So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 194 The value of reaching 10 finals

Barkley returned to the sideline with a sense of determination, thinking a lot before walking out of the tunnel.

Even before he left the game, the Lakers were already having a hard time playing. And his withdrawal is destined to make this game more difficult to play. So when he heard that the Lakers were 10 points behind entering the 4th quarter, he was not surprised at all, and felt even more guilty...

So as he trotted all the way out of the tunnel, he secretly swore that he would do his best later.

As for the score difference, in his opinion, the score difference could be opened to 10 points in the last period of the third quarter. Then in the past four or five minutes of the fourth quarter, it should not be opened by another 15 or points. More than points?

As a result, when he returned to the sidelines, the Lakers not only did not fall behind by 15 points, but actually led by 6 points.

He was completely stunned.

Chuck Daly looked at him like this and urged him to quickly sit down in his seat: "Didn't you hear what Dream said? You just need to be ready to win the Western Conference Finals trophy with him!"

"Uh... um!" Barkley nodded blankly and sat towards the bench, watching Meng Lang lead the team alone on the field.

Soon he understood why Meng Lang's 3-pointer just made the audience scream.

Because in less than 3 minutes, Meng Lang hit two more three-pointers, including a mid-range jumper. This scoring speed... If Meng Lang performs like this during the first period of the fourth quarter, can the visiting team fans not feel desperate?

As for him, he was stunned once again!

He had seen Meng Lang's explosive games, and his scoring explosiveness was truly abnormal.

But this was his first time watching Meng Lang explode live, and he had to say that the visual impact was overwhelming.

He seems to be able to score from any position on the court. This kind of free-wheeling "shooting performance" is novel and rare in this era.

Barkley usually watches pitchers catch the ball and complete a "shooting show". It is really rare to see a "shooting show" like Meng Lang holding the ball and shooting.

"Dream, only 5 points away!"

As Meng Lang finished scoring again, Ben Wallace shouted at him, which made Barkley a little curious.

Why is it just 5 points away?

The teammate next to him brought him Meng Lang's statistics. He saw that Meng Lang's score column above said clearly:

45 points!
His eyes widened.

Because he just took a look at the statistics after the third quarter when he was checking. At that time, Meng Lang's score column read 20 points.

In other words, Meng Lang scored 10 points in less than 25 minutes!
Barkley was originally stunned. Now looking at Meng Lang's data, he had a more intuitive understanding of his scoring efficiency in the fourth quarter. He was completely stunned. In his opinion, there is only one player who can do this, and that is:
Michael Jordan!

He actually one day became teammates with "Jordan"!
Really are……


While he was dazed, the transition between offense and defense was going on. As Meng Lang pushed Karl Malone into the paint and caused a foul, the moment the whistle blew, everyone on the Lakers bench stood up.

Buckley also stood up blankly.

As long as Meng Lang makes the next two free throws, his score in this game will reach 50 points.

This is Meng Lang's first 50-point game in the playoffs, and it's also in the Western Conference Finals!

Karl Malone put his hands on his waist and stared blankly at Meng Lang who walked to the free throw line, then turned to look at the score difference. With another wave of Meng Lang's offensive, the Lakers' lead expanded again, now to 9 points. If Meng Lang makes two free throws, the Lakers' lead will be more than 11 points.

This is the largest point difference between the two teams in this game.

And 10 minutes ago, at the beginning of the fourth quarter of this game, the Jazz were still leading by 10 points.

In such a short period of time, the Jazz allowed the Lakers to launch a "scoring wave" with a net victory of 21 points...

In fact, the Jazz played pretty well in the fourth quarter. Their score in a single quarter has reached 25 points. With the 2 minutes that have not yet been completed, they can score nearly 30 points in this quarter.

Whether it's comparing their single-quarter scoring in the fourth quarter since the playoffs, or comparing it to other teams' single-quarter scoring in the fourth quarter. The Jazz had no problems in the fourth quarter.

The biggest problem may be that Meng Lang was not guarded, so that he was about to score the 30th point of this quarter. But apart from these 30 points, the Jazz's defense against others was quite successful, because the other 4 players on the Lakers field added We only scored 16 points together...

If it was just a normal Meng Lang, scoring 10 points in the fourth quarter was already above average, then the Lakers would only gain 1 more point. The Jazz still lead by 9 points.

