extremely important. In the nearly 80 years since the beginning of the NBA, there has never been a team that won the championship that lacked the ability to solve the problem!

Being double-teamed is a sign of respect for a superstar.

But after being double-teamed, as the core of the team, can he be satisfied that his mission is completed?
I've attracted two people, why can't I still enjoy myself on the court?
But the problem is that if teammates can really score every goal under a relatively relaxed situation, then the salary of every player in the league should be similar.

"Superstars" get 2000 million, and they have to get at least 1 million or more.

The problem is that league salaries are very obvious, especially in the 20s. Some people's annual salary has exceeded 6 million, but some people still only have a basic salary of less than 1 million. If you ask this player with a basic salary to seize every open position, then he should get at least million.

Therefore, being double-teamed does not mean that the core of the team with the maximum salary can rest. He must continue to provide output so that the opponent still feels the pressure even if he is double-teamed, so that the maximum salary is not in vain. !

The Jazz counterattacked again, and the score difference came to 4 points.

However, after the goal, no one on the Jazz team celebrated, and there were not many cheers at the scene. They all looked at a certain Lakers player on the court very nervously.

The Jazz's defensive position is very close to him, which means a "pseudo zone defense".

But this guy was moving around in the middle, and somehow, he suddenly found a space to catch the ball.

Meng Lang got the ball again.

"Quickly double-team, quicky double-team!"

Jerry Sloan's shout was enough to show his panic at this moment.

Meng Lang looked at the Jazz wing who was double-teamed, and his hand movements were not messy at all. First, he made a "bow" to trick the "death ray gun" on the right to speed up and rush toward him. It was this reaction that Meng Lang was waiting for, and he rushed towards him. This made the "death ray gun" retreat immediately, leaving a position free. Meng Lang moved sideways towards the three-point line on the lower right. He kept his right foot raised, because he felt that his step was moving sideways, and the angle was a bit too far. If this foot stepped firmly, he might have gone out of bounds.

The force at his feet was incomplete, but Meng Lang took the shot without hesitation.

Under the "Buddha's light", Meng Lang's ball still climbed into the basket smoothly.

Come in again!

"Crazy, this guy is crazy!"

On the Lakers bench, the "Old Slam Dunk King" shook his head involuntarily when he saw that Meng Lang could still score in such a posture. He felt sorry for the Jazz opponents.

How can the power of mortals compete with "God"!
He once played against Jordan and scored 50 points on Jordan's head. He insisted that Meng Lang, who was scoring soaring points at this moment, already had the "explosive scoring power" of Jordan at his peak.

You must know that the Jazz have already used double teams at this moment, but Meng Lang can still continue to score under such circumstances!
Meng Lang landed and turned to glance at the sideline. There was nothing wrong with his premonition. If he had stepped firmly on the ball just now, it would have definitely gone out of bounds. The Jazz fans on the sidelines noticed his actions and looked incredulously.

In the situation just now, could this guy still pay attention to this little detail?


The referee also secretly gave a thumbs up to Meng Lang. This was the most careful look he had ever seen. He was less than 30 centimeters away from Meng Lang, and his eyes were always looking at the foot behind Meng Lang. At this moment, his eyes are rulers.

Meng Lang didn't step on the line! There is only 1 point left in the score difference.


Meng Lang yelled, and everyone on the Lakers immediately pressed forward. Everyone on the Jazz team, who was already a little panicked because of the point difference, was even more panicked. This team, known for its tactical prowess, actually ran into trouble when it brought the ball across the center line, almost committing an 1-second violation.

Fortunately, Stockton has enough experience and is very accurate in finding people.

But even though the ball passed half the court, the Lakers' sense of oppression did not diminish at all. Stockton, who has always been calm, also hesitated when passing the ball. Eddie Jones seized the opportunity and stepped forward to take the ball out of his hand.

During the fast break, some Jazz fans closed their eyes early, and they were afraid to watch.

Because if this goal is scored, the Lakers will take the lead.

And some things cannot be avoided by closing their eyes, including the Lakers' current attack.

The momentum of the Lakers' counterattack was smooth and smooth. Although it was not as fast as the "five small" lineup, the ball was still brought to the frontcourt very smoothly, and finally the ball was given to Meng Lang, who was about to take off.

Just catch the ball and dunk.


The sound of the basket exploding was so harsh in the silence of the audience.