However, Meng Lang was blown away in the fourth quarter, no matter how hard he shot!
He only missed 2 shots in the entire fourth quarter and made all 9 of his other shots, including 6 of 6 three-pointers. He is currently 4 of 4 free throws. If he makes all these two free throws, he will be 6 of 6 free throws.

This state really has nothing to do with their defense.

Jerry Sloan has even prepared his speech after the game: "This is the NBA. In this league, you have to accept that some people can perform helplessly on certain nights. Dream is such a player. One, he has such ability!"



In the silent auditorium, Jazz fans were no longer in the mood to boo Meng Lang. They just watched quietly as Meng Lang steadily hit free throws, raising his score in a single playoff game to 50 points.

At this moment, Meng Lang looked like a nightmare in their eyes!

The Jazz did not give up. Chasing 2 points in 11 minutes was not impossible. It's just that they know very well that, at least tonight, it's definitely not possible, but they still continue to fight on the court.

This is the spirit of this city. Even if there is no hope, you have to die on the court.

If nothing else, this style is admirable.

Meng Lang hit another three-pointer in the last 30 seconds, setting his single-game scoring data at 53 points and his fourth-quarter scoring number at 33 points, reducing the score difference in the entire game. Set at 15 minutes...

Without a doubt, this was the game-killing goal.

The Jazz's final attack was completed without any structure. After receiving the ball, the "Death Gun" attempted a shot that missed, and Divac controlled the rebound. The Jazz didn't double-team again.

"It's over. Let's congratulate the Lakers in advance for advancing to this year's NBA Finals! This is Meng Lang's return to the Finals after a year." Bill Walton congratulated the Lakers and Meng Lang in advance, and of course 2 He has not forgotten this "old man": "This is also the second time Barkley has reached the Finals since 93, and Johnson has also returned to the stage of the Finals since 91. It is worth saying that this is Johnson's career Entering the finals for the 10th time in his career! In the previous 9 finals, he won a total of 5 championship trophies, and he did all of this while wearing the same jersey! He is the only one to do this after the 80s. Something player!”

As he spoke, the buzzer sounded, announcing that the game was officially over, and Barkley rushed towards Meng Lang immediately. At this moment, he felt what it means to "win by lying down"!
This taste is so good!
"Magic" Johnson stood there and looked at Meng Lang who was surrounded.

He was about to return to the stage of the finals, which made him couldn't help but get red-eyed.

To be honest, the reason why he came back was because he couldn't let go of the spotlight that was shining on him. After seeing Michael Jordan's successful comeback, he was also ambitious and wanted to copy this move. He knows that he is older than Jordan. And in the 91 Finals, he was indeed at the tail end of his peak. This comeback is unlikely to be as sensational as Jordan's. His status in the team is also more marginalized.

If he fails to produce any results, his comeback will definitely end in disgrace.

But he still chose to come back.

It turns out he was right!

The Lakers achieved great success in the first year of their reconstruction. They reached the Finals again after 91. This was Johnson's 10th trip to the Finals in his career. Everything was perfect.

Even if he fell on the stage of the finals, Johnson dared to say that his comeback was successful.

Of course, watching Meng Lang score again and again on the court tonight, Johnson is full of confidence in his trip to the finals. He believes they can definitely beat the Bulls. Even if the Bulls have a better record in the regular season.

But in his opinion, Meng Lang and Jordan are very much like him and Jordan in 91.

At that time, Jordan stepped on the Pistons and showed his sharpness.

And he has reached the moment when his career begins to decline. Even if the decline is not obvious yet, he knows that he is no longer at his absolute peak.

He lost, and Jordan personally ended the era of "Black and White" and entered the era of "Jordan".

Now, Meng Lang is equally unstoppable. As for Jordan, just like him at the time, no one denies that Jordan is still in his prime at this time. But he is no longer so omnipotent. He needs his teammates to cooperate with him, play suffocating defense, let the game drag on to the last second, and let him have the final say.

This is the Bulls' style of play this season, and this style of play is even more obvious in the Eastern Conference Finals.

In the three games that have ended so far, the Bulls and Pacers were basically in a stalemate until the fourth quarter, and then Jordan used his strength to win the game. The Bulls had no other way to resolve the game.

At least among opponents of the same level, they are in such a state!
Under the leadership of Meng Lang, the Lakers have ways to force Jordan to work early, and they also have ways to gain an advantage before the game enters the fourth quarter...

If we really win this finals...

10 trips to the finals, 6 finals MVPs, 3 finals MVPs, 3 regular season MVPs...

Can he, who is the number one player in the league, sit in the middle position?
Even if he only sat there for three to five years, Johnson would be very satisfied.

This is what he expected.

Jazz fans left the stadium in large numbers during this period, while the Lakers held the Western Conference Championship trophy in the tunnel.

Barkley rubbed the golden trophy and said to reporters: "This time, there will definitely be a different result, even if the opponent is Michael!"

It is not difficult for reporters to understand what he said, because Barkley, who tried his best in the last finals, finally lost to Jordan 2-4, watching Jordan win the third championship of his career. After winning the trophy and winning his first "three consecutive championships", he bluntly said: "It's normal to lose to Michael!"

These words showed that he was convinced that he had lost.

What he said at this moment seemed to be announcing to everyone: "I, Charles Barkley, have the confidence to deal with Michael again!"

A reporter knowingly asked: "Charles, do you think you and Dream are the strongest duo in the league? Or do you think Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen are?"

"Of course it's us!"


If this question had been asked five years ago, he might have hesitated. But now Jordan and Pippen? Are you serious?
Even if Jordan is not a human being, and he develops the miraculous "turnover jump shot" due to the degradation of his body function, scoring is still as easy as eating and drinking. Meng Lang may not have the upper hand against him, but 55 is still okay, right?

If he plays like he did tonight, he will be absolutely suppressed.

Jordan may not be able to stabilize Meng Lang. Besides, comparing him with Pippen, there's nothing much to say. Is Pippen considered an egg? Let’s see if he doesn’t beat the crap out of Pippen in this finals!

This is actually the reason for Barkley's confidence. Pippen's degradation has caused an obvious gap between the Lakers and Bulls duo.

Compared with the Bulls in other aspects of the Lakers' configuration, the only shortcoming is their youth.

But being young and inexperienced is not necessarily a bad thing.

Anyway, he saw that the two stupid young men in the team were quite daring enough to fight!
Meng Lang also said directly: "There is only one championship difference between Michael and I. If I can beat him and win this championship, it will be a very meaningful thing for me!"

Not only is it meaningful to Meng Lang, it is also a matter of extraordinary significance to the entire alliance.

Jordan defeated Johnson and started his era. Now Meng Lang defeated Jordan and started his era, which provides a reference for the changes of the times. If no one can defeat Meng Lang in the finals in the future, then as long as Meng Lang is still in the league and can continue to win the championship, the league will always have the surname "Meng"!
Unknowingly, the encounter between Meng Lang and Jordan in the finals became more and more meaningful.

But it was also at this time that Meng Lang suddenly remembered that it seemed that the Bulls had not yet advanced to the finals. He said: "I almost forgot that Michael is still stuck in the Eastern Conference finals. I hope he can solve the Pacers. Don't make me wait too long... …”

Early the next morning, the news that the Lakers had advanced to the Finals hit the screens across the United States.

It is worth mentioning that the Los Angeles media is vigorously building momentum for Johnson to enter the finals for the 10th time in his career, making him the first player in NBA history.

Being close to Los Angeles, this benefit is real.

After the original Kobe won the second "two consecutive championships" in his career, he also reached the second position in history;
Including LeBron calling himself "goat" before he retired... Oh, that has nothing to do with the publicity intensity of the Los Angeles media. LeBron has his own media company.

However, Meng Lang also admitted that by reaching the finals this time, Johnson is at least qualified enough to sit in the "goat" position first in terms of qualifications.

Because he knows very well that Johnson's 10 finals have been difficult.

Just compare it to someone. In his 20-year career, he changed teammates and teams four or five times before finally reaching 10 finals. But what about Johnson? A team stays until death and only 10 of them make it to the finals. This is so valuable!

And his winning rate is still high, reaching the finals and winning 9 out of 5 times.

Someone entered the finals only 10 times out of 4 times...

If he couldn't take the goat position, Meng Lang would be the first to refuse! (End of chapter)

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