The Jazz's 10-point lead entering the fourth quarter disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, he still owes the Lakers 1 point!
Meng Lang landed on the ground and roared, and reporters on the scene recorded this scene.

They have already thought of the title of tonight’s game:

"Meng Lang exerts his strength and refuses to reverse!"

At this point in the game, the Jazz were actually at an end, but Jerry Sloan still called a timeout because he was not willing to give up. This is also a consistent tradition of the Jazz.

Karl Malone walked off the court with a numb expression, his mind going blank at this moment.

From the rhetoric before the start of the fourth quarter to the silence at this moment, it was only less than 5 minutes of game time.

Meng Lang's "explosive power" really confused him.

At the same time, my brain was "buzzing".

He also felt a sense of powerlessness.

In the silence of the scene, Jerry Sloan's roar seemed so eye-catching. He took a minute of tactical boarding, and it still had some effect. At least the timeout ended and the game restarted. The Jazz successfully scored and overtook the score difference.

But in less than 11 seconds, Divac scored from an open position under the basket.

Yes, you read that right, Divac scored in an open position under the basket!

The Jazz focused all their defensive power on Meng Lang. As a result, the Lakers played a pass ball and tore the Jazz's formation into pieces, giving Divac an easy chance to score!
This is another danger sign:

If the Jazz pays too much attention to Meng Lang, it will only give other Lakers opportunities to score easily; but if they don't pay attention to Meng Lang...

Just his explosive scoring ability...

Well, in someone's words, at this time, the Jazz have to take off their hats to Meng Lang.

Because they completely lost in a "personal show".

This game will also become one of Meng Lang's playoff masterpieces.

They may feel unlucky that an outbreak happened to catch them up.

But this is the NBA, as Meng Lang said:

The place where miracles are born!

Jazz fans tonight also deeply felt what a special "miracle" is!
Meng Lang's wonderful performance continued, and the Lakers gradually opened up the score.

In the visiting team's locker room, Barkley, who was unaware of the situation, was "bargaining" with the team doctor: "Man, are you done checking? Do I have to go back quickly? You've checked three times, haven't you? I really don't have anything. Big problem! We are already 3-0 ahead. As long as we win this game, I will have enough time to rest, and now, all I have to do is return to the court!”

The team doctor ignored his words, but the final answer he gave was what Barkley wanted: "Man, it shouldn't be a big problem, you can return to the court!"

"Damn, you should have come to this conclusion earlier, so I wouldn't have to waste time here!" Barkley hurriedly got up from the lounge chair, put on his shoes and walked towards the court. He looked guilty.

There was nothing wrong, but so much time was wasted.

If they lose this game, he will definitely be the "sinner" of the Lakers tonight, and he will "suffer the sin"...

I don’t know how far ahead the Jazz are already.

When he left, the Jazz kept suppressing the Lakers. Just before the start of the fourth quarter, the score difference even reached double digits. During this period, no one came to tell him the latest situation. Could it be that the team had already Throw in the towel. Are you ready to go back and play Game 5 of the series?
An anxious Barkley walked out of the visiting team's tunnel.

He didn't notice that the temperature in the entire auditorium dropped to 0 degrees. He had no time to care about this. He immediately walked towards the Lakers bench.

Ben Wallace saw him first and shouted excitedly: "Hey, Charles... look, coach!"

When Chuck Daly turned his head, Barkley was already in front of him. He gasped: "Coach, I want to play! I have no problem. The team doctor will prove it later. Now let's I'm on the court and let's end this series in Salt Lake City!"

Unexpectedly, Chuck Daly waved his hand towards him: "No, just sit down and rest, you don't need to play anymore!"

"It's not Chuck..." Buckley thought Chuck Daly was giving up, and immediately became anxious, "There is still time, let's not give up!"

But before Chuck Daly could speak again, there was a low voice at the scene, which made Barkley slightly startled. He turned his head and glanced, just in time to see Meng Lang make a 3-pointer.

"Good shot!" he shouted.

But is it necessary to be so surprised?
He still didn't understand it, until he looked at the score difference...

6 points…

The Lakers are still in the lead...

Lakers ahead?
WTF, what's going on?

Buckley was stunned.

But when Meng Lang walked up to him: "Charles, it looks like you're okay. Get ready and win the Western Conference Championship trophy with me!" (End of Chapter)

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